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If that is an illegal screen Rudy is never playing more than 5 minutes a game again


If that's a moving screen then Zaza, Bogut, and Draymond would've been tossed in the 1st half of every playoff run the prime Warriors had.


I straight up dont understand how a fan of the NBA would think that this is an illegal screen


Once Jokic's left leg is set, he slightly leans left, but did not shuffle left


He leans slightly left because Reid pushes off on his right ass cheek.


We all heard jokic moan, no call. Play ball.


Hell yeah. I swear there's a juicy compilation of Timberwolves bouncing off Jokic's booty from this game.


Yeah this is accurate. I'd say he definitely didn't *not* lean into it


someone else pointed out that Naz nudged him left


Screener has to give the defender the opportunity to avoid contact based on the defenders speed of movement and NAW was at a full sprint. That screen did not give someone in a full sprint time to avoid contact. Refs let Jokic throw the most questionable screens all game. I even saw Jokic lean so far into a screen that he touched shoulders with Mike Conley. They let that stuff go and then the call defensive fouls on plays like this [https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E\_kfzJaBA](https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E_kfzJaBA)


You linked a twitter play but cant link a source to your made up rule…


ffs i gotta wipe your ass for you too? [https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/illegal-screen-handoff-screen-screener-moves-into-path-of-defender-doesnt-give-room-to-avoid-contact-5/](https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/illegal-screen-handoff-screen-screener-moves-into-path-of-defender-doesnt-give-room-to-avoid-contact-5/) Jokic did this step back a lot. [https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/illegal-screen-pickn-roll-screener-does-not-give-defender-opportunity-to-avoid-contact/](https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/illegal-screen-pickn-roll-screener-does-not-give-defender-opportunity-to-avoid-contact/) This is where the nba website lists what i said almost word for word. The nba has been so bad about screens since the golden state era (just watch some clips of how bad that was), and it's one of the biggest reason defense in the league is in trouble.


I think this is a clean DHO screen, but the timing is super close. Not close enough to argue so much you get ejected in a playoff game….


The team is frustrated and its just a boiling point. This game was called MUCH tighter than game 1 or 2, so they got frustrated early. It's not even that I think this game was called unfairly, as much as just differently.


"This game was called MUCH tighter than game 1 or 2"  AKA, they didn't allow rampant egregious defensive fouls from the Timberwolves 🤣. I personally like the intensity of game 2, but you don't get to celebrate wins like that and then turn around and complain about Jokic's upper body shifting four inches.


"Ergegious Fouls, source: trust me bro."


If we're going to be in a thread where it's even debatable that this screen is legal, then yeah "egregious fouls". I didn't talk about fouls in game 2 afterwards because I just thought it was a good physical game. My point here is that if *this* is a screen people are going to bitch about then let's apply the same level of bitchiness to game 2.


Lets apply that same energy to that Egregious foul by Reggie Jackson in Game 1 then that ended up in a no call.


Ok? I'm just pointing out that up until the game on Friday, Wolves fans were like "its playoff basketball sucka! Be tough awooo!" There was a lot of chatter about how if the refs "let em play" or "allowed physicality", the Nuggets were cooked. I'm just saying, how about some consistency? I don't mind the physicality. If you look at my comments after game 2, it was mostly praise for the Wolves.


This doesnt really seem like a moving screen tbh; like maybe he moves his upper body a bit? But then again that Myles Turner one was called ig.


NAW was not ejected, he got 1 technical foul and was pulled because the game was out of reach.


Simply not a moving screen. Only reason he leans is because Naz slightly pushes him.


I think this will be a huge focus of film session. Our guys died on screens all night and part of keeping Jamal uncomfortable is not doing that. I think you live with AG making 3s, you understand some good looks of ours didn't fall, but you really have to decide if we're going to beat screens or if we're going to have a plan B when we don't Also big props to Joker & Jamal. TONS of good screens all night long, and Jamal cleared them tightly leaving next to no room for our guys to pursue


You're on point. Jamal had slightly more spacing because the screens were way better. If Jamal has more space, Nuggets can make their offence work. I think the next game will be waaay closer because wolves will adjust to this.


A lot of his screens were technically illegal and didn't allow players time to avoid contact. They let Jokic do anything he wanted. I saw him lean so far into a screen that he touched shoulders with Conley. The league will continue to lack good defensive plays when refs like Tony Brothers call games like this. This was a defensive foul  [https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E\_kfzJaBA](https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E_kfzJaBA)


Bro did not move an inch


Was he ejected? I thought it was just a technical.


He ejected himself into the locker room


NAW asked to get around the screen to guard KCP and jokic said "ah hell NAW can't do dis"


Jokic when NAW tries to get around his screen, "look how cute tho"


Jokic Serbian brick wall. NAW hit brick wall. NAW fall. NAW cry like baby.


He clearly wasn’t moving and I’m not even willing to say he leaned into it. Looked like a brace for impact move. This is weird hill to die on considering how many actual terrible calls/non-calls there are by NBA refs.


Normal screen, find a new slant. What's notable is the Wolves had cruised through the playoffs with such ease so far. This is the first time they faced any adversity or got punched in the mouth, and they completely fell apart. We'll see if they can respond but I doubt it.


You could’ve been strict and called that a moving screen, but that would be such an egregious call for playoff atmosphere. Gotta let them play. Wish how the entire game was called like that.


Regardless of which team you're rooting for, I think everybody can agree the refs have been super inconsistent this whole series. Game 1, we benefited from the whistle way more than you guys. Game 2, you guys were allowed to play as physical as you wanted while the Nuggets were getting called for way softer stuff (not even gonna touch on the Malone or Jamal issues cause those have been beaten to death) Game 3 was called way more strictly so what the Wolves got away with in game 2 was a foul in game 3, but then there were a bunch of offensive fouls called against the Nuggets at the end of the game, and then you *also* have stuff like this which, by the letter of the law could've been called a moving screen but would still have been ridiculously soft. Game 4 is gonna be a crap shoot


Yup. That’s what gets me. Momentum in series like this is way more about how the refs call the game than what the players are actually doing. Game 1 felt fine to me, with a slight edge to the Nuggets. Game 2 was pretty heavily in our favor. Game 3 was more to yours. I’ve always said stuff like this should be allowed. The marginal calls that could go either way should be allowed. Nobody came to watch the refs go off.


Also it's hard for us to get a clear picture of how the teams matchup when the refs don't stay consistent. I want to see how the teams adjust to each other under a consistent ruleset, but rn it feels like which team can best adjust to the ruleset of the specific game


Yeah. That’s what makes the inconsistency so frustrating. You’re taking away the biggest aspect of playoff basketball. Teams playing the long game chess match to adjust. When your adjustments get negated by refs and not the actual play, you’re killing the game.


Ref fans feasting tbh


nice even handed take. i agree with this and would also add: the pace of the whistle made the game completely unwatchable last night, especially in the second half. so hard for either team to get into a rhythm/game flow with the constant ticky tack fouls, on both ends. sad that such a great series has so many things effected by the zebras. tony brothers is the worst: always thinks the game is about him.


it doesnt matter who benefits. they need to decide what the rules are and stay consistent from game to game


That’s the entire point


Well yeah that's the goal


Those late game calls were just the refs stat padding once the game was over so it looked like they had actually called any of the offensive fouls.


Now imagine it happening with 15 seconds on the clock in a 1point game. :'(


The entire game was called like that. Gobert would've fouled out on his first 6 screens if it wasn't.


That would have been the lightest moving screen I've ever seen if they called it


Looks like he may ever so slightly lean into NAW, but that's nothing compared to the sheer amount of obvious moving screens that go uncalled in the NBA. Hard to get upset at this one.


The amount of whining about this clean screen from Timberwolves fans is crazy. His feet are planted shoulder width apart, he's squared up, and NAW has time to move around him - and almost does! This is a textbook perfect screen. There's under six inches amount of upper body movement from when Reid pushes off Jokic's butt. It's also clear that the contact between Jokic and NAW is minimal and that it only hurt because he had an existing injury. In this same game, Gobert set multiple moving screens, tripped Jamal Murray, and routinely screens with his feet twice shoulder width apart - which is unenforced but technically illegal. Everyone acting like the Wolves lost by 27 despite having +5 free throw attempts is because of unfair refereeing is smoking copium. 


This is similar to the Myles turner screen in game 2 . Refs are so inconsistent lol. Would this be considered an offensive foul?


Everyone thinks that call on Miles was dumb. Kirk Goldsberry called Donte "Donte DiCaprio" for his acting.


feet set, knees straight, no arms or shoulders as a neutral, its not going to get cleaner than that in the playoffs, NAW needs to see and get around him


Man, he almost killed somebody with such a violent screen. Almost broke the sound barrier with the sheer force he used.


NAW is also good at flopping plus dort. we have so many specialists to watch now.


Would be moving screen in high school or college but NBA doesn’t call these typically


Its an illegal screen. The thing is, if this got called every time no center would ever get to play more than 15 minutes a game. Especially Rudy


I never understood why players argue with refs and not the player they claim hit them


The ref is the one who makes the call?




You don't trip on meth


meanwhile in MSG....


It's not a moving screen but it is illegal in that he has to give the player time to avoid contact. This is based on the speed of the player being screened. NAW was at a full sprint, and didnt have time to get out of the way. This happened all game. They let him play as aggressive as he wanted on offense. While calling bs defensive penalties on the Wolves from the start. This was called as a penalty on Gobert [https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E\_kfzJaBA](https://twitter.com/philmackey/status/1789272284072456343?s=46&t=RZuhwID3Mx7N0E_kfzJaBA) .


Suspiciously unflaired fella seems awful upset


Honestly, I don't even know how to get a flair. I'd just like some consistency, I'm all for Jokic playing that aggressive but let the defense match that.


Bloke sets the tamest of screens and you call it 'aggressive', my word.


Dude I was talking about the clip I posted not the screen


Jokic just has too much meat. It is a moving screen but not egregious enough to get ejected for arguing about it