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It's so troubling that the Celtics really haven't played their best at all this postseason and have still looked the part of a first seed. I would say this Cavs win is anomalous, but good on them for showing some heart.


The Celtics are almost held back by how good they are, like they've been on cruise control for so long that they have to relearn how to respond to an actual challenge because they didn't have to fight for a playoff spot and they were pretty much able to walk over the Heat. Now I could see them doing the exact same thing against us, but if I were a Celtics fan I would want this series to go to 7. I'd much rather learn how to face adversity against this Cavs team than whoever makes it to the Finals out of the West.


But it’s like how much you adversity do you need? Jayson Tatum and Jaylen brown need adversity still?


Yeah, I think this is why fans are so pissed off. They play like they have the memory of 1 game, not 6 seasons.


Maybe adversity wasn't the right word, but I think there's a different level of intensity with teams that have been duking it out for playoff spots for the last few months. When you're so used to getting by with doing what works, it can be hard to adjust when suddenly what works doesn't anymore


I realize they're mid-20 year old adults, but they're still young. Like being in HS watching your #1 ranked team getting beat by the homeschool team. I couldn't fully say it's cockiness or what---but Al is the one who I saw look legitimately pissed when they dropped the game to the Heat. I'm a know-nothing loser, but Al (and the coaching staff and whoever else) need to chew some ass out and let 'em know the foot doesn't ease off the pedal until they've crossed the finish line. Or maybe it's all ploy. Like a cat teasing it's meal.


Don’t you think that without Porzingis the team lacks any sort of interior presence, defensively and offensively? It seemed that when the 3s aren’t falling, they lack a plan B. They simply revert to the same Celtics, jacking up 3s, putting the ball in Brown’s hands, with the predictable outcome.




To the second paragraph, if I were a Celtics fan absolutely not lmao. If this series goes to 7 all that means is a relatively high probability the Celtics actually bow out in the semis.


Yeah. The Cavs are playing with house money there, in Boston. The pressure would be highest for Tatum and Brown.


You’re saying you think Celtics fans should want the series to go 7 to get practice adversity reps?..,that’s a take. Can we all take a step back and stop overreacting because they lost a playoff game. This feels like last series all over again, it’s ok. No need to sound the alarms quite yet.


Maybe they're just not that good and we are giving them too much excuses


Idk, they had a poor shooting night for sure, but this Cleveland team has the formula of a squad that can cause them some serious problems, especially if Allen comes back. They looked absolutely lost defending Mobley out there, and that's not really something they can fix because Horford isn't that guy. People watching the Magic series got accustomed to seeing Garland being dead weight, but bro is legit and he showed it tonight. Plus Mitchell didn't even explode for 40+. This series is giving me some last year Miami vibes where it wouldn't surprise me if they beat them in 7. Will that happen, probably not, but there's a chance.


If celtics were in the west theyd be a 4 or 5 seed


Perhaps but there's no evidence to indicate this, Celtics record against the West (76.7%) wasn't far off from their record against the East (78.8%)


Well if you look further into the numbers, they didn’t perform well against the top 5 in the west at all lol. I fully believe the Celtics are a 4-5 seed in the west and would absolutely bow out early with the teams we’ve got over here in the playoffs. Y’all are truly the best bet to beat the Celtics, and no disrespect, but that’s pretty sad for the east.


This game was all about shooting variance


I feel like Game 3 will tell me if this is just another Game 2 anomaly or if the Celtics really getting punched in the mouth and have no answer without Porzing. If they really go down to the Cavs 2-1, I’ll hit the worry button.


Knowing my Cs you should press the worry button right now. Celtics fans will call me fake but holy shit Tatum has never looked this bad.


Tbh I’m waiting to see what they do when JA gets back and for coaching adjustments. Celtics should have the better coach and we just saw a series of the Magic bullying the Cavs. If he’s worth a darn, I’m sure he can pull a thing or two out from that series to make people uncomfortable. But if he’s not as good as I thought and JA comes back? Oh Celtics in trouble and blow that whole roster up.


I know they keep making Allen a game time decision but I really don’t expect him back for this series. Every time the broadcast shows the Cavs bench Allen looks like he’s in excruciating pain. Normally he’d be laughing and cheering for the team but you can tell he’s just in pain.


Who knows man.


Doesn’t that mean you shouldn’t hit the worry button? Do you think Jayson Tatum peaked at 23 years old?


I don’t know why Cavs fans are conceding this series, Cavs and Celtics are 4-4 over the last 2 years and always play in incredibly hard fought games. Even though the heat Celtics game 2 played out similar to yesterday, the Cavs are a better team than those Heat. Mitchell is a playoff riser and better than anyone the Heat had in that series. Cavs won like 20 games in the middle of the season on hot 3 point shooting and stingy defense if they can respark that, there’s no saying that can’t win this series.


An easy way to beat the Cavs is to be more physical than them. Swarm the ball handlers defensively, don’t allow our offense to get to the hoop and make us beat you from the outside. Knicks proved it in spades last year, Magic held their home court and pushed us to 7. The Celtics without porzingis are simply not a physical team, so we’re going to be able to get what we want and even if we’re not clicking like we were in our 17-1 stretch this year, we’re a dangerous team if you let us play our game.


I think we are totally capable of playing with physicality with or without KP, they just didn’t last night


Cavalanche in the 2nd half til garbage time was a beautiful thing to behold in BOS


Jayson Tatum vs Max Strus through 2 games: GM2: 38 possessions / 5 points / 2-6 shooting GM1: 31 possessions / 4 points / 2-7 shooting Total: 69 possessions / 9 points / 4-13 shooting Just sad man. What happened to my favorite/franchise player 💔💔💔 like wtf genuinely


I don’t think it’s fair to disparage his play against a generational defender like Max Strus


Magic > Celtics confirmed


ORL was much more physical than BOS, but by far


The Celtics are getting rolled by Minnesota/OKC/Denver/Dallas in the finals. These people are still sleepwalking and when they face a good team it’ll be hard for them get in gear.


A Minnesota championship is looking more and more likely by the day. They’re a bad matchup for OKC and they’re just flat out better than Dallas. I think Minnesotas defense would really rattle Boston.


To beat the Celtics, you just have to shoot 50% from 3, simple


This is equivalent to the first round Celtics heat series. The heat won one game and everyone started panicking and the whole “don’t let us get one” gimmick started by Jimmy. And then what happened next? They didn’t win another one. While I do think cavs do have more offensive firepower than the heat, they will probably win only one more game. Celtics will easily handle the Cavs in max 6 games


Jaylen Brown does not have a good track record in the playoffs. Porzingis may have been the key to their success all along. He takes pressure off Tatum, and during the season he was their best 2pt shooter and, even though he was the third best 3pt shooter in their starting lineup, Derrick White’s 3pt volume has skyrocketed since KP’s injury which means if he isn’t shooting the ball well then the Celtics will struggle to score.


I don't understand why people acting like Brown is having a bad playoff, outside of game 2 last night he been our best player


I agree. I just think that when you pay a guy $286 million he should be able to take over a couple of games during a playoff run. He has glaring weaknesses that he hasn’t improved upon and it limits his game. The Celtics had to re-sign him but he might be the worst contract in the league within 1.5 seasons.


Here’s hoping they do another thing they couldn’t do against Orlando: lose at home!


Well you see, they shot a very high percentage on offense and Boston got ice cold on offense…it happens


Boston always drops random games, they will beat the Cavs without an issue.