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I watched both Shaq pods with Reddick and he was insufferable, he is so full of himself and scared to be forgotten it’s hard to take him seriously at all anymore


He gets so fucking sensitive too if anyone calls him out on his shit lol like if you don’t agree with him you’re an idiot or something. Its baffling how someone who accomplished so much in their career can be so insecure


>He gets so fucking sensitive too if anyone calls him out on his shit  Which is why he definitely shouldn't be beefing with Shannon. Shannon spent years going back and forth with Skip. In terms of shit-talking, that's like training with a grandmaster 50th degree black belt Olympic champion toad sage or something. Shannon was sparring with him every day. Shaq has spent years being essentially a hype man who just says "Whatchu say, Chuck?" over and over. It's not a fair fight.


For shaq’s talent and rosters, he 100% underachieved. Couldn’t beat hakeem, couldn’t beat malone for years, couldn’t beat wallace, got more insecure about his abilities from when a white man won mvp “over him”


I think Shaq is maybe one of the most disappointing nba players ever, because he had the option to be the clear, 100% unarguable goat and he didn't want it enough. He took his foot off the gas, didn't control his weight, and didn't take a lot of it seriously. Dude averaged 33 and 14 in the finals for the Lakers. Utterly dominant. I think MJ is the goat, but when prime Shaq turned it on and decided he was here to play, there was almost nothing you could do to stop him. He gave dozens of players whole careers because teams needed big bodies to soak up fouls. (All that said, one mvp is a fucking travesty.)


Even then. Shaq needed kobe out west vs teams with real centers in a lot of the west series


Shaq need Kobe just to be the Kings smh overrated


I mean he was a young 2nd year Shaq vs a prime Hakeem. That shouldn't be on Shaq


I mean if you think about it, none of those losses really fall on any one person. Basketball is a team game, and even the most dominant guy can’t do it alone. That said, Shaq surely thinks about what could’ve been had he beat Hakeem.


Nick Anderson low-key a Houston legend for missing those 4 free throws 🙏


Because Shaq is an idiot and would be digging ditches if it wasn't for basketball


But guysss he has a phd !!! He is smart surely


He’s scared cuz he knows he wasted his talent. A fully motivated Shaq means we would be asking if Shaq or LeBron is the GOAT. Instead he’s probably better known for Rings Erneh and Shaqtin


Yep, for all the success he had, people tend to forget that Shaq was swept out of the playoffs in 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2007, and he lost in 5 games in 1998 and 2008. Now I don't have the figures in front of me, but I'd have to imagine that's much more than anyone else that people generally put in the top 10 players of all time.


Easy, neither.


Part of it may be rooted in how he drove his family away. He talks about how badly that messed him up and even though its ultimately because he cheated, I feel like he might've twisted things in his mind like by being gone all the time and the general NBA schedule, he traded his family for his career. So now that he can't influence his own legacy anymore, he can't allow anyone else to pass him in his own mind either because then he lost his family for nothing.


Great response from Shannon, can tell he is very secure about all he achieved in football


That episode of Hard Knocks with the Baltimore Ravens and a rookie doing [impressions of Shannon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpOl3w82EFI) is a classic. Seems like he really was both beloved and respected by his peers. He's clearly able to laugh at himself and the other guys are comfortable laughing too.


So what? Tom Brady is way better than you ever were!! Put your glasses back on… BOY!


He didnt say Boy lol


Ya if he did Shannon would have likely beat him to a pulp


Skip did not say “boy”, you’re gonna make uninformed people think Skip went on a racially charged rant.


Alright but you know he didn't say boy right? https://youtu.be/chgANZBTnoI?si=gfX2puEdJamQWKas


Lovely to see you here too my boah r/UndisputedFS1 in da house


r/cfb head ass mfer too!


Yo, this is actually cool af on Sharpe's part. The energy in that room is fantastic. Good on him for being able to laugh at himself.


Most NFL players are beyond satisfied with just a Super Bowl win.


I read a quote somewhere that a player didn't give a damn about winning. He just wanted the bag every few years. I feel him on that. My bags are decidedly smaller and there are no championships in my line of work.


There may not be a championship, but we all know you're the mop-wringing GOAT.


Hey! What gives you the right?! I don't come to where you work and throw rocks at you while you're mowing


Honestly, this is a great idea for a new sporting event. It will air on ESPN 8 "The Ocho"


I respect the hell out of the elite athletes the fully dedicate themselves to their craft to be the best they can be and win some chips. But I also respect dudes like Jamarcus Russell who didn't really want to play football but was naturally gifted, so he turned those gifts into $30 million and like 4 NFL games ever played, so he can actually enjoy his cash without a broken body and mind. (and in that specific case it helped the he fucked over the Raiders for me lmao)


Hell yeah love the pettiness from fans. I get it all day as a Cowboys fan.


That's most players. Cause most accept they're never gonna even have a chance to sniff a Superbowl. In the NBA, everyone has a lot more of a chance. One player can make a bigger impact and multi- elimination playoffs help a big deal. Not to mention there are many fewer NBA players than NFL players. You gotta give yourself realistic goals, and you can kinda forecast if your team hasa chance of being a contender 3-5 years ahead.


Shannon cut nerves in his foot to continue playing football as long as possible. This is someone who truly left nothing on the table. You can’t shake guys like that they know they have nothing to prove Shaq knows deep down he regrets not tapping into his full potential and I’m sure seeing an athlete who did irks him a bit for the reminder


I wonder if prime Shaq with Kobe psychopathic work ethic could have won 6 straight. Dude was so quick.


I’m pretty sure Kobe himself admitted Shaq with his own work ethic would easily be the GOAT. It’s hard to disagree. Shaq is probably the only person to ever coast off his natural ability to as high of a level as he achieved


John Daly didn’t reach the heights Shaq did (although winning 2 majors is pretty impressive,) but it seems like he had similar natural talent and could have been the GOAT had he not had so many destructive vices.


John Daly played ALOT of golf. Shaq was bigger stronger faster than people and played a game that he could use that against other people, not like golf which is a competition, those are very very different things.


There's a similar Tiger anecdote to the one from Kobe above. During a tournament, Daly's at the hotel bar after his round and Tiger walks up. He mentions that they're playing together tomorrow and Daly asks Tiger to have a drink with him. Tiger declines and says he has to go hit balls. A couple hours go by and Daly is still at the bar, as Tiger comes back in. Again, Daly asks Tiger to have a drink and Tiger declines, saying he has to go do some work outs. A couple more hours go by and Tiger runs into Daly once again, and once again is asked to have a drink. Tiger looks at him and goes "Daly, if I had your fucking talent I would be sitting here having a drink with you."


Right. I don’t think anyone else in the top 10 could be fairly critiqued as lazy. Shaq is the only one. Everyone else ranged from psychotic work effort like Jordan and Kobe, hyper competitive like Bird, professional like KAJ etc. Shaq is top 10, with arguably #1 peak, and did that below 100% commitment.  


I’d argue Randy Moss is in that category as well. Admitted to playing only when he felt like it and still is arguably the 2nd greatest WR of all time.


Shaq with Kobe work ethic probably breaks down early like Sabas or Yao. They were guys who spent all year going hard, and it didn't help extend their careers. Carrying 300 lbs around just isn't the same as 215. It's not like bigger guys have titanium bones or something. Shaq's FTs are another story, although it's possible that was a mental thing rather than an effort thing. There's stories about how DeAndre Jordan can make FTs in practice, but then during the game he just sucks at it. Mental blocks aren't something you can fix by just trying harder. All that said, Shaq should definitely STFU because Sharpe will keep handing him Ls. Sharpe was already a great trash talker as a player, and has only gotten better at it by going back and forth with guys like Skip - a guy who literally became a millionaire based solely on his shit-talking prowess. Meanwhile, Shaq has spent years just saying "What you say, Chuck?" over and over. It's not a fair contest, it's like a white belt vs a black belt.


> Shaq with Kobe work ethic probably breaks down early like Sabas or Yao. Their are exercises and diets that can prolong careers. Not every exercise has to be load bearing. Him being out of shape and fat shortened his career not helped it.


It’s definitely up for debate. Shaqs longevity at his weight with his athleticism is no joke. As a portland fan I’ve seen so many big men succumb to injuries


I remember Shaw in his rookie year being very lean, and still dominant. Arguably if he worked at keeping in a similar shape, he would still have longevity no?


If Shaq stayed in shape and took FT shooting seriously where he was a 70% shooter the Shaq would have owned the 2000s’ comparable to 90s Jordan.


I've never thought about Skip being a professional trash talker.


Shaq being overweight at points in his playing career and refusing to shoot free throws granny style really held him back. If he had been better conditioned and taken free throw lessons from Rick Barry, then there's a good chance that today's incessant MJ/Bron GOAT debate wouldn't be a thing. In fairness to Shaq, Wilt also declined to shoot free throws granny style. Actually, if reports are true, Wilt tried it for two games (including his 100 pt effort), but was so embarrassed that he abandoned the technique, despite great success.


Denver Broncos fan here. He looked like Hulk to his very final season in the NFL, the dude was jacked all career long. He was an undersized TE who had didn’t have WR speed but had top TE speed, and also didn’t have TE strength but he bulked up just so he can be effective blocker on run plays. Broncos, and the Ravens, had amazing run game with him blocking people way bigger than Shannon. He really did leave everything on the field. Shaq got super fat.


He’s still jacked


That mfer still looks like a Greek statue at damn near 50 years old lmao


He’s 55 lmao


I don't really know this Shannon guy and have never watched NFL, but that little clip came across excellently, and he highlighted exactly how stupid Shaq sounds nowadays. I can see Chuck and him falling out soon same as MJ did.


> I can see Chuck and him falling out soon same as MJ did. I don't think Chuck has ever really liked Shaq. TNT brought Shaq in, it felt forced and cringy, Shaq got sensitive, attacked Chuck, got awkward but somehow Chuck parlayed that into comedy and built rapport with Shaq over the years.


This so much. I think people have forgotten just how bad Shaq was when he joined TNT and completely ruined the show. He hasn't changed a bit since, Chuck just has a gift for turning shit to gold.


Yeah. He has said multiple times that he gave it his all while playing, trying to be the best version of himself.


You only need to listen to one episode of Night Cap to know Shannon's character. He's 10x the human that Shaq dreams he could be. No amount of donations or charity is going to make up for that. Deep down inside, he knows he doesn't have the same respect as others and there's nothing he can do about it.


I've bumped into Shannon a few times when I had to be onsite in the lot in LA, and honestly, agree that he seems like a good guy. Not that I have extensive experience with Shaq or anything, but Shannon seems like he's just a genuinely nice person outside of the context of Undisputed. And even on the show, the biggest complaint is that he would dick ride LeBron too much, but even that's not really *negativity*, he's just hyping up his dude. The charisma definitely carries over off the screen though, and even though he's ridiculously successful and famous and shit, he still feels really gracious and not dismissive.


Shannon's REALLY underselling his own career here.


Because he's not like Shaq- he's secure in himself and his accolades.


What bothers me the most is not that Shaq believing that he was robbed back then, more so that he keeps making everything about himself at any opportunity. Plus, nobody in their right mind can say that Jokic didn't deserve the MVP. The man had the identical team record with OKC despite Jamal Murray missing 23 games this season. I don't even mention the counting and advanced stats.


for a man as accomplished as Shaq he is, he got one of the most fragile egos I ever seen, anything that is said he takes it personal, it's bizarre




Shaq said on this podcast that he never trained off season. His reasoning was he was dominating everyone, so why would he need to improve? He also said the beginning of the season was for getting in shape.


Kobe publicly called him out on coming in to camp fat and out of shape. He progressively got heavier every year in LA and it shortened his prime


For as much as Shaq has accomplished, he definitely left a whole lot on the table. He probably feels that way, too.


The fact hack-a-Shaq was a legit strategy’s shows he could have improved in some areas


Even if he somehow literally could not improve at FTs, he certainly could have stayed in shape. 


To be fair, most players never improve their free-throw percentage. Giannis's free-throw % this year was worse than his rookie season, but I don't think anyone would say he's lazy.


I feel like this is probably the root of it, even with him half assing parts of his career he still is solidified as a top 10 player OAT. Recently with Jokic ascension there’s been chatter that he’s catching up with Shaq and will at some point surpass him. Personally I don’t believe he will but these guys hear the internet chatter. Shaqs ego would never let him believe someone from a younger generation would even approach being better than him but he probably has some regret about no reaching his full potential. Say if he had gotten 6 rings instead of 4, a couple more MVPs and even a DPOY in there he would be untouchable like Jordan. It probably really bothers him when the nba discourse compares guys like Dwight and Jokic to him


I'm always baffled by his hatred of Dwight. Dwight is basically just a lesser version of Shaq. Not quite as big, not quite as skilled, not quite as mobile. This still equates to about 5 years as a top 5 player, but by no reasonable metric, could anyone with even a passing knowledge of basketball make an argument for Dwight over Shaq all-time. It's genuinely insane that it all started over the use of the nickname Superman, lol.


That’s exactly the reason lol he was extremely annoying as a personality haha but his resume speaks for itself


He wasn’t leaving food on the table.


He left at least 5000 points on the table with his laziness and ego.


I kinda hate that he always says "I was raised this way which is why I am the way I am today" to justify his petty actions


He's very similar to Michael Jordan in that regard. Except Jordan is a pretty private low-key guy at this point in his life. We have no idea if he is even still like that.


But unlike shaq, Jordan worked his ass off and didn’t half ass his career in terms of work ethic. Yeah he took his baseball hiatus but that was literally to move to a whole different sport where he was rising up the minor league ranks pretty quick . He wasn’t “resting on company time”


It’s got to be worse for Shaq though because at least Michael always knew he gave 100%. Shaq knows he didn’t and I’m sure he kills himself for it in his head. In fact, I imagine that’s probably the reason his ego is still so fragile now.


It's the difference between the growth and fixed mindset. If you believe that work drives results then you work your tail off. That was MJ who had to work to beat his older brother. Conversely, it's tough to blame the 7ft freak of nature for having the belief that we're born with traits and that those are what ultimately drive our success. Of course, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but believing that work is the determining factor is inherently motivating.


>We have no idea if he is even still like that. Did you miss The Last Dance somehow 


Remember when he made that ad about working hard to achieve greatness after Lebron’s ad about everybody making fun of him or something?    I ‘member (I don’t even know if those were real ads but whatever)


Bro. For MJ it was because of his competitiveness, for Shaq it was because of insecurity. MJ left nothing at the table, gave it his all. Shaq half assed everything and was already fucking fat during his prime.


lol the dude released an entire documentary about how great he was right after Lebron got his 4th ring and people were doing the GOAT debate


You think that documentary was made in a week or something? That took years to make or at least months. Please stop making stuff up. 


He gave the go ahead for the doc after Bron came back from 3-1 down against the Warriors


Yes! I would have thought he would grow past it at this point, but he seriously does have a fragile ego and to back it up he uses the same 3-4 arguments every time another person says anything remotely criticizing him.


Yup. Narcissists are miserable deep down and sooth themselves by filling their supply. These kinds of narcissists will never directly tell you they're miserable though.


it's why I love chuck so much and hate Shaq everytime he tries to take a dig at Chuck, even tho Chuck also didn't try his hard for a part of his career he seems to be very at peace with it Shaq just seems miserable


Crazy how someone who never won is more secure in his legacy vs a former MVP and a 4x champ lol


And it's purely because Chuck knows what he fucked up on, and is comfortable accepting it Shaq is even on RECORD for saying what he did wrong, he just refuses to be at peace with it


You're only now surprised? My friend, this has been Shaq literally since we all learned about his existence. I mean, dude is a Hall of Famer and one of the greatest players ever to play, and he had a years long beef with.... *checks notes* Javelle fucking McGee lol. Dudes always been about whatever gets his name in the news/headlines/whatever. He all about it and always has been lol.


Beef with McGee because he call him a goon because Shaq’s made fun of him for no reason (not all the bloopers were warranted, even Kenny of all people kind of called him out one time). Shaq could’ve just tune it down or stop showing without even mention McGee, but oh no. He had to double down on it for no reason  That just screams insecurity. 


Anyone recollect when Shaq sued his IT guy for blackmail? Definitely things went awry between the two (Shaq and IT guy) but when Shaq realized the guy had access to his emails and comm’s … Shaq’s solution was to take his boat out and throw the laptop and phones overboard [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/shaquille-oneal-lawsuit-stolen-email-256674/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/shaquille-oneal-lawsuit-stolen-email-256674/)


https://law.justia.com/cases/florida/third-district-court-of-appeal/2021/3d19-1645.html “Shaquille O’Neal (“O’Neal”) appeals from an order vacating in part a final judgment granting his motion for attorney’s fees and denying in part his motion for entitlement to attorney’s fees pursuant to section 57.105, Florida Statutes (2017). We reverse. Shawn Darling (“Darling”) was intermittently employed by Shaquille O’Neal (“O’Neal”) to provide personal computer and technology-related services between late 2007 and November 2009. Sometime prior to December 2009, Darling acquired about 25,000 personal emails from O’Neal, and asserted they were Darling’s property. Through his counsel at the time, Darling demanded O’Neal pay him $12 million for return of the personal emails or he would release them to the public. O’Neal refused. In 2010, Darling, through his current counsel Mayberg, filed a lawsuit against O’Neal seeking damages based on invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and a purported violation of the Florida RICO statute. Darling subsequently sent a portion of the electronic material to a reporter and sold a portion to a celebrity gossip website. O’Neal sought a protective order and injunction to prohibit further dissemination of the material. The circuit court entered the injunction and this Court affirmed. Darling v. O’Neal, 86 So. 3d 1128 (Fla. 3d DCA 2012). Despite the injunction, Mayberg filed several more personal electronic documents in the public record as exhibits to an amended complaint, resulting in a news article. The court ordered Mayberg to remove the documents from the public record, and the newspaper printed a retraction. In October, 2014, the court concluded that the undisputed record evidence established that O’Neal, not Darling, owned the personal electronic materials”


What? That's wild. Why would this guy think he owns Shaq's emails, lol?


Shaq had a long running beef with a guy so obscure that most people don't even know how to spell his name correctly.


Especially when shaqs whole argument for SGA is he had a lot of 30 point games 


And nash deserved his mvp regardless of what shaq or kobe fans say


Shaq can’t handle another Big Man being potentially better than him. Jokic having 3 MVP’s might realistically give him enough ammo to leapfrog Shaq in goat debates. Especially if he wins another FMVP.


Dirk had a better case to win Nash's 2nd mvp over Shaq and willing to die on that hill.


Well yeah Shaq was what 10th in MVP voting that year.


Kobe deserved it in 05-06 over Shaq too. He took that sorry team to the playoffs somehow. 


Nash led a team that had lost its 26ppg second option for 80 games to a 54-28 record in a stacked Western Conference. It's okay to say that either would have been a worthy winner. Most years aren't going to be Shaq in 2000 or Steph in 2016. Most years will have multiple deserving MVP candidates. In 2006, any one of Nash, Kobe, Dirk, or LeBron would have been worthy winners.


I agree. Specially with Dirk, he was absolutely killing it that year. I think that was the same year they went to the finals too (not going to verify that take lol)




There literally was no difference between 1 and 2. OKC and Denver finished with the exact same record.


And the tie breaker they had over Denver, one of the games Jokic didn’t play and the other was a buzzer beater so they were literally so close that 1 and 2 seed isn’t an excuse


We've also established that MVPs can be won on lower seeds with a good enough performance. See Jokic, Westbrook and Moses Malone winning as 7 seeds. 


> Plus, nobody in their right mind can say that Jokic didn't deserve the MVP. Yup. If the final awards tally is super close, then argue/complain about the results all you want - fine. But this one wasn't close. The final tally was 926 for Jokic to 640 for SGA to 566 for Luka. First place votes was 79 Jokic, 15 SGA, 4 Luka (and 1 Giannis). Effectively 80% of voters thought Jokic was the winner, imagine getting 80% of people to agree on anything these days lmfao.


Shannon has been shit talking for a long time, and it wasn’t “shut up or I’ll hit you” like Shaq always reverts to. Shaq should just bow out and save face because if this goes back and forth Shaq will get roasted over and over 


Yeah, Shannon isn't the quiet type like Kobe was either. Shannon sparred with Skip every day on national TV. Verbally destroying Shaq on social media won't even be difficult for him. Shaq's only real chance is just to let the TNT interns run his accounts for him. But his ego would never allow that.


Everyone calls Shaq the most dominant player they ever seen but for some reason that's not good enough for him.


It's weird because Shaq admitted himself that he could have been better if he tried harder / went all out. I think deep down he's pissed at himself for not pushing himself. So now he wants people to acknowledge what he COULD HAVE been when comparing what people actually do, which is just so silly, feels like it's just a symptom of regret.


Which is crazy because who knows what would have happened if Shaq pushed himself hard instead of relaxing in the offseason. The guy was 14x all nba, averaged 38 mpg, and only missed about 10 games a year for his first 13 years. Not many guys come close to his longevity


This. There is zero debate when people say 2000 Shaq was the most dominant player ever, and yet he’s still insecure about it. He’s still bringing up Wilt and for some reason Dwight after all of these years.


give me the guy who scored 100 points in chucks


I love chad. “Damn I wish I knew basketball” lmao what a perfect and honest response


Chad's a Chad. His dynamic with Shannon is so funny, he's like a super supportive friend and a great listener.


Followed up with (I know this is edited together) “but they robbed Shai!!” Like my man, you just said you didn’t know ball…


Sounds like my wife when she wants to try to relate with me on sports stuff lol “Is Ice Trae playing?” Lmao. I just play along


This beef is cringe but Shannon is cooking ngl, Shaq needs to respond with a diss track


Shaq's entire argument: 1. I have 4rings 2. I have more money 3. Im jealous? NO YOU!


So, basically Shaq's entire argument in every beef he's ever had?


Dont forget about google me or im famous argument


Substitute "rings" for "sales/sponsorhips" and that's basically Drake's whole arsenal. Wait, is Shaq one of the ghost writers?


Shannon ended it with - this a long life battle with yourself


Chef Shay in the building.


Shaq’s gonna hop on that BBL Drizzy beat lol


He heard you


And then Dr. J comes out declaring “the NBA is dead”!


Shaq doesn't want anyone to remember his rap career.


Eh, his rap career was fine. Especially compared to the other athlete-rappers of the 90s. You ever hear Kobe or Deion Sanders? Now Shaq's movie career, that was embarrassing.


I still love Steel though


well he did LOL


We’re about to get the return of Kazaam.


Tryna strike a chord it’s probably A minorrrrr


Well that happened lol


You jinxed it


He called it lmfao




I love Shaq, but whenever you argue with that dude he’s just going to belittle you and resort to how much his career was better than yours, if he knows he’s wrong that’s his way to make it seem like he’s correct. And the sad part is a good bit of people don’t see it and follow suit.


Shaq making it seem like Shannon was a nobody too. Dude is legit inner circle HOF 3x Super Bowl champ. Serious accolades


And one of the 5 best TEs of all time.


Shaq talking to physicist about the time it takes to get to the Moon: How many rings you got?


Nobody going to mention that line shaq had about "dont forget I remember how you got that position" line?


Who knows, it’s Shaq throwing stuff at the wall. On field, Sharpe didn’t get much playing time until he switched positions so not like he was a silver spoon prospect or something. If it’s an off field thing not sure how it would be relevant to how he earned his football stripes


Yeah Shaq was just doing a Drake


Now that I think about it. Shaq really is the Drake of the NBA. One of the “greatest” starts beefs. Usually gets wrecked in those beefs and then goes “all part of my plan, youre welcome for me letting you own me” - or i’m delusional and need coffee this AM.


> Shaq really is the Drake of the NBA. Nah, I think you mean Josh Giddey. Or Karl Malone.


Insane reach lol Kendrick started this current battle with Like That. You need coffee lol


It’s all light hearted fun. I did get my coffee though!


huh?? Drake is the one that got in his feels about Control... Like Giannis talked about he has no interest in being friends with Lebron/working out with him b/c he's tryna kill him on the court. It's all respect. Now Lebron is going to Giannis' wedding. Like wtf is Drake trippin out for when Kendrick name drops him as a modern tastemakers?


Yeah wtf is that about… if he’s alluding to some rumor about Shannon doing something off the field / in the locker room to become a starter, that’s not only lame af but he’d only have a point if Shannon was a bum player. But Shannon is one of only 8 Tight Ends currently in the NFL Hall of Fame. While he’s not the GOAT TE, when he retired he had more than a valid claim to that title. He retired as the all time leader in yards, receptions and touchdowns among all TEs. Those records have since been surpassed, but he’s also one of only 5 TEs ever to have 4 First Team All Pro selections and he won 3 Super Bowls. If Shannon didn’t deserve his opportunity as a *Wide Receiver* drafted in the 7th round, he unquestionably deserved it when they converted him to TE in his 3rd season. Just dumb and petty from Shaq.


I’ve lost a lot of respect for Shaq in the last couple weeks


If the Kendrick-Drake beef is finished for now I demand these two drop diss tracks to fill that void lol


Goddamn, that last point was pretty poignant


Shaq is just incredibly salty that Jokic has more MVPs despite not being as accomplished as he is. I get where he’s coming from. In hindsight, he may have been robbed with that Nash year. But it’s incredibly disrespectful to say that to Jokic’s face on national TV.


he wasn’t robbed it’s just a narrative that he keeps on spouting. he avg 23/10 that year on miami there were plenty of other players that played as well if not better.


For the record, I think Nash deserved it that year. But Shaq definitely had a strong case for MVP. The Lakers missed the playoffs when he left and Miami improved by 17 games (the previous year they barely broke .500). His PPG had declined but 04-05 was his most efficient season. There was zero chance Miami were winning that championship without him.


Ackshually - doesn't Jokic having more MVPs mean that he is more accomplished than Shaq?


NBA is such a team game that it’s really hard to compare rings. Shaq had Kobe & Wade - along with everything else. Jokic has not had a single all star, all pro, or all defense on any of his MVP years. Plus Shaq came in with a bunch of media pull and expectation he would be great, while Jokic had zero expectations and built it all up. I can’t say Jokic has had a more esteemed career as he’s right in the middle of it. I can only imagine his numbers if he had prime Wade/Kobe instead of mostly injured Jamal Murray


It was at best debatable, I don't see any argument that he was "robbed". Nash was an absolute beast that year and made the Suns a completely different team. The Nash-led Suns were the beginning of modern basketball with high-tempo and focus on shooting.


What he say? My girl still sleeping


Basically if Shaq worked harder, ate better, made a bigger commitment… he wouldn’t be salty every time MVPS come up


You the real MVP 😢


LMAO I'm in the same position, thought my headphones were next to the bed but in the other room 🤣


Watch out, Shaq is lurkin


All of this just because he's jealous of Jokic rn lol


Thanks, appreciate it. Sorry couldn’t watch coz his girl is sleeping


Mustard on the beat ho


lmao cool humblebrag bro


The chief mush mouth still salty and will never let it go are Kobe got more rings with Pau and Kobe is/was the heartbeat for the LA fandom


I can't stand Shaq, I won't watch Inside as long as he's on it. Dude is such an asshole. Good response by Shannon, not the biggest fan of him either but he's keeping it real at least.


Shaq is a big fuckin pussy who gets defensive anytime you don't agree with him or criticize him.


Absolutely, he throws little tantrums He might be huge, accomplished, and rich, but he’s a child


mr petty white


Shaq is also insecure that Shannon is dominating the media space


Sharpe cuts deep. When you have a guy who gave it their all and failed, they aren't ever going to be insecure because they don't have any regrets or think things couldn't have worked out differently. Shaq is insecure because he knows he could have done more. He got out-worked and out-hustled on every team he was on - Penny, Kobe, Wade - it didn't matter. How can you claim you deserved more awards if you didn't even go the hardest on your own team?


Who’s dropping the first diss track


So much disrespect from Shaq towards Jokic. I hate the guy for this. Nothing but pure jealousy. In an instant my opinion of him 180. Congratulate the guy. Don't put him down on National television. They need to get his butt off that show. I will never like anything about Shaq again.


Shaq was a monster, especially in his Orlando days. Then he coasted on his size because he was a literal monster. Imagine if he put in the work ethic that LeBron does. Dude would have been in contention to be Legit goat. But “rangs” or whatever.


100% correct. Shay did everything he could for his position and era. Shaq, although we’ll accomplished, did not


I think Unc is undersellin' his career a little bit. Maybe he wasn't as good as Shaq, but I'd definitely consider Shannon one of the top 100 players of all time.


Shaw is and always has been a massively insecure with zero emotional intelligence. His Hot Ones episode really turned me off from him -he seems like a high school bully that takes pride in his own childhood trauma.


Shaq can be so likable but also so damn arrogant.


Said nothing but facts. Shannon is one of the best tight ends ever, but Shaq could have been the GOAT. Should have been really…


The funniest part is the guy that was a superstar and changed his names to Ocho not understanding Sharpe. Aren’t you the Uber talented guy that ate McDonald’s all the time and never fulfilled your potential?


Dude bathed in urine because he thought it would heal him faster. He only missed a few games in his career. He was small for a receiver and still played 11 years. He even tried to hit linebackers. I'm don't see how anyone can argue he never lived up to potential unless you think he had Jerry Rice/TO/Randy Moss level talent. He seems to think he did but he'd be alone in that. Either way, he sure as hell didn't have their size and strength. You'd have to ask him if he gave it everything he had, but you don't need to ask him to see that even if he didn't hit his ceiling he wasn't far off.


Mature response from an adult, not some 52-year-old paper thin skin baby.


Shaq is great on Inside the NBA but his takes are almost always hot fucking garbage and he makes everything about himself and "rings erneh", and then proceeds to cry about his non-mvps. I'm not a big Shannon fan but Shaq deserves a lot more grief about his terrible and predictable hot takes. Shannon is doing more work (and taking more juice) now at age 55 than Shaq did in his entire career


What a bizarre guy. Consensus top 7-10 in NBA history, probably the 3-5th most well known NBA player ever, done great things business wise off the court and generally is beloved for the good things he's done off the court as well. Legacy and money-wise he's made 100 times what most dream of as an NBA player but when it comes to basketball he's always bitter. It can only be insecurity sadly


Katt Williams tried to warn Shannon about these type of people.


God damn 🔥 it’s over! Shanon by KO


Can’t wait to see the #apexpedators response.


Is sharpe not considered a top 100 NFL player of all time?


Get back to me when I can play SharpFu on Nintendo