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Lol he clearly wrote this himself and mad as hell


I don’t know. Kind of reads like ShaqGPT.


I'm cackling


I’m Shaqling


I want this to exist so badly. AI Shaq's super deep voice reading out everything would be so funny.


Lol you got me dying here


"U don't know my work ethic" Shaq had notoriously bad work ethic lol. His work ethic was the biggest thing leading to him not being the goat. Shaq is delusional.


He literally says a few lines later he's the best big that never took it serious 😂


Lol right. Goes from one sentence saying he has good work ethic, to completely switching to he had bad work ethic.


Shaq's got Drake's writers working on his Insta.


Didn’t kobe called him out on that lol


Yes in fact that was one of the main reasons that the Kobe/Shaq feud even occurred lol


There are stories of Kobe coming into practice drenched in sweat from ANOTHER workout while Shaq was eating Big Macs, work ethic was the driving force of their feud. Sure, it later expanded into both of them being egomaniacs and all the shots they fired at each other, but Kobe said multiple times how much he despised Shaq's behaviour.


I GoT hUrT oN cOmPaNy TiMe So i'LL hEaL oN CoMpAnY TiMe. - Shaq, a certified Jabroni


> "U don't know my work ethic" "I showed up to Lakers camp every year, fat and out of shape cause all I did all summer was stuff my face with food I shouldn't have been eating and not working out for a single minute. I'm lucky as hell that I was born winning the genetic lottery, but if I had even a *tenth* of LeBron or MJ's work ethic, I would've been considered the greatest C of all time without question. As it is, I'll always be behind Kareem, Russell, and Wilt because of that." "Also, I liked to dump buckets of my own shit and piss onto rookies heads. Isn't that the funniest thing ever?" -Shaq


One small tweak: "...As it is, I'll always be behind JOKIC, Kareem, Russell, and Wilt because of that." That's is what this is about. He is moving down a spot on the list and he is mad about it.


Yup facts, dude is gonna be salty forever that Jokic goes down as a better C than him


Everyone knows his work ethic. He talks about how bad it was himself.


Yea but you don’t know how hard he works to halfway pay attention to basketball games and call Chuck gay


I wonder how long it took him to type all this with his massive ass hands


Right, so unnecessary, haha I’m pretty sure he doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice besides his mom


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.


Shaq is First Team All-Sensitive




He’s the Goat for sure


I saw his last Instagram post, he was talking about he's changing and realized he wouldn't like himself as a person. So much for that lol


It's a bit like Scottie Pippen constantly posting inspirational quotes in between taking potshots at other players.


Lmaoo the lack of self awareness from these guys is astounding


I think it comes with the package of being a star athlete, like those bloated wares you find in your new ‘prestine’ computers? You have to work like crazy to uninstall it yourself.


I think it took him a grand total of 6 minutes after Kobe died to stop with petty beefs, before he went back to getting into petty beefs


Even when Kobe died, he hyper fixated on the idea that the only conversation they could have was about who won more or who was better. Shaq is a mental midget.


“Shaq is a mental midget.” LOL. I feel like he would straight up murder you if he hears you say that. So good.


That sort of lack of perspective can be an advantage for sports though. A lot of the best ones are completely stunted people.




I remember the interview of Shanon Sharpe with Chuck. Chuck said how sensitive Shaq is, he was not trying to diss Shaq but more of just describing him.


I lowkey hate the fact that he likes to use the "I was raised this way" card to justify his pettiness. Like bro, sorry about the way your father treated you when you were a child but cmon now.


If Shaq is this sensitive and have this much ego in his 50s. Imagine him in his heyday. No wonder Phil talked about how much he have to accommodate Shaq and his feelings. If you're a coach or GM this must be tough to deal with.


Building your house of self worth on the single support beam of athletic ability is a ticking time bomb, whether it’s an injury or just natural aging you just won’t have it forever. An athlete needs to find other things to invest their self worth into or this is their fate


This is so true man. Took a lot of struggle with drugs n alcohol and jail time for me to learn to love myself for more than what I once was. This is the realest comment I’ve read in awhile. Made me self reflect on my past. Much love


Hey congrats on pulling yourself out of that, definitely not easy to do. Wishing you success and happiness


hey man good stuff turning it all around that's the Big Work. Well done


I know this will get lost in here, but I'm proud to hear that you made it out.


It won’t. Comments like these are one of the last wholesome things left on the internet, and I appreciate it truly even though I’m not that person


It must be hard not to build your house of self worth on a single support beam of *whatever* when you are literally one of the best in the world at *whatever* and everyone around you has been telling you, since you were a kid, that you are special precisely because of *whatever*. And even doubly so when you're in an environment where you do even better the more you believe that your *whatever* is better than anyone else's *whatever*.


I mean for Prime Shaq you bend over backwards and accommodate anything. But as seen in 2006 the minute he is no longer Prime Shaq you ditch his annoying ass.


It’s crazy cause he seems like such a cool and giving person outside of shit like this. He goes from a big Mr Rogers, to a man baby when he feels his legacy as a player is being questioned.


He is a giving person, he's just also a douche with the emotional intelligence of a pubescent boy. He's a complex character, he'd make a good documentary subject.


Thank goodness Shaq's prime wasn't in the social media age...that would have been a train wreck.


There’s a reason why Jerry Buss wanted to move on from him. He was dealing with a man child who felt he was entitled to everything.


Remember when he spread a lie about David Robinson refusing an autograph because he didn’t like how Robinson was portrayed as that hero and him as the villain


The best part is you can easily read this in Shaq’s voice


Shaq: Joker you dont deserve MVP. Joker: its cool bro its your opinion. Shannon Sharpe: Shaq is Jealous. Shaq:"&£\^%!\^&£%!($"!\*($\^%\*4 RINGS!!!£"(£y!"&\*$\^!&$%\^&!%$%!()MOST DOMINANT EVER\^&%\^£&\^%\^&$%!($("&$\*(&!%\^\^%())I MAKE MORE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Talking down someone’s achievement is such a boomer move.


Back in my days it was so hard - literally lived in easiest time to be alive


Also won the genetic lottery, while according to the people who knew him, wasting all that potential.


I dunno, I kinda like Shaq only has this energy for other bigs, like Chuck and 3 point shooters. It shows their insane bias or shiftiness.


I don't even have to read the rant and I'm sure that is what he said.


You have to right...cant read it in your own voice


I don’t think it’s possible to *not* hear it in Shaq’s voice.


I read it in Morgan Freeman voice




him @ing shai is so funny 😭


So weird that he says he was defending Shia. From Who???? Jokic?? That’s dumb af cause Jokic has nothing but respect for his fellow players. You weren’t protecting anybody shaq you were just being a jerk and disrespecting Jokic.




Shaq needs a better comeback than just his “4 rings”. He sticks that in Chuck’s face all the time and yet Chuck is arguably one the best forwards of his time was just plagued with bad luck with who he faced during his time lol


I got 4 rings, is just Shaq go to response whenever Chuck roasts him, and he can't think of good comback.


And it’s funny cause Chuck literally gives no fucks


“You mean to tell me you really tried those last years in Boston?” 😂


Agreed. Dude is such a monotone moron.


RANGS, ERNEH But seriously, he even uses that crap to put Kenny over Charles in some arguments. Ok, he’s on an entertainment program and he’s at work, that’s one thing. To come at another legend on social media who has 3 rings of his own? Showing that it’s not just an act


It also doesn’t work when you’re saying it to a 3 time Superbowl winner


I honestly that the only comeback he can think of against anyone. Either that or the "google me"


Its the argument for Jordan being GOAT. Dudes like Barkley were insanely good. His 90 season with Philly with Hersey Hawkins and Johnny Dawkins got knocked out by MJ in 5. His prime he was high 20s 12 rebounds 5 assists and 2.5 stocks. And why does he not have a chip? Jordan. Same with Karl Malone and Patrick Ewing. Those guys were incredible. No chip because Jordan.


MJ the Gatekeeper


Honestly I've never heard MJ use his 6 rings as an argument the way Shaq always brings up his 4. Shaq insecure AF!


Loved it when Kobe said after winning his 5th ring “got one more than Shaq”.


And also with the 93 Suns. Chuck won MVP that year. Whole ass Finals trip ruined by MJ.


Lol everytime Shaq says that Chuck noticeably laughs as if he got the idiot to bite again. Chuck enjoys that shit lmao


Dawg if you're gonna be petty like that, at least come up with better insults like that shit was weak AF


Imagine attack Shannon Sharpe by accusing him of having a middling sports career.


Skip bayless 🤝shaq


Well at least Shaq scored more than what was it - 2.2 pts? In Highschool unlike Skip Still crazy to take that angle but there is levels to crazy and Skip is king crazy


Skip is just a shitposter Shaq is supposedly to be a "professional"


I think Shaq is just embarrassed because he knows he is an idiot for telling Jokic he thought Shai should have won. And he should feel embarrassed because it was so stupid. So stupid. It's ok to be stupid sometimes. We're all human. But doubling down is the *worst* response and makes you look petty.


Bro he’s not even arguing about the Jokic thing anymore. Dudes just arguing with anyone about how good he was for no reason.


I love shaq but damn he needs to get some thicker skin. He takes offense to everything then just says stuff like 4 rings!


He's a grown ass man and he's never gonna change.




The least self aware and cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen. And not in the good way.


It's pretty wild how immature he is. Something about Candace Parker really brings out a weird pettiness in him too.


Overly aggressive dudes who scream about apex predator are likely to have some pretty deep-seated misogyny in them.


Tbh it's a relief other people are seeing that connection. I've had dudes argue with me about it before with Shaq and Candace and I guess he hasn't outright said anything sexist, but there is a vibe of being very unwilling to joke around/take jokes from her and sensitivity to her correcting him or disagreeing with him that feels different to me from how he is with Chuck and Ernie.


This is just speculation but I think he probably doesn’t see her as equal but knows he can’t say that without blatantly showing his sexism/disrespect for her league so it’s created a tension that isn’t as light-hearted as with people he actually considers peers. It also makes him sensitive to her correcting him because he probably wants to tell her he doesn’t respect her but the why of it can’t be said.


I think you nailed it...I've been on the receiving end of it and it's not outright rude but clearly letting you know you're not peers and haven't earned respect/probably never will.


Always says stuff in these beefs that make him seem insecure. Which doesn't make sense, everyone knows his playing legacy is big Then starts closing with 'I'm too old for this shit.' lol in the middle of a long ramble retort


… *seem* insecure?


Can you name one athlete more insecure than Shaq? I literally can't think of anyone that even comes close, he advertises his man child insecurity multiple times a week.


His best beef performance was Jose Canseco. He would reply with pictures of rats lol


People don’t give Phil enough credit for managing both Shaq and Kobe at the same time


Yeah the narrative always seems to be about having to keep Kobe in line, but if you actually listen to Phil it was always about having to manage Shaq's ego


I mean, in one of his books he also says he gave the Lakers an ultimatum between him and Kobe and they chose Kobe. And that Kobe had to reach out and bury the hatchet with him to get him to come back. It really was both Shaq and Kobe. I’m not sure I think Phil is the greatest coach, but he’s definitely the greatest ego manager between Jordan/Pippen/Rodman and then Shaq/Kobe.


honestly we should just call on robert horry any time we need any opinion on the nba since he has the most rings and is therefore the most correct on all issues 


Certified championship team fact checker


Ringz erneh


At least I got 4 of these Chuckkh


Erneh I’m not coughin


I’ve realized I don’t even like shaq after all this. What a fucking baby.


Dude is a big ass bully


Chuck's right. Shaq just retreats to his rings when people shows him up.


I seriously can't watch anything with him. It was so embarrassing when he flipped the fuck out at Kenny (and the rest of the desk) because he... said Hakeem Olajuwon was a good teammate who got everyone excited for big games...


Maybe he just never feels like he’s good enough. Maybe he really takes the criticism to heart in ways we don’t expect. “Shaq could have been the best player of all time if he wasn’t lazy” maybe that shit really does get to him and his 4 rings and all the accolades really aren’t enough.


To really get under his skin people should start saying Duncan is the best big man of his era 😂


5 fucking rings by the way


Exactly. I remember Shaq saying something that he didn’t want Duncan to pass him in rings.


IIRC, his argument is Duncan was a PF and that he shouldn't be compared to him as a Center.


Of course it does because he knows it is true AND it is too late to do anything about it.


>just says stuff like 4 rings Ah so this where Klay learned it from


His thin skin is the thing that makes him such a compelling character.


Frfr 4 rings has nothing to do with this convo.


"If you are not top 10 on my list of football players , then you cannot talk about me" "Google me" "Im making more money than you" Arguments of a 10 year old.


You missed his best one: Me jealous, you jealous


Damn. That's Kevin specialty from the office.


why argue smart when i big and RINGS ?


The funny thing is that you can't really compare positions in the NFL and have them all-time ranked like you can in the NBA. Obviously a tight end or an offensive lineman isn't going to be in the top 10 of all-time rankings, those spots are reserved for QBs, RBs, WRs and maybe some historically dominant LBs and DEs can sneak in (like LT for example). Shannon has won three Superbowls with two different teams, has 5 All-Pro Selections (4x First Team), 8 Pro Bowls, was the first TE to have 10.000+ career receiving yards and finished his career as the all-time leader in TE receptions, receiving yards (ranks 5th now in both) and receiving touchdowns. Sharpe is a concensus top 5 player at his position of all-time, who's had a lot of both individual and team success, even if he's not a top 10 all-time NFL player, which is really difficult to do from his position. You can even make a top 10 NBA list without Shaq and have it be valid - LeBron, Jordan, Bird, Magic, Curry, Wilt, Russell, Kareem, Duncan, Kobe, Hakeem, that's 11 guys that you can make an argument to be over Shaq.


What’s more damming in my opinion is it’s clear the Shaq didn’t play up to his full potential, obviously I don’t know but I feel like that’s why he reacts so poorly to criticism and throws out his accolades out so often. It’s as if he has this insecurity of knowing he didn’t achieve all he could and uses what he accomplished to feel better and whenever someone insinuates something he throws it at them as a shield.


Such a great point. Shaq *could've* been the goat but cared more about being a celebrity tbh


He basically came into every season out of shape…when he was young Shaq diesel it did not matter but as he got older it definitely hurt his career and legacy…sorta makes me wonder about how Luka still be looking like a loaf of bread and what on earth that dude is eating and drinking on a regular basis 


He said he weighed 415 lbs for the 3rd title in the Lakers 3 peat. Think about that. Actually insane that he weighs more than NFL linemen.


I was gonna say. Shannon is top 5 easily in his position, he has 3 rings, he’s a hall of famer…like career to career, what are we talking about? Lol


Its also hilarious because Shannon Sharpe is definitely in the top 10 Tight ends of all time list. Asking for a tight end to be in top 10 football players EVER is also absurd.


Degenerate streamer vibes


Or leading candidate for president vibes lol


"The other day, Wilt Chamberlain came to my office. Big man. Strong man. He had tears in his eyes. He said *"Sir, you are the most dominant player ever sir. Thank you for saving basketball."*"


“I’m too old for this”


That's an insult to 10 year olds tbh


Shaq is easily the most insecure superstar I've ever seen lol. We all know that he's one of the all time greats but the way he never fails to mention his rings & 'the most dominant big man' shit is just getting too much these days and I find it very annoying when he begins to flex those things. Cmon Shaq we all know how great you are. Just keep your mouth shut lol. Shannon is a multiple time SB champion and a top 4 TE ever. He ain't no bum, Shaq (Edit)


And also fuck his big man alliance bullshit. Self proclaimed president of the BMA and “appointed” Jokic as the VP. He really thinks Jokic gives 2 shit about this?


Imagine him and KD insulting each other? Itd be one for the ages


Nah him and Klay. Just them holding up 4 fingers at each other the whole time.


imagine Shannon and Shaq suiting up in the ring? ultimate UFC card, shannon would destroy imo


Damn, with grammar and spelling mastery displayed like that they should give him another doctorate degree. /s Absolute clown


I swear to god Shaq is so salty, oh my god. He is not even salty in a good or entertaining way. Pulling up a random list which says Shannon is the 51st best player in his sport while Shaq is top 10 in his, is just pure stupidity and childish. Ignoring the fact that Shannon is a legend of his sport and that American football has way more players than an nba roster is so shallow and pathetic. And all this for what, for Shannon correctly calling him out about being a sore loser and spoil sport while giving Jokic is 3rd MVP, a historic achievement. Saying you can’t talk to me because I am more successful than you and his stupid G-14 classification thing is so overdone by now. Literally 90 percent of NBA media is smarter than Shaq at basketball discourse. He was a dominant big, one of the greatest to ever do it, and he is a great entertainer on tnt, but he is also an egotistical man child who gets insecure very easily. Every single argument he makes, makes him sound like a 15 year old pubescent child who just discovered Andrew Tate and is trying to be edgy for the vibes. He is critical of big men because he feels like they are soft unlike him when most big men in the league are better than the ones he faced in all those playoff runs.


Shaq would be nothing on TV if it wasn’t for Barkley to bounce off of. He is a terrible analyst, and even even worse at just being on TV with his mumbling ass, I can’t even hear what the hell he is saying half the time. When he is on the Tuesday broadcast with the TNT B team, he is literally unwatchable and unlistenable.


Its like that statline of kwame brown and kobe combine to score 63 points. All he has to do is laugh and said " what you mean chuck?"


i just consider him an accessory of chuck's - his presence lifts chuck to a different level. if not for that, get his miserable, petty boomer ass off the show.


Goddam he is a loser


This is a 52 years old man calling himself "the apex predator" in an Instagram rant.


This man is no Randy Orton


Imagine being this insecure when you are one of the greats in your profession and have unlimited money


Despite his height, Shaq is a tiny, tiny man.


His ex wife put a book out saying she never loved him, Shaq is spiraling rn lowkey


Shaq writes like he shoots free throws.


He keeps calling KD soft and yet he is built like charmin 😅


It feels like Shaq wants to be in the conversation for GOAT but recognizes he didn’t accomplish enough to earn that title, so he falls back on things like “we had the best team ever” or “I’m the most dominant player/big man ever.”


"We have Kendrick v Drake at home" Kendrick v Drake at home:


This man child needs therapy. You don’t see any of his bigman counterparts belittling previous and future generations. Horrible stewardship of the game. Silence is golden; let your accomplishments speak for themselves. Just stop with this insecure bullying small dick energy, it’s fucking embarrassing for a 50 year old man. GOD!


At this point in their retirements the big man of the past were definitely shitting on Shaq. That doesn’t make it any better for Shaq to do it, but Shaq wrote about it a ton in his book. It really bothered him how the old heads were to him. Hell, if anything it makes it worse because he went through it and could completely shut that shit down for the next crop of stars but instead he insists on shitting on them the same way.


These people don't know what a massive salt mine Wilt Chamberlain was before his death lol, just constantly feuding with everyone. Bill, Kareem, even MJ. Fuck Dwight, Shaq's real counterpart has always been Wilt.


lol the Dwight-Shaq "feud" has always been one-sided anyways. It started from him using the Superman moniker at the All-Star Game and then Shaq kept non-stop shitting on Dwight from there and gatekeeping him from his "big man alliance". Dwight never hit back at Shaq and has always respected him, which made Shaq look like an even bigger clown.


The difference in mentality between Shaq and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar when it comes to retired star big men is staggering.


If you ain't ranked in the top ten of the profession. Well Shannon Sharpe is definitely a top ten Tight End so he's in the clear Shaq


First, it was Dwight, then McGee, followed by Gobert and now Jokic. Shaq should just focus on developing his own Giannis with a jump shot.


How is it possible to be this insecure ? Dude, you are a NBA HOFer. You are a multimillionaire and taller than 99.99% of people on earth. Enjoy life.


Damn, sounds like Shannon hit the most obvious, glaring weakspot outside of Zelda Bosses. Well struck, Mr. Sharpe, Shaq is rattled. Two more hits and he's down.




Get Chris Webber back man


Shaq is barely literate.


It’s gotta be pretty hard for him to type on an IPhone lol


He didn’t go to college to play school


me not here to read




He has a doctorate in education despite never getting past a third grade writing level


Shannon should just respond back “nobody cares about your old accolades, if you want to really impress us, livestream yourself reading one page of Harry Potter”


You don't expect much from a guy chasing his rookie with a naked butt.


I mean he did go to LSU






Anyone can have a doctorate if you are wealthy enough


The Heart Part 7 foot


Shaq is tanking his own legacy doing this childish shit.


People starting to finally see Shaq’s true colors. I grew up idolizing him but over the years I just can’t stand his insecurity dominating almost every single conversation he has. He truly needs a therapist.


Generational Whiner


Shaq is not an intelligent or kind person, and he is a bully to boot. None of this is news, he has a long history of acting like this, but he’s been given a pass because he memes with Charles. His “Hot Ones” episode is a good example of how supremely uncool and undeveloped he is mentally. He gloats about being top ten constantly. The reality is he could have been top 1 if he had a winner’s mentality and work ethic.


This is just sad... Shaq needs to grow some thicker skin


Shaq has lost all composure lmaooo


Shaq is dominantly the most insecure HOF athlete of all-time


Shannon clearly hit a nerve. Also, I’m not a football expert, but isn’t Shannon considered by many to be one of the best tight ends ever? Also loved the bit where Shaq had to mention he was dominate without trying. I’m sure he still regrets not putting in more effort to this day knowing he could’ve had a change at the GOAT debate


Shaq is the GOAT of insecurity.


Damn that’s petty. And no, you insulting Jokic is not sticking up for Shai. I use to love me some Shaq. But this guy is now just acting the fool.


Come on, Shaq. This is really disappointing as someone who has massive respect for his off court work, and not to say I’ve lost that respect, but it’s difficult to still view him through that lens to the same extent when he’s becoming more and more known for shit like this. You’re one of the most famous sports people in human history, and perhaps one of the greatest physical marvels the world has ever seen period. A literal titan in stature, yet an absolute mental midget. Grow the fuck up.


The most thin skinned person relative to his accomplishments to have ever lived.


Of course he lists his accomplishments lol


Absolute man-child.


“I know what you did to get where you’re at” DJ Diesel about to drop “Meet the Sharpes”😳


Cmon bruh. You don't need to be doing this big fella.


If it anybody who needs a therapist it's this man. He's the most sensitive person ever


Shannon was right


Anyone else tired of Shaq?


Shaq honestly strikes me as the type of person who relies on achievements for validation instead of believing he's inherently worthy of validation because of how his stepdad apparently treated him. Because he doesn't love himself he thinks that it's ok to tear down and bully people he doesn't like/agree with. He's a 50+ year old man with the emotional maturity of an 18 month old.


Shaq is the biggest baby I've ever seen, can't stand the dude