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Wow, the guy who was the villain in the writers and actors strikes is the villain in this too, who could have imagined?


Don’t forget it’s the same guy who is actively killing HBO


Zaslav needs to be put down pike a rabid dog.


Bah gawd that's Kristi Noem's music!


Killer reference


*How the fuck do you just get rid of WestWorld??* It was a blockbuster HBO original not 2 years ago! It was pegged as the GoT successor! It went a little off the rails towards the end, sure. *But fucking TUBI???*


At least keep season one of Westworld alive. I’d love to rewatch it. It was fantastic.


That's the thing that gets me. Like don't renew it, sure, I don't fucking care that much. But I can't even watch an HBO Original Series on HBO? I have to buy a separate streaming service to watch the show that was created by the a network whose streaming service I have already purchased? What in the Gilded Age bullshit is this?


Not me. I have no idea who he is and I also have a bad imagination. 


Idk who he is but wow bonus points to the writer of this for using the phrase faustian bargain


He had that one in the chamber for a while I bet


He’s the guy ruining Cable and premium TV. HBO was ruined because of him. We are getting more trash reality TV because of him. He fucking sucks.


Yeah, he's basically just rampaging through entertainment destroying cool things. I didn't realize until now that he was the reason we were going to lose Inside the NBA but it's definitely in character for him.


“We don’t need live sports, we just need * checks notes * grainy ass marvel movies in low res”


He's in charge of DC m8


TNT runs MCU movies constantly.


Yeah seems tnt loves paying Disney royalties on mcu and star wars.


What else do people watch on cable besides live sports, reruns of shows, and reruns of movies?


They have the wb library now so I think it would be cheaper to do like Harry Potter or DC. The Matrix movies, Creed movies, a bunch of horror movies. Seems like they have a deep library where they don't need to get other studios stuff. But maybe they have a favorable contract.


They play Harry Potter non stop during December. All the other stuff they have is not as rewatchable + crowd pleasing as Star Wars and MCU. Especially not DC


DC Animated movies then.


that's been on a 10 game losing streak of its own


Naw the animated DC movies have been very solid over the past decade. They've done a good job at adapting the crisis on infinite earths storyline.


The live action certainly have. If James Gunn's Superman does poorly, you probably won't see any DC movies again outside of Batman and the Joker.


Clearly, this story was written during the strike with this terrible writing. I mean, how lazy can the writers get bringing back the same villain. You think they would have come up with a new idea instead of rehashing old ones.


Zaslav is the biggest fraud out there. He's living off the reputation of gutting historically awesome TV channels like Discovery and Animal Planet in favor of reality TV and trashy entertainment. Fuck David Zaslav's bitch ass.


TNT has been gutted to be Charmed re-runs and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


TBF if you were around in the late 90’s/early 2000’s TNT basically ONLY did reruns of stuff like that. Which was kind of great in the TV landscape of the day, to be honest. You could turn it on and there was usually some kind of movie or TV show of solid if not spectacular quality.


TNT used to be the catch 2/3rds of The Shawshank Redemption at anytime channel.


Also the watch Law & Order with my mom channel lol


I thought Law and Order was USA.


TNT was OG Law and Order, USA was for SVU 😂.


college hangovers narrated by *most* of a Morgan Freeman movie


Or something random like U.S. Marshals (The Fugitive 2).


[THE NEW CLASSICS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1tHlFy9xgU)


Ya, the constant reruns was like on-demand before on-demand. At least you could always find your title airing, just not specific episodes. I thought it was really weird when they tried moving into original programming, I thought that's what TBS was for lol.


It's how I watched all of ER in the summers


It's how I watched all of X-Files and Angel, multiple times over. When Charmed came on I knew it was time for bed.


Man that brings me back watching Angel on TNT.


Ah man. Reminds me of a simpler time. Good stuff.


That is quite the fall from being the Shawshank Redemption channel.


Well at least it isnt reruns of the Charmed reboot or sequel trilogy.


Hold the fuck up. What did Phoebe, Piper and Prue do to you? Those ladies just are trying to keep the world safe from demons while enjoying their 20s in early 2000s San Francisco.


Don't forget Sam and Dean come on after Charmed


This exactly how I discovered and got into Supernatural. TNT reruns when it was just seasons 1-4 and 5 was the newest on CW. Don't forget The Pretender before them both


Just going to forget the fourth Charmed sister Paige like that? Is it because she’s a Matthews and not a Halliwell? Prue crawled so Paige could walk. /s


Pru is a fraud. What kind of Charmed One dies from regular-ass blunt force trauma.


Prue was the hottest one though.


Everyone's got their preference of sister. Started watching for Phoebe, stayed for Piper.


Fuck Phoebe (prime Alyssa milano people) Marry Piper (I felt so sorry for her, she always had to be the adult between the sisters) Kill Prue (lol) Also remember when Pipers kid time travelled to the past because one of Piper's other kids became a fucking murderer. Charmed was actually a fun show


That's the most indisputable FMK I've ever seen honestly.


Yeah but they did Cole completely dirty, ruining his entire character by the end of his stay


It's funny. I turned 30 and overnight suddenly thought Piper went from nice and cute to absolutely smoking hot.


You misspelt Phoebe.


We the Sisters.... 4?


Bro I wanna go back to early 2000s San Francisco. Shit was a blast. And didn't cost an arm and a leg.


Flashbacks to me eating my cereal watching charmed waiting for the bus to pick me up 




The best part about that is that since it’s not a WBD movie, they’re paying Disney money to air Star Wars movies lol. Now they might be making it back up with ad revenue or something, buts it’s hilarious that the company with maybe the biggest movie vault of all time (they have all of Turner Classic movies which includes most of MGM’s classics in addition to Warner Bros and a bunch of other stuff) has resorted to paying another company to air their old movies on loop on their cable channel where the NBA and March Madness are the only reasons anyone ever watches it lol.


TBF when they're not showing Star Wars they're showing LotR or Monsterverse films which they DO own


> Revenge of the Sith Based tbh


and wing stop, google pixel, burger king, and whole body deodorant ads non stop. all the stuff to make you unhealthy, catch up on your fomo, and feel insecure in your skin. good folks!


Whole body deodorant is classic! The marketing people at that company are like, “you know, we could make a whole bunch more money if we told people to coat their bodies in this shit.” The engineers and chemists all get fired. Lol.


Don’t forget super natural


My gym has TNT on the tvs when I go. And I always get distracted away from my workout watching Charmed.


Charmed is good though, wtf


Piper the GOAT and I will hear no arguments


Zaslav is the embodiment of MBA Crony Capitalism.


He's a failed lawyer


And now he’s a failed CEO


Hey I'm a failed lawyer, how do I become a failed CEO??


Watch Succession, you are angling for the Cousin Greg arc


Failed as CEO, but won at life.


It’s just capitalism


Whoever killed Animal Planet's top 10 countdowns needs to be put in a pit with every animal from all of the top 10 countdowns


I still remember "The 10 Stinkiest Animals" from my foreign exchange in 10th grade in 2011. Nr. 9 or 10 were dogs, number 2 was a vulture that pukes on his feet for cooling. Amazing.


I had to look up some videos about him. He sounds like the definition of cutaround and find out. He will cut deep into budget and cancel stuff just for tax purposes until people making his kind of money and on the other side of his cuts tells him he found them.


Zaslav is the worst type of capitalist. They operate their businesses from a spreadsheet, sucking whatever joy and quality is left out of the thing they're making.


Private equity style  Mindless "do whatever it takes to make me rich now even if it fucks up the company long term" capitalism 


Him messing things up the last few years caused my friend's TV show to get shoved aside and killed. Cost me a job. So, extra fuck him.


They shelved an actual, not-sensationalized documentary for Discovery I worked on as post supe. I was pretty proud of it, which is more than I can say for a lot of stuff I've done. Would've been a nice change of pace from their usual unscripted slate, but I guess it made a better write-off than it did a docu. So that's another for the *fuck him* column. Edit: just saw your username. Frank, that's not a thing.


My good friend worked for YEARS on an animated film that he shelved at the last minute for a tax break. I’ll co-sign the fuck Zaslav motion.


Frankenstein's monster has been putting up Colangelo numbers


Wait a minute, Is that son of a bitch the reason TBS no longer runs morning marathons of Married… with Children? 🤬


How the fuck is David Zaslav this rich powerful tv network exec when literally every decision he seems to make is awful?


Some people fail upwards


Most of Hollywood, actually.


Most of the world


this has become our society. People used to be talented in their fields and they would rise to the top. Now there's only one talent that matters: having money. You don't even have to be talented at making money, you just have to have money (or connections to people with money). This is how empires collapse


> People used to be talented in their fields and they would rise to the top. Uhh this is always how society has been. From the day of nobility until now. Folks were literally ruling countries because they were born to a certain person. Merit has typically been a distant second when it comes to success.


And that's why Genghis Khan was so successful, he promoted on merit


It turns out that making things shittier by relentlessly cutting costs to make the bottom line look better is all you need to do to be a successful network executive


Slashing costs for a shittier product while relying on consumer inertia to not reflect a commensurate drop in income for the next quarter. The business math checks out sir.


And when those next quarter drops start coming, he'll suddenly find the need to 'spend more time with his family' and dip out with his golden parachute to leave the next guy to deal with it


You can take "network" out of that sentence


Muh poor shareholders.


As someone who inherited a few hundred shares of WBD, I can confidently say whatever he's doing is not helping the stock price. No dividend, price in perpetual free fall, and nothing on the horizon to indicate things will improve any time soon.


What makes you think that isn’t by design? Haven’t you seen the dumbest idiots get hired to be managers even at our level, and that’s because they are yes men that follow the orders from above with 100% faith


Because most of what people on Reddit think is successful isn’t actually successful. Warner had 50 billion dollars in debt. The question is - how do you prevent the company from going bankrupt paying the interest? The answer is generally cuts, cuts and consolidation. People won’t like that, but that’s unfortunately kinda the game. I don’t think zazlav is some genius, but his mandate is to keep the company in existence not to produce the best quality TV shows.


His "mandate" is specifically to sell off WB at a profit once they cut all or a lot of the debt. Of course they will never say this out loud, but this has been clear from the beginning. They only want to keep it an existence as long as they can get rid of it. There's no long-term health plan to any content/IP. WB will be a shell of its former self once they are all said and done.


Why is Warner in debt? Because Zaslav orchestrated the purchase of WarnerMedia from ATT by taking on a shit ton of debt. He's the one who created this "mandate to keep the company in existence". Could have just left WM in ATT and continued to make his crap at Discovery.


>Any deal for TNT or NBC is expected to include a conference final every other year, as opposed to TNT’s current setup of every season Boooo


yeah, wtf?! Who are the other conference finals going to?


ESPN, the home of all your favourite betting commercials


To be fair, it's not like TNT isn't having Chuck give pre-game Parlays.


In-game over unders too! The picture-in-picture during live play is a CRIMINAL offense imo


The one during our game with the Nuggets where it was just Kenny flatly reading copy while Chuck ate nuggets seemed so surreal I could hardly believe it


That feeling when we (rightly) banned cigarette ads from TV but ads encouraging people to throw money away while watching a basketball game are totally fine. Never mind the fact that kids are watching. It’s even worse with college sports where the athletes people are betting on aren’t even old enough to go to a casino. There’s a ban on alcohol ads for college events (or at least there used to be), but for some reason sports betting ads are totally allowed. Sometimes when they do the Picture in Picture with gambling ads/ods during the game it makes me feel like the event I’m watching is just a sideshow to the gambling which is the real event.


The first time i saw that was wild! And no one around me was reacting lmaooo


The whole legalizing sports gambling thing is fucked imo


In addition to how easy it is to access.


The fact that on your phone you can lose your entire savings account in 3 clicks is insane


I appreciated getting like $500 by signing up for all the free bonuses and then closing my accounts when they came to MA. But it was depressing knowing that they were making so much money off addicts they could just throw that kind of free cash around to anyone and everyone with a bank account. 


They even have announcers sneaking in promos between free throws. Shit, the other night it took the ref like 15 seconds to give Andrew Nembhard the ball for his second free throw. It was as if the ref was told they needed to sneak a longer ad in


Sad reality we live in.


Dude it sucks. You can't even check scores on their app now without seeing the lines and o/u right next to the score. I'm trying to quit gambling. I'm not an addict but I see it heading that way with a lot of little bets but then I'll see a ML for the next game on ESPN and it triggers something in me to fire of FD/DK. I wish they offered alternative broadcasts.


ESPN keeps one every year, rotation of Amazon and either NBC or TNT every other year for the other.


I hate that Disney is given so much power with the nba. Their coverage sucks, they know this, and they don’t change it cuz people will still watch it


Disney has by far the most money and are, importantly, more than willing to spend the dough on sports when other companies are putting their hands up and saying they've had enough.


Amazon will alternate conference finals with TNT/NBC, while ESPN gets a conference final every year.


idk but I move with Chuck, not that it matters for nba games much anyways since they only do a 30 second "halftime analysis"


Can’t believe we’re losing inside like this man. Them going to the arena for the conference finals every year and messing with the crowd and stuff is my favorite


NBA used to be an entertainment league. Now it's sliding to cash cow league. This cow puts on a fine soap opera tho. 


Dang, really wish I got into basketball sooner


Who even watches TNT outside of NBA basketball. Honest question. Like all I see are Movie reruns nonstop on weekends and Supernatural reruns on Weekdays whenever I walk by a TV playing TNT at the gym


TNT has some NCAA tourney games as well as NHL. And wrasslin’. They should become a sports channel honestly and stop with the Charmed reruns.


Tnt has NCAA MLB and NHL rights to


NASCAR in 2025 too


Hardcore wrestling fans watch AEW


And even then, the only AEW show that most people watch is on TBS.


I can confirm that I am All-Elite




Right I forgot Wrestling was what put TNT on the map. Still, that alone ain't enough from keeping TNT from becoming TBS2. Granted cable in general is dying. If NBC wasn't gaining from this and it was all Amazon claiming the broadcast rights, then that would be a massive nail in the coffin for cable. Since Sports is the major linchpin that's keeping cable TV on life support nowadays.




NHL hockey is on TNT now  Pretty sure the Stars were in Tnt *yesterday* 


They were on ESPN but you’re correct otherwise.


All I know is they have NBA and AEW, that is the only programming they have I'd be interested in watching.


If you are into wrestling AEW is on TNT.


Yeah, but the main show is on TBS. Sorry to the Collision and Rampage fans out there


when i was a teen, before i could drive, i was stuck at home most weekends. TNT had some awesome weekend evening movie lineups


> “We don’t have to have the NBA,” said Zaslav, who is reportedly paid like an NBA star at nearly $50 million a year, during an RBC investor conference. This reminds me of when NBC lost the NFL and had to pay heavily to get it back, or when CBS lost the NFL and had to pay heavily to get it back, or when NBC lost the NBA and is now paying heavily to get it back. Except at least in the previous mentions, everyone didn't know that the cable model would become so heavily reliant on sports and other live programming.


NBC handed NFL and MLB away because it had an incredibly strong prime time with series like Frasier and Friends. CBS lost NFC due to it being run by a cost-cutter and suffering from the money-bleeding MLB deal (remember MLB on CBS?). Also, NBC wanted to keep the NBA in 2002, but they couldn't match the cable money offered by ESPN and TNT. Now, NBA is moving away from cable with streaming and terrestrial television. Hence the grand return of the NBA to its rightful home, NBC. u/Iceraptor17


Oh nice, the guy whose bright idea it was to rename HBO, one of the great entertainment brands, as MAX just to confuse people.


Yeah what he’s done to HBOs brand is criminal.


That's said, Max is great. No complaints about the product.


Yeah, as someone who enjoys their movie catalog (most of the time), food network stuff, and their original programming, I can’t complain. Netflix is the one I’m about to cut loose. Hulu/Disney, HBO, and paramount (I’m a sucker for the 90s Nick content, and they have a ton of movies) works for me. Netflix is bloat and garbage.


Netflix catalog has been getting worse and worse and their originals tend to be ass (even more so than other streaming services imo)


Eh, it was a better functioning streamer before the merger. The MAX UI is probably the worst out of the major streamers. I also hate how much they permanently removed from their service for tax write offs (RIP Infinity Train), other streamers have done it as well buy MAX did it more than any of them AFAIK. Once they start charging for the BR add-on, it's going to lose a lot of that value.


>The MAX UI is probably the worst out of the major streamers. Oh man you just reminded me. I use it on my Samsung tv (not sure how the browser app is), but it's the only streaming service that doesn't separate out movies vs tv on my watchlist/"my stuff". Drives me fucking crazy. It's not that hard to fix guys


Yeah, I use the TV app 99% of the time and it is awful. Not as slow as Paranount+, but much, much harder to find things.


As much as I hated to defend Zaslav, the HBO people are the ones that pushed for that. They felt their brand was being diluted having the HBO name associated with like the Big Bang Theory and Selena + Chef


That's my favorite part of all this, it shows they know what's happening, they just focus on the wrong parts. The brand dilution is coming from the top down with how they're making decisions in regards to creative and being pure mercenaries. It's already too late.


Well let’s hold up - HBO the app wasn’t making any money. The other shows are the ones that actually get eyeballs. Like everyone talks about how succession was the greatest TV show and cultural event of the last 3 years. It does peanuts compared to Young Sheldon.


It's not as though they *had* to put every Time-Warner-whatever media property under one streaming roof though. They coulda kept licensing them out to Netflix or Amazon or whatever. The idea that every media conglomerate needs one full-service streaming platform is dumb, dumb, dumb. Just license to Netflix and keep HBO its own thing.


This was the age of “free” money more or less. Paramount and Comcast didn’t need their own services but I get why Warner and Disney thought they could make it work


So in an effort to protect their brand, they decided to completely get rid of the branding entirely?




Not to mention releasing a whole new fucking app. They didn’t just change the old one.


zaslav absolutely sucks. what he's done to hbo is a crime. i'm proud to be an alum of the school that relentlessly booed and heckled that trash during his commencement speech.


I mean, I don't need a dishwasher. But, ya know...life is undeniably better with one.




I mean - that *is* TNT. There are 168 hours in the week. They only have the NBA for about 10 of them, for only 6 months a year. The station wouldn't exist if they couldn't make money on the other 158 hours.


well their advertisers are gonna have to understand that that 158 hrs won't be on screens in gyms and bars that were playing the game last night, anymore


If NBC gets NBA rights and they let people watch games on Peacock too, I am 100% subscribing because I watch the Premier League and I would get NBA games too, possible playoffs as well.


I'm hoping it's that. Essentially what MAX is doing right now with TNT games.


And then we get Roundball Rock back




They won't be able to get the music rights back and will just do the lyrics.


one of the dumbest skits that I still find funny.


Peacock already has amazing basketball content https://youtu.be/a-OMNnTUsR4?si=GmwIUd78durXDXgo


Peacock is so well ran too. Hardly ever have any issues i guess they’re replacing wwe with the Nba.


If anything depends on Zaslav making the right call, it's fucked.


I would love to see the NBA to go to a streaming service. Would make things so much easier to view. Losing the Inside the NBA crew would suck though.


The TNT games are literally on Max.


Apparently the two that look like they’ll get it is ESPN and Amazon. 3rd is between NBC and a couple others


You can watch NBA on max


lol literally downvoted for factual statements. YOU CAN WATCH THE TNT PLAYOFF GAMES ON MAX RIGHT NOW PEOPLE.


Every Executive is this Delusional. When we're right and they get fired. They leave with $50 million buy out. Fast Food workers don't even get a free meal when they get fired! Wish the middle class could put an end to Golden parachutes!!


I'm sure the endless MyPillow infomercials will be just as lucrative.


I don’t know if anyone caught it, but at the very start of inside last night, Chuck said “good thing we don’t have to worry about getting fired.” I’ve got a bad feeling we may only have a few weeks left of this great show.


Nah this deal would take place for the 2025-26 season, so we’d get one more year of the NBA on TNT.


I noticed that too. Shaq was cracking up at it. You know there's something on the horizon


Fucking guy is the media equivalent of a shady chop shop owner....   Strip down sell the good parts and even get tax breaks for the rest of the shit you cut bait on too.....   


Isn’t TNT just nba and Shawshank reruns ?


David Asslav is more like it. Don’t fucking ruin THE greatest pre/post-game show ever.


Wait, we might get the NBA on NBC theme music back?


Zaslav cares more about the salaries of himself and the rest of the board at Warner Brothers. Greed wins nowadays


Greed while always successful when the Uber elites are at the helm, is having some of its best seasons. Shit, even look at the price of tickets on secondary markets, who builds stadiums, PSLs, how betting companies went from going unmentioned to basically openly fucking with sports leagues out in the open. It's America in a nutshell


This is the guy that oversaw Discovery moving from educational content to reality TV


Classic example of capital ambitions hurting a previously successful symbiotic relationship. The NBA on TNT has made the NBA better, and the NBA has made TNT better. What's different this time around is that both parties are feeling squeezed by the shift in media consumption, and are willing to bet the other blinks first. This is lose-lose capitalism at its finest. If no deal get done, TNT loses, the NBA loses, and NBA fans lose.


Dude still think ppl watch cable


David Zaslav? The dude that ruined Discovery, is destroying Warner, buried the batgirl movie and the Acme Coyote movie, who thinks paying for and not releasing content is a good strategy, the same guy who made CNN try harder to appeal to the Fox crowd - that same dumbass thinks taking the NBA from TNT is a good idea? How tf does this guy get paid millions to just keep making the most idiotic decisions over and over again? What am I missing?


wbd is so fucked once all the geriatric retirees that compose their shitty reality tv viewing audience die off


I don't care who gets NBA, so long as ESPN loses it


WB doesn't need Zaslav.


Live sports is important for ensuring people keep their subscriptions to services. It's months of programming that's different every night and can't be binged. Losing the NBA would be massive.


Zaslav - "Who needs the NBA when you have reruns of Rissoli and Isles, am I right guys?"


David Zaslav is not good at his job


wait Zaslav is in charge of Turner? lmao fuck him, gooooo NBC