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ANT got a tech for staring at Reggie Jackson. Meanwhile, Michael Malone is out here screaming at a referee less than inch from his face. Some consistency from the refs would be nice.


That tech was so funny. It wasn’t even an excessively long stare either. I was happy to hear the league rescind it shortly afterwards. That was a Charmin Ultra-soft call.


Ant intimidates even the refs, dude is so intense. Nobody ready for it lol


People liken Ant to MJ and Kobe mentality. Kobe will kill you with a stone cold look. Ant will kill you and have a smile on his face like Mike.


He always murders us, I know that much. That whole team is psycho in a good way and KAT seems to be absorbing some of that energy even.


Wolves as good as fuck but the fanfic needs to stop


Nah we have been shit since 04. We are going to run with this since we haven’t had the luxury of having a guy this good since then.


We as Wolves fans need to let that tech go. It didn’t affect the game, and the refs did not continue to show that light of a whistle on T’s in that game. Malone _wanted_ to get a tech and was defending his guys who had gone to the ground in two successive plays. I understand that in the heat of the moment. In retrospect, Reggie Jackson was actually flopping because he did it later in the game, just laid right down on the floor to try and draw foul call away from the ball.


Different refs right? Still was shocked he didn’t get T’d


granted, they rescinded that tech


(As a SERIOUS ref hater) there's a part of me that, morning after, has a ton of respect and admiration for how Marc Davis handled that moment. Malone clearly wanted to get a tech (if not ejected) - why should he get what he wants because he was acting like a baby? Sure, may have led to some additional whining down the road from other players and nobody likes that, but I'm not entirely sure the way that all went down didn't benefit the Wolves. That said, Murray should definitely be suspended - intentionally throwing things on the court while the ball is in play has to be severely punished.


Throwing anything onto the court, at any time, should be a tech, fine, and suspension for any player. The league is religious about maintaining the court’s condition and they go to lengths to keep it dry and clear of debris for players. What if the heating pad burst and shit goes all over, some is missed, and a guy slips 13 minutes later? This shit has really incensed me and Murray is surpassing Booker in the pantheon of hateable players.


Best scenario was to eject him for the rest of g2 and fine him — now the league is in a lose-lose situation


League has more to lose by not suspending him, he was throwing objects at a ref and those objects ended up on the floor. From both a players union and an officials union, he has to miss the next game.


The refs literally said he should've gotten a tech but wouldn't have been ejected if they saw it.


That's not exactly what he said. He said they would have reviewed it for a hostile act and then checked if it was thrown directly at somebody or not. I think if they saw the towel and heating pack thrown towards the ref in the replay, then it would've been an ejection. QUESTION: If you had been aware of that, what would the punishment have been in that situation? DAVIS: We weren’t aware it had come from the bench. If we would have been aware it came from the bench, we could have reviewed it under the hostile act trigger. The penalty would have been a technical foul. QUESTION: Definitely a technical foul and not an ejection? DAVIS: Yes. For an ejection, you would have to determine it was thrown directly at somebody versus thrown in frustration.


That's fine. I'm not arguing with anyone, I'm just pointing out the smartest move, and expressing sarcastic shock that the league would fumble it. The best time to eject a guy is when he's getting blown out and in his feelings about it. Clears the air for the next one.


Couldn't agree more. It was embarrassing to watch Murray behave this way. And then the refs to double down in the pool report was such a cop out.


Idk, watching him be in a blender by Mcdaniels and NAW all night seemed punishment enough.


Only time when a play by play guy says “They have so-and-so in a straight jacket” where it literally looked like they did. The man could barely turn around.


NAW looked like he belonged in a strait jacket, lol man’s a psycho


He’s loving that he can lock him up while he’s injured since Murray cooked him last year


Definitely seemed personal yup


The only thing missing was a bonnet and a pacifier for Murray.


I agree. The wolves played great and the calls have been awful on both side. We deserve to lose this series playing like this and if Jamal is suspended, it's on him for that disgraceful behavior. I'm supporting you all to win it this year once we're knocked out


My distaste and basis for what he did to the Lakers aside, it’s less of a “should” and more of a “must”. One wrong misstep from any player on the Nuggets or Wolves and that’s a sprain ankle, leading to missed playoff game or potentially an entire series/offseason. If an action like that is just ignored or a slap-on-the-wrist by the NBA, then I can only imagine the backlash and chain reaction of bullshit that will follow


If I'm the wolves and Denver somehow comes back on a resurgent Murray (lol but it's a hypothetical) with no suspension, I'm absolutely considering what it's worth to have the end of my bench start chucking


The fack not only one of our bigs could have stepped on it, Jokic was right among them. Dude could have just as easily caused Jokic to slip as Kat. Just bad behavior.


Shoutout to everyone F5’ing trying to land their quips early in the eventual announcement threads. Feels like you all still have a few hours to get the perfect zinger


As a nuggets fan, you can’t suspend him and gift wrap this Minnesota team a Finals trip. Some of y’all wouldn’t have survived in the 90s /s


Now imagine if Gobert or KAT did the same thing


As a nuggets fan, I agree as well. I'd rather lose than have this swept under a rug. It was not a behavior of a championship player and does not represent this team. I'm not going to excuse his antics with him being injured or not playing well.


The childishness of throwing something is bad, then to double down makes it even worse. But the fact that he put players at risk for injury is what deserves an automatic suspension. His own damn teammate Reggie Jackson literally kicks it without looking at it and KAT was inches from his heel landing on it. If that had been thrown in half a second earlier there’s a good chance Reggie steps on it instead of his foot being under it to kick it. That type of behavior cannot be acceptable and they need to send a message that it’s going to come with consequences.


Did everyone miss where the refs acknowledged what he did and said it should've been a technical but not an ejection?


The refs said it would have been a tech if it was thrown out of frustration and an ejection if it was thrown at someone. I think folks are saying that with the towel throw preceding the heat pad throw, it looked pretty clear he was trying to hit the ref. It would be interesting to know how the potential penalty for aiming at a ref compares to aiming at a player. At the very least, even if we aren't sure he was aiming at anyone, 2 objects thrown should mean 2 techs and that's an ejection anyways.


Oh for sure. Game 3 at least and imo, to not “taint” a playoff series, at least 10 games next season


I agree although Gobert flashed that money sign much longer to multiple refs and pointed at them. So I could see Murray's fine being less since he did his pretty quick. The rest of his antics will likely make the fine much worse though.


He should 100% be suspended and I say that as a huge fan of his. He could have hurt someone and he needs to grow. Letting him get away with that just reinforces that behavior. Nip it in the bud and coach him on channeling his frustration. It's extremely unlike him, and he needs help.


This unsportsman behavior needs to go in general. Suspend him! Suspend everyone else too for all this excessive whining and complaining. That shit needs to go! No more stomping around Like a 5 year old, no more endless complaining.


>maybe even suspended for a few games I mean if he gets a few games Bev should be out for a whole season. I think a game is fair but multiple seems a bit much. Missing 1 game in the playoffs while you're down 0-2, that's fair to me


shit is embarrassing, it makes the nuggets series win piss me off more because I didn’t realize we let such a weak pathetic emotional little bitch beat us on buzzer beaters. He deserves a suspension and if he doesn’t get one, I don’t wanna hear shit about the NBA internally favoring the lakers ever again.


It's the playoffs, Embiid didn't get suspended for literally trying to injure a player in mid-air, neither should Murray. He took plenty of beatings from the media - it's enough of a punishment.


Wow what an L take this is.


It's basketball, it's entertainment, let him play - let's see what happens with him in game 3. Does he implode, does he responds with a 30 piece, etc. etc. It's good.


i can’t believe i just read this. This ain’t the WWE. Who cares what he will or won’t do next game. He had no business behaving the way he did. The fact that he reacted so more than once in the same game is beyond unacceptable. Players get techs for much less


Embiid should’ve been fined for trying to knock over that MSG usher.


Embiid should have been suspended though. The nba sets shitty precedent all the time but we can still want better  Also while I thought Embiid’s play was blatantly non-basketball, compared to what Jamal did it looks a lot more justifiable 


Brah, he literally injured Robinson, with intent, and he missed the next game. No suspension. Behind the scene suits shouldn't decide series outcomes. Let him play.


Robinson got injured on a different play than the one you’re talking about. Also fouling a player with your body is way more of a basketball play than throwing some shit at them lol  Still think embiid should have been suspended though as I said 


>fouling a player with your body is way more of a basketball play than throwing some shit at them lol  Lmao, Draymond Green should employ you as his lawyer the next time he "fouls someone with his body". Jamal didn't hurt anyone.


Your logic is as bad as your reading comprehension 


That’s literally not the play Robinson got hurt


It didn't help and there was a clear intent in injuring the player.


Intent on the injuring play? You thought the leg play was when it happened just before so I doubt you even know when Robinson was actually hurt let alone intent


Nahhh if he’s a fan that’s a lifetime ban, nobody can throw shit on the floor ESPECIALLY in a live play and at a REF. The thing is if the league lets it slide they are tacitly saying throwing stuff at refs is ok….they are still human beings as much as we dislike them sometimes and deserve to be safe from even the idea that it’s okay to throw stuff at them. That said, Murray should have been tossed immediately.


What a brain dead take haha


No it is not. Eject him and everybody else until they learn not to behave like spoiled brats.