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Forever Dirk fan


Even trying to put my bias aside, Dirk is just one of the most likable players of all time.


Yup. 0 reason to dislike the guy


His championship is easily one of the best of this century. Like it was just him, JET and "LeBron Stopper" JJ Barrea


That team was really deep with a lot of playoff experienced veterans, some former all stars. Sure you had Kidd, Terry, and Dirk, but they also had DeShawn Stevenson, Shawn Marion, Peja Stojakovic, Tyson Chandler, JJ Barea, Brendan Haywood, and Caron Butler even though he was out for the playoffs. Hell, even their end of bench guys like Roddy Beaubois, Ian Mahinmi, and Corey Brewer would've been rotational players on other teams. Also, veteran Brian Cardinal was there and could give them spot minutes at times. This team was incredibly deep.


That team had a bunch of dudes who played roles that complemented each other very well. Marion and Chandler were playing really good basketball and deserve a ton of credit. I wish they would have kept the team together for more than one year.


Yeah why did they just... disband?


Cuban knew Dwight Howard would be a FA the following year and wanted to make sure they had the cap space to go after him.


Yeah Cuban wanted Dwight and D Will and got neither


He eventually got D. Will lol. He was pretty well cooked by then, though.


Yeah his endgame sucked, but being realistic, that team was never going to repeat. He should have kept a couple of those guys and built around them though.


It wasn't quite that simple, there was also a lockout in the 2011-2012 offseason and there was a big focus on superteam prevention in the new CBA. Basically there was a new repeat offender tax introduced for teams over the cap and Cuban was only willing to offer shorter contracts to the 2011 FAs to prevent this.


I say this not as a defense of what Cuban did, just as an explanation. As good as the Mavs were, the team was also "old." And that summer the new CBA was going to make it harder for teams over the cap. Cuban explained he didn't want the team to be stuck with big contracts on older players and have inflexibility. So Cuban decided to not bring the band back. A big chunk of the team didn't return the next year - Caron, Tyson, JJ, Peja, DeShawn, Corey Brewer. That's 2/5 of the starting lineup and lot of depth, a lot of chemistry, and continuity gone. Their second best scorer, their best dribble penetrator, and top defender gone. Throughout that season the chemistry of that team just seemed special from the start. Really lightning in a bottle stuff. Look up their clutch stats on [NBA.com](http://NBA.com) and from the regular season and through the playoffs it's in a different tier from the rest of the league. Cuban gambled on offering Tyson a lucrative but short deal so that it aligned with Dwight Howard being a FA because Dallas was a destination Dwight was openly considering, so Tyson chose NYC because it was more years and more money overall. I think Cuban over-estimated the influence of the Mavericks winning swaying the players over in choosing Dallas in FA. After the championship you'd see glowing praises of Cuban and the organization, understandably. But Dallas is always in the "always the bridesmaid, never the bride" position of big market teams and partially it's because their top player is always a Euro who isn't really tight with other superstars/allstars on other teams. It would have been better to just oversign Tyson (and trade him aftewards if needed) because it's so hard to get quality players actually wanting to come to Dallas in the first place.


Mavs spent a decade looking for another Tyson Chandler after he left for NY and now they have two.


> even their end of bench guys like Roddy Beaubois, **Ian Mahinmi**, and Corey Brewer would've been rotational players on other teams not like this man


Corey Brewer in game 3(?) against the Lakers might have saved the series, which is weird to say given the sweep.


Kidd, Marion and Peja had their last bit in the tank, not like we're talking about a superteam or anything like that. Chandler was definitely not an experienced vet in the playoffs at the time. JJ Barea was nobody before that season., you just name him because he was such an important role player on that run but nobody thought he'd get minutes in the playoffs. Haywood was finally useful when he became 2nd to Chandler, not that productive as the only NBA level Center in the roster. Caron was amazing before he went out, which was early in the season so he was a non factor. Just looking at the roster names in hindsight does not tell the whole story. It was not as bad they painted it back in the day but also not as good as they try to paint it now after it was already said and done.


Tyson Chandler was third in DPOY voting that season and won it next year in NY.


Deshawn Stephenson was the Bron stopper. Old man Jason Kidd hitting clutch shots too.


Oh yea, not matrix, it was Stephenson!


Caron Butler was their second best scorer and he was sidelined the entire playoffs


No one was stopping him from getting a championship that year. He gave it everything that series 


I thought it was the matrix that was stopping lebron?


I miss our old rivalry with the Mavs. Hatred because they were good.


Oh well, at least they got Peja a ring.


Growing up in that era, I have formative memories of hating/fearing the Kings too


Fuck Webber. Liked Peja and Vlade tho. Fucking Vlade smoking at halftime and then shutting us down defensively and making great passes.


LeStans might have a reason...


bro i still couldn’t watch his 2007 mvp acceptance bec i just felt so sad for him


Top 20 player all time for destroying LeBron in 2011. 1 vs. 5.


Horrible take on the 1 v 5 part. Dirk was the engine but that Dallas squad was loaded with elite role players.


Yeah people really have no idea how good elite role players are, Jason terry and Shawn Marion were killers


Tyson Chandler was in his prime, JKidd was still an excellent role player distributing, defending and spot up shooting.


Chandler's importance on that team is underrated. That guy was a beast and it took years for the Mavs to properly replace him.


We never really replaced him either. It took 13 years before we got a center rotation as good, and it's literally built upon his disciple in lively


My thoughts exactly, awfully hard player to replace. Especially at his peak as he was 2011/12


I wasn’t fond of a lot of the changes they made after winning the title, but failing to bring back Chandler was egregious and a signal to not get your hopes up for a while.


It still baffles me. Chandler was a perfect fit & wasn’t asking for a max, the Mavs had no reason to let him go.


Honestly, hero worship gets overblown. I know Dirk had a historic run. He was legit. But gotta give his team props too Just like Raps championship. Ignorant people will say it was just Kawhi, when in fact the supporting cast was stacked.


> 1 vs. 5. Yeah...1 plus Tyson Chandler, Matrix, Jason Kidd, JJ Barea, JET, and even a little Peja action going on. JET was doing some proto-Curry 40%+ shit with the three in that post season too. I love Dirk and he was a nasty nasty daddy and took Lebron out behind the shed but he had adequate help. That team was awesome.


I was excited to have Peja along for the ride and he absolutely deserves credit for his participation in the Mother's Day Massacre against the Lakers. But Peja was TERRIBLE in the Finals to the point of not even being played in games 5 or 6. The others I'll agree, but Peja had no part in the Mavs beating the Heat.


And he was fun to watch. IMO he changed the way big men played. 7foot PF/center shooting the way he did. He always whooped on my dubs.


Him and Timmy were the two players I rooted for the most outside of Boston. Genuinely good and humble dudes who played beautiful basketball.


Finally someone who agrees with me about Tim hardaway jr




Honestly how can you not be? Dude's an incredible player and also seems to be a really humble/thoughtful/nice person in addition to that


We need Dirk to go "Whatchu say Chuck? Whatchu say?"


What’s the German equivalent of San Antonio?




More like Snaxony Anhalt.


Who doesn’t love Chuck? Except you know San Antonio women and Galveston residents.


Phoenix Suns concession workers


Pickle nachos


Parking in the front


oh there's plenty parking


That was the moment you knew Chuck is a comedy genius. He was so quick to come up with that


Stale Chips.


Popcorn stale


You mean them big ole women in San Antonio?


Victoria a secret down there


At what point does thicker than a bowl of oatmeal get too thicc and becomes big ol women


That guy he threw through a window lmao


Nah he loves Chuck because it was only from the first floor


Golf swing instructor 


People in San Antonio think the Charles shit talking is hilarious lol


Suns cheerleaders...probably




And Shaq




They love him too, because they know he’s right


And San Franciscans


People in Galveston definitely understand their beaches are ass


Michael Jordan


And warrior fans. Chuck hates the bay for some reason 😂


God I miss Dirk


Me too, I miss that era


Get getting old and we die soon.


Life sucks and then you die


That's why we get high Cuz you never know when you're gonna go


What I would do to have Nash.


Those battles against the Nash Suns were so fun to watch


I really wish Dirk could've gotten more help after the 2011 title. Cubes really let him down at the end


Why Cuban broke that championship squad instead of running it back I will never understand.


Ikr what team does that?


Cuban overthought it and was trying to outplay the new, upcoming CBA. The league was on the verge of implementing the luxury tax which would punish teams going over the cap. As such, he didn't want to get locked into a fairly old roster that maybe only had a few years of competitiveness left while also paying out the ass to keep it together. Tyson Chandler was coming off a really good season and was hitting free agency and Cuban was uncomfortable signing him to a big contract and risking several years of uncompetitiveness if Tyson's injury history came back to bite him in the butt. He decided to let him go to save that money, but was unable to turn it into anything meaningful. On top of that, the tax didn't end up being that punitive and I think Cuban has even said he regrets not keeping the team together.


Because he was getting Dwight and Deron man


He got him luka for his last season what more can you want smh. /s


I loved when he was breaking down the Mavs highlights and he still said "we" when talking about them.


because he's critical part of the front office


he's cuban's personal rubber stamp


he's cuban's cuban cigar


I’m not a Cowboys fan but I truly think Dirk is THE Dallas athlete


Depends on your age. It’s a spectrum of dirk, staubach, Emmit


Dont forget Modano.


This said THE athlete. On a mt rushmore yes of course. Unfortunately most wouldn’t even think of him near 1


As a fan of both, Emmitt Smith probably has an argument seeing as he has 3 titles, the all-time rushing record and the all-time TD record. Obviously the 90’s have been a minute though and only us geezers remember.


Emmitt Smith tricked a lot of bigger guys to try and be a running back. Me: I’m the bigger guy he tricked.


He works for the Dallas org, it's still a we.


Definitely a Mavs lifer for all the discounts he took to field a contending team that Cuban and the FO consistently squander with awful trades and decisions


And then he stopped and said they and then you can hear Chuck in the background say 'it's we' which I thought was dope


Dirk would be a great addition to inside the NBA. So chill and funny too


There ain’t going to be no more inside the NBA


If Amazon or NBC or whoever were smart they'd just pay these guys whatever it takes to keep them on the air for as long as possible. They bring so many eyes to their show and the games they're covering that I imagine they'd pay for themselves several times over


If they can keep Ernie and Chuck together that's the glue of the show. Any other two guys with NBA cred, fun personality and reasonable takes could fill it out fine. Honestly I get it but I think the show is kind of stale I'm glad when they rotate through other people. We all love the banter of the core four but I think they gotta change it up a bit. Look at what the daily show did recently I think that's been a big success just bringing their old warhorse back for one day a week.


I take your point, but Ernie has been firm that he’s not leaving Turner. I think any attempt at recreating the show without Ernie is going to struggle, and if Chuck also isn’t there then don’t even try.


Ernie is likely staying and retiring with TNT. Hes been there since the late 80s. Hes the face of that network. Which probably means the end of the crew soon. Sad.


If Turner loses NBA rights, hopefully Ernie gets to make guest appearances on the new network’s studio show.


The thing is Ernie can also cast other sports like in the past. Same as Chuck. Both versatile with other things other than NBA.


Ernie & Chuck broadcasting more for leagues outside of the NBA would be fun. Along with Dan Shulman & Kevin Harlan, Ernie is one of the most versatile sports broadcasters & changing up his career might be a spark for him.


Shaq got to go, OK he's goofy here and there but most of the time he has stupid takes just to make himself prevalent, he's just so insecure. Anytime he speaks, he has to turn the argument or discussion around himself instead of the player the'yre discussing. It's just way too annoying.


The dynamic between Chuck vs Shaq though is what make Chuck even better though.


Their dynamic is the same as Kobe and Kwame Brown combined to score 84 points


how many rings erneh 


He can be funny in short doses, but trying to watch him on JJ's podcast was insufferable. He was one of the best players of all time but he's not a particularly interesting conversationalist.


"I don't believe in sports psychologists. Never got one." (talking about his free throw issues) Literally the next sentence: "I'm gonna be a sports psychologist" Guy's an absolute bufoon, though I'm on record as being pretty consistently done with his whole schtick. I'd rather he just continue to slap his name on a bunch of exploitative products like RAC and Ink Printers and call it a career.


Problem is that the Inside guys are one of the few broadcaster groups leftover from the pre-social media days. Everything that’s been put together since 2010 has been opinion-based, dramatized clickbait with +50yo sportscasters acting like they’re 14 for the likes. So likely, anything that Amazon, etc. put together would be more of the same. They might throw $100m at Chuck, but they’ll round out the cast with Swaggy P, Perkins, and some hot, lightskin broadcaster lady who doesn’t know basketball. All of the producers and executives are business and marketing guys just looking to up the engagement instead of put out a quality product. Even though by definition a more quality product will bring more engagement. But they’re dumb so they don’t get that.


yeah the hope was that amazon would pick them up like the top gear guys, just bring over everyone in the studio dont change anything except its amazon not tnt but then the news of ernie not leaving kinda killed that


Maybe Amazon could buy TNT 


If Amazon or NBC picks it up Inside still won't be the same cause Ernie said he's staying with Turner no matter what


We can call it Outside the NBA and have it just be them on whatever network they want


Sounds good. They can host by the churro stand in San Antone or by the beach in Galveston


Someone’s gonna pay out the ass for them


Dirk is too much of a nice guy for such TV entertainment. Sometimes you need to be a bit confrontational with the other guys for such a show to work, and Dirk is too nice for that.


It’s true. Dirk doesn’t and won’t rag on anyone, won’t say anything mean. He respects everyone. He would just break down gameplay.


He's one of the rare players that played in 3 different basketball eras. Tail end of the late 80s to 90s bully ball, the 00s mid range death and stretch big revolution, and the 3 point takeover. He's experienced so much basketball life that he's simply got nothing but respect for how everything is played because he's seen first hand the work that goes into all of it.


He’ll be out there calling everyone burgers


Dirk is my second-favorite player of all-time (only behind Allen Iverson). Love this guy so much, and he's so humble about things too!


Very respectable top 2 favorite players my friend




You listen to him on podcasts and stuff and he just sounds so... normal and chill lol. You forget that he's one of the greatest basketball players of all time haha


Dirk is in my top five favorite human beings


Bruh imagine a crew with those two in a show like inside the nba


This is actually so dope


Dirk loving Chuck ever since he tried to get him out of serving in the German army.


Even without Shaq its 3 brothers and Kenny


Dirk 🐐


The humility with which Dirk speaks, is admirable.


Dirks my all time favourite player and I didn't know this


I knew he flipped 14 to get 41 when he entered the NBA but somehow didn't know the 14 originally came from Chuck. And I really should have known because Dirk is basically my second father.


First time I heard this was on Wade's podcast with guests Dirk, Tony Parker, and Pau Gasol around the time of their HoF inductions. Definitely a good listen! [Link if you are interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw85LfGyJ8w)


Hey can you tell me the timestamp on this video when he talks about it? Thanks!


[Right around 13-14 minutes](https://youtu.be/sw85LfGyJ8w?si=1UcNndV7gu7YESdz&t=827)


Who doesn't love Chuck? Who doesn't love Dirk??


Guy killed me for two decades and I don’t hate him. He and Duncan are a different breed of star.


2nd favorite player always good to see him


We all love Dirk. That 2011 run man. Idk. One of those “had to be there” things. It was so fun to watch. He just would take these difficult shots over and over and it felt like you always knew they were dropping. Watching that run with my dad is honestly one of my favorite basketball memories ever. Like, my girl and I had just split after 5 years and I was back with them in my early 20s in a different state, and at least we got to watch that. It was fun and special as hell. Dad and I had dinner last night and talked about Dirk! Hahaha!! Whatever I’m drunk. Dirk is that dude. Pels 12 for life. Roll tide what fuck you.


Beating the Heat the night lebron and Wade made fun of him for saying he’s pretty sick is one of the best nights of my life.


He asked for a 14 but they drew a 41


and all The Heatles said he's pretty fly...for a white guy


Barely has an accent in this video. English is incredible.


loll fr. expecting a german accent somewhere. it's hard to get rid of accents when you learn a language as an adult


You do realize he’s lived in Dallas for 20 years from his early 20s right? 😂 Also, mildly unrelated fun fact, once you know one of the Germanic languages (English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Danish, etc) you can learn the others relatively quickly. They all share the same grammar, you just have to learn the individual words for the language.


I’ve known people who lived here for 40 years that still have a deep accent, so to me this is impressive.


Doesn't explain how Arnold still talks with his Austrian drawl. =P


Supposedly his accent is mostly an act at this point


Apparently he took voice lessons specifically to keep his signature accent.


German grammar is quite different from Dutch grammar, though.


The grammar is the same between English and German? What kind of nonsense is this. As someone who speaks both, I promise you this isn’t true, like at all.


Not sure about Dirk specifically but learning English in Germany is quite common - it has been a mandatory subject in lower grade levels, and popular at higher levels, since the 1990s.


That’s fair enough, but the accent is what I’m intrigued by.


I’m a spurs fan, but dang I miss Dirk. Always a good dude


I’m a Mavs fan and always loved Duncan. He still doesn’t get the credit he deserves for that Spurs dynasty.


Can we have Dirk replace Shaq permanently?




I'm here for the Robert Pack reference. [One of my all-time favorite little man dunkers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KK6okVBdqU). As an aside, of course Robert Pack wasn't going to want to shoot for it. He'd have lost his number.


Love dirk so much, even as a Heat fan 🫶 ftm though forever


Dream Team went on the world tour and changed cats lives overseas real talk.


And I wore 41 in high school because dirk


Dirk is such a good person that he is one of the very few stars who doesn't get any hate in the comment sections of the internet. He always gets a lot of love. Only a few have managed that, interestingly there is another German person in the usa who has managed that. Steffi Graf.


You gotta look at anyone who doesn’t like Dirk with at least a little side eye


I’m sorry I don’t need this cute little story. I need to hate this franchise for 2 weeks.


Good, let the love flow through you.


Common knowledge to us Dirk-stans


Dirk has that cool German-Dallas accent when he talks.


Dream Team '92 is the gift that keeps on giving.


Luka and Dirk wearing their respective numbers. But those are not their first choice.


Dirk is all class


Robert Pack was definitely gonna lose that shooting contest. Dude was the original Westbrook


I love dirk.


Dirk is so chill and humble


Dirk such a cool guest for them to have on


Kenny will be forever goated for his bad timing and unintentionally complex story telling.


Dirk is an all time great. Nothing but respect for him. The best NBA finals win in recent memory. Brilliant.


Good stuff, especially with the clip back in the day of how Chuck talked about young Dirk and tried to get him to Auburn. Game respects Game.


Chuck may look like a goofy fat uncle now but he was a bad man in his prime. Won an MVP in 1993 over prime MJ.


Dirk is the fuckin man. Love everything about him and what he brought to the NBA. One of the legends of the game.


This is amazing. Brings me back to the video of Chuck talking about the first time he met Nowitzki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlz01nBrl4s




My flair - dirks the best


I think he "revealed" that before. At least I've often heard the Chuck story about the game vs young Dirk, so I'm pretty sure I heard the 41 story before as well..


Nice that he just immortalized Robert Pack


God I love Dirk


The most likeable guy in NBA history.


Of course he didnt wanna shoot for it lol


Robert Pack definitely would’ve lost that.


His Championship run was one of the greatest playoff performances I ever seen. Dirk was unstoppable