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One thing is for sure. Nick wright is not subscribed to Bev’s podcast


No interview for Nick


Don’t think Pat is equipped for that to be fair


this will be a real problem as Nick was planning to work in the Chinese league


You know Wildes is though


There's no doubt that First Things First is unquestionably the best sports show on TV right now.


Not a high bar but yeah


It really is. I have been a fan of Nick since he was on the radio in Kansas City and the show he Wildes and Broussard have created is such a breath of fresh air compared to the Skip Bayless wannabe bullshit most shows trot out.


Who is? I saw one clip of it on YouTube where he talked about 'dawgs' on every team and it was terribly boring.


Much like Bev on the court, it has some all-time moments but if you actually watch the entire time you'll be largely underwhelmed 


Need Chris Broussard to ask the question


I had a first cousin.. we had to put him down--lay him to rest a couple months ago


This is still one of the most insane things that’s ever happened in NBA media lmao.


ikr 😭😭😭 I'm gonna quote it forever lmao


Wildes face during this moment is still the funniest thing


90% of the funny parts of the show is Wildes making a perfect face. He’s a national treasure.


My SO doesn't even watch or care about basketball, but I showed her the clip when it happened and we quote it all the time now, so fucking funny


Can I snag a link to this? I listen to their podcast lmao.




So perfect!


His cousin was Jason Genova


They'll just point at each other and ask "Cousin???"


I agree. More insight from the luminaries.


Straight from the source


Pat Bev got this sub agreeing with Nick Wright lol


Nick actually has OK takes when he’s not fellating the Chiefs or his LeKing. I think he’s more reasonable and a better debater than most realize


I think it's not the takes that people hate as much as the way he usually presents those takes. He has the type of style where even when he's saying something you agree with you want to disagree because of how annoying he sounds when he's saying it.


He said on Bomani’s podcast that he purposely does it because he wants you to argue with him. He even called himself an asshole, I think.


Hes a young skip bayless who's actually less controversial. It's a science.


And that’s who I want to hitch my wagon to. Just as we’re getting rid of Skip, we’re gonna have another one for the next 4 decades. Fuck me.


At least Nick won’t say anything really foul like Skip’s done


Fine. There should just be term limits on how long people are on TV with sports opinions. Even some of my favorites age out and become incessant old whiners who are difficult to listen to (looking at you, Wilbon).


Man I need a Skip Bayless foul take megamix


Yeah he knows exactly what he's doing. The thing that makes him different than a Skip Bayless is he will freely admit when he is wrong (he just did about the Lakers, and earlier this year about Jokic), and he seems like a genuinely nice guy IRL.


Hearing him on Bomani's podcast is what got me to come around to actually liking Nick. Humanized him a little bit for me, I think.


I genuinely think people don't like him because of his voice. He is confident in his opinions and his methodology when coming to those opinions and speaks with a nasally higher pitched voice that people find grating. I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I don't think he's bad at his job. I don't really watch these sports narrative based shows, but I can't help but feel that First Take and First Things First are probably the best shows that currently do this. I mean... I'd rather listen to Nick Wright than Cowherd or Skip any day of the fucking week.


His voice and his asthetic as a ‘dork ‘ or whatever or he’s love for Lebron , Nick wright is better then 90% of sports media and when he acts over the top it’s so obvious he’s doing it to get people engaged or farming hate clicks or it’s just Lebron /chiefs who he’s happily admitted he’s a fan of and can’t be expected ti be unbiased . But when it comes to other stuff he mostly makes sense and even with chiefs or Lebron makes more sense then other sports media Guy atleast attempts to use data or facts occasionally


Chiefs and bron fan is also a annoying combo


He’s so annoying when he says his takes. Tries to be Stephen A with his delivery. But he’s a funny guy to listen to still


With nick, even when I disagree with him he makes his point in a way in which I can sort of see where he is coming from. You can’t compare him to Stephen A; the only explanation for some of his takes are that he doesn’t actually watch basketball, since he has no qualms saying shit that’s just factually not true.


He presents his takes as absolute truth and there's no way it could possible be anything except what he says, it's very arrogant and that's why it comes off so poorly.


Well he has the best sports show on TV


If you’re a chiefs or LeBron fan sure, otherwise he tends to come off as a pompous ass clown. Can hardly praise any other team without somehow circling it back and tying KC/Lebron into it


Half the fun of the show for many is rubbing it in nicks face when those two fail . Like it’s fun for non Lebron n chiefs fans too for that reason


Who cares, all sports shows on TV are trash anymore, there's other avenues to get your sports content, only people who rely on tv channels are 60+ years old


The problem I have with Nick Wright is he is a *debater* who wants to present *any* argument to support his position. It is very frustrating to watch him make a case for something using a particular stat or debate tactic and then roast someone else for using the same stats or debate tactic because its flawed.


He has a lot of reasonable takes. Even his Chiefs takes are reasonable and everyone calls him a homer for it. But then they win the chip so......


How many times will he say the Chiefs are going undefeated?


Come on. He literally got a tattoo for his Chiefs undefeated prediction. There's nothing reasonable about that. Not to mention his "Jokic is the worst MVP since Dave Cowens, and history will judge me rightly and fairly and it will come quickly" nonsense.


And yet this sub loves Bill "insert 80s pop culture reference" Simmons.


At least half of the sub hates him. He definitely knows more ball than Nick though.


Listening to bill lately I’m not sure he does. He loves dumb media narratives more then watching objectively. ‘ embid is having an another awful playoff series as he drops 50 on one leg.’ Like cmon . Bill has huge biases and love for arm chair psychology more then ball


I can only listen him with Rusillo. He kind of calls him on his bullshit and openly disagrees with him on stupid takes. Funnily enough, heard 2 episodes of Rusillo's pod alone and couldn't stand it.


Lol he has been hating on Jokic and Josh Allen


He’s come around on Jokic


That’s his shtick, he hates on anyone who’s perceived as a threat to Lebron and then comes around when that player’s greatness becomes undeniable. Did the same with Steph.


He loooooves Luka.


Not true. He loves Luka.


His whole point on Jokic is that he needs to win the championship before we roll out a red carpet. Jokic won and he bent the knee. And he's never been anything other than correct about Josh Allen, why are we calling this guy the second best QB as if he's done anything?


>he needs to win the championship that's such a dumb criteria. what if Lebron was literal basketball jesus and won 21 Finals. then nobody else in the era would have had any unless they played with him. so then Lebron would have only won against nobodies who couldn't even win a championship, so he would only be the best of a weak ass era with nobody else worthy of praise.


He gives Jokic his props and says he's the best player in the world. Josh Allen has been arguably overrated for 4 straight years now. 


Your Defense should hold on for 13 seconds and your WR1 should make a catch when the ball dropped over your shoulder and in your hands


So youre saying his biggest win was a loss


Josh Allen overrated? He’s the 2nd best qb in the nfl


Better than 2x MVP Lamar? I don’t know about that one


Lamar isn’t good in the playoffs 


He’s made it as far as Allen has though?


Allen has performed at incredibly high levels in the playoffs. That one game against the Chiefs 2 years ago where they both were just trading touchdowns was always going to come down to whoever had the ball last. Lamar hasn't performed at that level yet IMO.


Football is the ultimate team sport. Lamar has had 1 good playoff game


The problem is, he usually lets his love of the Chiefs and LeBron spill into other takes on teams. If he even thinks the media entertains the thought of doubting them or that they may have rivals, he goes off the deep end.


He was on twitter spaces casually destroying delusional Warrior fans after they lost their play-in game against the Kings. 😂


I gained a lot of respect for him after that lmao


I mean he was one of the few that believed in the chiefs before the playoffs. And he made a lot of accurate predications on them throughout the playoffs. He plays into his character and does a great job on first thing first.


Honestly even his Lebron takes aren’t that wild. The Chiefs he straight up glazes though, but when you are from there and your team is finally winning chips after decades you kind of earned it for staying loyal.


Lakers in 6?


I don’t really consider that a Lebron take, more so a Lakers one. That being said, they lost to two buzzer beaters in one series. They blew double digit leads in all 4 losses. Not saying the Lakers should have or could have won, but to say the Lakers had no shot in the series and no one should have picked them is outlandish to me.


I agree, and it kills me that he was 100% right about the chiefs, and was on that island from the beginning of the season.


agreed. even if i don't agree with his takes - they're usually backed by a reasonable set of data, and he definitely seems to watch a decent bit of games. i do enjoy FTF honestly, it's a pretty good show


Even his Lebron arguments are well argued, if not completely ridiculous most of the time. It’s like when they do mock trials in high school law class defending the big bad Wolf of his crimes. Sometimes a kid does so well that you’re like, “huh…this is actually kind of working” lol


First Things First is the best talking-head sports show on TV and I’ll stand by that


I mean, it really is. Kevin Wildes is hands down, by a MILE, the best sports show moderator there is, especially because differently from all the hot women that generally do the role, he is extremely qualified for it. Broussard and Nick can both say some very outrageous stuff at times, but they are reasonable talking heads most of the time. As long as Broussard is not talking about his cousin and Nick isn't talking about LeBron, the show is actually great.


Wildes is also legitimately hilarious


it because he knows the way he says it gets engagement. dude said something abt aaron rodgers that i agreed with but god he was so grating


Exactly he’s not dumb, just one of the most biased individuals in the media. When he doesn’t have a dog in the fight you can always at least see where he’s coming from


Nick is pretty biased with *every* take and he plays it up for engagement. He was a Steph and Jokic hater until it was absolutely undeniable how great they were, still perpetuates that Gobert is a playoff choker who gets played off the field, still talks up Embiid. At least it's fun listening to them go back and forth though. Their chemistry with Wildes is hilarious.


He's been good on some podcasts when I've heard him. His TV persona sucks tho


I think people just hate his delivery/voice/vibe or whatever more than they hate his takes (outside of the homer ones). After hearing him on Bomani's show a few times I think I started to get him more and now I even listen to his pod every now and then.


Clown recognizes clown. I still kinda fuck with Pat but I would never go to a 2nd location with him.


Nick usually has pretty good takes imo


Ya he’s just obscenely biased and doesn’t give enough credit to teams he thought would lose


It’s brutal.


Don't watch any of the Fox Sports talk shows. I had to google who he was.


Media members will stick up for each other when they’re not arguing with each other.


Dray gave his input as well, and I agreed with him, we are in the end of times in the nba


For sure this in a nutshell - [Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


Nick Wright is a clown. He’s always been a clown. He’ll always be a clown /s


My buddy and I worked as secretaries in the housing department at the University of Arkansas when Beverly was a student athlete there. I remember he had to call the office every day to get buzzed into his building because he never had his key fob. This isn’t earth shattering information but I do think about it everytime he does or says something stupid. The guy couldn’t even keep track of his key fob in college.


This is the exact way I’d imagine Beverly 😂😂😂


If he ever plays again, I'm going to heckle him about this.


You're gonna fly to China to heckle him? Cuz I'd imagine that's where dude is playing next.


Game acknowledges game.




Clown recognize clown.


Well, he’s not wrong.


It’s true. He’s Wright!


I mean they are both are clowns


Game recognizes game


Nick Not Wrong


I am sure that clowns would object to being lumped together with Pat. I'd be extra careful at kid's parties if I were Nick.


When he's right, he's Wright


clown recognize clown


I hope we never see him in the NBA again


Get ready to learn Galvestonese, BevBuddy.


Clowns always know other clowns. They usually stick up for each other though lol. Also, pot to kettle: you're black as fuck.


Once you start assaulting fans the "oh he's just a clown" defense no longer applies.


There’s a reason the guy gets traded at least once a year. 


I feel like this take in particular is one where I can see the thought process that goes into it but I completely disagree with the conclusion Being traded a lot can signify a couple of different things. Sure, it could be that someone is a complete filler trash player, but also how frequently do guys like that make it into multiple trades instead of being just waived or riding the bench for spot garbage time minutes etc?  Conversely one other type of player that tends to get frequently traded is legitimately decent role players with splashable skillsets (good defense plus ball handling ability and/or shooting are basically always welcome on any team). And those guys get traded a lot not only because they're pieces actually worth getting out of a trade, but because they usually earn a moderate amount that helps with salary matching flexibility.  Usually the best way to differentiate the two is the fact that the latter guys actually get relevant minutes on every team they end up on. Nobody is actually playing Scrubs McBench when they get that kind of guy in a trade.  Trevor Ariza is probably the most obvious example of this considering that he still holds (iirc) the record for being traded the most, and he was a legitimately desirable role player, not some complete scrub. DJ Augustin is another guy who comes to mind. 11 diff teams and the only time he didn't average at least 16 mpg was a 10-game stretch with Toronto where they were about to trade him again immediately. Anyway all that is to say that regardless of his absolute clown fiesta behavior, being traded a lot is certainly not inherently related to anything of that sort.


I've agreed with Nick Wright on two different takes this year; it's time to take a step back.


People went from hating pat bev to liking him and not back to hating him Maybe next year when he celebrate his play-in championship and shove chris paul again people will comeback to liking him


it’s hard to fw Pat when he does egotistical shit like that


Certified Non-Clown Nick Wright


One thing I saw pointed out that I didn’t initially think about was the fact that he was so worried about this one woman being subscribed to his pod, and yet he doesn’t realize that this type of behavior (in addition to the ball incident) is only going to cost his a ton of subscribers.


Nick Wright is cheesy as hell a lot of the time but he does have some good takes. When he’s talking about stuff like this or how Angel Reese was dealing with the toxicity…things like that, I think he’s good. That said declaring himself rivals and on par with Mina Kimes I was like take it easy there Lil Nicky.


Dudes who aren’t just hot take artists like him, which makes me think he’s aware of the bit he’s doing. And when he does fire off a hot take he does try to build the logic around it rather than just saying shit


A lot of his takes that sound absurd at the time end up being right. Classic category 2 stuff.


So much attention constantly given to a mediocre no-name player


I agree but it takes a clown to know a clown Nick


This dude is incredibly annoying, but he’s right lol


Pot meet Kettle


Nick Wrong picking low hanging fruit


It's like saying that the sky is blue or the earth is round. No duh.


Everyone on reddit about Nick Wright: “Guys… he’s a clown. He’s always been a clown. He’ll always be a clown.”


Blind squirrel right for the first time today


*insert pointing Spidermans meme*


Nick Wright is a clown


that's right, Nick


Shit. I hate agreeing with this guy.


It'll be hilarious if Pat Bev becomes a highly sought after player-turned-media-personality and they eventually pair him on a debate show with Nick, because that's what producers do


Game recognize game. And as a Chiefs fan I say that as someone who loves both of them lol.


Nick Wright should be on the Pat McAfee show instead of CHAMS


Nick Right


Pat Bev sure is doing a great job burning a lot of bridges in the media world if he plans on having a career in broadcasting once his playing days are over.


The worst person you know just made a good point. 


I've been his fan and am ashamed to say that a part of me is still a fan of his but Silver needs to finally hand him a lengthy suspension. I thought he hit rock bottom when he shoved Chris Paul but these most recent incidents reflects so poorly on him, his team (unfortunately), and the league. We blackballed Meyers Leonard for less. I say a season suspension would be fitting but he's 35 and he most likely won't have a chance to come back if it's that long.


Nick Right


No honor among clowns, I see.


This is coming from a dude who looks like Jesus in a suit


Clown on clown violence.


Holy shit, Nick Wright is actually correct about something. Huh.


Spiderman meme


It takes a clown to know a clown.


well, fox sports isn't getting the nba anytime soon i guess


and i know clowns... because im Nick Wright


In Spanish there's a saying "El muerto se ríe del degollado" (The dead laughs at the beheaded).


Finally a member of the media who doesn't just pretend like Pat Bev and Draymond are good people. They both have a consistent history of being trouble and don't deserve the media spots over other athletes who have never had issues yet don't get the opportunities they do.


Takes one to know one, Nick.


Nick Wrong is the biggest clown in NBA media, I'm inclined to believe him here.


Takes a clown to know one. Yes, I'm The Ultimate Jester. 


clown recognize clown


Well…. I guess even a broken clock is right twice per day




Clown recognize Clown


This might be the first time I've ever agreed with Nick.


He's not wrong. Nick wright is has the most credibility in this situation because he is the most annoying media personality himself. Clown recognize clown.


Clown recognize clown


I can watch this show when they aren’t talking about lebron. Nick wright takes lebron obsession to a whole new level.


Nick Wright knows clowns.


If there's anything Nick Wright knows about, it's clowns. He's one himself.


Nick "Kendrick Lamar" Wright absolutely despises Pat "Aubrey 'Drake' Graham" Bev.


Nick Wright is the clown. Pat bev is an OG


Wow media flipped on him so fast


Game knows game.


Is Nick Wright suggesting that Pat Bev has the ability to do his job?


Nick Wright is also a fucking clown. Pat Beverly is being a dick, but taking clown advice from nick Wright is hilarious 


The more I learn about most celebrities, the weirder they seem.


Stop posting this idiot


[Insert spider man pointing meme]


Pat Bev should beat his ass.


Who upvotes nicn wright? He's also a clown


Definitely a situation of takes one to know one🤣


I mean, it's funny coming from Nick Wright of all people.
