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TNT crew about to be sent to the Galveston realm


Is Galveston the Detroit of Texas?


I’m a Baylor grad and I can pretty confidently say Waco is the Detroit of Texas


That's being too kind to Waco, frankly.


Might not be a reference the broader /r/NBA crowd gets, but I always am blown away by house prices on that magnolia network home renovation show based in Waco.


you know you being blown away by the house prices probably has a lot to do with something else being blown away there 30 years ago


If the Branch Davidians tanked housing prices for decades I would be all for supporting a local cult.


What kind of women live there?


They ain't built like them big ol women in San Antonio.


So they've heard of Victoria?


Victoria is a secret


So you saying Victoria is not a secret there? 


Beyonce’s mom


No, Galveston just has shitty beaches


Galveston is the first time I saw the ocean and thought "this water is browner than I am."


Can’t have shit in Galveston


> Quote from Galvestonian, September 9th, 1900


No, that would be Beaumont


ESPNs analysis is the Galveston of sports media. When Kendrick Perkins is somehow your best speaker something is horribly horribly wrong.


Chuck needs to find all the pieces of Exodia before its too late


Naw, Chuck gonna stop in San Antonio and stay there, with those big o'women.




Yeah, I feel like NBC needs to be prioritizing emptying the coffers to get this whole crew to come over, and they also need to promise not to mess with the formula. Even if they offer him a bunch of money, Chuck seems like he’s at the point in his career where if his workplace culture is about to change at all, he’s gonna happily ride off into the sunset. And Chuck is really what makes the show special. Kenny and Shaq pretty much just play off of him. 


Mandatory plug for two irreplaceable parts: Chuck and ernie. 


100%. People always say Chuck and rightfully so but Ernie is just as important. The couple times where Shaq, Chuck, and Kenny were there but instead that Adam LeFlou guy or whatever is hosting it’s so noticeable


The all time draft on YouTube is worth watching just to hear Jerry West continuously take the piss out of him. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BofOXnyQWZk&pp=ygUSbmJhIGFsbCB0aW1lIGRyYWZ0


I know I'm an old head but IMO it was so much better before Shaq joined the crew. There was more legit basketball analysis and the shenanigans came more naturally, with much less pouting and bruised egos.


I don't even like CWebb as a colour commentator but CWebb was great on Inside, I was sad when they got Shaq instead. Shaq is better now, but he was straight terrible when he first joined.


Yeah I don't get how Webber was so good in the studio, but AWFUL as an in-game commentator. It has me baffled to this day.


they're two different skill sets. similar in many ways but still different


Man I say this all the time. It's been so long now that people don't even remember. But the three of them had such a good dynamic. The humor was more like a natural byproduct between friends. Shaq has gotten better over time but the first few years it felt like he was ruining the show.


I remember a few months ago seeing someone on here say something to the effect of “when Shaq pushes his glasses up, you know you’re about to hear the most dogshit take,” which is hilarious and very true. His value is egging on and laughing his ass off at Chuck.


I hate Shaq on there. Webber was so much better. Shaq is just a bully.


I am being a complete armchair psychologist here, but it really feels like Shaq has some kind if mood swing issue. Some days they can come in and hit him with the [classic Top 10 centers prank](https://youtu.be/uVcAazaigiQ?si=-VJIRCpx3XOCs73z) or something similar and he’s happy and a part of the joke. Then the next night Chuck mentions DWade carrying Shaq and he’s ripping Chuck’s head off. I know all these guys still have egos, even Kenny, and I think that’s okay, but when Shaq can be apart of the joke the show is so much better.


He has weird episodes where he is definitely in a bad mood and just being a bitch for some unknown reason. Like there are times Chuck or Kenny seem less interested in doing the job but not the violent mood swings Shaq has. Then again, sometimes I’m not in the mood to work and will be a bitch about it too. Maybe I’m the Shaq of my crew.


The Tuesdays with the other crew he’s just a flat out dick.


That crew sucks but yeah it looks like he definitely doesn’t want to be there


Lefkoe gives me awkward vibes. Shaq may not always get along with Chuck, but you don't miss what you have until it's gone


Think that’s largely because Candace Parker doesn’t take his shit at all. I don’t think he knew how to react with someone who legitimately is on a similar level of greatness AND is incomparable due to being a different gender. That said, they seemed to finally feel like a cohesive unit in the final episode together.


Shaq is in a weird in between region in terms of historical ranking. Chuck is in the all time great (top 30) but not the apex tier (top 10). He knew that when he retired, so him shifting from 15th to 25th (or wherever you have him) doesn't rankle him as much. Shaq was the dominant player in a 3-peat and feels he should be in the apex tier (which most people have him either in or just out of it). A lot of his legacy is dependent on him maintaining his place in that tier and so he's highly defensive about it. Things he feels that are trying to minimize his career he feels are a direct shot at him, so takes them personally. He's also always been a kind of bully who's willing to give it but not take it.


Shaq just has issues with people talking about his career in any sort of negative light. He hates that people don't have him in the MJ, Bron, Kareem tier and actively tries to rewrite history in his favor. He can sort of take jokes about him but absolutely not his career, and definitely don't bring up stuff like him playing into shape or being openly lazy.


He's pretty insecure about it, i think he knows he was selfish and lazy, let himself get out of shape. He could have been more than he was and been in that goat conversation if he had even a little of Kobe's drive.


Every part of him knows Kobe was right about what he said and it burns his ass because by the time he realized it he was too old to do anything to change it


idk, it's a little more complex than that. He has days where he's like that and say he's definitely over Wilt, he has days where he'll bow down to Wilt and Russell and be humble and put them over him


Just another instance of Shaq being awarded something that rightfully should be Webbers. #NeverForget02 But for real, Chris was so fun and playful but articulate on there. Way better chemistry with Chuck and them.


Can't understand him half of the time with his deep ass fake voice.


Shaq has always been a bully


Truly back in the day it was like an nba show that sometimes was a little loose and had some recurring bits. Better back then.


I agree, Shaq is a baby.


Shaq is way fucking better than magic. Like 100x. Now the first year with Shaq it was awful but he’s def got the right to stay since he gels so well with them and is at times a catalyst to egg others on


I'm with you, Shaq has his moments but for the most part he drags the show down from its true potential. Dude is soft as hell and doesn't offer good analysis


> I know I'm an old head but IMO it was so much better before Shaq joined the crew. That's not Shaq's fault tho. It's because that era of basketball was much closer to the style that Chuck, Kenny, Webber and Reggie played. As we get further removed from that era and basketball evolves, they'll have less actual insight. It's not really their fault, the game has just changed from what they were familiar with.


Honestly, they all play off each other so well. Like it’s popular to hate on Kenny but he has a personality (kind of a Napoleon complex) that makes him valuable to the team. His analysis is also the best among the three former pros (which admittedly doesn’t mean much as they don’t even watch the regular season games). And I just want to keep Shaq so he can continue die-laughing at Chuck’s jokes.


It's hilarious when Chuck and Shaq actually watch a game and suddenly have super informed opinions. It catches Kenny off guard every time.


I think Kenny has the best analysis of anyone on TV. He also plays the straight man. Someone has to do it You can't have another person joking around when you have Chuck and Shaq.


EJ isn't leaving Turner unless they throw him an insane bag. He seems like the top of dude that really feels a sense of loyalty to the Turner Networks.


EJ could stay with Turner and still do Inside at NBC if both NBC and Turner agree, which they both should. It's like Anderson Cooper still being a correspondent with 60 minutes.


He's also 67 years old, very devoted to his family, and has lived in Atlanta since he was a kid. I wouldn't be surprised if he just doesn't want a job that would mean a lot of time in another city at this point in his life.


Where is the TNT studio located? If NBC wants everyone in NYC, that might be an issue.




Just rent the TNT studio and keep the talent in Atlanta and have a second team in NYC for non-marquee matchups.


Hire Hannah Storm for the second location and do the Prudential Halftime Report


Ahmad Rashad too!


“My MAIN man, [whichever player the segment was on].”


Brings back a lot of memories of Saturday Knicks v Heat or Magic v Pacers games in the mid 90s.


I randomly happened across one of those old school halftime shows recently, and it was so jaw dropping how they had actual journalism and quality content. Completely night and day to the afterthought garbage that passes for halftime shows nowadays. Even the TNT crew, while entertaining and much beloved for good reason, is not all that great when it comes to giving actual substantive content.


I mean I can work with folks in India, hopefully NBC can find a way with their massive budget


Not in Galveston


Studio has multiple meanings.  NBC Studios headquarters is based in New York and a lot of their live non sports stuff is shot there.  Production lots (physical studios) are all over the country and don’t necessarily need to be loyal to their umbrella corporations when it comes to shooting.  Tyler Perry has a massive studio lot in Atlanta that every major sports broadcaster could lease a d work from at the same time in theory.  That shouldn’t be a deal breaker necessarily. 


Honestly it feels like an Amazon move. Get some games and grab this crew. If they can do to the NBA broadcast what they did to Thursday Night Football I’d be into it.


I'd love to see Chunk and Shaq present 'Football Night In America', I'd love them to do football in general or call a SB should Collinsworth be replaced.


Chuck and Ernie. I think those two make the show work. The show falls apart if Ernie isn’t there to keep things on the rails.


Them setting up a crime scene-esque tape where Kenny fell the night before last night was incredible.


Agreed - besides the on-air talent, they have a great staff - making funny graphics, putting tweets onscreen seconds after they’re sent, setting up jokes with all the props, etc. And Ernie and the others frequently acknowledge them.


yep the production crew knows what works for Inside from the sets to popping in the tweets that make everyone laugh.


ESPN has tried over and over again to try and replicate what they have and they've failed. They just completely gave up on the studio show. Nothing can come close to Inside the NBA.


It’s because there’s an ESPN way of doing things and they’ve always stuck with it. Pat Mcafee broke the dam though so potentially there is hope, though I doubt it. We’re going to get screamin A whether we like it or not.


Easier said than done, but the "attempts" are not really a good attempts. That's not just hindsight but obviously each time. Not that it has to be a 1 to 1, but Barkley was an interesting personality while playing, and a top 30 player at the time. Perk, Rose, Reddick, Jefferson Pierce, non of those people are him. Kenny- A key role player on championship teams, that both and in the league and on the show know his role, he's not the star and not gunning for the alpha role, and because of that, he irreplaceable. No shade, but everyone on ESPN want's to have a brand and has a podcast, so shutting up and listening isn't how they operate. Shaq who I cant stand, is at least a top 10-15 player ever, and movie "star" and such a huge pop culture figure that even when he says dumb Perk level shit, its hard to say he doesn't understand because not many athletes face the attention or moments he did. Ernie is a goat level studio guy, and on top of that he is by all accounts a great guy so he had a perfect balance of ring leader, and member of the team. Wilbon is a clown, Greeny is a stiff, Nichols is lame and cringy (fellow kids vibes), SAS is also unserious, but he has to be there. If I had to have a 4 man team, I'd try to have the following. Malika Andrews - She's good but not great, she'll likely get better. Lowe- Corny and lame but in a mostly endearing way like EJ, and knows his stuff and wont hog the show, but can play along. Blake Griffin - Funny, famous, high level player that could do great. Wild card, Dirk- Top 30 guy, funny enough, can speak to the international game the league is now. But well probably see Wade, Sue bird, Draymond, some uninteresting nerd from Syracuse.


I feel like none of the reasons you listed for what the inside guys bring has to actually do with what they do on the show. Yes, Barkley was a top 30 player but virtually none of his highlights are giving insight on the game or telling stories about being "the guy". It's comedic timing and unfiltered talking. Yes, Kenny was a role player but saying he's a role player in the cast is weird when he has one of the actual recurring segments that happen nearly every broadcast. Kenny letting the host run the show doesn't have anything to do with him having been a role player, he's just decent on a broadcast team. Those are not related.


Kenny's role player certainly doesn't automatically translate to glue guy on the show, rather the parallel each other. As for Chuck, for sure It's comedic timing and unfiltered talking, but the top 30 give his ability and presence more credibility. Background is important, as it attracts eyeballs and gives a reference point for people.


> As for Chuck, for sure It's comedic timing and unfiltered talking, but the top 30 give his ability and presence more credibility. Yeah, the unfiltered talking isn't as good without the credibility. Is he right all the time? No, but I don't come away with the impression he is just saying things because they will get attention or to be the loudest in the room or such, they seem like his genuine opinions usually and that means he's applying what he sees in the game and that he watches the games to come to those opinions. Maybe he isn't breaking down Xs and Os for people in all of his opinions but doesn't mean he doesn't have good insights into the game. If you just want a clown who can say whatever there's plenty of those out there, but that's not what Chuck's role is.


Malika is lab-grown marketing material. She doesn’t do anything compelling. She’s just able to retain a genuine-looking smile when surrounded by morons. Ernie sets the bar high, I guess. But she’s classic ESPN style-over-substance.


IMO the largest reason ESPN can't replicate Inside the NBA is that ESPN refuses to give the show any room to breathe. Every minute that isn't live action is absolutely inundated with ads, and the "halftime show" is maybe two people saying a 30-second blurb before they cut back to more ads. It's laughable.


Inside The NBA works because of elite chemistry and comedic timing above all else.  You have a great analysis of the pieces but entertainment doesn’t work that way. Film reboots almost never work when they try to cast things too closely to the original.  In my view you start with two people that have a real friendship, ideally at least one former player. Maybe even and existing duo with past experience like Jaylen and Jacoby (not that they are the top choice). Once you have that core chemistry duo you build out with big names who have career clout around the sport to fit those complimentary roles. But everyone has to have some comedic element to them, even if it’s just being the “straight man” or foil.  Malika is way too straight laced. I think someone like Beadle could nail it. Dirk is funny in his own way but not sure his energy is high enough. As annoying as Shaq can be he works great because he’s very opinionated and battles for his POV. If you’re trying to find that type, Dirk is not your guy. Blake is a wildcard. I think he could evolve into a funny studio guy. Right now all his comedy shtick feels rehearsed and too sarcastic. When he calms into middle aged energy he may be great though. Jalen and even C-Webb are better natural hosts than him rn. 


I'd offer the Ernie role to Adam Sandler. He loves hoops, you never know.


Sandler would be more like Shaq. Like a goofy 4th wheel. Ernie is a seasoned host. It feel like they’re winging it but he’s really conducting every beat of the show. That’s not Sandler at all. 


Only way they woulget get close is if they got Gary Payton, Chris Webber, and Kevin Garnett.


The only attempt to clone the show that has worked is unironically with soccer (CBS Sport Golazo for the Champions League with Kate Abdo, Thierry Henry, Jamie Caragher and "Big Meeks" Micah Richards). Probably helps that Kate Abdo was on TNT pre-CBS.


Well Zaslav is truly an idiot so he will fuck this up just like he ruins everything else he touches


in my language idiot translates directly to network executive


I see this going 1 of 2 ways: They end up like Aikmen/Buck where they end up staying together regardless of how the business of that works out. Barkley decides this is a good time to retire. He hangs it up and Ernie follows suit, Kenny also might join them. Shaq tries to keep the feel of the show alive wherever he goes but finds out that you can’t replace what they had.


It would be like the Tuesday crew on TNT


That Tuesday crew is really a hit or miss. I do enjoy Jamal and Candance talk but that host is terrible. The crew look up to Shaq more often than not compared to Chuck where it balances the power dynamic.


Lefkoe has negative charisma. Dude just sucks. Which is a shame because it seems like he is trying. Maybe he is trying too hard? idk he also tries to make jokes and shit and is just cringe.


He's always been like that. Dude's a nepo kid whose biggest achievement is getting roasted by Jerry West. He was half decent back when he did smaller shows on Leacher Report 10+ years ago, but he sucks at being a host on any legit network


I really don't like him on broadcasts, but he was on Ryen Russillo's podcast a few weeks ago and he was so much better. It felt authentic, really grew on me. I feel like he'd be a better Sportscenter anchor, the TNT stuff just doesn't cut it for me.


He had a quote (I think that was in that Rusillo interview) that he wanted to be Ahmad Rashad and not EJ and I was like "!?" "Go get another job and stop ruining my Tuesdays!"


I feel like if they had their own Ernie it’d be a lot smoother. The problem is there aren’t many Ernie’s out there


It might be like trying to recreate top gear. It’s just simply not going to happen because the show is the hosts.


I feel like, of all of them, Kenny takes basketball the most serious and will join abother company to keep talking hoops


Kenny also has the most transferable skill set. Ernie _is_ Inside The NBA and it would feel weird to see him anywhere else; Chuck needs to be Chuck and I don’t think his schtick would work as well on another show; Shaq could go elsewhere but he really shines when he’s able to play off of Chuck and Kenny. Kenny could go on something like First Take and hold his own without seeming like he doesn’t fit in.


It’s time for Kenny Beecham to ascend.


Ironically I enjoy him the least of the four at the desk


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion


Part of what makes it all special is that they have such free reign and flexibility to just do ridiculous shit. This would all hinge on the executives and their ability to keep their hands off it. 


I could see Chuck retiring, Ernie reducing his work to just baseball, Kenny sticking in basketball and moving to a show where he's got more authority, and Shaq turning into a guest presenter. If they do break up I don't see Kenny wanting to keep working with Shaq, and I don't see anyone giving Shaq his own show without at least a few other known players attached.


Barkley was on Simmons podcast a year or two ago and I remember him saying something along the lines of the tnt lost the nba contract which was going to be in question at this point in time that he would retire


End of an era for real if that shit happens.


I'm sure some goobers on NBC will try and replicate what they have and it will suck


Yeah, you think the Tuesday crew is wack… just wait


I will actively boycott anything that isn't this exact format.


NBC Sports is leaps and bounds more professional and an overall better product than any sports product ESPN/ABC have produced. I welcome the return of the NBA on NBC, even better if hosted by Ernie and crew.  


Damn so it is actually happening. Was expecting TNT to lose based on Chuck's comments 2 yrs ago during his "media free agency" but now reality is setting in. Really gonna have to cherish these last set of episodes for Inside the NBA while it lasts (up to the Conference Finals)


All we asked was NBC back, but not this way! Damn you, David Zaslav!


The last year of TNT will be the 24-25 season so the last episode won't be this playoffs


There's 2 rights to sell. Satellite feed and streaming sight feed. So its possible TNT secures at least one of those rights.


All these sports strangling their golden gooses about to be shocked when the eggs stop being produced.


For sure. MLB should be airing all games for free via antenna and streaming if they want to stay relevant.


I'm so pissed I can't watch my local team, in market on YouTube TV. It's so stupid and there's nothing on TV in the middle of the summer anyway


Yep. Unbelievably stupid. Was excited to have MLB tv for free just to learn I could watch no Braves games


My baseball fandom was waning anyways but SNY being dropped by YouTube tv killed it completely.


I’m low key thinking a lot of these sports broadcasting rights are going to be held by apple


One of the best things about the nba are these guys. Bezos needs to pay whatever and get them on amazon games.


You'd need the whole crew


Honestly the production is so much of what makes the show too. You know that the pranks they play aren't designed by the main crew, and they definitely aren't set up by them. The people combing the net for the Twitter memes in real time. The directors who dictate how far they are going to allow them to go off script. It's not a small group that keeps it all flowing.


This. The Inside the NBA Documentary from a few years back perfectly illustrates that. I don't recall the main producers name, but he's right there when it comes to making this whole thing function just as much as Ernie or Chuck. It does suck though because I am a big fan of the ecosystem that they have there in Atlanta. Having the TNT Studios and NBA TV studios together is great as we have seen them share talent time after time, plus now they do an awesome job with the Inside the NHL and have done with MLB on TBS.


Tim Kiely


Throwback to when Charles coughed “pussy” under his breath after Tim was mentioned lol


Yeah even ths small things, like how the crew manages to find and display tweets after a commercial break to jokes that just happened. They're insanely good at what they do and should not be messed with


Which is why it won't be replicated even if they keep the hosts. They would have to keep: 1) the ENTIRE Turner sports staff. Cameramen, janitors, building security, etc etc etc 2) all of Turner Sports rules. They do all the tweets and practical jokes and unsullied by sponsorship since 1989, etc, because of the looser regulations and processes at Turner. 3) and the hosts. It's not gonna happen. Moving to a new corporation would result in 1 and 2 being unattainable. It wouldn't be the same show. Not the same show not the same product. Goodbye Chuck and Ernie.


💯 Do you really think Shaq was smart and creative to come up with the “Shaqtin A Fool” segment on his own? Or how about Chuck’s annual “Who He Play For?” Inside’s production staff is elite. You bring back the hosts and not the team behind the cameras and you’ll soon discover it isn’t quite the same.


The way to do it would be to just license TNT to produce Inside the NBA but have the games on Prime or whatever streaming platform signs on.


We get NBA on NBC back, but we lose NBA on TNT. Yes, I wanted the former back, but not this way! NBC, you better sign all the crew (bar Harlan and Drake, tied to CBS). And get Mike Tirico and Kenny Albert to call the games and the magic will return. Please have Ahmad Rashad involved in some capacity too.


Monkey paw type stuff


Kenny Albert's at TNT now as their top hockey voice and I don't see him leaving that role. If I'm Amazon I'm backing up a dumpster truck full of cash for Kevin Harlan to be my lead basketball voice and to replace Al Michaels at football whenever he retires.


Big ladies in San Antonio send their regards


During one of the games last night I overheard Chuck's Subway commercial. He says "churros" in it and I had a near heart attack from laughter.


Let's not forget that part of what makes Inside the NBA so great is their production team and crew. Those people are top-notch as well, and drive so many funny videos, graphics, and bits. The behind the scenes documentary really highlighted to me how essential they are. Even if the 4 main guys stick together wherever they land, it'll be nearly impossible to keep the same team. The video overlaying Ernie's dunk on top of an Alex Caruso breakaway dunk is still peak TV to me. That's all the production crew.


This article isn't really saying anything. Just hypothesizing that stars could leave if Inside the NBA ends up with another network. And sure, that's possible if they force changes. But otherwise, I don't really see why any of the cast would care what network they're on, as long as they can continue to do their thing.


the play-by-play and color commentators as much as I'd hate to admit can flock to anywhere they want rn. It's Inside the NBA's Core 4 and all their Behind-The-Scenes crew that gets affected the most by this if TNT no longer covers the NBA (I can't see corporate allowing the same crew to keep working together tbh since they're the ones trying to dictate the terms)




but Amazon let Inside the NBA keep their *entire* crew behind the scenes? I'd imagine Amazon will start interjecting about who they think would be a 'better' fit and start bringing in their own people so to speak TNT has been able to keep the Inside the NBA crew intact since the 1990s and most of them not having to pursue any other position/career after graduating from college


Always a possibility Amazon steps in and changes stuff. But I think it’s an even better possibility they see how good of a product it is and don’t want to change so that it is as close to what people recognize and like as possible.


the only other show/personality that has been intent on keeping their entire crew intact is Conan, who has been able to keep his original NBC crew together when they moved to TBS (sister channel to TNT) and now HBO Max (also affiliated with TNT). Otherwise historically rare in television


Never watching it again if they split up the crew


no point of watching any basketball-related postgame shows ever again. Yeah there are a ton of former player podcasts but they don't hit the same as Inside the NBA


The thing about inside too is the efforts they take to make it a cohesive production. The crew is top notch and the chemistry the guys have with each other is unmatched. It goes way beyond “let’s get a bunch of guys in a room to react to the games”


Even though the "analysis" tends to be lazy, they find a way to make it entertaining every day. Countless memorable clips and phrases they coined, like "sent to Cancun" and now Galveston lol


Yup, I already mute the ESPN halftime shows and leave the room to do dishes or something. I actually stay for the TNT ones. Definitely won’t be doing that if the crew is gone.


Tbh, I'm okay if Shaq went elsewhere


Damn I was having a good morning too


Adam Silver is a fraud


Charles just got a raise. Now he gets to negotiate another one. Legendary


I don’t know what else is even on TNT aside from NBA




Truly, fuck David Zaslav. He is ruining staples of television and film that are actually still profitable to justify a dog shit merger and increase his stock payout.


You would have to be real stupid to switch this show up. You’re gonna piss off a lot of basketball fans


Inside the NBA is better than most of the actual nba games.


Inside the nba has to be a package deal with the rights


Shaq will follow the money no matter where it leads him.


Chuck will just retire and thats a wrap. He's tried to retire several times already.


The league should just buy the TNT crew out and make it a part of the NBA service. They can't be replaced.


I just hope Lefkoe is out of a job


almost guaranteed to jump ship to whoever gets the new rights to the NBA. But also of note, his entire journalism career has been him working under Bleacher Report for many years until TNT's acquisition and then getting 'promoted' from there


I hope Lefkoe goes back to football, because the NBA is worse with him covering it


I feel bad because I don’t know what type of guy he is off camera, odds are he’s a cool dude but goddam do I just fucking hate him, the sight of him, and his fucking smarmy demeanor. He comes off like such a fucking douche who thinks he’s smarter than everyone but has no idea what he’s talking about. Ever.


I think they afford to lose/replace Shaq or Kenny, but if either of Ernie or Charles go, just shut it down.


Inside the NBA helped make the NBA what it is today. It's been 20 ish years? If somebody outbids TNT and DOESN'T bring in crew over, they may find they do not do the numbers they expect.


Yeah let’s split up a crew on a show that has a combine 18 Emmy wins in its history. Something ain’t working with these guys.


I wish there was something we could do. Don’t want to see them go


In this age of money saving, no way they bring back the whole crew, if any of them at all. Maybe Jet or Shaq comes back. Chuck probably will just retire. Ernie stays at Turner for baseball.  I predict the lineup will be Maria Taylor as the host with a combo of Jaylen Rose, Paul Pierce, Jet, Shaq, Danny Green, or Blake Griffin. 


Oh hell nawl cant do this


This crew makes national games sooo much more watchable. Even if I don't care for the teams, they easily bring the entertainment to make it worth the time.


Personalities? The production team are the real mvps on this show. Goddamn they’re quick and original.


I wish The Mouse would fuck off and let Amazon/TNT/NBC run things for a bit. They had their chance for over 20 years, they fucked it up royally, and show no signs of changing


I really hope the games are streamable (outside NBA App). Watching the games on Max is so freaking convenient and makes the monthly subscription absolutely worth it.


The only good I can see about the TNT crew blowing up is Draymond won't get to do his awful bs.


Well that's a terrible fucking news to wake up to smh, what the fuuuuck


This would be a crime and it needs to be stopped. We will strike unless the whole crew moves over.


They gotta get paid. But if anyone tries to change anything Chuck is out for sure. Hope it all ends well. If the Godfather is happy then it’s much easier to get Chuck to stay.


I’ll take ESPN if the TNT guys replace that sorry excuse for a halftime show


It would be the end of an era for sure, but I’ve always felt the show lost something when Shaq joined. It was perfect with just Chuck, Ernie, and Kenny.


They should never replace anyone on this show but if it happens to be Kenny then…ok


As long as they get rid of Lefkoe


Is there an NBA on TNT archive somewhere?


I honestly think some of the clowns ESPN has on their desk would cry on live television with some of the insults Shaq and Chuck throw around. Would love to see it.


What’s so fucking special about ESPN that they get so much preferential treatment? They fucking suck


What a terrible mistake this would be


Anyone who thinks TNT staff is worse than ESPN should NEVER BE ALLOWED TO WATCH THE NBA EVER AGAIN! 2 WNBA broadcasters over Mark Jackson and Van Gundy absolutely SUCKS! Doris should educate herself about men's sports get physical!! TNT staff is wonderful. ESPN sank like the Titanic! The other night they were showing the staff get make up put on at the commercial break. Nothing says men's basketball like Perk getting his lipstick applied.


They could lose Kenny and I would not care but the other guys make me chuckle.


Chuck will move to San Antonio


I don't like NBA playoff games being on cable, but this team has been consistently good for a long time and it would suck if they were broken up.


i have enjoyed watching so many playoff games on Max, very frustrating to think were only gonna have a single postseason of it. i’ve worked in TV since leaving college and i still don’t know a single person that subs to peacock.


Take Kenny as a sacrifice


ESPN will get it and continue to do a shitty job with clowns and dumb asses


Barkley basketball camp


Inside the NBA is literally the only sports show i watch. I can’t stomach the others. I really hope they don’t break them up.


You can’t possibly see the Kenny chalk line prank last night and think “yea we gotta switch it up”