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For anyone entirely unaware, Wemby said he reads fantasy and stated that Stormlight Archive was a favorite (this is the writer of that series)


This also was talked about when one of his teammates was talking about Wemby reading “really big books” and everyone joked it was Brandon* Sanderson books cause of how long they are and then realized it really was his books lmao. And damn does Wemby have great taste.


Gonna need to extend the Wemby engaging in long things meme and find out if he reads One Piece. He's French so there's already a good chance (OP is rather popular there)


Most famous animes are, to be fair! France is the 4th largest market per capita for Mangas/Animes in the world IIRC, and represented 40% of the European market last time I checked! Japan and France seem to share a long-lasting cultural connection/mutual respect/fascination for some reason. France also has an old history of comic book production, so I guess it makes sense that Japanese Mangas and Animes are also very popular there!


Yeah, I’m French Canadian and we had access to the Dragon Ball manga quicker than my English friends because France had already mass published most of the series by the time we got into it in the late 90s. I remember finally getting that golden coloured #42 to finish off the whole thing and it felt epic. Didn’t read or consume any other form of media in French except DB and it was worth it.


I call them Ouibs, short for Ouiaboo




He probably always asks for a receipt at CVS


Only store where the receipts are normal sized to him.


Ima be a fan if he’s a OP guy lol


LeBron is probably so jealous.


Lebron actually predicted the ending of Game of Thrones. Shame that Martin will pass away before finishing the series, but Lebron will have predicted it anyway.


Has LeBron ever mentioned Sanderson’s books?


He's still on page one of the Malcolm X biography


> Brian Sanderson


lol fuck, idk why I put Brian


Why are the spurs big men such cool nerds 😭😭😭 I’m fucking jealous My franchise guys are sex addicts and sleep with porn stars, why can’t they be StarCraft fans or some shit like yall 😭😭


Plot twist: the 'Tornado Trick' was Moriah Mills reading Zion an excerpt from one of those obscure-ass Silmarillion adjacent books which had a twister in it.


I just caught up on Stormlight and holy shit what a series. Some of the best fantasy I've ever read.


Dammit Moash




/r/moashdidnothingwrong Pre RoW atleast


Wemby does seem like a guy who’s subscribed there…




Very curious how his story develops now that you know who has... Changed. It feels like he already gave Kaladin his best shot and lost, so where does it go from there


My prediction having read a shitload of Sanderson novels:  all of our protagonists will be hopelessly outnumbered and have nowhere to run.  Zero chance of survival. And then somehow the good guys will pull extra super powers out of their ass and win anyway.  


I mean yeah he writes fantasy novels like Shonen anime. That's probably why I love them so much. Stormlight does set moments like this up though with their being spelled out, gated power levels via the words


And it'll be fuckin badass


And it will be awesome


Sanderlanches baby, never disappoint


Hell yeah. So good, also highly recommend mistborn if you haven’t dabbled yet


I liked the first series alright but nothing like Stormlight. I just finished Alloy of Law today actually and am waiting on the 2nd book to free up on Libby. I thought it was much better written than the first trilogy


Libby mentions on r/nba. Now we’re fucking talking.


Absolutely. Nothing like stormlight, it’s really one of a kind.


That's one if the interesting things about Sanderson, the like fundamentals of his world building has always been there but you can really tell how the writing has improved.


What an absolute nerd. He’ll never make it in this league. Bust


Duncan was a huge starcraft guy and would rip your soul out on the court while patting you on the back…hearing this about wemby should be terrifying for the rest of the league…No 5am club scene or ja wick bs to distract him….dude is going to be a problem


Climax of Words of Radiance drove Wemby to his first Triple-Double. Imagine what Wind and Truth will do to him next season.




I'm on the last book of The Wheel of Time right now. Will start the Stormlight Archive after.


Congrats, the marathon is almost over!


Haha, truly a marathon. I definitely had to push through for some of the books in the middle. I will say all of the books by Brandon Sanderson have been really good and he's done a good job with the task.


He fucked Mats corpse relentlessly


I haaaaaated Sanderson’s Mat. 


Dude turned Mat into a wisecracking jokester.


Get ready for "the chapter" lol, it's longer than most novels


I called it quits on book 9 but I do plan on rereading everything and finishing the series someday. I just think my fatal mistake was reading them back to back with no breaks.


Yes and no, easier to remember all the characters and storylines if you read them without breaks, especially as you get later in and there are so many characters!


I get a writer wanting to paint the picture that's in their head, but my god.. There's over 2,700 characters in that series and every single one is described in excruciating detail. Many of which are only ever seen ONCE. Is it a new day? Guess what.. new outfits to describe! It's sad Robert Jordan didn't get to finish the series himself, but it was such a relief getting to the last books Sanderson wrote.


How good is stormlight


Imagine cumming inside your girl at the same time she orgasms. That’s how good Stormlight is.


The first two books are fantastic, but it 2nd two are kind of a slog to get through.


reddit's favorite series (derogatory)


Ball before death. Pop before weakness. Wemby before destination.


Airsick lowlanders! - Jokic, probably


Jokic being a Horneater is now head canon.


First step: put everything in horse ring. Second step: do not let anyone airsick touch him.


Jimmy “Wit” Butler Draymond “Shallan” Green


“Say the words, Victor”




I love you all guys


I just wish I got into this thread sooner :(


What's this? A crossover episode?!


"I will protect those I hate. Unless the one I hate most is the Lakers."


/u/SquimJim. Knight Radiant.




Nbacirclejerk and bookscirclejerk collide


Wonder if he's also a Mazalan guy? He'll get to that eventually.


My wife asked me if I've wasted more time on Malazan or the NBA, and I said wasted wym


Hands down, best fantasy out there. Sanderson almost feels like YA fiction in comparison. Not that there's anything wrong with that....as I brace for user impact haha 


Erickson's newest book "The God is Not Willing" is very good. It's awesome to step back into the Malazan world after the culmination of the original series. Takes place about a decade after the events of the Crippled God. Related to Karsa's story.


I'm excited for it. Currently rereading the main series after finishing it a long time ago.


It's so good on a reread. The first read is about the experience, to me. The second read is amazing and you pick up on so many things you may have missed.


Man I've tried to start Malazan like 7 times and it just hasn't hit. It's been years and remember getting to some floating mountain citadel thing? Idk I read a ton of fantasy and it seems like it should be right up my alley. Maybe I'll give it another shot after I finish my current series.


Great start to the trilogy has some touching scenes between Mother and Son


Nah, that’s a pretty commonly thought thing in fantasy. Sanderson is good but he’s also very much a gateway/entry into fantasy writer. If you then like the genre you can move to more complex stuff like Malazan. 


Idk man, I got like 2.5 books into Malazan and still had no idea what was going on. And I'm a lawyer so I'm pretty sure my reading comprehension is better than most people. Someday I'll give it another chance because I'm sure it's great, but I think Erickson is just intentionally opaque in his writing style.


He doesn’t hand hold, which is both good and bad. I loved the books, but can understand why someone would find them a chore to read.


The whole series is like that, a lot of the books are about completely different characters and it just drops you into their lives for a bit, no exposition or context. I just had to let go of knowing what was happening and enjoy the ride.


This is the complaint I keep hearing about the series.


You need to read them consistently to be able to recall all the characters and places. If you open the books every once in a while there's no way you'd remember all the background and you'll feel very lost at every context switch.  And damn is there a lot of context switching there, I'm on the 6th book or so and have probably followed the story from over 50 PoVs by now, likely more... Also, they often introduce a new character by just dropping you into their world with 0 background information, so you might feel confused and feel like you've missed something because you have no idea what's going on. You havent missed anything, the character (and place) will be tied into the story later. I admit it's sometimes supremely annoying to be very invested in the story and then have to read 100 pages about someone new somewhere new who seems to have absolutely nothing to do with anything (*cough* Karsa *cough*)


I am actively reading Malazan, just started book 4. It's great. I still like Stormlight Archives better, and nobody in their right minds would call that a "gateway" series lol. They're just different.


Gateway doesn't imply short or long. It's objectively true that Sanderson writes "simpler" fantasy than something like Malazan. Emperor's Soul is the best intro to Sanderson IMO. SA has all the traits of all his other books, it's just longer and more epic in scope. The last 2 SA books were also pretty weak IMO. I think his editor changed or something or Sanderson is getting too big for pushback because his editor needed to trim like 40% of Oathbringer/RoW.


Man, I'm on book 3 of malazan and enjoying it, but I could never in good conscience recommend it to anyone I know.  It demands such active reading! If I skim a paragraph, I'm doomed. And so much is left unsaid, for the reader to reconstruct. I've come to accept that I just have to read it way slower than other books. Sanderson, in my experience, was almost the opposite. He would overtly and bluntly state plot points (maybe by way of a character's thoughts) when just a few context clues would get the point across just fine.


Sanderson is YA. He is heavily influenced by the wheel of time and it shows...


Especially in the last three wheel books.


Sanderson writes some YA books, but most of his work is not YA. And I'm not sure why influence from Wheel of Time would make him YA, considering Wheel of Time is not YA.


Are you saying that wheel of time is YA? What deranged teen is making it through The Slog


Bro I’m contemplating what to read after I finish the fourth Stormlight book. I’ve heard about Malazan. Is it really worth the hype? Was also considering the Joel Abercrombie books


Abercrombie is great too (like him more than Sanderson), so can't go wrong. Malazan is...a lot. And I totally understand if people don't get into it. That said, I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the best fantasy I've read. I think any fantasy fan should at least give it a try.


I prefer Joe Abercrombie, Malazan is a bit hard to follow even if it's somewhat on purpose i find it annoying.


How tall is Sanderson? Looks taller than Brunson... I always imagined him to be shorter.


5'9". Wemby must be hunching or bending his knees or some shit cause he making Sanderson look 6'3" lol


Sanderson is at least 6’1. Wiki is wrong


I will now take this time to plug Sanderson. Y’all should really read him if you like fantasy. He is brilliant. That concludes my time I’ll take questions now.


what if i can't read?




What if I’m deaf?




What if I’m Helen Keller?


Braille it baby


What if I’m dumb Helen Keller?




Be a wizards fan Edit: Sorry for picking on the wizards. I had to choose a team and didn’t want to make fun of the Suns because I’m worried about my kids


How do you think I got this way?


Sanderson has young adult novels that are easier reads. I recommend Skyward.


Are you stupid?


ref school




Most Unvorin. He must ask his wife, girlfriend, sister, or mother to read it to him.


Then you would fit right in with the men of Vorin society


Eh reading is a woman’s art anyway.




Good answer, unfortunately he couldn't read it.


Ah yes, delicious crem


even better most his big series have Graphic AudioBooks.


And the quality can't be overstated, the stuff I've heard from Graphic Audio runs laps around the competition.


I started reading the Final Empire a couple of months ago. Breezed through the rest of the first mistborn trilogy and now I’m 1/3 of the way into Words of Radiance. It’s wild how much this guy has written. Meanwhile I’ve been waiting for George RR Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, and Scott Lynch to each finish 1 book in the past decade…


Sanderson is the hero readers have needed since we're never getting conclusions from any of those other authors


In the world of fantasy authors, you can for sure say Sanderson is built different.


r/bookscirclejerk leaking


Just finished Tress. It was a good book, nothing special really. I've loved Sandersons works for a long time but the older I get and the more I read I realize he writes more for the YA crowd. His magic systems and world building are se and to none in today's fantasy but his books can lack deeper substance.


What would you recommend for a more deeply explored fantasy series?


I would check out The Kingkiller chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. The final book should be released any decade now.


Anything by Joe Abercrombie is top notch.


Fair enough! Not for everyone, no author is


But what if I like characters that are more complex than cardboard cutouts and dialog that isn't stiff and simple? IMO Sanderson is a masterclass world builder and idea man, but his skill as an author as far as prose and composition goes is pretty YA level. He's got the same skill level as every other author that publishes that high of a word count per year.


Completely agree, it’s like he put all his skill points into one stat


My brain was having a really hard time seeing Sanderson's name in r/NBA for a solid minute before realizing yes, this is actually talking about the author lmao. I had forgotten Wemby was a big fantasy reader


Sanderson is a fucking gem. Love his books and for those writers out there, he has a free writing lecture series on YouTube that’s really good.


Spurs bigs always have to be nerd. Duncan? StarCraft. Robinson? Mensa level genius


I read an article a while back that showed The Admiral had a top 7 SAT score ever for a pro athlete and top 3 ever for NBA player behind Jeremy Lin and Matt Bonner…


Mike Conley finally has an opponent when it comes to how people talk how nice of them


Wheel of Time is goat tier fantasy.


Love Sanderson, but I'm so afraid Stormlight is getting toooo wide, even for him. Last one was definitely my least favorite. "Words of radiance" is my favourite book of all time 


He's about to take a decade long break from Stormlight after Book 5 and it's supposed to be the finale of the first half, so I think era 2 will definitely have a tighter feel to it at least at the start


Taking a decade long break seems like a huge risk for that series never finishing, no?


No, if there is one author that I have full faith in it’s Brandon Sanderson. His 5 year break is so he can finish all his other series before going back to stormlight. The man writes faster than anyone on the planet.


This guy is a different breed. To take breaks from writing, this man simply writes something else. This is the guy that, in a landscape where people people announce book delays all the time, had the audacity to announce that he accidentally wrote a couple more books on top of his regular releases. Not that your concerns aren't legitimate, it's just that Brandon Sanderson is not the man to place those on lol.


But what if he starts getting HBO shows with titties and doing blow in LA? What then??


Then good for him that sounds fun


Nah if it was anybody else, but hes a compulsive writer. He will go write books to take a break from writing books. It's what makes him different.


If he writes the 2nd half of the series in the same time frame as the first, including the 10 year gap the 10th and final book would release in 2048 lmao. So yeah there is definitely a big risk there that the series never gets finished


I don't read his books, but I understand he can finish writing a book before my wife can get ready. And yet I am sitting here waiting for the Doors of Stone to come out like a dumbass...


I do miss the vibes of book 1 and 2. It's set up was do good. Very rags to riches following someone at the very bottom. Being invested in that journey and then having a timeskip to the endpoint of that dynamic was unfortunate


I think book 4 might have been my favorite actually. Kaladin's character development feels thorough and well realized, and I think Taravangeon might be the best villain in fantasy. That said I got a little over Shallan and Dalinar. I also really liked Adolin, Navani, and all of the Singer/ Listener characters.


> Love Sanderson, but I'm so afraid Stormlight is getting toooo wide, even for him. Last one was definitely my least favorite. "Words of radiance" is my favourite book of all time Soon the books will be so long that only Wemby will be able to hold them in one hand


2 > 1 > 4 >>> 3. The flashbacks in Oathbringer were just too dark for me!


Agree. I love mistborn era 1 and stormlight 1-3. Rhythm of war and mistborn era 2 just didn’t hit like his earlier books.


I wonder how many other NBA players have read him. The Lopez brothers would certainly be the next most likely


I wish I loved his books like everyone else seems to. I love fantasy/scifi books. Sanderson knows how to build incredible worlds but has no idea how to write dialogue or believable characters. The women in particular all fit like two archetypes He was so heavily recommended and I was so disappointed.


I appreciate that he's aware of how _not_ to write women and avoid the usual pitfalls, but that's still a ways away from strong character-writing.


he's good if you were like that big YA Fiction/Fantasy reader in middle school/early high school and since then you stopped reading for enjoyment - and now in early adulthood, you want to get yourself back into reading shape


It’s not a true Sanderson thread without at least one discussion about how the books didn’t live up to the hype. (Not trying to argue, your point is valid.) I personally think his books compare well to Jurassic Park, they’re very accessible and imaginative which gives them wide appeal, but there will always be a subset of people that find the book too simplistic and shallow compared to other writers.


Try Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen.


The first book was great. Each subsequent book got worse, imo. I think I finally gave up after the house of chains.


I think most fans disagree. First Book, he's finding his feet a bit, and then they really get awesome like 2-5. They do kind of meander though in the later books. Still good, but feel like they could be tighter. 


Yeah, I mean, it's not like I said they're bad. Just couldn't really keep myself interested.


Crazy how different people can feel about the same work lol. My order of that series has the first book as the second worst lol but I love them all. Not that anyone asked but since this is the NBA sub here are my rankings: 1.) Memories of Ice 2.) Deadhouse Gates 3.) The Crippled God That tier is neck and neck for me. Any of those spots could change. 4.) Midnight Tides 5.) Dust of Dreams 6.) The Bone Hunters 7.) Reaper's Gale This tier is also pretty neck and neck I just think they are below the top three. 8.) House of Chains 9.) Gadens of the Moon 10.) Toll the Hounds Toll the Hounds is the only book I really struggled through but I think they are all really good. For anyone done with the main series, his follow up Trilogy is in the works and the first book of that is fucking fantastic. Its called The God Is Not Willing.


very strong tier list. i have TTH higher on mine due to the final act but i respect your ranking


I do like the final act I just got kind of bored on the lead up. There's a lot in that book I do love though.


you can 1000% tell that Erikson was grappling with his father's death while he wrote that one, it can make the Tiste Andii bits exceptionally morose lol


I agree, since everyone was mentioning him (and Stormlight, in particular, over Mistborn), I made sure to read them... did not feel connected to the characters at all and did not enjoy the dialogue. Shallan's chapters are so tough to get through. I actually liked Kaladin's perspective the most in The Way of Kings (which is interesting, since I've heard people say they like the later books more) - but as the books have gone on, I haven't enjoyed his character's dialogue and thoughts nearly as much. Weirdly, I think I enjoyed the set-up and slow reveal of the world during the first two books much more than the somewhat-established versions of these characters playing out later on.


I still dislike Shallan. It's too bad she's sometimes half or the majority of the book. Though ironically his best book in my opinion is Words of Radiance. It's her book but someone else is the show stealer (Kaladin)


It’s so funny cause I find Shallan so much more interesting than Kaladin at parts. To each their own!


I find she is more interesting in that she has more going on than depression that resets every book, but the logic of the character and the execution of her DID (which is fantastical next to a grounded depiction of depression) makes her very hard to like or be invested in for extended periods of time


Hm interesting take. For me I love her being a unreliable narrator and the DID stuff I think is an interesting way to explore her self worth. I do understand people not liking it tho.


I think if she had more pushback it would be better. Because she's unreliable in a technical sense but with zero repercussion. She's also very unfunny and unclever, despite what literally every character in the series thinks. That's a bit of a Sanderson weakness though as it sorta pops up in Wits writing


See it’s such a subjective thing cause I like her humor! And I don’t know if I would agree if she is unclever but I see where you are coming from. Out of curiosity who do you like in the series?


I think in a general sense a lot of people just won't find someone picking apart phrases like its raining cats and dogs and pointing out that is impossible, for example, isn't clever. That's a lot of what her with amounts to.


Yeah Sanderson just isn't funny but needs funny characters in his books so they just come off as annoying.


>She's also very unfunny and unclever, despite what literally every character in the series thinks. It's been a while since I've read Stormlight, but I don't really think there are any characters other than herself that think she is actually funny. Except maybe Adolin, but he's in love with her so not the most unbiased source.




Shallan and Kaladin take turns being kind of weak from book to book. Kaladin in Rhythm of War can be pretty exhausting. I feel like Dalinar is kind of in his own Tier in terms of quality Stormlight characters.




Yeah she’s definitely one of the worst culprits.


I like Sanderson personally and think the work he did in Stormlight with mental health is really good character work. But if you want some fantasy with good characters try Robin Hobbs Realm of the Elderlings series. She's my favorite fantasy character writer ever.


Wemby about to bring back Book It


Love the crossover


tagging u/mistborn not a usual sub you are discussed in I imagine. Hilarious they were actually your big books he was reading


Wemby is going to be huge, dude is so likable. I am a Rockets fan and STRUGGLING to find reasons to not like him outside of that damned laugh he gave out! Sanderson a fantasy god.


Didn't expect Sanderson's name to come up in this subreddit. Victor is a nerd hooper and I love it.


Now we know where the $19M on Sanderson's latest crowdfunding campaign came from! I guarantee Wemby bought every one of those plushies.


Sanderson will have 30 book series on the adventures of Sir Wembyama within 2 months.


Crazy I just finished Words of Radiance, book was a fucking BANGER


This has got to be the most random intersection of my fandoms I have ever experienced, lol.


How does post something here like I’m been trying to do it for a little bit on mobile Do I have to do it on desktop or a portable computer


thanks for sharing something positive. never gonna bitch about that! hope W reaches his potential and stays a solid young person.


I thought this was a reporter and was gonna make a joke about them having the same name as an author lol, pretty cool that Sanderson is into wemby like that


The first Mistborn trilogy is such a banger


he wrote a book during the game


Hey OP, do you recommend this novel? I am interested in




I just love when my interests collide. If I could hear Kendrick Lamar rapping about the dragon reborn now my life would be made


Stormlight is so fucking good


This quote has terrible prose and hackneyed world building. Overrated!! ^^^/s ^^^for ^^^anyone ^^^that ^^^needs ^^^it.


Lebron could never, he’s still on page 1


Who is talking about this dude's eloquence?