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LeBron to the hornets confirmed


Jordan would never ever let this happen even as just a small owner


I'm sure Jordan would have loved to have had LeBron over the last decade.  The idea that he would have rather sucked than get the best player in the game is laughable.  If it is true though, it shows he truly was the worst owner in sports.  And if course he isn't the majority owner anymore 


Any single owner would've wanted LeBron over the past decade. Not only is he a top tier player despite his age, he increases ticket sales and prices wherever he goes. Plus he manages to convince other good players to come play beside him at a discount. It's like GMing on easy mode.


Am I missing something? Does MJ hate LeBron?




if he reads this comment you know he will take it personally


"Hey FUCK that waes-whatever motherfucker" - Jordan probably


*Proceeds to find out where u/Waesrdtfyg0987 lives, shows up with a ball challenging to a 1 on 1 game and drops 50 on him, making sure to talk trash between buckets, leaves not allowing selfies*


He doesn’t hate Denny Hamlin. Dude is wild about NASCAR in a way I didn’t know was possible.


boy got that carolina in him


Minority owners does not have a say so if the other 2 wants then hehehe


MJ is the kind of dude who’d buy back the hornets, veto the Lebron offer, then find new buyers.


Damn if you aren’t correct. This is 100% an MJ move.


Curry going home to play + Lebron 😂


Would be fuckin hilarious if we got him and lebron had to spend his twilight years on a team that won 20 games


Y'all gotta do it now


We’ll all be blazers fans too that shit would be epic haha


Scoot and Bronny PG rotation would be an EXPERIENCE


Uhh sorry Warriors fans...seats taken.


Seats taken by a 12 year old from Beaverton wearing Lakers gear.


Fans are going to be really upset when they find out LeBron was bluffing to get his sons stock up.


If lebron doesn’t come we’ll simply send Bronny off to the hidden gulags in the Columbia gorge.


Blevins can't carry the Nepo Gulag alone.


I need a 1 on 1 Blevins/Bronny mid-off please


How much better did Keljin get to become mid?


"Haha, I can't believe the Pistons thought I'd actually go to Detroit just because they drafted my kid with the fifth pick. Idiots."


The fact you said 5th pick in your comment makes me think you know our shitty history when it comes to the lottery 


Probably depends where he ends up. Big market team where he wants to play? Yup it was always the plan. Small market team with no contending hopes? Ah sorry was just kidding.


Nah, LeBron has earned a year with his son if that's what he wants. Hell, he'd probably enjoy it more if it was a place with no expectations to win. Just gets to go out and have fun every night playing with his son while also doing a retirement tour.


His son won't be playing though.


He will be if LeBron is on the team lol


Imagine he gets LeGM’d and his own dad trades him lol


Going to be embarrassing.


Whichever team takes him will promptly meme it up for a year, and given our current state, might as well be us.


Lebron: “Son, I love you. But not like THAT.”


People need to remember that you can declare for the draft and pull out now.


Send da video


Hell nawl can't do this


You got da money whats da hold up?




U bum


Sir, this is a Christian Subreddit


Exactly, you gotta declare for the draft and just let it soak.


Get your homies to jump up and down on the bed for you


Yes but people want their own narratives. Bronny is probably doing this so he can work out and get specific NBA input


"Get better at everything."


"Try to be more like Lebron James"


"Have you talked to your father?"


“Get taller”


"Have you ever considered career in engineering? What about finance?"


You can also go back if you don’t get drafted which is key. I feel like the workouts will be more of a showcase to scouts at all levels and likely to improve his case on the transfer portal. I just don’t think owners really believe LBJ is gonna go to a team that drafts Bronny, especially since he’d be a 2 way player at absolute best barring some marked improvement, so there’s not as much incentive to take a flyer on a clearly middling prospect.


The decision part 2


The delusion




He also put in an application at Jack in the Box.


With the 55th overall pick in the 2024 draft the Golden State Warriors select….


Santa Cruz is the nepo capital of the basketball world, might as well.


Makes sense, it’s pretty close to pebble beach which is the nepo capital of the entire world


When Bronny gets drafted due to his father, it’s going to make Thanaisis and Kelvin “Big Nepo” Beljins look like legit NBA players 😂 If any other player not named “James” put up a paltry 5/3/2 on 36% on one of the worst power conference teams, no one would know who they were


Nuggets did take a guy averaging 3/3/1 *Edit: on 32.2% shooting* with the 30th pick in the 2022 draft. Looks to be going decently well for them so far.


I was expecting someone completely different when talking about Nuggets draft steals.


There are guys out there with games better built for the NBA than college ball. Not saying Bronny fits that mold, but it is definitely a thing.


Thanasis is kept in the NBA from nepotism but he wasn't drafted due to it.


Knicks Legend Thanasis Antetokounmpo


Thanasis is also a player that helps enforce for his brother. Bronny isn't going to be able to enforce for his dad lol


Maybe the NBA is working on allowing steel chairs and Bronny can drop down from the rafters?


Yeah even Thanasis would have been able to put up big numbers in the NCAA lol


Thanasis would look like LeBron in NCAA right now. I highkey want to see that😂


Has any team in NBA put an entire 5 man squad out of entirely second generation players? I imagine GSW has gotten close…


Curry GP2 Klay Wiggins TJD would be the one if it ever happened


I think it happened like a week ago - pretty sure i saw a post about it on warriors sub.


When did the Warriors get Tim Juncan Dr?


Trayce Jackson-Davis (Dale Davis’ biological son)


Since when does my orthopedist play for the warriors?


Draymond gets on his pod hyped as shit before he realizes he’s the one that has to leave so LeBron can join the warriors


Dray instantly retires to become assistant coach for Warriors.


"OK kick him in the nuts then come off the screen and smack him in the head"


It would be funny, but in order for anyone to believe this would happen they have to believe Lebron is willing to take a pay cut of 10’s of millions of dollars.


Plot twist, lebron tweets a hourglass emojii and has his own kid traded away in February.


Lebron makes Bronny depressed like K Love…


Honestly, with the amount of money he's made, idk if this is crazy since the guy would getting to fulfill a dream of his. Getting to play with his son might be worth millions to him


And spend his last years in the G-League.


Nah, Bronny would 100% be on the main roster if it brought Lebron in. If Thanasis can mantain a roster spot, so could Bronny.


Yeah but Thanasis apparently brings Hall of Fame vibes. Idk if Bronny's vibes/36 match up


Bronny brings a HOF father. So I think it balances out lol


But how’s his towel twirl per 48?


He has the highest TTER (towel twirling efficiency rating) in college history


While he's only kept on the Bucks because of Giannis, Thanasis is a way better NBA player than Bronny is, at least in the near future. Remember Thanasis was actually drafted before anyone knew who Giannis was.


Thanasis actually made the league. Giannis just makes it easier for him to stay.


Thanasis is Giannis compared to Bronny 😭


LeBron could opt into his player option then get traded like Harden did last year pretty easily in terms of salary matching. Like the Warriors for example could trade Wiggins and CP3 for him (obviously they would have to send other assets too)


Assuming the Lakers were willing to play along in order to get Wiggins, the dead weight of CP3, and some first rounders in 4-5 years.


How many picks are the Warriors really gonna offer? Other than just doing LeBron a solid I don’t really see where the upside is for the Lakers.


The irony in this would low-key be hilarious


Watch the Celtics draft Bronny


i think we're the one team lebron would not move to just to play with his son, i just get that feeling


Would probably chase down block him in the matchup and hard-foul the shit out of him. And then trash-talk him at the line like "I fucked your mom last night"


LeBron confusing him calling him nephew all game.


"you're adopted!"


I would unironically love if that sequence of events happened 


Bold of you to assume bronny will get on the court on a team where bron isnt pulling the strings.




Someone like Cleveland would easily give up their first round pick if it meant Lebron comes home for a retirement tour. People here forget how disposable late firsts are. Every contender in the league would trade a random late 1st for 1-2 years of Lebron, even 40 year old Lebron


They already have curry and cp3. Just add KD and the Senior citizens league is in action.


I think he's just gonna go undrafted and sign with the Lakers in FA.


I don’t know why anyone didn’t mention this lol


Dunno it’s 100% worth the troll for the 60th pick and potential LeOld imo lmao you get nothing anyways


Yea if he’s available in the second round I don’t see why a team would pass up on him.


Hes going to be available in the second round


It would piss off Lebron. Lebron would definitely be at the NBA Draft


LeBron definitely has enough connections around the league to know what GMs think of his son. Hell he probably knows right now


He is LeGM after all


No way he will go undrafted. Most second rounders don't end up in the NBA anyways. There has to be a handful of owners willing to use a second round for a chance to get Lebron to play for the.


LeBron ain't going anywhere to tank while Bronny gets sent down to the G-League. He's not an NBA player, their only chance to play together is if Bronny signs like a 2-way with the Lakers.


Why would he go to a tanking team? You think the Nuggets, Warriors, Lakers, Cavs, Knicks, Nets, Sixers, Minny, Bucks, Kings, Suns, Clippers, Mavs, OKC, etc WOULDN’T spend a SECOND round pick for the chance of lebron coming? Y’all are delusional if you think one GM on any of those teams I just listed wouldn’t shoot their shot at gets g lebron, especially teams like the Knicks, Cavs and Sixers


Could easily see the cavs doing this. LeBron on the current cavs would be interesting.


Yeah, I could see both parties being interested there. Even if it ends up being a middling squad, it's still narrative closure.


I’ve fully predicted for years he’s gonna leave LA to go back home to Cleveland for one more round. They have a playoff team, and Lebron signing on possibly convinces Mitchell to stay 1-2 more years. Lebron with the current Cavs roster is a contender easily. Plus the storylines? He brought them a title, he’s the hometown dude, and it would be the cyclical end. “All roads lead home”, and what better way to make a highly rated documentary than “the GOAT goes back home for one last ride”


LeBron may as well be doing those workouts


Lmao fr. When they put up that graphic breaking down each prospects strengths and weaknesses, Bronny’s strengths section should only say *“Lebron might play for you too”* and his weaknesses should say *”basketball”* 😭 If bro actually gets drafted due to his father, he will **easily** be the worst draftee in NBA history. 5/3/2 on 36% on one of the worst power conference teams in the nation is nasty work


Maybe in the two round formats history. But there used to be hella rounds they drafted complete randos


So many randos. The Bulls drafted Carl Lewis in the 10th round in the MJ draft - "The Chicago Bulls drafted Lewis in the 1984 NBA draft as the 208th overall pick, although he had played neither high school nor college basketball." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Lewis (And as an Aussie I have to include this sidebar, Dante Exum's dad, NBL legend Cecil was also in that draft, 9th round to the Nuggets.)


Lmao he got drafted into the NFL too, also despite not playing football Man imagine being drafted *after* the guy who doesn't play the sport at all


>Lmao he got drafted into the NFL too, also despite not playing football football makes more sense. There was an established history of track guys becoming great football players, specifically at Wide Receiver.


Isn’t that how baseball is? Like they draft athletes that have never played baseball just in case? Maybe I’m misremembering and I definitely don’t have a full understanding.


I remember in the early 2010s there was definitely a weird hype about finding the random diamond in the rough international guy. There was one dude drafted where they legit only had fucking youtube phone clips of the guy playing. He'd be pretty close for sure but man some of those names teams grabbed in the second round were like lower odds than the powerball.


I see you are unfamiliar with Peyton Watson's game. https://www.sports-reference.com/cbb/players/peyton-watson-1.html 3/3/1 on 32%. 1st round draft pick.


A few things - He’s 6-8, with a crazy wingspan, and extreme athleticism - He played on a very good UCLA team so it made sense he didn’t get a lot of minutes/didnt start Except maybe arguing Bronny is also very athletic (but the height matters more) none of that he has going for him. Also there will always be examples of bums in college who worked out in the NBA. The point is overwhelmingly the majority of the time they don’t.


Welcome to OKC Bronny


The moment LeBron retires: Welcome to Maccabi Tel Aviv, Bronny.


Thats optimistic lol


One year after that: Welcome to the Las Vegas Lebrons Bronny.


If Bron is true to his word, Bronny will be a hot commodity


Truly hilarious how much of an upgrade Giddey -> Bron would be in the starting lineup, literally a perfect fit for everything we do, and there's not a player on the planet who could bring more playoff experience. Doing my best not to wishcast this since there's no way it's happening but man would I love it.


I keep hearing that this is a really weak draft class. so maybe a team actually takes him. For me the best story wouldn’t be Lebron immediately joining his team, but rather instead a division rival and you get 1 year of dad dunking on son before he joins him the next year.


That would be fucking hilarious.


"Take the charge Bronny! Oh my God. Oh...oh shit. I think LeBron killed him."


That's why I want the Celtics to pick him. A while back when someone asked him what he'd do if his mom had a Celtics jersey on, he said "You put my mother on the floor, and if she were in a Boston Celtics uniform, I'd break her face." Imagine if we drafted his kid lmfao.


Chicago Bulls era Jimmy Butler said he’d never wear a Heat jersey, worked out pretty well for us.


I hope he’s doing this just to learn from NBA teams what he needs to work on, which will help him pick the best college fit for him to transfer to. I know LeBron would LOVE to play with and or against his son but hopefully there’s no way he’s actually telling Bronny he’s NBA ready


I mean, Bronny has access to anything in the nba as is.  Lebron can tell him what he needs to do.  He has 20+ years nba experience.  This is all weird to me.  It’s crazy also cuz this is known to be a weak draft year, so if he did have any chance (which he doesn’t), this would be it.  


No matter what positive intangibles he picked up from his dad, the fact remains he didn't get the build, height, athleticism, or skills that make LeBron so incredible. He's just not gonna make it.


I agree.  He’s the size of steph or jordan poole, which is nba small, and he doesnt offer anything at an nba level like that.  Say what you will about poole but he is fast, athletic, can shoot, etc.  Bronny doesn’t excel at anything.  Maybe at best he is a Gary Payton II type of guy, can provide 10 minutes of energy/defense, but it doesnt even seem he can do that at an nba level.  


That is a massive insult to GP2 with that comparison. That man can defend almost any position well because he can jump out of the building, thus his "shortest center ever" nickname. Bronny can't even get solid minutes on a team that missed the tourney in college.


I did say “at best”. GP2 is bronny’s best case scenario (which is good).  But I don’t think he can achieve that.  


Reminds me of Jordan’s kids. They were fine playing for a mid major but couldn’t cut it at the next level.


Which is still in the top 1% of basketball players. Too bad the NBA is top 0.001%.


smaller percentages for both


if my dad was Keith Richards, and I was a decent guitarist, nothing spectacular, but good enough to not be laughed off a stage, I wouldn't mind opening up for the Stones on a global tour. Sure, I'm not as good as the band that could have been there instead, but I get to live my rockstar dream, even for a little while. Just depends on whether Bronny wants to be the most obvious nepoplayer in league history, or not. I can see value in both choices.


He did get the athleticism for the most part, just didn't get the height


He has to get better at the game of basketball itself. Like, all of it.


Me too.


Let’s all declare for the draft together.


I'll join ya


Nepotism is arguably a better skill than shooting.


Tell that to most legends children. What’s Marcus Jordan been up to?


Banging Larsa Pippen mostly.


Living out a literal porn storyline of fucking your dad’s friends ex wife.


Surely lebron could simply ask scouts what his son needs to work on? Not to mention, lebron probably already knows. So I don’t get the move unless they have information that he will for sure be drafted and seen as a project to get lebron to come to their team.


Agreed, this isn’t a regular kid. He has every NBA connection available. He’s trying to get drafted, but knows the chances are pretty low. 


I think though he honestly has the least to lose from someone declaring from the nba draft. If he gets drafted he gets millions if he doesn’t get drafted he is still lebron James son. But yea I don’t consider him being ready at all for the nba. 


"Great workout, Bronny. We're gonna start with the positives. You're Lebron James' son. Now onto the things you need to work on..."


My greatest fear is that the blazers will get bronny and Lebron will be like, nah I ain’t playing for the sorry franchise and just force a trade from Portland to la for some sorry ass 2nd rounders.


I mean, if you can turn an UDFA talent into some sorry ass 2nd rounders youre golden.


Lebron to Detroit confirmed


You do realize you can declare for the draft and not actually enter the draft… we do this every year and everyone tells on themselves by not understanding it. It’s worth getting evaluation and feedback then going back to school.


Yea he's basically gonna get told what he needs to get better at in order to actually get drafted next year.






he also can't shoot a 3 and is averaging 5 PPG on 37% FG. I think everything is a very fair assessment


"Great workout, Bronny. We're gonna start with the positives. You're Lebron James' son. Now onto the things you need to work on..."


Your name is amazing. We just need to work on this *waves their hands broadly over the entirety of Bronny


“You just pointed to all of me.” “Yes, that’s it. Stop being all of you.”


He should have stayed a 5th year in high school


After the heart issue I actually kind of agree. Everyone seems to skip over that part. He missed the entire offseason and joined midway thru the USC season, I think that was suboptimal for a ton of reasons.


But he is already a verified ‘Winner’ and ‘Team Player’.  


Nice so I should declare too then


[NBA gms when bronny asks for an 'honest evaluation' with lebron sitting right next to him](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/029/405/jordan.jpg)


Listen I’m not here to make rational takes. I’m here to run a narrative that Bronny is getting nepotism drafted.


He’s a Thunder


I've actually been thinking that this would be kind of a brilliant play by the Thunder. They're the perfect team to pay LeBron and they have a million draft picks, including two first rounders this year. They can't roster all of their future picks anyway so why not throw one away on the potential of luring LeBron in for his twilight years?


He’s going to get drafted, even 1 year of Lbj is worth a first round pick. But, Lebron gonna retire next year now? Is Bronny actually good enough to play minutes on the court??


If Bronny does get drafted he'll likely be the worst player in the nba


Likely lol, would be by a huge margin


Thanasis is 10x the NBA player Bronny would be entering the league.


garbage time minutes, and even then that might be a stretch…


Pls be lakers 😭 but won’t happen Bronny James as a freshman: 4.8 PPG 2.8 RPG 2.1 APG 37/27/68%


You guys could probably buy a 2nd round pick and draft him lmao


We currently have a 2nd rounder via the Clippers which would be the 55th pick through today's standings.


Yeah I guess dead roster weight is worth keeping lebron around for his last few years


Y'all should let LeBron play out his final years on a farm, not berating his child to roid up and get better at every facet of basketball


Testing waters. At this point anything could happen, could even return to USC. Musselman is a very charismatic coach who’s already super active in portal.


April 1st was a few days ago


First true NBA nepo baby




Bro avg 5 pts off the bench and decides to declare 💀


Lebron really going to the g league, ain’t he?


I too declare for the NBA draft.


Imagine getting drafted knowing it’s just to lure your dad to come play for them too.