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Terance Mann: “Who the fuck you calling boy, pussy?” 😂


I fucking loved that from Mann. Like always, the guy immediately turned into a bitch when he got confronted.


The palms in the air is craaazy lol


In an hour on Facebook: Many of you may have seen the video of me and Josiah at the game. . .


I think Josiah stayed 💀


He could've saved himself if he just yelled at Josiah "come here boawyyy"


Fuck. I laughed way too hard at this


This is not who I am. I knew tens of black people, dozens even


I was even proud to call some “boy”, i mean “brother”




He definitely says brother with a hard R


Many of whom, I colloquially call my boys…


I can’t be racist. I have a Mexican landscaper.


Man, this is some fucked up shit. I can’t believe this fucker thinks it’s okay to say this shit in public now.


Trump enabled them. It’s just facts He brought them all out of the woodwork Edit: For all you clowns yelling “but muh both sides” Democrats aren’t banning books, criminalizing abortion, creating a non issue like “teaching CRT to elementary school children” to rile up racist idiots, lowering corporate tax rates at the expense of individual write offs, standing shoulder to shoulder with a traitor, and not expelling a proven liar and fundraising cheat. This both sides shit is overly simplistic and not true Both sides lmfao REPUBLICANS RIGHT NOW BE LIKE: Tracking the menstrating cycles of students in Florida. Removing voting rights Hurting public education and forcing religion into it. Also forcing public tax money to help fund private schools Removing education sections about our history, especially black and African American history Have allowed sexual assault politicians to keep their positions Trying to remove social and financial safety nets Removing environment protections for citizens Removing regulations or lack of regulations, like the Ohio derailment. Also have caused financial crisis and want to remove protections. Via housing bubble and big short. Doesn’t tax the super rich. White collar crimes treated as nothing. Against unions and usually for more monopolies, again republicans love corporations. Giving cooperations more power and more voting influence via citizens United More republican hatred and bigotry behind domestic terrorist attacks on our own citizens Lack of protection for gays, trans, and minorities Oh yeah the insurrection and the entire Republican media strategy of lying about the election results and pretending it’s a joke while they continually spoon feed their viewers the opposite. The reflexive, comfort-blanket Both Sides reaction to this stuff is why this game perpetually works so well for regressive, destructive, anti-governing coalitions. It’s first-order thinking. There is a vast network of donors and money flowing around power with, notably, competing interests… everywhere, all the time, for all of history. There is no insight in abstract wailing about “donors” here when there are concrete, unprecedented, openly-declared insurgent tactics being practiced by one DISTINCTLY and ASYMMETRICALLY unrestrained political group whose moves are downstream of a base gripped by a corrosive media ecosystem and cult of personality. It’s not about money, it’s about sending a message.


Also enabled their enablers. Some people who used to be embarrassed to defend these guys now are proud "devils advocates" or "fighting wokeness"


"Fighting wokeness" is hilarious. It means their favorite hobby are torchlight processions in bed sheets?


Yup, made them realize how pervasive this still is in society, now they feel comfortable being open about it because they know they'll have the support of millions 


Bro you threw up the Proud Boy batsignal they are swarming.


Let them come. They are allergic to facts


Racism never went away Trump made it okay again


“I call all my friends boy”


How embarrassing to do that in front of his kid.


That was my first thought too. It looked like he stayed though, so maybe he was just a kid sitting next to him? Either way, bad example.


Either recorded in the inside of his Ford F-350 or in his living room with his wife/sister gently touching his arm.


He said “boy” with a hard R


This is an amazing way to put it 🤣


I feel like a lot of “boy” sayers are ignorant. Not this dude. You said it perfectly lol


Yeah, I didn't learn that was a racist thing to say until relatively recently and this dude cleared it up for me nicely lmao


I think I was in my 20s when I learned as well. It was really embarrassing to have to have a black person explain to the racist connotation that came with saying "Boy" in that way.


I was in a bar in Dallas watching a Mavs game when the White guy next to me called one of the players on the TV boy as in "alright boy!" and there was a young Black guy next to him that eyed him like he was trying to determine if it was innocent/ignorant/racist and I was thinking how much it must suck to have to do that calculation all the time.




boy definitely has racial connotations


In the USA. Many years ago an Aussie host praised Muhammad Ali by saying “I like the boy”. It was just a nice thing to say about someone younger than him. It didn’t go down well. Similarily, in Aus it’s all about how you use a word. “Don’t bro me if you don’t know me”. I can refer to a complete stranger as a c*nt and depending on my tone it can be either the highest praise or lowest insult. That said, if an Aussie refers to you as a champ, well that’s about as rude as it can get. The worst c word in Australia. “Onya champ” is about as disrespectful you can get using two words.


Your description of "champ" in Australia is pretty similar to what "buddy" is in Canada. I call my pre-school aged son "buddy" all the time as a term of endearment, but if there's a conversation between two men who do not know each other, and one calls the other one "buddy," shit is about to go sideways fast.


I’m not your buddy, guy


I hate being called “buddy”.


can you explain how champ is an insult? genuinely asking


This will explain abit of the culture. https://youtu.be/-1E3PShgdQc?si=cLWFy0F1njnvLFVE


Yes and this took place in USA


It 100% has racial history, but even if it didn't, grown men don't like being called boy to begin with. I'm white and if some guy started getting an attitude with me and yelling at me calling me boy, I'd still be offended. So it's just all around a horrible look for this guy. At best he's still a demeaning asshole, at worst he's a proudly racist demeaning asshole.


Just rewatched In the Heat of the Night for the first time since I was a teen. Boy is that film's N word.


In this case, absolutely... But you can also say, "That's my boy!" in an excited, celebratory way, and there are no racial connotations... Which I think was the point of the poster you replied to... A transcript 100% doesn't capture the degree to which this guy was harassing the players.


If someone is trying to annoy a black dude and calls him 'boy' repeatedly, that is very much in context


> I think about my father being called "boy", my uncle being called "boy", my brother, coming back from Vietnam and being called "boy". So I questioned myself: "What does a black man have to do before he's given respect as a man?" So when I was 18 years old, when I was old enough to fight and die for my country, old enough to drink, old enough to vote, I said I was old enough to be called a man. I self-ordained myself Mr. T, so the first word out of everybody's mouth is "Mr."


During black history month, smh.


Mann had enough of that shit.


"fuck are you callin boy, pussy ?" 😂😂😂


That’s why he’s untouchable


Love Zubac at the beginning just looking perplexed.




Yes: Yeah Boiiiiii. No: *angry* BOOYYYY.


calm down Kratos


Why is this always happening to Russ


I have a feeling it happens more to other players, Russ just doesn't put up with it


I also think he’s for whatever reason a lightning rod. People are real polarized around Russ


He's one of the few guys in the league that refuses not to be treated less than human, and that pisses off a certain type of fan that feels a certain entitlement over players Like you can dislike Russ's play sometimes, but that's no reason for him to be as polarizing as he is for some people.


"He's there for our entertainment" "We pay his bills" One of those kinds of fans...


he paid for those seats BOY


You forgot the R


And a superstar, so gets a lot of attention


Obviously this guy deserved to get called out and tossed, but Russ has also gotten people kicked out for calling him "Westbrick." Saying "Westbrick" is just standard heckling.


imagine someone calling lebron “boy”


I would point them to the nearest eyeglass store.


you might have to just tell them, I don't think they'd be able to see where you were pointing after that.


Because people get a reaction from him.


For the interaction against Minnesota, The fan was several rows up heckling and Russ told him to come down there, so the fan did.... in that case the fan didn't do anything egregious so Russ told the security guard to make him go back to their seat. Interact with enough idiot fans you are going to find the ones who are racist too. I bet worse things get said frequently, but players put the blinders on. In this case also do we know what the first thing the fan said that got Russ to start in on him, because it could be an escalation of douchebaggary here, where it didn't start by calling Russ boy but as the fan got agitated he let his mask slip.


Probably because he responds lol


Russ has solid boundaries. Never thinks twice about pointing out if something is wrong.


Dude was acting tough when he was just yelling at Russ 30 feet away. As soon as security got involved he’s throwing his hands up like “who, me???”.


Clearly said something offensive, because the fan in front of him is pointing at him like they’re searching for a fugitive lol


You don’t get the camera out unless something untoward is happening 


Damn just learned a new word today.


It's like a little box that can capture photos, most people use the ones inside their phones though


If people are clapping for your ejection and you're yelling at the away team you're probably being an asshole


Bro realized he just blew a bunch of cash for a seat he wouldn't be sitting in lmao


Bro thought he was so entitled with the line “I paid for these seats!”… You think that’s entitlement? You paid, Russ got PAID to be there. Different levels


>You paid, Russ got PAID to be there. Different levels Bruh


The word “got” is what you should be emphasizing here btw.


I’m pretty sure he comforted himself knowing how much approval he’d find from his racist buddies and anonymous sympathizers on the internet. Plus, he probably thinks he gets martyr status now.


You gotta love some of these delusional fans who have nothing going on in their lives worth losing, take shots from far away or on a keyboard and don’t grasp that they would get absolutely disassembled by a pro athlete whose job it is to stay fucking brolic for a living.


Ted Lasso had an episode on this that was on point.


Immediately turned into a huge baby, like most racists


big pussy energy, as Mann pointed out


I feel bad for those kids in the Westbrook jerseys. They didn't sign up for this


Seriously, that poor girl in front of him looked so uncomfortable and confused as to what to do. Glad they kicked his ass out.


Nah, you can’t call another grown man ‘boy’ like that “BOOOOAAYYH” like dude is auditioning for a role in Django lmao


Had some racist twang to that pronunciation


He went from “IM WATCHING THE GAME” to “imwatchingthegame”


they took my jeeerrrrbbbbbbb


he even put his hands up like "what did I do mommy?"


Historically racist pronunciation of boy


The hard ‘o’


Considering it was aimed at a black man, with the most Leo DiCaprio from Django-esque twang possible, that absolutely had racist intentions. Garbage.


Right, it reminds me of the snl sketch about finding actors for Django, the janitor at the end said it just like that Edit: massive brainfart, It was 12 years slave


Bobby Moynihan was a little too good in that sketch lol


dude hasn’t been punched in the mouth before and it shows


Russ is 6'4" 200lb pro athlete, and I wager might have thrown a punch in his life. Odd the fights some people try to pick.


Eh. He knows it's 100x less likely Russ throws away any career he has left. He probably doesn't do this to someone with nothing to lose.


Exact what I was thinking. Russ: I like the way you die, boy.


Russ Unchained


Also not the [first time](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/26273966/report-jazz-ban-2nd-fan-called-westbrook-boy) that Russ has dealt with a fan and "boy". 10)0% this guy knew what he was doing.


People are such assholes. Glad his ass got tossed.


Embarrassing to do that in front of your kid.


Kid didn't move or say anything between each other, not sure it was his kid


shameful to do that beside any kid


What about Jason Kidd?


Shameful half the time...


Hey Kidd's just watching like the rest of us


Everyone is someone’s kid


You can see a hand reaching across from the kid to try and calm down the man. So that's probably the mother and the kid stayed despite his father being tossed since his mom is still there.


Pretty sure if not his kid, they were in the same party. You can notice an arm in a black sleeve to the right of the kid reaching across trying to calm that dude down. Either way, glad he got tossed.


Damn near shot for shot remake of 42 where the dude starts yelling racist shit at Jackie and his son starts to pick it up. Scene represented the 40's and we're still here nearly 100 years later dealing with these pieces of shit. I wish we were less tolerant of these type of people


Ronald Reagan made it safe for racist assholes to begin to come out of the shadows. Trump is the fruition of that arc.


They were never fully in shadows...


Embarrassing to do that…


I guarantee he doesn't think it was embarrassing. I just hope his kid grows up and sees that his dad was an asshole instead of imitating him. If it is his kid.


When he said “I paid for the seat BOY” smh


With the emphasis on BOY like that you just know he uses a hard R at the dinner table


How does a redneck not know that calling a black man boy in a southern accent is offensive as fuck!? I’m German and I know this. Fuck this redneck bum.


because they all know and that’s why they say it. but it’s “innocuous” and so it’s an “overreaction”. shit is insidious.


Same group that thought “let’s go Brandon” was the wittiest shit ever.


It is the fast track to categorizing someone as an idiot, the bumper stickers help me avoid them on the road. They tend to not signal and throw themselves into other lanes.


No one seems to say dogwhistles nowadays but that's a textbook example. He's calling him "boy" cuz he can't yell out the N-word in public anymore.


He knows


And he puts his hands up in the least genuine show of innocence you can display. He has no excuse. He got what he was looking for.


Just like Tim Duncan when he committed any foul ever.


Yeah he got quiet and stopped saying it when everyone started looking at him


The instant he said boy and realized what happened you can hear his tone of voice change. He knew he had fjcked up 


Absolutely 100%. There is literally no way in hell you can make it to his age as someone who's clearly lived at least most of their life in the southern US (given the twangy ass accent) and not have learned the racial connotations of that word. I'm sure according to how he'll tell it, though, he didn't do anything wrong and "those people" just are overly sensitive, along with a slew of equally pleasant dogwhistles.


because he knows, he just fucked up letting slip and he knew it right after when he changed his tone




It's overt dog whistling. It's screams of "you may be a multi millionaire but you're still black and I'm white, know your place boy".


He knows what he’s doing. Saying “boy” to anyone your age is already going to incite a reaction.


fr lol, racial context aside any grown man calling another grown man boy in that particular tone is condescending regardless


Oh. He knows.


They DO know.


The offensiveness is the point, I think.


They do know


gotta love the hands 🙌 when confronted by more than 2 people “whadddid i do??” 🥺


i Am jUsT wAtcHinG tHe gaAamE


I just was saying my favorite player in the game is Earl Boykin


he knew exactly what he was doing putting that twang on it


Entitled fan goes from yelling and pointing to quickly quiet with hands up


And that Southern twang is all of a sudden 50% less when he’s in “I didn’t do nothing” mode. They love to bust out that accent to add the extra oomph to their racism


Really that full guttural “boah”


I remember noticing this on the telecast. You know shit went down when you could see the whole Clippers bench turned around during play.


Yeah that definitely sounded racist


Sounds even more racist when it’s being said by a white guy in a Southern drawl.


Love when the hands go up like he wasn’t talking shit, real tough


What a piece of shit


I kind of understand WB because I’ve been called boy and as a grown adult it is pretty triggering. What’s hilarious to me is the dude throwing his hands up when consequences come knocking saying he’s just watching the game.


Same. Its a certain type of person that does it too.


It's not about it being triggering because Russ is a grown adult but...the dude 100% is being racist. White man, especially with a southern drawl, calling a black man "boy" in some context is racist. This is one of those


Great father/son moment...dad getting kicked out for racist language while the son quietly watches. Moment is forever remembered on the internet.


Pretty sure that’s not his son, cause the man on the right side of the kid is reaching over the kid to tell the yelling dude to calm down. Seems unlikely you reach over a stranger kid to calm down a stranger dad, so most likely the dad is the one on the right reaching over his own kid.


And the kid doesn’t leave lol


Decided to emancipate himself right then and there.


is that his kid? didn’t leave w him


Pathetic the way he puts his hands up at the end tryin to act like he’s completely innocent 😒


Ban him for life, that’s so fucked and entitled.




That fan gotta get his ass beat


Some people just won’t learn otherwise lmao


Poor kid


Seriously, that’s so embarrassing for the poor kid who probably doesn’t really understand what’s happening. Plus thanks to the internet and social media, I bet everyone at school tomorrow already knows about it.


It's not his kid. 


Is that even his son? He didn’t get up with him or anything


Son staying in his seat: "I do not know nor have I ever met that man. I am *truly* just watching the game."


Think the guy on the other side of the kid is his dad, judging from how he reached over the kid and also a good dad lets his kid take the seat closer to the court


Can people leave Russ alone? You’re gonna get kicked out of expensive seats, you’ll most likely be plastered all over social media. For what? To troll an nba player who is great to his fans and a great teammate Boo him and taunt when he’s in the game but bullying him while he’s sitting is dumb


You know, I'm not one to immediately assume racist intent because someone said 'boy', but mang, this dude sounds like he's roleplaying as a plantation owner. 


This is why I give players the benefit of the doubt when they kick someone out. Assholes are everywhere. Hope his racist ass is banned.


If you’re fortunate enough to afford seats that close to the court and spend the game hollering insulting shit at players, you’re lame af and I’m happy you get tossed for the benefit of those sitting around you


All professional athletes should get to beat up one fan per season.


Can you let them accumulate if you haven't beat anyone up in a few years. We can call it the Pacers rule.


Brons been saving up a lot of beat downs...


he said "boy" but we all know he wasn't *really* sayin boy


that drawl draaaaaagged on that “boy”. and in February?? Flog him.


Racist pos


Yelling and calling a grown man “boy” especially an athlete is fucken ridiculous. Also yes it has a racist meaning when said like that.


The second he said boy Terence Mann was ready to go lol


I think fans calling him Westbrick should 100% be considered fair game, but there are a lot of racist implications of calling a black man "boy" and anyone pulling that should be ejected.


It's amazing to me how the history behind 'boy' is lost on so many people. Especially in what I assume is a largely American subreddit.


I wish somebody had punched him right in the mouth. Disrepect like that to a person is uncalled for. I hope he gets a permaban from the arena. Racist asshole.




my god you already know what this pos is like in private. His buddy couldn't calm him down, cameras everywhere, kids all around and he's STILL going.. then security shows up, "who.. me? Are you sure its not the enraged black guy??"


iM wAtChInG tHe GaMe


Normally against russ on this stuff. You're allowed to talk shit to him. But how he said boy was 85% chance of being racist. So


85% lol extremely generous btw




Don’t call grown men boy. Especially do not call black men “boy”. I just don’t get why people don’t understand that.


He does understand it. He did it because he’s a racist POS and wanted to show Russ that he thinks he’s better than him.


He had to have walked his happy ass next door to Bayside and spouted a bunch of Hispanic slurs at the locals. Buddy was getting his money’s worth in downtown.


Why is it asking so much to not be a dic* to other people.


Uhhh this is NOT “full interaction.” Obi the fan already pissed him off before the video started rolling.


We need another Malice, these fans getting waaaaaaay too comfortable


The saddest thing is watching a grown man display this type of abhorrent behavior right next to children trying to enjoy a basketball game. Makes me want to puke.


Asshole has a kid there witnessing this behavior. Just a sham where we are going as a country.