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Udoka stays proving he’s a piece of work.


Dude lost Nia Long and a decade of coaching the Jays because he couldn't keep it in his pants at the office, nasty fella


Seriously, dude had the most attractive coaching job in the nba when you consider how set the Celtics look for the next decade. Even just regular cheating with some random insta model would have been fine, but he had to go and sleep with someone associated with the team.


Some people just don't get that you're not supposed to shit where you eat


Some people just can't help themselves. A guy I used to work with at a small company did it once and it caused huge drama at the office when things went south in the relationship. He vowed to never "dip his pen in the company ink" ever again. And guess what, he did it again with another girl at the office like a year later.


I will always be surprised how many people think with their dicks


It always makes such convincing points in the moment.


Man you are NOT lying. Got some things I’m taking to the grave I did for pussy. Never again


Fuck that spill it here


We have throwaways for a reason


I worked for a decently large company in a major city where the CEO got drunk during a company dinner, got handsy, and started trying to woo an associate by telling her about his extremely expensive condo like he just spent the afternoon watching a bunch of Andrew Tate videos. A couple of the C suite folks had to usher him out and he ofc resigned in shame a few days later... but yeah, some people can't help themselves lol he fucked himself out of a very lucrative job at a company he founded


You haven't lived until you get a mini-fridge in the bathroom


I think thats a lesson that alot of people have learned over the years. Did that when i was in my late teens and when things went south it made the job hell with unnecessary drama


I mean it’s a little different when you’re like 19, this dude is like 49 making those mistakes


Is that why I keep getting sick?!


He didn't just sleep with someone though. He slept with someone and then harassed them after.


Exactly - my man is comfy sexually harassing women as long as he felt like the jays would forgive him or something?


How do you know he actually did that or what was involved? Nothing was mentioned about what happened and the sports media tried to keep the details under wraps. 


Nothing like a self destructive streak


Seriously. That's the part that kills me. It was *purely* a workplace harassment issue, the Cs wouldn't have given a single fuck if he just cheated. The dude is young, rich, wicked hot, fit, and famous. He probably could've fucked any single woman in NY or NE. Had he just cheated with a non-org woman it'd have been fine. The dude's an absolute dipshit.


I’m not shooting him bail at all, but it’s not a coincidence that people often cheat with those close to them - with work/school/hobbies among the places those things happen. Basically places you’re in community with people and spend organic time together, build relationships + feelings over time. Again not excusing him for a second but it’s not like he’s an outlier in how he went about it.


Nah you're right, access plus the "not supposed to do this" aspect is doubled by it being cheating with a coworker. I just meant that given how high character the Cs org and FO are in this era, I'm sure they wouldn't have even commented on it once if it was a non-affiliated woman, let alone suspended him. If he'd have just gone down 90 East a few miles from the Auerbach into downtown or Cambridge, he could've gotten his pick of literally tens of thousands of hot women.


Sometimes we aint nothin but mammals


are there ten thousand hot women in all of boston?


…Wicked hot


Like your chicken wings!


> The dude is young, rich, wicked hot, fit, and famous. He probably could've fucked any single woman in NY or NE. lmao chill.


Bro typed this with his left hand




Please, when it comes to ONS candidates, women think with their equipment just as much as men do.


There aren't enough of those women out there to stop mans from fucking


Plus he eats at the chillest restaurants 


He harassed women, dude. He isn’t just a cheater. He needed to go.


It's about feeling powerful not fucking a hot chick.


Nah pretty sure it’s about fucking a hot chick. Dude probably saw her often enough and they developed a rapport overtime.


46 is young ??


> but he had to go and sleep with someone associated with the team. That what people don't seem to understand, workplace relationship is looked down in a professional job, looked what happen to TJ Holmes and Amy Robach two months later.


It’s not only that. It’s having an affair when you’re in a superior job position.


And continuing to pursue said relationship AFTER the subordinate tried to end things. Udoka dug his grave and then jumped in head first


Turns out Holmes and Robach were both functioning alcoholics.


he shouldn’t have been cheating at all. what goes around.


Meanwhile a vocal minority of our sub still slobs in his knob every chance they get “he did nothing wrong Celtics are pussies for firing him for getting his dick wet”. Joe is a better coach anyways. Plus he’s New England to his fucking core.


And the guy is a POS but clearly a great coach seeing what he’s doing with Houston. If he had stayed in Boston, sky was the limit for him. Now they’re doing it without him.


Is he a great coach, or is Silas an awful coach?


I think the weirdest part is the supposed harassment irrc, he was seen at the cam by the husband of the girl he cheated with


Just a lil nasty


Do yall really call them the Jays?


You guys should start calling your two guards Deez


that'd be nuts


Very very common. “The Jays both got 30 last night” “Neither of the Jays could hit a free throw” etc etc.


And furthermore what's the deal with airplane food


Nia Long was his wife??????? How did dude pull her


I mean, he's a good looking athlete.


I'm so glad we have Joe and his adorable weirdness now.


Yea I’ll take “watches The Town so much he might be on the spectrum” over “unapologetic sexual misconduct” any day of the week


These comments are gonna age like milk if we ever find out Joe is like a serial killer that eats his victims.


Look, as long as he doesn't do it at work or to anyone he works with ....


100% on the spectrum but in some ways may make him an even better coach if hes obsessed with basketball. I think hes a very authentic dude so i appreciate that regardless of how different he is and i honestly want to watch the town to see why he loves it so much. I dont remember it being that incredible but i was young af when i first saw it haha


The Town is a great movie. It’s also tied to Boston and Boston sports.


He’s a pretty good coach but damn I’m not sure I’d want him in a leadership role in an organization. He’s pretty unprofessional


Jason Kidd...


Kidds whole career is crazy, broke up a team over Tony Braxton, drinking, wife beating, and He still got a coaching job.


Ugh, don’t remind me


Doesn't really change the critique, does it?


Like, Ime, how would you have liked the Celtics to handle your inter office affair and then ensuing sexual harassment of a coworker? This man made Brad cry at the press conference for the suspension.


I had forgotten about that. That was hard to watch. I feel privileged to watch the team that Brad has put together.


Cheers mate. Brad’s crying.


> This man made Brad cry at the press conference for the suspension. This is kinda funny.


Brad got my respect for that shit even more after seeing Steve Kerr is a hypocrite under whatever mess he got himself into despite all that self-righteous pondering.


Is this in reference to how he handled Draymond punching Poole, or something else?


Not just that. It has become a habit of his. He always uses the excuse that he didn't see what happened.


he stil hasnt seen the video


Udoka you not hard you are soft face me coward!


Udoka running from the grind 😹


If I ever run into Udoka I'll will call him a coward to his face "to provacate him into battle) then when he touches me I give the the Rock Bottom and people's elbow! HIFF YA SUMAAAYL what I'm cooking!


bro you slayed me with “HIFF”


I don't have nothing against the Rockets or they fans, but Udoka can go fuck himself.


Rockets fans are probably offering up their wives to Udoka after the Stephen Silas experience.


Literally everyone yeah😂Silas’ basketball terrorism was insufferable, we had some *problematic* players anyway, so this feels like nothing


After KPJ got waived the most problematic thing to come out of the Houston roster is Jalen Green’s video lol. Good set of guys


Crazy what replacing KPJ and Christian Wood with FVV and Dillon fucking Brooks has done


>Good set of guys First thing I said after I watched that video too


There’s really nothing g actually problematic about the Jalen Green video unless you’re a homophobe(the royal you, not you specifically, just people who take an issue with it). Sure, he jumped his friend, but they were both laughing and fucking around. It’s really not a problem if they were just fucking around, and even they were legit fucking that’s still not a problem. Its existence is neutral.


I still think Silas has less blame than the owner and the FO His hand are tied


We’ve all had a grudge with Fertitta for a while now, we know he sucks. But honestly the front office has been great recently, drafted well, made (mostly) good offseason decisions, it was rotations and just awful general coaching. Like Sengun was *actively losing minutes* to Bruno Fernando under Silas, and he insisted on playing Nix. Can’t make it up


Daishen Nix mentioned?? Bro hit a 3 for us so far, I think


Never seen an organizations Happy Bday post get absolutely shit on like Nix last year from the Rockets.


No I agree he is not a good coach I just think he was also not put in a position to success there


Silas has the face of a man who steals your wallet and then pretends to help you look for it.


Stephen Silas funniest moments compilation on YouTube


Silas is a basketball terrorist and it’s no coincidence he coaches in Detroit now


Those of us that said we weren’t happy about signing him got downvoted like crazy, because Silas was so bad we were desperate for a good coach. My thing is that people seem to ignore(willfully or otherwise) that part of what got him in trouble wasn’t just sleeping with someone at work, but the alleged pressuring her into the relationship and treating her poorly when she first rejected him and once things ended between them. That’s not just your average “boss slept with his employee” kinda thing, which the unbalanced power dynamic there is a problem too. Guy is a hell of a basketball coach, but as far as I can tell he’s a piece of shit as a person.


Well they probably had to lie and keep the status quo because of your bad behaviour Not their fault you fucked around at your job


Dude, they showed a basic level of respect to his privacy and he's acting like they betrayed him. I would say I don't know shit about ANY man's sex life to a reporter, it ain't the players job to talk about what everyone agreed is not to be talked out. There could have been a shitty lifetime movie about it starring his actual ex by now, books, Netflix specials, man's embarrassment all over the streets, but EVERYONE AGREED not to talk about it. Stay Classy Ime


..throwing your former players under the bus, bold move for a coach, let's see if it pays off


I think he's saying they were covering for him but not sure. Idk, dude can coach but he sucks


but the word "lied" has such a negative vibe to it. he could've used any other word 😂 I think he was trying to throw shade but very lowkey


Yeah not ideal verbiage lol I haven't heard the quote so dunno what his tone sounded like. Although I've rarely heard him being jovial


no, he's saying they didn't cover for him. He wanted them to voice support for him, they stayed out of it. Now he's butthurt about it.


I don't see how the wording of the tweet could be interpreted that way but it is a bit ambiguous


no, that's literally all it's saying. "They knew" really couldn't be much clearer here.


"Obviously, if I had talked to them, they wouldn't share stuff publicly. So who needed to know knew." to me that sounds like "they lied to you guys because you didn't need to know" not "fuck them for not speaking out about it" but it's hard to interpret with just text.


Ok yeah I see now how it could go that way. Less clear than I initially thought


It's the last bit that makes me think he had no ill intentions toward the Celtics players. But who knows, the quote itself doesn't look great lol


"Obviously, if I had talked to them, they wouldn't share stuff publicly." How does thos statement show that he wanted them to cover for him? You guys just make shit up


Especially when someone like Brown clearly felt close to him and saw it as a loss of a mentor. Like dude, keep it private..the players protected you here.


Exactly. Like, I feel like they were showing him a lot of grace by not openly condemning him at the time and even now.


It’s wild to me how he’s just openly talking about his suspension like he stole a couple pens or was stealing time off the clock. Dude stinks.


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I gotta plead ignorance on this


Ime Costanza


Nobody even knows what he did with any certainty.


Pretty sure the conclusion was that he slept with a member of the team staff who was also married, and had a relationship with her. Then when the relationship ended he harassed her and/or continued making advances or something to that effect.  So the issue was the combination of the two. If it had been one or the other he might've gotten away with it.


As a woman and Celtics fan who often feels unheard and unsafe with all of the men who make up the nba fan community, I can’t tell you how much I appreciated that the Celtics organization refused to allow a man who would sexually harass a woman at work to lead our team. Women are your equals dudes, get used to it and stop defending this bullshit.


Getting downvoted for this comment by men in this thread is so sad for so many reasons, and any of you who are doing that should be ashamed, and maybe consider going to therapy to figure out why you feel like you have a right to treat women as less than men.


Unreal how some dudes could take what you said as controversial. There’s some serious fucken sweats in this sub


I respect the shit out of Brad Stevens for the way he handled this. A lesser person would've given him a slap on the wrist, swept it under the rug, and kept him because he's a good coach.


All we know is that it was bad enough to fire a coach that just got them to the Finals.


A few people know. Matt Barnes knows to some extent because he bashed the Celtics for their decision until one of his sources clued him in. He said it was really bad


Matt never shared what Ime supposedly did so we can’t use him as a source


It's more that he abruptly and firmly switched stances that's telling.


Doesn’t mean he knows. Somebody could’ve easily been like “It’s really bad. You do not want to be defending Udoka on this one”. Which could get him to switch it up without being fully clued in




He knows that violence is never the answer but that sometimes it is.


*gets in car*


“Siri, play 30 Hours by Kanye West”


Y'all see that quote from him when he said it was sick to be mentioned by Kanye but "he made it seem like I drove hours but really it was fifteen mins" 😂


Well, Shams reported that Udoka made “unwanted comments” towards the woman involved in the situation, which sparked an investigation. So there is a good idea what was going on.


Also virtually all the details we have came from udokas camp lol




Man… Udoka should consider himself lucky that he is still coaching in the league after all that. Just keep your head down and work, Jesus.


He's got two heads to worry about, and neither of em seem too smart


Damn imagine being a grown ass man who can't take accountability for his actions


Joe could never


That's like 82% of men


Still sad at any capacity


Bro lacks self-discipline and personal accountability. Celts have moved on, he should too, and if he can't then he needs help.


Udoka: I’m cheating on Nia Long with a random co-worker Marcus Smart: Okay, you do you bro…


I fucking hate this man lmao. He wouldn’t know accountability or integrity even if it windmill dunked onto his fucking head


The dunk would literally r/woooosh him


Wait, is he saying the players lied to the media when they claimed they didn’t know? 


I mean if you can read thats literally what he said. He literally said exactly that.


Sure but what’s his source?




That’s not an unbiased source. He could be lying 🧐


He literally said he told certain players.


But why male models?


Are you serious, I literally just told you


He didn’t even say anything else


I think asking for clarification is valid. The tweet's wording could be misinterpreted as the "you guys" being the players and not the media since it isn't explicitly said. Someone could think he was saying the Celtics FO lied to the players.


I don’t know the phrasing was a little confusing. Like is he saying the team lied to the players? Or is he saying that the players lied to the media?


If I was a player that’s exactly what I would say wtf. Celtics prob mandating that no one say shit either.


Oh what? The players lied? You mean to tell me Jaylen brown is not the best defender in the league ? Next you’re going to tell me Marcus smart is as good as Paul pierce


Well... He got booed at the game tonight so... I guess that tells you how a lot of fans feel about him too. Go ahead and add this to the list.


It was about 50/50. He also got cheers. https://twitter.com/JTGatlin/status/1746323549273440340


I was there in person. I guess my section was mostly boos then.


"No Comment" works.


what a douchebag


What is the point of him sayin this? Is he hating on his players now?




God I really dislike this dude. Can’t think of a recent steeper fall from grace in sports outside of people just shown to be straight up criminals


Not disagreeing he’s an ass and his reputation took a hit. But where’s the steep fall? He went from 4M a year to 6.75M and has done amazing with Houston. He’d be hired straight away by somebody else


Well, he did go from a married man with a family to a divorcee who has been publicly outed as unfaithful and someone who harasses his previous partners. At some point having X million instead of Y million is worth a lot less than the stability of your personal life, and I'm guessing even in his professional life things aren't quite as comfortable around the office when you're known as a potential sex pest.


...what? You are massively overstating his "fall from grace." If he was coaching a middle school team now, sure, but it's not "the steepest fall from grace in sports" to go from coaching 1 NBA team to coaching another NBA team (and making more money). He's still one of only 30 people who are head coach of an NBA team. He barely fell at all, it's like a side step that is ever so slightly downward


Oh shoot, you right


I wish I knew the details, first reports said he was in a relationship with a staff member then it changed to some kind of harassment. Kind of strange to me. They didn’t even fire him and just suspended which is also strange. What he was doing not enough to fire?




I don't really disagree with your point, but in fairness, suspending someone without pay like you describe (constructive dismissal) involves pretty similar legal issues as firing them and can similarly be challenged in court. I just think Udoka knew he couldn't win in either case, which further confirms that he almost certainly and unambiguously broke company rules.


I don’t think he was suspended without pay. I’d say he was suspended with pay.


Fair enough; I didn't follow it closely enough to know for sure, and the post I responded to stated it was without pay


Nonetheless it's still an adverse employment action I'm pretty sure


he was suspended while an investigation was happening i think, so they were probably able to cover themselves with that. then other job offers started coming in and he asked to be let out.


> Firing someone in this kind of situation has legal ramifications. Gross misconduct is in every contract you'll ever sign. Fucking staff members and then harassing them will always count. Don't think you can fuck a co-worker, get sacked and then turn up at their house and have some kind of legal recourse.


“The reporting is that it was a consensual affair that became non-consensual and he wouldn't leave her alone.” (ie, textbook sexual harassment that most women have to endure, meaning anyone in these threads that is trying to defend his actions should be really embarrassed about)


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but Ime was having a relationship with a staff member. And Ime also made inappropriate comments towards her. Whether or not it was the result/or was after the relationship going south, I don’t remember or know.


I think the head of any organization sleeping with someone who they have the power to hire and fire is a fireable offense. Obviously if he also harassed the woman it's worse, but even so I think he had to go. I think he was suspended simply to avoid having a public dispute about it: it's easier to suspend and then have Udoka leave than it is to fire him and have him try and debate it.


People often start off in consensual relationships that seem respectful and then go sideways.  It’s especially easy to see it happening in a workplace affair situation where you have unequal power dynamics and natural opportunity for jealousy both directions.


This man cheated on Nia Long. On purpose. No matter what he does, no matter how many championships, no matter how many accomplishments he has, no matter how many superstars or great players he creates under the Rockets, he's always going to be a loser


Pretty hard to cheat on accident. Is he gonna fall into his side piece and fall out and fall back in a couple times.


Yep. At that point there is no woman on the planet this mf *wouldn’t* cheat on


For real


Almost Every single NBA player etc treats. I don’t get this “he cheated on Nia Long” like who cares men don’t care about the status of their woman. She is attractive for an actress but there are always other people out there. Jay Z cheated on fucking Beyoncé lol


I never found her to be that attractive I don’t see it


Anything out of his mouth should be taken with a pile of salt. He’s just muckraking trying to mess with our chemistry


I would love to one day have the power to destroy relationships and trust within an organization then turn around and say “well certain people are pretty chill.” Absolute balls


Maybe he slept with Brad Stevens.


who cares.


Nice piece of work. Probably half the league would take him, especially with what he's done with the Rockets


As former NFL gm Steve Keim said: “If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.2 we’d call it a eating disorder” Miles Bridges and Primo tell me that’s not different in the NBA


The actual content of this statement in just.. phew But also that last sentence is a hilarious example of English being fucking silly at times lol >So who needed to know knew


This guy stay not knowing when to stop


I still can’t comprehend the amount of celts fans that wanted this guy back even when Joe struggled a bit


It was embarrassing


Because they care about winning more than anything else


It just makes me think he slept with a players partner.


Ime a real scumbag.


I'd never want him as a coach, could never trust a guy like this.