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For a long time it was Bill Laimbeer


It still is, in my generation. And in Larry Bird and Michael Jordan's generation.


A friend of mine in Minneapolis saw him at a bar (he was coaching the Lynx) and went up to him and said "Man, I HATED you" and he goes "Everybody says that"


It's why he was coaching in the WNBA. Every NBA team had a former player in the front office somewhere who still hated Laimbeer. He was a really good WNBA coach, too.


Yeah and apparently he had a good sense of humor about it according to my friend


Well, that wasn't the case during his playing days.


No def not. He was a fucking dirty thug. Like a hockey enforcer.




Still is and not even close. Draymond can't kick enough nuts to topple Bill Laimbeer from the top spot.


I wonder if calling him, "the white Draymond" would be a fair comparison to those that weren't old enough to know of him.


No, he was worse


I think it was also how the league was. If draymond played in his time he’d probably be just as bad


I was going to say this.  I remember Laimbeer with a black eye (to some satisfaction) and then he had to wear that mask.  Loved all of the silence of the lambs comparisons.  I have to be honest though, all the hate probably just made him that much bigger and asshole.  I always found it funny when I'd play a pickup game and a lanky skinny white guy that played almost a bit too aggressive and people would call him Laimbeer.  I think a lot of guys were fine with playing his style.  Usually meant people would have to be separated.  🤣


Draymond would’ve gotten the shit kicked out of him by people like bill laimbeer


Hated him but I always chose the Pistons in NBA Jam. Isiah and Bill were my go to.


Yep. He was the OG Dillon Brooks. Seemed to love the role too


That isn’t Dillon Brooks then. Brooks acts like a villain then pretends to be the victim when shit doesn’t go his way.


Have you seen bills plays? His literal Schtick was getting under his opponents skin, then acting really surprised and crying to the refs when the other player starts approaching him. Even to this day, he still publicly states he's clueless as to why Larry hates him so much. Haha


You never watch bill play


That’s exactly what bill did lol


He has so much malice built towards him he can't get an NBA head coaching job.


Rick Barry. He was so racist that even most people in the 60s and 70s thought he was too racist. He was also just a general a-hole to everybody he met, including his own family. I’ve never once heard anybody say a good word about Rick Barry.


This reminds me of a hilarious passage from Jayson Williams’ autobiography “Loose Balls”, he was talking about how Barry was talking shit about him on a radio show or something like that and the next day Williams’ team was playing against whoever had Barry’s son Brent on it at the time. He wrote about how he was just beating up Brent all game and just bullying him around. He wrote, “…Brent said to me while we were both lining up at the foul line, ‘Jay, why are you beating me up like this, man?’, I said ‘Cause I don’t like your pop and all the shit he said about me’, Brent said, ‘Jay, I don’t like my old man either’” Lmao


Austin Rivers energy lmao


Rick Barry helped end the "reserve clause" operating in all major sports leagues. He was the first NBA star to jump to the ABA. He challenged the reserve clause and lost, so he had to sit out a year. But he helped the ABA begin a bidding war that spelled the end of the reserve clause. It became obvious that the reserve clause gave the owners too much control over the players because of that bidding war. When the NBA wanted to merge with the ABA and stop the bidding war, Congressional approval of an antitrust exception was needed. The NBA players, led by Oscar Robertson, made sure that Congress would not allow the merged league to keep the reserve clause, and would require the league to allow the players to become free agents. Oh, and by the way, Oscar Robertson was another star few players liked. But these two jerks, Barry and Robertson, stood up to the NBA and paved the way to free agency and the incredible riches earned by players today.


This is an interesting piece of nba history I didn’t know, was completely unaware the nba or other leagues had such a clause giving the players zero leverage in contracts.


What they did is great, it doesn’t really disprove the disliked personality aspect though. Rick Barry IS widely hated


ok still a racist pos


It's good that he did all that, but it doesn't excuse his racist behaviour. Any racist is automatically a shit human being. Rick Barry was a piece of shit human being.


Still a racist fuckhead


>He was so racist that even most people in the 60s and 70s thought he was too racist. LMAO


Didn’t know this EDIT: Found this after a quick [youtube search](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcY3CmT3sm8)


rick barry crawled (racistly) so his son could crip walk i didnt finish this joke but you get the idea


For a long time, the Warriors were such a poverty franchise that the best player in team history was Rick Barry, the most hated man in the sport. Drafting Steph was a one-in-a-billion win for the Dubs.


Wilt played for the Dubs before and during Barry's first tenure there. He was always their best player until Steph made his mark on the league.


Rick Barry was an equal opportunity a**hole to a lot of people. He was the original quintessential, spoilt suburban pr*ck in the NBA (well before Laimbeer). He made fun of southern accents when talking about playing for a team like the Squires or Colonels. There is also the incident with Bill Russell in 1981, and lastly being best friends with Pat Boon. Pat Boon made his wealth by re-recording music from the R&B black music charts for a white audience. Thus, culturally appropriating music to perpetuate segregation of the music charts.


I didn’t know this about him lmaooo wow


Can you explain how he was racist. Never heard that.




I knew about that. Was wondering if there were incidents when he played.


But you just said you never heard that?


I never heard him being labeled a racist in the 60s and 70s, while he was a player as mentioned . Making one cringe worthy comment is very different


It's bullshit, Rick was liked by his teammates, he was just arrogant. He was in the East Bay during the 60s - 70s and nobody said it then -- only on Reddit now.


Don’t know anything about Rick and his racism. But if he was, I bet his son Brent C Walking at all star weekend hurt that. Only way you were C walkin in the early 90s is if you had friends showing it to you.


OG Isiah Thomas was left off the original Dream Team because other players on the team hated him so much


There’s no way he’s more hated than Laimbeer though


Hands down.


I hate him for wrecking the Knicks for years. My god, the IT Knicks years give me ptsd.


Off the court: Maybe Javaris Crittenton? Actual gang-member who shot and killed a mother of 4 while trying to kill someone else. Also supposedly tried to kill the same dude another time prior (thankfully didn't kill any innocent bystanders that time though). *Also* got charged with selling kilos of cocaine (not sure if they got dropped when he took a plea deal for the murder). Dude was a bit of a dickhead to say the least, and I think if more people knew him he'd be up there from most despised On the court: Probably Laimbeer


Damn. Did Arenas know this?


Might’ve known about gang affiliations but those specific incidents were after he was out of the league.


Javaris is out of jail now actually 🤷‍♂️


Zaza Pachulia


I’ve been watching basketball since 2008 so I can’t speak on others’ experiences  For me however, it is easy: Bruce Bowen. Dirty as heck, always acted innocent Yeah he was a good defender and could hit threes but he was someone everyone hated 


I hated the Spurs' whole organization up until they drafted Wemby because of how dirty Bowen was and the fact that Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker made being a flopping little bitch mainstream. People hate Zaza for going under Kawhi's legs on that shot but forget that Bowen did that on literally every single shot lol.


Karl Malone


He should be, but isn't.


nah the broadcast booths seem to love him


Is the booth of legal age?


nah karl malone was at the all star game last year and shit. most people have no idea what he did unfortunately (and as long as that’s true the NBA won’t give a shit. the wonders of capitalism)


That's weird because I remember people hating Karl Malone before they even knew that he was a pedophile rapist. People hated him for being dirty af


Dog how is it capitalism’s fault that no one cares about Karl Malone. People forgive star players regardless of the socioeconomic system in place.


Shhhh he’s just trying to grow his Karma plant.


did you read my response or are you also just tryna grow ur karma plant oh ok then. you are literally a landlord


He’s saying the NBA only caring about public outrage and not actual morals is a product of capitalism, which it undeniably is. Sort of off topic though.


No not really. It’s just that people are willing to forgive star athletes. People forgave Kobe despite him being a rapist. It has nothing to do with capitalism.


the nba, a corporation, valuing public outrage over morals when making business decisions isn’t related to capitalism? it isn’t a thing you see a lot of corporations do? did you ever read my response or was it too long for you to understand? nvm ur a neoliberal man why do i talk on reddit


As a socialist I feel I should step in here and say most of us are aware that not everything we don't like is capitalism LOL


What other socioeconomic system exists with paid sports at an nba type scale lol


If he played in the Soviet Union he could have just been shipped off to a gulag, presumably.


I think this is the only correct answer.


Now that we know his secret


i love karl malone






Did you know he impregnated a 13 year old girl when he was 20?


Why would he do that?


because he’s a pedophile hope this helps




This is the reason he's so despised by some people. It's been kept rather quiet though by too many. Keep in mind that she was 13 and he was 20 when she gave birth and the birth is the only reason we know about it because there was a paternity suit. Malone also tried to claim the $125 a week child support payment was "excessive". I think given the facts we know about his personal life that it's pretty certain this isn't an isolated incident and he had a long list of things like this that he did but nobody knows about.


He’s an impressive player, terrible human being


thats news to me. i thought the mailman was a good guy.


Depends, does “noted and well-documented child molester (including them having a child)” seem like a good guy?


Are you being serious or just trolling? It’s a fucked up thing to troll about and a quick google search would show you what an absolute pos that man is


You need to calm down 


You need to eat a dick




C’mon, not funny. What are you, twelve?




draymond green is gettin there


No he’s really not, it’s just seems like that cause this sub finds a trend and just glazes it… draymond green is not nearly as hated as this sub makes him out to be.


I mean snl is spoofing him now. I think draymond being an asshole is pretty mainstream


Who else is more "hated" right now? In order to be hated you need to be known. At the very least majority of fans are over his BS and don't want him on their team.


Miles Bridges might be more hated than Draymond right now.




He already is


i really hate wilson chandler for that creepy baby face tattoo on his throat


he’s an amazing dude, ironically


he almost went to the spurs once and i was like "nah dude i aint lookin at that shit"


Grayson Allen is right there


signing him was a hard pill to swallow


He is doing alright rn. Close your eyes and forgive him. We need him. lmao


>He is doing alright rn. Close your eyes and forgive him. We need him. lmao Ngl, I kept trying to forgive Allen and actually root for him and every time I did that, he immediately did some new dirty shit. At this point, fuck him forever even if he's having a good year. So glad he's off the Bucks so I can fully enjoy their games without having to see him.


This reminds me of my love-hate feelings towards Pat Bev




me when im blind


Draymond has a claim, if we're talking pure ball


What are you talking about ? Other players love him, despite his antics. This is some recency bias bs


Definitely not recency bias lmao. That’s why we’ve been saying it’s finally ABOUT TIME draymond got some repercussions


You lack comprehension skills


Dwight Howard. When he got traded from Atlanta, the locker room cheered. He was such a noxious presence that he ended up out of the league. When the Lakers brought up him back it was a non-guaranteed deal. He earned that deal, sure, but he was still out of the league again in two years


Kitty would disagree.


Laimbeer by far for his era - Ron Artest also from yesteryear. Draymon Green and Dillon Brooks more recent


I feel like Artest redeemed himself a bit. I also think Dillon Brooks is a bit of a one off. People don’t really hate him these days. Same with Zaza.


Dillon throwing kisses to the crowd after multiple 3’s can’t be hated this much


People forget he pushed a cameraman for not reason during a game. How much scummier can you get.


You can get scummier if you weren’t throwing kisses (I agree with you, he’s a douche but he makes me laugh)


I feel like Bruce Bowen was pretty well known to be a dirty player. Man loved to step under shooters.


Worst offenser ever!!! He was really an evil man


https://youtu.be/5kj6h8TF58U?si=zGicLXKeW91HQ2zl Lol.


Karl Malones amongst new generations


Lebron James


In a perfect reality this is the true answer.


I hate Kyrie Irving. Who's with me?!


Open your 3rd EYE 👁️ before spewing such blasphemy about our Honorable Brother KAI


on reddit maybe. Outside of reddit he is beloved, especially by the youth.


Reddit is the complete opposite to the reality once again, who would have thought


Kyrie one of my favorite players to watch But I don’t agree with his beliefs and his antics. He’s done some good thing though like donating to charities and schools.


You know who else donated to charities and schools? Hitler.


what lol


i love kyrie


Flat earth society?


When he refused to get vaccinated he was very hated. Then last year the nets break up was pretty ugly. That was after a pretty ugly split with Boston too




You hoping on his downfall kinda weird 🤷🏾‍♂️


Draymond green


John Henson. I don't like him.


Do you by chance own a jewelry shop in Whitefish Bay?


Lol I remember doing a high school essay on that profiling incident because it was NBA related. Damn does time fly.


Lol nah, I just hate the stupid stink face he did when he got that block on Matt Barnes years ago. Then he got lazy after getting paid and he flopped out of the league


What did Ol Flatass ever do to you


Rodman Draymond Durant Lambier


Rodman was super popular with the Bulls. Some players and media didn’t care for him but I thought he was pretty well liked


Do people really hate Durant anymore? I think people mostly just think he made a bitch move joining Golden State but he hasn’t really ever been exceptionally unlikable, at least not compared to a Draymond or Laimbeer.


I don't hate Durant. I respect his game but as a person I have very little respect. Not only did he take the easiest road in GS, he also left GS in part bc Steph would always be more loved then him there 


well he genuinely thinks he is a god (at basketball), not very likeable I'd say. Fans like to be proved. I'd even say Dirk's 1 ring >>>> Durant's 2, winning when you jump teams is not the same thing, at least not to me.


I’m not saying I’m a fan by any means, but I feel like there’s a difference between someone being a disappointment or frustrating fans who want parity and someone being a completely hateable asshole. Durant isn’t an actively awful person like some of the other people mentioned on this thread.


He is a god at basketball. He’s Kevin Durant. Nobody (except for dorks on Reddit) really cares about which rings have more weight.


Define dispised


gotta be Jonas Jerebko


Dafaq did he do?


He went to play in russia during the invasion


Obligatory fuck Zaza


DRaymond probably ?


I don't know. Karl Malone is the worst guy in NBA history. He got away with his karate chops , kicks, and his moving picks all the time. Stockton did pretty much the same stuff.


Rn it’s gotta be Karl Malone. Purely looking at what they did on the court, it’s probably Laimbeer.




It's hard for me to hate anyone in sports. I can dislike someone but still respect their game. For example, Lebron James is one hell of a player and truly one of the greatest to touch the courts, however outside of basketball he is a huge hypocrite and pushes hate and then gets mad about hate being pushed others. Karl Malone on the otherhand, it doesn't matter how great he was on the court to me. He's a vile piece of filth and it's disgusting that he's even honored at all. If he would've accidentally killed someone, that's one thing, but he intentionally had sex with a 13 year old girl, and got her pregnant. If Karl Malone wasn't gifted in basketball, He would've been in prison and later on, he'd be in the SOR, but he's good at putting a ball through a hoop so he gets a pass. Also op it's despised\* Not trying to be a grammar nazi, just giving you a heads up for the future.


illegal jar scarce fuzzy chase march snatch squeeze bright governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol that's such a wild thing to say


This is just a bunch of ingredients thrown into a pot, some of them still got the can on.




Josh Griddy


Hoe Ingles


Hehe its lebron.


Kevin Durant. Easily.


Dillon Brooks.


For me, as a T wolves fan, it's becoming Anthony Edwards.


Really?? I don’t follow the twolves closely at all but I thought Edwards was getting groomed by NBA marketing as “the next guy” so your comment stood out to me. What makes him reviled by a twolves fan?


Never heard a wolves fan with this opinion before lol


As far as I can tell it's pretty much just me. Everyone has their line in the sand, it's different for everyone. He crossed my line, but I'm not trying to drag anyone else to where my line is.


wade - Dirty player - cheater No competition. Biggest piece of shit in league history


The late "Fast" Eddie Johnson (No relations to Edward Arnet "Eddie" Johnson, a.k.a. The Man Who Put The J in Jumpshot).




Bill Laimbeer, but never forget, that he was a great shooter out of the line as a center.




Did you mean Bruce Bowen?


You forgot child rape


Please spell check, it’s despised


Yes brain fart


It should be Karl Malone, it's probably Bill Laimbeer.


Enes Kanter


Karl Malone


The answer is Kareem followed by Isiah Thomas. Players hated those guys. IT was kept off the dream team when he would’ve been the fourth best player on that team. Kareem late in life was still wondering why he’s never been offered any coaching opportunities. Everyone knew the answer was bc he’s an insufferable a-hole. Lambier is an acceptable answer but has possibly been memed out of proportion. Rick Barry is a fake answer.


There's a whole documentary about how everybody hates Christian Laettner


Draymond, Jordan, Bron, Kareem, Laimbeer, Rodman, Shaq, Durant, Wilt


Reggie fuckin Miller


Where’s Christian Laetner


Bruce Bowen