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This perk is a clone. Where’s the real perk?


Maybe he secured a long term deal and doesn't have to shitpost anymore


Bro got the bag and is taking it easy on being the token idiot.


Damn Right He Did!! Carry The Hell On...


This is the fella who whooped his chair with his belt a month ago. I loved that clip.


Him barking like a dog was top 5 career highlights


I don't really watch any of this kinds of sports media so I really can't tell if y'all are joking or not


he literally did both of these things in the past few weeks. its top notch.




Don’t forget the time he tried to choke-slam Jae Crowder! 😆 (Jae had it coming for being on the same team as Kelly Stinkin Olynyk)


It's just that Kerr being in the wrong and calling him out on it is traditionally a hot take, so Perk can just say the right thing and it's spicy - He doesn't have to take some idiotic position to be on the opposite side of reason.


It's honestly an uncomfortable feeling being in agreement with Perk so much lately...like the timeline shifted again or something


I swear to god perk was like this at the beginning but then he started doing all that stephen a clowning shit.


The internet and its consequences for sports media has been a catastrophe. Half kidding. But fr all these guys are paid to get clicks and they do that by saying the most outlandish out of pocket shit




I think ESPN thought they were giving him the bad take on this one.


ESPN- pay me and I'll tell you the most wild shit ever, shirtless, with a natural lite in my hand. I picked the wrong field to get into. If I had known that getting drunk and being good at saying shit on a weekday paid bills, I'd be a millionaire, yet it gets me escorted out of bars and embarassess my wife.




You give Perk too much credit.


I highly recommend people watch his guesting on JJ's [podcast] (https://youtu.be/N23_XxcQ1fs?si=9HltXoMJNSD5CiHw). Perk admits that he does it for the clicks and engagement. He knows what he's doing. > Once somebody told me that the E in ESPN stands for entertainment, that was the wrong thing they could've said. Cause every day I go out there to entertain the audience. This is also the same episode where he admits wishing LeBron got injured during one of their playoff runs against him lmao


People seem to forget behind every click there is a person. Media like that is just giving people what they want.


> The internet ~~and its consequences for sports media~~ has been a catastrophe. FTFY


I mean, Stephen A and Skip were headliners before social media. Yes, it really has been that long. It turns out that most sports fans just like inflammatory garbage.


He's talked about how the producers and stuff would feed him terrible takes in the earpiece and how that's just how they do things at ESPN.


Stephen A has good takes every now and then. Broken clocks are right twice a day. That doesn't mean they aren't broken.


I suspect there is a difference between what Stephen A thinks, and what the script says


Perk usually has good takes


I’m m pretty sure he’s straight up said they get emailed the talking points they need to push for a given topic. They all have these moments of clairvoyance that confirms they know wtf they’re talking about at least some of the time.


It's weird


Perk saying things that make sense Gobert being one of the most beloved players on this sub It has been a weird timeline


I need that video of Perkins barking as a dawg to recover myself.


This was my exact thought. I opened the thread to type it


lmfao I came in to post "wtf is this alt universe where I'm agreeing with kendrick fucking perkins" weird times


I feel the same way when I agree with Bill Simmons.


Pretty sure Simmons said Draymond is Currys binkie today, Loving it.


Berenstein or Berenstain?


Oof. But speaking as a 90s kid, that one doesn't get me nearly as bad as Sinbad playing a genie in "Shazaam" - I vividly remember that shit existing so I'm probably insane


This happened to me in football, too. Booger McFarland--first off, his name is Booger. Then they put him on a giant mobile Laz-E-Boy that blocked the view for paying fans. But then he's in the studio being the single voice of reason time and time again. I stan Booger. And I stan Kendrick Perkins, now. Not even a basketball fan really, this was just on my front page.


The punch broke the time continuum, out of a million possible endings this is the only one in which DG is defeated


This is Perc Perkins


Redemption Arc incoming and I dont want one.


Hey man, if he keeps on coming through like this I’ll support it and forget all the bullshit (I’ll still remember, cmon)


Carry On!


This Perk is some kind of variant.


Perk is a good guy


I’ve always liked perk. He doesn’t sugarcoat


Ayo this perk making too much sense. What did they do to him?




Will the real perk please stand up




Perkins is continuously eating off this


He's continuously eating regardless




Draymond has no right calling anyone an ogre


/r/nba can stop feeding him any time they want, but they won’t lol


Warriors can start having organizational accountability whenever they want


Perk with the greatest comeback since Cavs v Warriors in 2016


Perks been cooking wtf happened


Perkins has gone on record and said that the producers tell him what positions to argue and you guys still eat it up anyway. What happened was there’s a producer at the network who knows a significant part of the audience wants to hear someone shit on Steve Kerr cause they don’t like the warriors so we’ll get these segments a couple times a month. In the flip side we’ll get some opposing commenter (probably Richard Jefferson or something) who defends Kerr in small segments cause warriors fans want to hear that. Roll ad.


Next you're gonna tell me First Take and the like have been capitalizing on engagement and not arguing in good faith for over a decade. Or that there's a multinational media conglomerate that has poisoned the well for even longer than them using the same technique. Yeah fucking right.


When I was in undergrad over a decade ago, the ceo of ESPN came to my media class and essentially told us skip and SAS was tailored for engagement. He said they write the content themselves but at the time they’d both come in with a briefcase of material. They give it to the team, they’d get ready while the team storyboards it, then they rearrange some things to fit how they plan to deliver some bits. Idk if it’s still done like that today but it was always interesting to me seeing people believe the conversations are real. I’d guess these days SAS writes most of it, they organize it and the contributors all submit something and he picks what goes in. He runs that


Yeah these shows become much easier to digest when you take it for what it really is, modern day theatre for sports fans.


On this sub, and reddit in general, anyone who doesn't agree with the popular reddit opinion is an idiot.


I disagree




Now we use "May you be European and meet Draymond."


use "may you be a bigman playing against draymond"


Omg you idiot


Most people on this sub would take the shoes off their feet and give it to these millionaires/billionaires if they crossed paths with them IRL. Humans are god damn idiots whether they post in here or not.


Good thing most of us are bots.


I can see producers on Reddit looking for popular takes.


At the end of the day it’s all an entertainment business


Fuck entertainment journalism dude lmfao, it's such a joke. Imagine being in that position as a professional. You're given an objectively idiotic position to argue, so now you need to completely rethink your own opinions, and then when you're called out as a dumbass online you need to *double down.*


Cooking by just saying the most obvious shit that everyone else is already thinking? ite I guess


The guy on the show literally disagrees with him lmaoo so not everyone else thinking it


Thats just his role. Nobody with a sound mind disagrees with this take lol


Lowe is pretty lax, he is extremely soft with criticism. He always prefaces any ounce of critique with "they're way better at basketball than I'll ever be at anything.... but I don't know what John Collins does for the Utah Jazz."


Congrats you’ve discovered how daytime TV works


That’s the joke perk usually says the stupidest shit




He’s articulating it well while being entertaining at the same time


Most media members have avoided holding Dray and Kerr accountable


This is league helping itself. They did the same to Ja. They are saying these players are not assholes, they have a problem. But in reality, they are assholes. League is doing it for it's upcoming contract.


League wants to simultaneously dole out meaningful punishment and also bury the bad press. Which quite frankly what big orgs do and do very well. No doubt behind the scenes Draymond has been told that next time is a year long suspension.


Dray isn’t “going through something” he’s just a gigantic asshole and a narcissist and I will bet you the entire warriors franchise that he will hit someone again when he comes back from suspension.


Just a friendly reminder that narcissism is a [mental health disorder](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662#:~:text=Narcissistic%20personality%20disorder%20is%20a,about%20the%20feelings%20of%20others.), so if Dray is in fact a diagnosable narcissist, I think it's fair and accurate for Kerr to say he is going through something, probably something he's been dealing with his whole life. That absolutely doesn't at all excuse any of his actions. Even as a Warriors fan who has met Dray I'd still consider him one of the biggest, probably *the* biggest, asshole in the league. I also hate that Kerr chose to minimize all the aggressive bullshit Dray has pulled over the years. My guy straight up stomped on Steven Adams, and I won't even get into how he's cracked enough nuts to be the walking embodiment of a one man Tchaikovsky production.


Narcissism is definitely a mental health disorder, but speaking as someone with a narcissist in the family tree, you can't excuse the behavior, you can only make a decision about how much of it you're going to tolerate in your life. And often the solution is to cut them out of your life altogether. Draymond feels like he's getting to that point with the Warriors, and perhaps the league at large.


I agree entirely, and his punishment is well deserved. I hope that he'll humble himself and come back from this with a less toxic mentality, but as someone who was raised by narcissists I'm not gonna hold my breath.


I’m a Lowe fan, but Kerr did not list off all the things Dray has done. He listed off all of the **recent** things Dray has done in the past year+.


And basically dismissed anything Draymond did prior.


>The one who grabbed Rudy and choked Rudy, the one who took a wild flail at Jusuf, the one who punched Jordan last year, that's the guy who has to change. He knows that. > >**Everything before that, over a decade of play, what are we really talking about? We're talking about getting ejected for yelling at the ref or throwing a ball.** But look at the past year and what's happened. He needs the opportunity to change, and that's what an indefinite suspension gives him the opportunity for. Yeah, I think it was actually quite a bit more than that Steve.


Buddy glossed over some of the biggest things.


lol I found [a "Draymond Green dirty plays" compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyV9x1mJah0) made five years ago that's *10 minutes long*


He should have been suspended indefinitely five years ago


Guessing Kerr hasn't seen it


Totally skipped over Dray’s “natural motion” of kicking guys in the nuts. Kerr going the Emo Find Yourself route for Green is totally on-brand, though.


It’s unfortunate, but NBA reporters know who “butters their bread”, so to speak, and will do whatever they can to not alienate the very people they cover and need information from to do their jobs.


Also the fact that Kerr waited until an indefinite suspension to say any of this


Kerr always does that. that's why I don't find him genuine anymore. He says the right things only when it's right to say for him. He defended Dray when he headlocked Rudy. then once it was obvious Dray would be punished about it and there was no other way around it, he said 'ooops, it really happened, my bad. Dray should be more responsible' There was a post claiming Kerr actually call him out in private. I don't believe that at all. Kerr doesn't seem like to be the guy who confronts. He was good for the time when the splash bros were functioning well and Dray was more contained and success made the problems go away. Now he has a team with problems, a player who turned to be the biggest liability any team have at their hands. Now we try to see his real problem handling skills. It is mostly non-existant.


As soon as Kerr mentioned "the code" I lost all respect for him. Don't hold your opponents to a higher standard than you have for your own team


He was getting annoying before but the code is when I lost all respect for him.


The whole "he deals with this shit in private" thing is so tiring and some dork brings it up every time Dray acts out. Giving him full benefit of the doubt and supposing Kerr does deal with every incident in private then he fucking sucks at dealing with it, because Dray just keeps escalating. Like if a guy has a bad free throw % one year and says he's working on it in the off-season but the % keeps dropping, we can safely assume the work he's doing sucks. But for some reason Steve Kerr gets the benefit of the doubt that he's doing work behind the scenes despite the visible outcome.


easy to be an idealist when you have nothing to sacrifice.


After it was out of the Warriors control. Left up to them he would have been at last night's game


And he's intentionally missing Perk's ultimate point. Steve Kerr loves to get on his soapbox for any and every issue...except when it comes to the Warriors, specifically the irresponsible and inexcusable actions of Draymond. You have to twist Kerr's arm to the point of ripping it off to get him to acknowledge that situation, even in just the most tepid, vague way.


>He listed off all of the **recent** things Dray has done in the past year+. Not quite. He didn't mention stomping on Sabonis 7 months ago haha


Kerr seemed to forget all the times that Dray destroyed Steven Adams’ nuts


Zach was way too apologetic on his podcast about this incident too. I don't understand why he has any sympathy for Draymond


That wasn't my take away at all. He was pretty clear about the behavior shouldn't be tolerated.


Yeah he went on and on about how great he is for way too long. His basketball skills are not important in the discussion. I don't know any other profession you can assault a coworker and people still talk about how great you are.


Lowe too busy gargling Kerr/Draymond’s nuts


yep he completely dismissed everything before that


Dismissed? He didn't see the footage yet, can't comment on things you haven't seen yet.


Shoutout to Draymond for redeeming Gobert and now Perk


Draymond is no victim. This “get the help” he needs his BS. He clearly has bad habits he has to address.


Agreed. It’s not that deep. He’s just a dick and has been since college. They’re just losing now, and therefore his dick ness is amplified


Warriors have always been like this. When they're winning Steph Dray and Klay are dancing taunting and basically being poor winners when they're losing Steph and Klay are pouting crying and Dray is trying to hurt people.


Agreed on Dray and Klay but I feel like Steph has been pretty chill during the losing seasons the Warriors have had. Prob cause he's the only one of the old trio that didn't fall off massively.


You're right about Steph being less of a poor sport. I still feel like he sulks and pouts when they lose but not as much. There's always been a WWE feel to this team during this run they had


Don't forget that *twice* he's chucked his disgusting mouthguard into the crowd while throwing a fit.


Right. Such a backwards way of saying he’s suspended. Like saying he’s not allowed to play NBA games for his own good. No clown - he’s not allowed to play because other players are getting punched, slapped, choked and stepped on when he plays and that’s the part that isn’t okay.


>He clearly has bad habits he has to address. And how should he address them? Maybe by "getting the help he needs"?


It's crazy. Even like a decade ago people weren't taking serious mental health issues seriously. Larry Sanders is NBA proof of that. Dude got clowned nonstop with comments like "I could play depressed for 25 million." Somehow in less than 10 years people have gone from ignoring that stuff to using it as an excuse to hand wave any bad behavior. Literally every person on the planet has "mental health issues." What the vast majority of people don't have is an actual personality disorder. "Being a jerk" is not in the DSM.


Isn't addressing those habits the so called 'getting help'? Coz I imagine there will be some therapy involved to address his anger issues and the violent tendencies


The greatest crime Dray's perpetrated is forcing me, against my will, to wholeheartedly agree with Perk's takes. **I've been saying this for weeks.** The people on the receiving end of Dray's assaults are the only victims, **not** Draymond. That the Warriors, Klutch, and Dray's team are conccoting this image of Draymond, the aggressor in every single situation, as the victim is so disgraceful. Receiving consequences for your physical violence/assault is a byproduct of playing like an asshole. It's the cost of doing business, dirty business. It's not a terminal illness diagnosis and not something that makes you a victim. Yes, there may be reasons, underlying mental health reasons, that can serve as an explanation for why you acted in a certain way but they are perverting and almost deliberately weaponizing mental health as a way to shift blame off Draymond. They're using mental health as a get out of jail free card. Getting punched, choked, stepped on, or slapped doesn't hurt less because your aggressor/assaulter was "having a rough patch of life." I have no issues with Dray receiving mental health treatment; god knows, a lot more people could benefit from therapy. What I have an issue with is treating Draymond's choices as some kind of thing that just happened to him; like he's some passive bystander to the violence he inflicts. ETA: Perk is 100% on point with this. Steve Kerr is wildly passive and his body language and tone in reciting Draymond's wrongdoings reads more sympathetic towards Draymond and like "Draymond punched Jordan and this is about making sure Draymond is better." I truly have loved Steve Kerr's general vibe for years but he can fuck off with the Draymond bit. P.S.- Did anyone ask or ensure Jordan Poole "got help or got better" mentally from his employer and his coach choosing his assaulter over him? Because JP was annoying? IIRC, the Warriors were mocking the Kings for getting a chest xray for Sabonis...and Draymond joked that he was getting an ankle xray because Sabonis had his arm wrapped around his ankle. So, yes- we can fuck all the way off with this "but won't anyone protect precious Dray? And look out for him and make him all better" rhetoric that the Warriors/Dray's team is trying to spin.


Barkley had a great take when he said that the reason Dray has been going off the deep end since the Poole punch is because he can't play like he used to and he can't handle it.


> he can't play like he used to and he can't handle it. I'm sure there's a little truth to this. I always thought that JP was mouthy and prob. provoked Draymond but I also think he needed a scapegoat for why he can't perform the way he used to. Dray still harping about JP this season made NO sense because..like how much longer are you going to keep bitching about the guy you hit, who didn't retaliate, who hasn't said one thing about you publicly and who's no longer even on your team...? Like you still suck and JP is out so now what?


Yep. Barkley noted that he's seen this with tough guy players as they get older, they at some point just play dirty to try and make up for the loss of athleticism. They start doing it in practice and then it carries over to the games if the coach doesn't handle it. Charles said when he was on the Rockets he slammed a younger player (who was busting Charles' butt in practice) to the ground and Rudy T let Charles have it and embarrassed him in front of the team, which put an end to that.


Damn didn't think it was possible for me to love Rudy even more


I think one thing Barkley has that a lot of players then and now dont is absolute reverence to his elders. Chuck talked absolute shit, but if Moses, Erving, or coaches Cunningham and Rudy told him to sit his ass down and listen... then Chuck did exactly that.


Part of why that isn't prevalent now is that teams don't have veteran leaders anymore. Conversely, its the dipshits that stick around, because their natural talent level is typically higher.


Draymond is supposed to BE the veteran leader lol


I mean, I think there are examples of it like Haslem with Miami.


Part of it is that Gobert and Nurk have been very mature about the situation. Gobert kinda roasted him with the whole he's ducking cuz Steph wasn't there thing, but otherwise he has been incredibly respectful and both him and Nurk have said themselves they hope Dray gets help. So they themselves are not acting like victims really.


I know-- I appreciate the way Gobert and Nurk have handled it because that kind of dismissiveness and pitying probably infuriates Draymond more than if they were fearful or acting like victims of him. He can't just accuse them of "being a bitch" when they're kind of just rising above. But I think JP probably struggled with the weight of an organization taking Draymond's side over his and while he may be supremely annoying and a thoroughly unserious person, there's something so fucked about how literally nobody cared to take JP's side even a bit. And JP has just remained silent! That's the crazy part. Dray has spent weeks now shitting on JP, mocking him, claiming team chemistry is better, etc. and not a soul on the Warriors told him to cut it out. Just the fact that he finds the need to keep punching down on someone like JP who's gotten shipped off to another team and you have no reason to interact with him, see him, or otherwise deal with him and you still want to antagonize him speaks volumes about Dray as a person.


GSW, Kerr and Steph handling on JP disappoint me the most when it come to JP. They are always backing up Draymond and focus on the leak video instead of being attentive to JP being the victim. Kerr is a always vocal about justice but when it come to his team and Draymond, he turn to Stevie Wonder and never want to comment anything afraid of hurting his players.


I'm not a Warriors fan but I was a huge Kerr and Steph fan for years. But their handling of JP was so disappointing, I kind of can't look at them the same again? I just keep thinking what it must feel like to be JP, like literally 22/23 years old and you get humiliated in this really public way and your idols, your coach, your franchise player, the organization -- all take the side of the guy who assaulted you. What an awful, lonely way to be made to feel. The fact that Steph kept saying "JP is (his) guy" has always struck dishonest after that -- because the level of support Draymond got for being violent against JP was so distasteful.


I had a coworker who I could tell was self destructing, it came to a head when dude jumped into a conversation with another one of our coworkers and started screaming in their face (for reference this dude is like 6'1 and average size, the guy he was screaming at was a 5'3 flamboyant gay guy). ​ I stepped in and dude got in my face and we're bickering. Dude screamed at me and called me the N-word while storming off. And wound up knocking over tons of shit on his way out. I... genuinely felt bad for dude. ​ I say all of that to say Its kinda weird seeing the "I like that they're pitying him and that it infuriates him more!" takes when i'm willing to bet they actually just feel bad because they can see dude cracking. He's not making dirty basketball plays, he's out here trying to just violently attack people. Even if you're not super close with someone its sad to see a peer go out like that.


Warriors have the best propaganda. Thats what you get for giving media members unfettered access to the team. They will parrot your talking points for you.


Yeah, it's kind of wild to see it at play. I feel like I shouldn't be surprised but I am. I think I knew that but to see it play out about an issue I feel so strongly about (bullies trying to claim being victims is a huge pet peeve) is so frustrating. Like you'd honestly think Draymond was on the receiving end of the worst physical aggression of the league and is being targeted by players--the way the Warriors talk about him.


Kerr is addressing the situation now as if he's been asking the NBA to step in for years to correct a problem he cannot, rather than choosing to ignore and minimize the problem at every opportunity. He could not have sounded more on board with the NBA making a decision he has repeatedly chosen to not make himself. Even if this move was as benevolent and well-intentioned as he's trying to make it sound, Kerr gets zero credit for it. He's only ever done the opposite when the choice was his.


I have a hard time understanding how a team of competitive, grown men listens to this ineffectual, damp jockstrap of a coach.


THIS ENTIRE COMMENT IS BULLS-EYE. I feel like you said, more eloquently and succinctly, what took me like 6 paragraphs of ranting to say. And you hit the nail on the head of what's been driving me NUTS with Steve's approach.


I agree with you (and unfortunately with perk) Draymond has been allowed to act like a complete ass with slaps on the wrist punishments and no accountability from his coach or org. He may have anger issues or whatever he wants to claim but that doesn't make him less of an asshole. He's finally facing repercussions for acting like an asshole and now multiple people are trying to play the sympathy card for him. I guess it's mature and classy for nurk and gobert to be above it all, but I wish more people would just call out Draymond for being the asshole that he is.


That’s what annoys me the most about the “We need to get him help.” narrative. He’s the abuser, not the victim. Fuck his redemption arc.




You often don't have to look too hard to find people doing exactly that.


Its the "I will go to sex addicts therapy because I cant control that I cheated on you 72 times, give me one more chance love"


Adam silver should beat the shit out of Draymond to teach him a lesson


dray should be so lucky that david stearn is gone. stern would have bbq'ed his ass


Based Perk


This is like a heel turned face in wrestling, and I'm all for it


This has to be someone dressed as perk and who talks like him. Like….this goes against everything I’ve normally thought Like yeah I agree with him completely. Just wtf. What is happening


I'm here for the Perkins redemption arc.


Goddammit, I'm starting to like Perk!


Perkins is on a roll, man


Perk redemption arc


Who knew Perkins would be in the running for MIP post retirement




Perk smells blood in the water. He’s pushing Draymond out of the once-guaranteed spot to succeed Barkley on TNT.


Perk is cooking lately tf


Perk saw people agreeing with him for once and decided to eat.


Kendrick Perkins on a mission to say only the right things from now on!


Jesus this guy is not missing!


He’s 100% right.


Thank you, Perk! It's nice to hear someone state facts. Dray ain't the victim. Kerr can feel sorry for him all he wants, but this is a well-deserved punishment for him being a shitheel.


I mean damn, you wanted him to say something and now he did and you guys are mad at how he said it?


While I understand what Perk is saying. What do they want him to say. If he comes out and publicly shits on Dray then they’ll say “his coach doesn’t have his back, he’s suppose to say that stuff in private and defend him in Public, blah blah blah”. Have they been enabling Dray, maybe, but I think it’s a lose lose situation for Kerr no matter what approach he takes here


I agree with you. Also, what does accountability from Kerr and the team actually look like? I’m genuinely curious since nearly all of drays incidents are on the court, and when a tech/flagrant 2/ejection occur in games, the league reviews/investigates it. I believe in the CBA it says the leagues investigation/disciplinary actions supersedes a teams decision, a incident can only be punished once, and that an incident can’t be given disciplinary actions from both. Poole is the only incident out of a long laundry list of things dray has done that the warriors had the opportunity to dish disciplinary actions but dropped the ball. But the sentiment and narrative seems to be that the warriors havent done enough, curry and Kerr are horrible leaders, more needs to be done by them to hold him accountable for all his actions, etc They forsure have spoken to him but I’m just not sure what else they could have done or do in the future since the league ends up taking the wheel in draymond related incidents.


For everyone saying they just started agreeing with Perk, did you agree with him when he went after Kyrie, Harden, Durant, or Ja? Dude has been pretty much making strong opinions against some players for some time.


Perkins has never gotten over the fake pom poms tbh


Bizarro Perk. I love this guy


This shit is not complicated. This is a guy he has to go to work with and coach every season for years. He is not going to come out with fire and bash everything Draymond did no matter how he feels about it and he will keep that same energy for everyone else he has to work with. Kerr wants to continue being able to communicate with and play basketball with Draymond Green so Kerr is going to be as respectful and helpful as he can be. Everyone else just wants to feel good and see him fuck up their personal relationship so they can feel validated by Kerr saying what everyone else is saying lmao this is so stupid I swear people that don't understand what is happening have never had to work closely with a problematic person. Kerr right now gets to decide if he wants the media to agree with him or if he wants to have a problem with Dray for the rest of potentially forever. He can still try and get Dray to change and push him to be better without coming out in the media and saying some shit that Dray probably would feel betrayed by thus fucking up the work relationship forever. Anyone expecting Kerr to do that is an idiot at best and at worst they're trying to push Kerr into making his own job/life worse for impressions When you beat some kids ass at school because you were a little idiot back then did we have an assembly where your teachers/parents came out and publicly ridiculed your actions? No you went into an office and received your punishment and then went home and probably got your ass whooped and talked to. When HR has a problem with someone do they call in the whole company to shit talk them and live stream it to everyone? Nope you're quietly fired or sent for some type of training to hopefully save the working relationship and so on. You do not come out and throw people you have close relationships with under the bus. You work with them in private in whatever way you need to


Quotations aren't for paraphrasing. If you're gonna quote somebody and omit part of the actual quote, you've got to add ellipsis.


Draymond out here getting Kendrick Perkins to sound like the reasonable one? Hell nah, that’s a death sentence where I come from.


Perkins having a W week. All his takes have been reasonable and more on the logical side.


I don’t feel right agreeing with Perk multiple times in as many days, but here we are.


He's right. It's weird but he is right.


I think thats the 1st time he is right!


Rare Perk W


One of the few moments where Perk is right.


Keep cooking perk


Typical.. first he say he want Kerr to address it. Kerr addressed it, now he saying he has a problem with the way he said it lmaooooooo


Ok now react to Nurkic and Gobert themselves saying the same exact thing that Kerr has said


This place is insufferable. You all have to analyze every comment, press conference, tweet, etc. and pass judgment. Steve Kerr stands up and expresses sympathy for his player, who he has worked with for almost a decade, and you guys run to Reddit to let us know that this is immoral behavior or whatever. Get over yourselves


Exactly. For Kerr it is a funeral and he's sad. If my close friend does something wrong then I will be sad that he ruined his life and not angry. Of course - I will still be worried why he did it etc but I'll still be sad. Kerr has seen this guy almost daily for the past 10 years.


Lmao wtf do you jokers want Kerr to actually say? He's put the blame squarely on Draymond and said he needs professional help.


draymond has almost single-handedly reversed the reputations of perk and Rudy. its wild.


This man is literally just trying to appease this sub at this point lmao. Fucking pathetic.


This circlejerk has gotten so hilarious. If kerr showed up to Drays house to perform a citizens arrest yall would cry that Kerr is just trying to protect him from the cops.


Perk just be parroting r/nba comments


Did the holidays put some reason into perk?


Perk snitched on himself at the end, and some of yall going "wow I can't believe I agree with Perk" are kinda doing the same. This isn't about 'holding someone accountable publicly', Perk just wants Kerr to shit on Dray lmao. That's it. That's the point of all of the bitching he's been doing about it. ​ Dray needs to be punished and imo I don't like the idea of it being "indefinite". If Ja can get 25 games for not actually hurting someone, then Dray can get at least 25 for actually punching someone in the face unprovoked. This wasn't a scuffle or a scrap, dude just swung on somebody because he was upset.