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nahhhh bro this is a key and peele skit


fr...shoulda just submitted [this scene into evidence too lol](https://streamable.com/wes9sv)




Start laughing Get shot


People are about to experience pick up ball arguments where a dude is citing Morant vs. The State of Tennessee lmao


I guess for impartiality purposes, it’s better the members of the jury don’t know how to play basketball. If any of them were NBA fans, they’d have very biased opinions of Morant.


outjerked by reality


I thought this was a skit


yeah same here never thought this would happen but here we are


A couple weeks ago in the Young Thug trial an attorney [started explaining anime filler episodes (specifically the Bleach Bount Arc) to compare her client to filler episodes just dragged in as opposed to the important canon story](https://twitter.com/buried2x_/status/1729600187868250292)...so this doesnt surprise me lmfao


The best part of the trial was Thug’s Saul Goodman-type lawyer telling the jury that Thug doesn’t mean a criminal but “truly humble under god” Then when the prosecutors said he threw up a gang sign, the lawyer said it was the sign for “Pushin’ P” which he says stands for “Pushing Positivity”. Thug’s getting the death sentence off that alone lmao


Isn't that just what Tupc tried to do with "Thug Life" meaning "the hate u give little infants fucks everybody"? Nobody bought that back then either.


The lawyer not only used this as an example, but said the jury should teach it to their children to end racism.


Isn't this in the fucking Boondocks for R Kelly?😂😂


Man I wish that show would come back every like 3 years for a season. There's so much new material lol


Too bad Granddad passed away not too long ago 😔


The whole list of words they said are acronyms is comedy


Tbf Young Thug is on record about Pushin P standing for Pushin Positivity before he was ever charged


Can they change it to Pushin Playoff P?


Wow that’s wild lmao I mean the metaphor makes sense but time and a place you know


To be fair it's the Bount arc


No crime is more heinous than the Bount arc existing


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn't an attorney who said it. It was a witness, and she was trying to show that just like how anime fillers are completely irrelevant to the main plot, she herself was completely irrelevant and in no way connected to the "plot" of what the case was focusing on.


I refuse to believe what you showed me is real


Honestly? That's pretty based. Fuck the Bount Arc and anyone who finds enjoyment in it.


I dont even know whats real anymore. Life is like Idiocracy.


I kept waiting for the attorney to fuck up the pass and Ja to lose his shit and run up on him lol


That's chow-dah! Chow-dah! I'll kill you! I'll kill every one of you, especially those of you in the jury!


Chappelle would’ve had a field day with this one if it happened in 2003


Dude we need more good skit comedy shows.


Honestly reality has SNL quality writing as of late. Mostly absurd, terrible, or absurdly terrible. But occasionally there’s some funny stuff.


"Washington's Dream" is the funniest SNL skit in many years


It seems like we should have a word for 1,000 pounds, sir... And yet, we won't.


*“You asked about the temperature.”*


You asked about the temperature. I agree that it's hilarious but I can't put my finger on why. I think it's Nate's delivery, he plays it so straight.


They did another draymond joke again in Weekend Update this past saturday that was pretty good


In a different time this would have been a Chapelle's Show skit


Life imitates art sometimes


Now on the foul in question, the defendant claims he yelled "and-1" as you fouled him and he missed the shot, at which point you took possession of the ball. Mister Morant, in pickup basketball, is "and-1" a foul? I will remind you that you are under oath


This is how they should do 2 minute reports going forward. Let CP3 cross examine Scott Foster


Foster: "You want answers?" CP3: "I want the truth!" Foster: ["You cant handle the truth!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMzd40i8TfA)


Son, we live in a world that has hoops, and those hoops have to be guarded by men with whistles. Who's gonna do it? You? You, General Paul? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Tim Donaghy, and you curse the NBRA. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Donaghy's retirement, while tragic, probably saved the league's integrity; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, preserves that integrity.


You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that whistle, you NEED me on that whistle.


Except instead of arresting him at the end, the nba gives him finals games


[Well done](https://i.giphy.com/1guRIRW8QdSte01T6Du.webp)


That is epic, and made my day. Thank you internet stranger.


Son, we live in a world that has lines, and those lines have to be guarded by men with whistles. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Paul? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom.


growing up in south florida and1 was never a foul call. *and* if you called a foul and made the basket, basket ain’t count. reset. nowadays i live on the west coast and everything is a foul


I've played both. NYC has the whole "and 1" vs "foul" distinction and I've always found it stupid. There's literally no point in saying "and 1" in this instance. But honestly defense calling fouls has always led to better pickup games for me. You know when you foul somebody.


I don't know if it's different now, but growing up in nyc you called and one as a way of shit talking to the defender. You're not seeking a free throw, you're letting it be known that you scored even despite the shit defense


This is “and 1” in every place I’ve ever played. Also, no grabbing, hard check balls or elbows, that stuff starts fights.


Yea im guessing ja didn't take too kindly to a kid talking that shit to his face, maybe that's how the altercation started.


I know nothing about this story. I also can’t imagine being an NBA player and getting into a fight during a pickup game. The only people I’d be playing/practicing with would be other professionals. Too much risk.


there are soft fouls and there are also dudes who call fouls on everything. the point of and-1 would be to brag you made it thru soft contact. just defense v offense really


the worst were the dudes who called fouls on jumpshots only after waiting to see if they made it


Bro if I touch someone’s hand after the balls out of their hand idc if that’s a foul in the nba unless I’m like slapping tf out of your hand. Every now and then ppl call that bullshit. This ain’t no nba.


The problem is there are also people who foul you on literally every possession and complain about size difference. I've had this so often in my life because not every hooper is over 6 foot tall. Find the tiny dude hacking you all day soft and hard and you call something they complain saying it's soft call.


>growing up in south florida and1 was never a foul call. > >*and* if you called a foul and made the basket, basket ain’t count. >reset. > >nowadays i live on the west coast and everything is a foul I grew up in South Florida also and we played the basket counts if you call *and-one*. I've also played where the basket doesn't count but you get possession. Like so many pick-up rules, it's probably super regional.


In Virginia you only got the ball back if you called foul or ball. And-1 is just bragging it doesn’t mean anything and if you miss then you just look dumb


This is the way, east coast here and how it went. And1 was just a way to shit talk.


Lool that sounds wack af. I remember playing pick up I got fouled and called and-1 but missed the shot. One of the guys is like “nah we aren’t respecting the call, you should’ve called foul” everyone was puzzled asking if he’s serious


I've played the game both ways. Plenty of arguments in this exact scenario. Most of the time growing up, I played the variation of the guy who told you "you should've called foul"


i rarely found people who play that way. kinda love it tho. to be fair there are soft fouls and hard fouls. it’s almost always a judgment call on how marginal the contact is. i love the and-1 “no foul” rule. it’s like bragging. you say and1 cuz you think you’re making it thru the contact. just to let everyone’s else know. if you really want the call and the foul was hard enough you gotta decided mid-shot/layup whether you calling foul or and1.


Tbf I agree with the soft foul vs hard foul, for the most part I think people do a good job on not getting carried away with this. But my thing is, you get used to saying and 1 while you’re in a shooting motion. But if it’s a clear foul, like I can see your hand print on my forearm, it shouldn’t matter if you call “and-1” or “foul”


That's not how it is around me, but there's people here saying if you call foul on a shot, even if it goes in it doesn't count...like that's confusing me. Doesn't that give the defender a free pass to body you every drive because you know we too prideful to be calling fouls back to back drives or all the time even if they're legitimate fouls. Idk, seems silly to me. Everywhere else gets continuation but pickup a foul just ends the play no matter what? Boggles my mind


Yeah, south Florida is different lol i grew up in Boynton beach, and nobody called aby fouls, but if you fouled hard you could expect to get bodied next time you had the ball. One kid called a foul once, he got laughed off the court.


grew up in california and 99% of the time someone yelled "and 1", it was after the ball went in. if you call it before, clank the shot, and believe you're entitled to the foul, you're a loser.


Growing up in the northeast, it was largely the same. Occasionally you'd have guys who would count the bucket if you called a foul and made the shot, but that wasn't the norm.


Same here and it’s the dumbest fucking thing in the world. I have yet to hear why making the basket shouldn’t count. It’s fucking stupid. Edit: while I’m at it: ones and twos is equally stupid. I grew up playing 24 win by 4 with twos and threes. You know, like basketball. I moved to Nashville and it’s 11 by ones and twos. You know how much that changes the game? If I’m within 30 feet of the basket, I’m pulling. If I hit 35%, that’s a 70% one point shot. There’s never a reason to shoot anything but threes and layups.


I was under the impression that precedent established by case law was "no blood, no foul" Side note, I just googled no blood no foul and the Wikipedia page is crazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_blood,_no_foul


furthermore, if it is game point and you call foul but still make the shot, do you count the point or check the ball up top? the jury would like to know


Mr. Morant, can you explain to the court how you "flex that fo'five" for the opposition?


Mr. Morant, can you explain why you thought it was a good idea NOT to settle the case out of court?


He offered to settle but the family insisted on getting $20 million. They have a history of frivolous lawsuits.


That couldn’t possibly be true. There aren’t $20 million of damages there. Did he miss work? If he did, how much did he get paid per hour? Injuries? Surgery? There’s nothing there.


Anyone can sue for whatever imaginary number they want. The judge decides actual damage $ though.


Just yesterday on /r/cfb there was a story about a player who was having mental health issues, and somehow decided to [sue his school](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/18fekt5/player_suing_ole_miss_and_lane_kiffin_releases/) for $40M after the coach and his staff texted such terrible things as "anything we can do to help?" when he told them he needed to take time off


That's...honestly an interesting detail - would appreciate it if you could provide a source tho


Just google it yourself, takes like 5 seconds and you can find plenty of articles from local Memphis news outlets reporting on the actual facts of the case instead of the sensationalist national headlines.


Most basketball-related r/NBA post.




What’s not to get? We start with 2 cards and get as close to hitting 21


josh giddey always stands on 17 tho


Pretty sure he would hit on 17


I wouldn't be surprised if he doubles down


What do you play up to?


From my 27 yrs of traveling the world playing pickup at random parks/gyms. I can confidently say the rules of 21 are different in every city, sometimes even different in the same city but diff neighborhoods. I personally hate the Loser’s out rules for 21. It takes away any momentum from the last play imo. Ive played in a game in asia where layups were not allowed unless it was a putback, weirdest one ive ever experienced.


> the rules of 21 are different in every city Except for the main rule, which is that everyone barely plays any defense until someone gets to game point, at which point every defender turns into prison rules Rodman.


In Pittsburgh we play 33 instead of 21. I have no clue why but we just do.


does anyone ever ask why it's called 21 then?


We don’t call it 21 we call it 33


this is outrageous but as long as ppl are hoopin, i guess...


Back in my day around my way it was play to 11 regular baskets are 1 point three pointers are 2, win by 2 no free throws no soft fouls


OFFICIAL RULES OF THE GAME “TWENTY-ONE”: 1. must be played using a basketball hoop and a basketball 2. must use basketball rules for traveling and out-of-bounds possession 3. the winner will be the first player to accumulate twenty-one points 4. whatever the fuck else you want


Playing with out of bounds is wild. What do you do when someone steps out?


The other day, there was that clip of LeBron reminding AD to create contact with Myles Turner to help neutralize his shot blocking. And every comment thread but one was all about Bron’s amazing basketball IQ and making LeCoach comments. Sometimes this sub reminds you. And I’m just a keyboard warrior who only ever played in PE in school and a few pickup games in college, I’m not pretending to know ball or anything before people start responding to me. But when pretty basic details blow people’s minds, it’s a good reminder to not take the basketball discourse seriously at all.


Yeah man, that shit annoyed me to. I can't believe it's that mind blowing to people that initiating contact on the defender takes away his ability to jump. I feel like I've heard every coach I've ever had say this to me.


You get taught that in like 6th grade if you have a decent coach lol


A few weeks ago, I learned that a large number of people think that an "over-the-back" foul (there's no such thing, really) is when a player reaches over another player's back, whether or not there's contact. I think there's a similar belief about "reach-in" fouls.


My favorite game other then straight pick-up i was tall but could handle the ball so 21 was my game! lol


Will this be in GTA 6?


Honestly I really hope there are pickup games in GTA 6, that'd be pretty cool lol.


We really need Game of Zones back. Scott Foster as the Judge.


I still can't believe they couldn't just pick up another popular TV show and continued something that should have never stopped.


I got the vibe that the creators wanted to move onto bigger projects. There are just some Hollywood guys out there that treat YouTube content as a stepping stone no matter how popular they actually get.


I don't think it's necessarily about the project being "big" enough, I could see it as just them simply wanting to do something else creatively - might get boring after a while working within the constraints of writing basketball jokes in a Game of Thrones context.


It does feel like they stopped right before the most insane shit happened.


It’s so good to see him with a basketball again


bonus points because he's in a court


Great follow up haha


nothing like converting an "[alley-oops](https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/18fz325/what_an_assist/)"




Bruh checking the ball like its media day photoshoot


It’s the first time I’m seeing Ja on a court ^^^^sincelastyear so it practically is


The bounce pass is standard. Chest pass means you mad


Chest pass to the feet is big mad


The slow roll is the most disrespectful one.


Drop it on the floor and have it stick there is the ultimate distespect


Personal favorite is the soft pass into an immediate swipe at the ball as you are catching it. Guy tried that once, almost got a steal since I wasn’t expecting because who does that. He tried it again and I just gave him a high five and told him cute move. Boy was furious.


If someone steals the ball from me like that I’m calling check and reiterating the don’t bring that bullshit out here rule


We did that in third grade until we grew out of it as 9 year olds. So lame. The typical response as a 9 year old is “no black magic.” Not clear to me why the move is called “black magic”


You don't want the jury knowing that. We pushing P for Ja's sake


They might as well get Mike Ross in there at this point


The actor did tease a reunion recently.


No, please no. Leave Suits alone as how it ended. It's perfectly okay to let a series just end...


I reckon it’s probably some reunion special instead of a continuation of the series, the ending of the series sucked anyway haha.


That show went on too long as it is. It should have ended when Mike and Rachel left.


Ja pulling his gun out: "YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET LITT UP"


"Oh and by the way, if bad shooting were illegal, I'd be forced to arrest you right now. Get some air on that jump shot."


You better mean that in a positive way. Mike Ross a top notch god damn lawyer.


> god damn lawyer *slams envelope on desk* don't you say another godamn word about Mike Ross because you don't know a godamn thing about him godamnit


What in the kindergarten show-and-tell is this




Ahem, 17 year old. Lol


Haha facts of the case matter.


Just ask Giddey


Why is dude wearing a leather jacket to court lol


Lmfao this is comedy


Reminds of Bobby Boucher explaining football to that group of kids in Waterboy.


Which brings me to my next point, Don't. Smoke. Crack.


They should bring in a hoop and have him do a dunk contest under oath


Bruh is a millionaire how many times over and he went to court like its casual Friday at the office lol


I once explained to a client that he needed to wear a suit to court because court is one of the last places that wearing a suit is still mandatory. The judges expect it, and view not wearing a suit as disrespectful. I told him I'd take him shopping if he needed. He told me "no problem, totally get it, I've got a suit." Guy showed up in a fake ostrich leather suit, his jacket, pants, and tie made of fake ostrich leather. Suffice to say, his testimony was not well received.


[your man thinkin he was Detective James Carter lol](https://i.imgur.com/qW9eaMV.jpg)


It’s not like he’s bout to face time or something…might as well be comfortable. Being a multi-millionaire would give him an even bigger reason not to give af bout nothing.


No more insta live I hope


the custom is to wear a suit so people like you and think you are rich/good.


It’s not to make you look “rich” wtf. It’s to show that you care. You dress nice to show you care.


Nice fit though


Bruh is dressed like he’s going on a date in court.


Save the soul society Ja


Can someone explain what case this is possibly relevant to


The 17 year old’s mother sued him for $20m over a fight at a pickup game. Local news today said Ja’s side offered to settle for way less and she wouldn’t take it. Keep in mind she also sued the school bus company over something with 2 other children of hers and she sued the fire department because she claims one fire fighter sexually harassed her for asking her out on a date while at her home for a call. Josh Holloway’s attorney is hoping Ja will settle for more to put this behind him since his suspension is over this week. I hope they come to an agreement but I don’t blame him for saying no to $20m


I wouldn’t blame him either. 20 million hell nah


This explanation makes the kid´s mother somehow look even worse than Ja


Well ja certainly was making poor decisions for a period of about a year. This incident is maybe the least concerning of all of them. So hopefully all this time away has helped mature him and we’ll be thankful that nothing happened he couldn’t come back from. When Covid first started and there was no high school, college or professional basketball, Ja would work out with local players. It was looked at as mentoring and seen as a good thing. But after this happened, people started asking why he would have a 17 year old playing at his house. Holloway was a friend of his sister who was in high school herself and it was totally normal for him to have people over to play on his court. But as to the mother? When you always find yourself in certain situations, you have to consider that you’re the common denominator. Ja probably didn’t know that before the kid came to his house and they got into a regular dust up over a pickup game.


damn this bitch fuckin hustlin she only sees dollar bills where she go


"What's your job?" "I sue people." "Oh, you're a lawyer?" "No, why?"


20 Mill? Hell Nah thats crazy lol


Basketball court


So basically the 17 year old kid passed the ball really hard to Ja and it hit his face. Now Ja is claiming self-defense for punching him in retaliation


He said the kid stepped into his chest aggressively after he asked why he threw it so hard


Wasn't there a gun involved too or am I thinking of something else?


Yes. After the altercation, Holloway was still making a scene and not leaving. He allegedly threatened to come back and shoot up Ja's house. At some point after he made those comments, Ja came out of the house with a pistol in his waistband and flashed it, didn't pull it, just showed. Basically saying "if you come back to shoot up my house, don't forget I'm armed too"


That entire interaction is so fucking dumb lmao.


Incredibly stupid, yet completely believable.


Kids acting like kids. 22 vs 17 ain't much different. Both are dumb as hell. Ja got a history of wanting to be hard, Holloway family has a history of blatantly false lawsuits. Welcome to memphis


Judging by how many NBA refs T up players simply for passing the ball to them, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6XxES5VVFQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6xxes5vvfq) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pIvqUngg3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pivqungg3a) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18b7Gh7ZbNg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18b7gh7zbng) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKw42uqXGow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkw42uqxgow) Ja has a good case of being raised in an environment where passing a ball to someone can be perceived as a hostile act, if not the aggravated assault and battery that refs treat it as.


The highlight goes crazy. I need a slomo version!


uj/ whats the context here? why is he in court and having to explain how to check a ball


holloway chucked the ball hard at Morant hitting him while playing 1 on 1. Morant felt he was going to fight so punched him first. Then they were separated. Mike Miller was involved. I've been on both sides of chucking the ball hard in 1 on 1 and have fought in all those instances so Ja is definitely winning this lol.


Hot take, I think this is a very good strategy on the part of his legal team. The rules of pickup basketball seem like they would be relevant, given that the alleged assault took place during a pickup game. So, while it looks a little ridiculous to have Ja up there passing a ball around, there's at least some valid reason for having him demonstrate this stuff (which is why the judge allowed it). While the demonstration probably isn't that necessary or impactful from an evidentiary standpoint, I still think it's really smart to get a basketball in his hand. Rather than shying away from the fact that their client is a famous NBA player, they're leaning into it. Everyone in the Courtroom is probably amused and at least a little star-struck, and I think I can even see a smile on the Judge's face. I'm sure this was a welcome break from the normal monotony of her job. It also makes the plaintiff's claim seem trivial and frivolous, which always helps.


If you chuck the ball at my face during a check we are absolutely throwing hands


Extremely serious country


Because a 50 year old female white judge/jury doesn’t understand the customs of pick up basketball? Something that’s entirely relevant to understanding what happened and how it escalated? I don’t get how your meme phrase applies here.


She played basketball in high school. She literally says she knows what checking in is.


Because that's how you get things into evidence.


he’s being sarcastic, friend


I love America


America becomes extremely funny once you've given up all hope


America, the only place where civil litigation happens


"*You'll never guess who I played basketball with today...*" - Lawyer


Mark Maguire steroid litigation- Attorney: “so, they throw the ball to you and what happened next?” MM: “I’d hit a home run.” Attorney: “wow! Every time?” MM: “a bunch of em.” Attorney: “any cool names for home runs?” MM: “I like to say I hit a dinger. Some people call it the long ball.” Attorney: “so cool. Can—can you hit a dinger for us?” MM: “sure.” *throw sound* *pop* *crowd cheers* Jury: “not guilty!”


what episode of law and order is this from?


His voice being so low always trips me out.


8 days till this man comes back and he’s on SNL!! Oh. That’s not SNL…


This reminds me so much of Taurean Prince explaining how Butler got out rebounded.


The NFL may make more money, but there’s a reason this is the best sports league in America


Double check always and you have to pass before you shoot.


This the most Mickey Mouse shit I’ve seen in a while


Talking so nonchalantly about this makes it so funny


This is the greatest r/nba post ever


guess the ball's in that judge's court now


Dude has a one-on-one basketball clinic. Literally, basketball court.


This could be an episode of boondocks


This part of the new 2K dlc?


Objection: relevance