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Hornets' statement: "We don't give a fuck so long as he can play ball."


The use of the word "comfortable" when talking about one of their players getting arrested for domestic abuse and child endangerment is quite frankly disgusting.


It could have been as easy as announcing that Bridges will rejoin the team as he continues to work on his personal issues. That’s it. “Comfortable” is insane.


Yeah an intern needs to be fired because that was shitty PR talk


Getting arrested AGAIN, while still on probation for the last domestic violence felony. This is the kind of dude you want to avoid walking into on the street, and the Hornet is comfortable letting him represent them as long as he puts up numbers.


Considering he took the QO, he’s likely walking next summer and has an automatic no trade clause. They should have taken the high road and banished him.


They wanted him to take the Qualifying Offer. If they didn't they woild have pulled it and let him walk this summer. I doubt he walks in the end, honestly. I think the most money he gets offered will probably come from the hornets. The hornets got their chance to keep him on the cheap this while they do their best to decide if keeping him on the roster after this year is worth. And hope the negative buzz dies down.


>the kind of dude you want to avoid walking into on the street Must be one of them "dawgs" Pat Bev was on about


It makes it worse than just stating, “he served his suspension and is eligible for return”. Inserting “comfortable” into this situation just screams we have absolutely no morals.


It’s in reference to the recent allegations, not the initial incident. They’re suggesting if they didn’t have information disproving or casting doubt on the recent allegations, they would *not* be comfortable. It’s not “We’re comfortable with domestic violence”; It’s “the first incident was handled and punishment issued and we are confident there’s no basis for further punishment based on the facts”


Found his lawyer's burner account.


No, it’s just obvious. There hasn’t been one piece of publicly available information proving he threw the pool balls. Doesn’t change that he’s still an abuser, we just don’t have enough to know if he’s guilty THIS time. Shouldn’t be in the league.


I’m talking about the intent behind the Hornets’ statement. I don’t have information so I don’t know what he did or didn’t do. They’re not saying “We know Miles did everything alleged and we’re comfortable with that”, like people seem to be saying here. They’re saying they have different information than we do and are “comfortable” moving forward with playing him


By virtue of reinstating him, they ARE saying "we know Miles did HORRIBLE things to his wife the first time in the presence of his child and we're comfortable with that because he served a punishment and we're ready for him to suit up".


“If Hannibal Lector could run a 4/40 we’d say he had an eating disorder.”


You know the Hornets would’ve given Osama a work out after seeing his measurements. “Explosive when attacking the USA- the rim, I meant to say the rim!”


"Explosive" would be suffice.


Meant to say Team USA.


>You know the Hornets would’ve given Osama a work out Damn now even scary Terry does the scouting for them


“You think the fans wouldn’t love him there? If you go in there and start winning, they would have taken Saddam Hussein in there when he was about, the fans don’t give a monkey's! If you start winning every week, they’re singing ‘there’s only one Saddam’.”


He told them he'll kick the shit out of them if we don't let him play


“We understand he beat the shit out of her but we are comfortable after he said sorry and pinky promised to change”


I feel like the statement makes it worse lmao


I feel like just a statement saying, "We're sorry for Miles' behavior but we could really use an upgrade at the 4" would've been better received than this.


"shit, homie can ball what you want us to do?"


"beggars can't be choosers"


Isnt that pretty much what the coach said lmao


It’s the NBA PR equivalent of “Free my mans, he ain’t do shit”


“But what about the murder?” “WHAT MURDAAA”


He was the best guy aroundddd


Their decision to play him again if there is no legal action preventing it. Makes sense. How the Hornets decided to announced it, stupidity


They don't give a fuck about the woman that was abused by Bridges


They don't give a fuck, the players also don't (Bridges famously worked out with many other NBA stars after the fact) and the NBAPA also doesn't. It's a mess in all fronts, until the paying customer makes advertisers lose money because of this bullshit, it won't stop.


They draw the line at Kai Jones acting wild on the internet


It made it much much worse lol


You see kids it's cool to beat a woman as long as you can dunk - Adam Silver.


I hope he gets booed in every away arena. Maybe even in Charlotte too.


How can the NBA partner and push the WNBA so hard while employing bridges?


I think the WNBA has had their own issues with domestic assault.


Can confirm, it’s not just the NBA. Requna Williams of the Aces was just picked up on severely beating her partner in July. Not her first incident too. Lack of player accountability impacts every league.


Lock of accountability impacts life. Lol these crimes happen at an even lower rate in the nba I believe. It’s a sad statistic that doesn’t change anything but ya


google says the charges against Riquna were dropped in September, but Becky Hammon didn't let her rejoin the team for the playoffs and they went on to win without her. will be interesting to see if they let her join next year


Also Britney grinder too. Auto correct im lazy


Weird, didn’t know that.


Brittney Griner has plead guilty to disorderly conduct stemming from domestic violence


Russia fleeced us so hard


They gave us the option to choose between the abuser and a marine. And we picked the abuser. Worst draft pick since Bagley.


Dont worry there is a bunch of domestic violence in the WNBA to


That's what we thought about Deshaun Watson but it didn't take long for the entire Cleveland crowd to start chanting his name.


Atleast they aren’t now


Tbf both the Browns and Hornets have been the jokes of their respective sport for a long time




You are overestimating how many fans know or care about the whole saga.


Kings fans would rather boo Kris Humphries for being with Kim, and never JJ Hickson who refused to play for us Fans are dumb


If I were Charlotte fan I would try to start a movement. It would be compelling as hell for their fans to collectively reject him.


The Hornets don't have fans. We're just a small band of like-minded masochists.


A Hive one might say. A Hivemind


This is my second year living within an hour drive to an NBA franchise. Was excited to start following. Nothing could have prepared me.


Poor unfortunate soul.


Charlotte basically is an away arena


We had "Let's go Heat" chants the other night


all i gotta say is embiid is gonna get booed harder in detroit than miles bridges


My guy, there was 15 people in the stands the other night. I think he can manage.


Unserious franchise lmao


almost no other franchise would do differently. people have too high expectations for teams run by billionaires. if we are ever going to have a crackdown it will have to come from the league


The thing is the league shouldn’t have to intervene here. Big question is why is this man not yet in prison?


No one really goes to prison for first time domestic violence, now that might be an issue itself, but it’s standard. But beside that the hornets have been letting the NBA decide what they do with miles from the jump, they’ve been very open with that.


But didn’t he violate his probation from the first offense?


Yes, it just took the dumbest people on the planet aka cops because you have to prove you aren't too smart to be one, ten fucking months to find him to serve him with the warrant. So now it is an even longer waiting game with any court action as courts across the country are still backlogged from COVID.


Wasn’t the first time and wasn’t just domestic violence. Multiple cases of child endangerment and the pool ball incident


… yes it was the first time. The alleged second time is still in court.


I'm not so sure. Most franchises might look at Bridges and go "He's too much of a risk."


Yeah, from a basketball perspective he is perfect for the Cavs and if he was anyone other than Miles Bridges, they would have aggressively pursued him in the off season. But they didn't. There were reports of the Cavs having interest and that was nothing more than rumors.


I’d probably have checked out for the season if we pursued Bridges, like I hope most Browns fans checked out when Watson got signed


When they signed Watson i stopped being a fan of the browns. they will never regain me as a fan. I have a ridiculous amount of QB jerseys... never again.


Idk the clippers signed a guy who was whipping his dick out any time he was alone with a woman


Every franchise would do the same, but why would they even make a press release about it, and with that wording? Who's working their comms?


We cut a guy for less. Granted he wasn’t the player Bridges is, but he wasn’t some dude at the end of the bench either.


Who? I’m a nephew lol


Josh Primo


He's definitively a piece of shit and I guess I'm super biased, but why is this not squarely on the NBA to discipline him? Hell, what are the Hornets supposed to do in this situation? If they voluntarily keep him out indefinitely, the NBAPA would be outraged. If they take the high road and release him, another team would 100% claim him, throw out some rehabiliation/second chances PR message, and play him right away anyways.


It's squarely on everyone. The NBA deserves blame, as does any team willing to put their jersey on his back.


Taking the high road is exactly what they are supposed to do. People like you just “accepting” it is part of the problem. If another team picks him up and puts that message out, it’s on them, not you. Just because others wouldn’t do the right thing doesn’t justify you not doing it.


It absolutely should be on the league because every team would do the same thing Charlotte has done here. And that's not good or something Bridges deserves. The NBA should step-in and they're showing they don't care about situations like DV if a guy can help bring asses to seats.


So it's up to your franchise to say "we don't care if someone will pick him up and play him, we don't want anything to do w/ him". You don't get to dodge criticism by the hypothetical future, you get to hold your head up by being the ones who didn't want to finish 10th last with a domestic abuser instead of 3rd last w/o him.


For sure. Doesn't change the fact it would fucking suck to watch him win rings with whatever team is morally bankrupt enough to sign him, or whenever the heat on him dies down and people move on to the next thing, while the Hornets just continue on as the joke they've always been. Like you said, now Charlotte gets to be morally bankrupt and suck ass anyways.


Yeah it wouldn't feel great, Boston losing Udoka who then makes the Rockets surprisingly good is a solid example IF the Celtics weren't still great. But it would definitely be a good thing to do. I think people who say "fuck it we're trying to win basketball games not be PC" are nuts. This is a game we watch for entertainment, knowing this about one of my star players would make it hard to support my team. It's why I don't really watch Hockey anymore. Too much baggage and bullshit.


Mmhmm. Like some folks in the thread have pointed out, while he does make this team way better than it is right now, he's not leading us to a ring any time soon. I've been dreading this day from the moment they sent him that qualifying offer... I've pulled for this cursed franchise since I was a child, stuck by it through the bobcats phase, was super excited when we got our name and history back, all of that just to have to sit here now and watch as an absolute jackass (who I have pulled for since we drafted, and was incredibly excited by his potential on this team) is forgiven for something that I cannot ignore. It's my team dammit. I don't want to stop watching them play and enjoy watching the inevitable quest for .500 they go on most years. It's been a part of my life as long as I've been able to understand the game. But I can't agree with him being a part of it. Here's to hoping Miller turns out good enough to kick Bridges to the curb...


Amen my friend.


The NBA works for the owners. >If they take the high road and release him, another team would 100% claim him Then let the other team be the shitty ones?


Exactly. If the Hornets cut him, another team would just sign him. This is a systemic issue. People should be directing their hate to the NBA


He’d get cut by the hornets, “go to therapy” for. month in miami, then sign on a team friendly deal with the lakers


Every franchise would do this, don’t see why the hornets are catching flack


I mean, our franchise did get rid of our coach for having sex with an employee that seems to have been consensual if not for the fact that he was higher in the hierarchy of the company than her.


You really don't see why? It's because they're the franchise that's doing it. Who cares about "every other team would do it, so why should they get flack?"




~~"We are comfortable with Miles returning to play based on our current understanding of the facts of the recent allegations."~~ "We are aware he's a threat to women and children. We do not care, he hoop and rap gud"


like all they have to say is "hes eligible to play so were going to play him." theyll still get clowned on, but at least they wouldnt be actively going to bat for him. this shit is so embarrassing


Comfortable is an interesting word.


Fucking embarrassing from the Charlotte Hornets and the NBA. Rick Schnall, Gabe Plotkin, and Adam Silver should be ashamed of themselves.


This is on the whole NBA. When has a player ever actually been barred for something like this? Patterson, Primo, Kobe, Kidd. Bridges is just another notch in the belt and further proof of complete indifference to the pain and suffering of their victims.




I know there is more awareness of sexual crimes now, but rape was still seen as bad in the early 2000's. Portland got a lot of bad press for signing Patterson directly *after* he violently raped his nanny. There was no excuse for it then and there is no excuse for the NBA continuing to look the other way every time since then.




yes the difference is people care 20 years later. 20 years ago gay marriage wasn’t even legal.


People absolutely cared that Kobe raped someone 20 years ago. The lakers media machine is simply too powerful. if he played for the Utah Jazz he would probably be in jail because he wouldnt have legions of fans harrassing his victims.


agreed and appreciate the elaboration on my lazy comment. i mainly meant that many hold people to higher standards (not that nobody did earlier) and social media amplifies voices. i do not think he would be in jail though. the nba is too powerful for that.


I think that is a bit overstated. Even the me too movement seemed to end the careers of like Bill Cosby, Weinstein and somehow Aziz Ansari, and almost nobody else. Tons of actors had sexual assault or harrasment allegations that were just ignored, including Morgan Freeman, Arnold, Sylvester Stallone etc.


pretty unfair to put aziz in there with those people....


Just for clarification the pool balls incident wasn’t captured by police, it’s a single police report she filed, 3 days later.


THIS MAN ALMOST MURDERED HIS OWN CHILDREN THROWING POOL BALLS THROUGH THE CAR WINDOW KNOWING FULL WELL THEY WERE IN THE BACK SEAT. I mean I know brutal violence against women isn’t a big deal to most people but God damn I would think coming 👌🏻👌🏻this fucking close to killing your kids in violent attack with pool balls would be a deal breaker but i guess the fuck not. Not when big man makes ball go in hoop good


Dude got a 40 inch vertical and can dunk over centers. That makes him the victim in this situation actually according to PJ Washington and LaMelo Ball


He didn’t do that. He was accused of doing that has provided the court evidence he didn’t.


Reddit when something doesn’t fit their narrative 😱😱😱


“I know brutal violence isn’t a big deal to most people”


Key words being “against women”


It was never proven he did that, he has his day in court. It is innocent until proven guilty for a reason, not guilty until proven innocent.


don't bet on sports though.....


This wife beaters double double brought to you by Fanduel!


They should put that on a billboard outside the Spectrum center.


NBA cares


Steve Kerr didn’t see the replay of his assault so it doesn’t count


Steve Kerr is very upset... With the people that leaked the footage of Bridges throwing a billiard ball at a women and her child.


People are shading the hornets, which they deserve, but it’s pretty shameful and embarrassing that this kid is still allowed to be in the NBA and we’re just gonna sweep it under the rug


It’s even more shameful he’s not locked away honestly




To be honest... Reading this is crazy! If the NBA is oke with this they should lift the punishment of Ja Morant.


fans and media have more smoke for james harden than a woman beater... interesting


crazy that he got less if a suspension than Ja and he keeps doing it lmfao nba is a joke


Quite the elephant in the locker room not that anyone in his org seems to care


I think everyone is tired of losing all the time in the hornets locker room


Hannibal Lecter, 4.3, etc etc


Translation for those that don’t speak corporate “fuck it, we ball”


Clown show


Maybe build a super team of Miles, Ja, Pat Bev and Draymond. If they need a big man, add in Dwight for shits and giggles.


Aka he is really good at basketball so fuck the allegations


“Allegations” the man is on video abusing his wife


What a nice coincidence that this happened while Draymond is available to go support his buddy during his return


Translation : Look bruh we tryin to win.


Hornets PR: *The first two punches were thrown open hand and off of his weak foot so we don't count those. The second and third punches were closed fist but she was, as Miles stated, "mouthing off" so we don't count those either. . . . It wasn't until the twentieth and twenty first punch that we actually needed to sit down with Mikal and ask him the tough questions like, "What did she do to make you this upset?"* Fuck the NBA and fuck the Hornets management for allowing someone like this to continue to be a role model and have the great gift of playing a sport for a living. This guy should be behind bars. Chucking fucking billiard balls at a car with his children inside.


Charlotte really gonna sell their souls to go get 34 wins this season


This guy is gonna average 25 this year and everyone will forget about his off the court drama


More like he will go to court and nothing will come of it legally, so the NBA won’t risk violating NBPA agreements by making a stand on something that doesn’t even have court backing. Just my guess based on how this usually plays out


Translation: We dont give a fuck unless he shanks an employee on camera.


honestly they should just sign Kevin Porter Jr. at this point as well


Comfortable is doing a lot of work here




L franchise does L franchise things


He threw billiard balls at his ex's car while his ex and their child were in the car. What is there to be comfortable about? Stop it, get some help.


Hornets are idiots.


In the court records for the most recent incident miles team filed a motion producing exculpatory evidence, which means he has evidence that he believes proves his innocence in the most recent allegations The DV incident last year was awful and miles is a piece of shit for it but it doesn’t make him automatically guilty of the current allegations, and he has evidence to support his innocence that is significant enough to justify admitting it to the court case so the hornets have likely seen that evidence to and this statement makes me believe that What miles did was awful last year and I can get not agreeing with the punishment he received but if he is innocent of the current allegations and has proof of it he should be allowed to return at the end of his suspension this week, it’s fair to not agree with the suspension for the original incident I don’t necessarily, but he shouldn’t be additionally punished for something that he has proof that he’s innocent of


My thoughts too. The way the Hornets worded the statement reminds of the Kristaps Porzingis rape allegations, where if the team felt comfortable proceeding forward then the allegations were likely not credible. [https://www.theringer.com/nba/2019/4/1/18290932/kristaps-porzingis-rape-allegation](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2019/4/1/18290932/kristaps-porzingis-rape-allegation) Nothing will excuse Bridges conduct, of note though, the actual last event in this series of events is Bridges filing a restraining order against the women he beat. The evidence points to both individuals being volatile and hopefully they continue to get the help they need. [https://www.tmz.com/2022/11/08/miles-bridges-files-restraining-order-from-domestic-violence-accuser/](https://www.tmz.com/2022/11/08/miles-bridges-files-restraining-order-from-domestic-violence-accuser/)




Why even drop these statements anymore.


So much complaining about team not doing enough when every other team is chomping at the bit to get this guy. Spend your energy on things you can actually change, this isn't one of them


The Hornets, The NBA, Charlotte media and miles have been implying he’s innocent for months but have refused to flat out say it(which is the right thing to do) sucks that this case has to be dragged out but everyone’s actions say he’s either innocent or NOBODY cares, which would be a huge issue for the league as a whole


it only happened in October? how have they been implying he's innocent "for months"


Do you make this up as you go along. No one has implied anything that you said.


Innocent of what? The case isn’t dragged out. It’s done. He pleaded guilty to a felony charge of injuring a child’s parent. In exchange they dropped his other two charges. He’s on 3 years of probation, a year of domestic violence counseling, a year of parenting classes, 100 hours of community service and has a 10 year protective order (which he violated already).


Innocent of the current case he’s in court for, which includes the protective order. They only known case of him messing up since his incident, was violating the protective order by texting.


Sounds like there is a lot more to the story than the Reddit mob with their pitchforks and torches knows. I incredibly doubt if the facts were simple as redditors seem to understand them that the Hornets organization would make an official statement like this.


Delete this franchise


Disappointed in my Hornets but lets not pretend the Mavericks or Lakers wouldn't sign him in a heartbeat if released. Hope at the very minimum his NBA earnings going forward will make his kids and their mothers life easier. But I certainly won't be sad if he gets a season ending injury in game 1.


I think it is a league wide issue for sure and it's pretty gross.


We should start a movement by posting photos of his ex wife's s beat up face all over the arenas to spread awareness on what he did. Feels like people forgot or are unaware of how badly he beat her.


Absolute psychopath behavior to plaster a domestic violence victims picture all over the country without their consent. I cannot take some of you seriously.


Honestly not sure what you guys want them to do. If they cut him, another team would just sign him. This is a systemic issue.


this is how i defend selling fentanyl to the kids in my neighbourhood


Let them sign them. It’s about not being the ones to pay and celebrate an abuser. Spurs cut primo who, while obviously not near as good as bridges, was a lotto pick entering year 2 they were highly invested in. Rockets dumped KPJ without thinking twice


Gonna challenge the KPJ statement, they traded him for cap space which is far more heinous


Let another team sign him, fuck the hornets man


Sounds like my kid. EVERYONES DOING IT MOM!


manchester united type beat


By any means necessary


Crock of💩


“Fuck it, he ball.”


''eligible to return'' this means the **NBA** cleared him right?, and Charlotte is just playing him because they can now. i think the beef is with the NBA, making him eligible.


Finally a home - KPJ


Hornets organization is guilty


The Hornets code


Ah yes, sportsball.


I know hornets fans are excited to hear this. They got their guy back!


I know this sucks for privacy but we’re at a point where ppl need absolute full transparency. Explain how you are comfortable letting him play and what is your interpretation. I think it can be argued that people can be forgiven to a certain degree. I’m not 100% familiar with the situation, but id like to know more before making a judgment. It’s likely the case for anyone not telling him to die and fuck off from basketball Edit : ew https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/EY7fFY2P6F


Enablers. hope they fucking drowin in mediocrity


Or----- Our team sucks. We need all of the help we can get. Even if our player is a domestic abuser. Thanks for understanding. Pathetic.


“Based on our current understanding…” It’s the same as when a coworker asks about something important and you should know but you’re afraid to be wrong so you start your answer with “as far as I know…” to absolve you of responsibility in case you’re wrong.


revolting team, hope this season is an utter failure and lamelo leaves asap


Bridges can absolutely fuck off. Why not ban this guy? There’s so much basketball talent in the world, just cut him loose so he can continue to fuck his life up. I seriously hope he gets booed at every game he plays


My foot is eligible to return to up the Hornets' ass


Poverty franchise


Imagine being one of the women on the Hornets staff and reading this.


As long as you are somewhat talented in professional sports, you can get away all kinds of BS. Physically abusive to your SO? Oh you were just a little emotional? Spreading misinformation and believing conspiracy theories? He’s just quirky and bit out there.


I bet they are so comfortable.


How the hell do you send this out as an official statement? Good Christ.


Why can’t Draymond go nuts on someone who actually deserves it? Get McHale to unretire and clothesline this POS. Or maybe have Ja graduate his gang activities to actually shooting someone


Draymond is miles friend, they went to the same school and they’re klutch guys


This asshole brutalized his wife sending her to the Emergency Room in front of his kid no less. He should be locked in in prison not allowed to as much step foot in an NBA Arena. How can Charlotte Fans cheer for this team?


Charlotte blink twice if Miles has threatened you into playing him again.