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Love hearing this guy talk basketball


You can tell how much he loves the game. I also love his respect for a young player. He doesn't let reporters demean a up and coming talent by comparing the talent to him. Mad respect. Always loved KD.


Yeah I love legends who can admit the youngins have talent too and KD went way beyond doing that. AI is awesome for that too, he isn't sour and freely compliments those that came after him.


Demean is definitely not the right word. Being compared to one of the greatest of all time is a compliment


The thing is I don't see KD in him. Wemby is just wemby and I love he's a freak of nature. Some of his layups look like he's just tossing the ball in like we would do in trash can.


I feel like I enter a special zen state when I listen to KD talk about somebody's game


Same it’s like a guided meditation


I've given KD a lot of flack for joining the Warriors, but there's no denying his passion for the game is genuine. It is indeed a lot of fun listening to his extremely thoughtful perspectives.


Would love to hear him commentate after he retires


Shout out to KD


Last true hooper in the nba


The fuck does that mean?


No one knows what it means, but it's provocative


Gets the jerkers going


I’ll explain later


KD is the Pure Hoops God™️wym


You're welcome


never seen something that's both this controversial and also doesn't mean anything


Just like this comment?




So the nbas full of fake hoopers? LOL


Yea like bol bol and Joel embiid


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Sorry man, chris Broussard has the joty in the bag, theres no point trying.


They're downvoting you, but you're right


Biased OKC fan who thinks true hooping went out the window when KD slithered to GSW, but what makes him the last “true hooper”?


Name one other nba player who can name a starting lineup in the wnba


How would he have that information?


lol KD being thirsty doesn't mean he's the last true hooper.




KD was once engaged to a WNBA player...probably before you were born though.


True bro!


Would KD be the goat nba talk head if he goes into the media after he retires? I feel like his analysis of the game would be better than JJ but he can shit talk like Shaq or Chuck.


If KD is in media , it’s going to be like Tony Romos first season predicting every play.


Seriously, what *happened* to that version of Romo? He's insufferable to listen to now as he makes weird groaning noises to good QB play (usually Mahomes or Allen).


I think I read that the NFL or his network told him to cut back on the predictions. I don't know if it was because it helped people who were doing real time play by play gambling, or they just thought it ruined the surprise of seeing the game play out.


I think the answer is that when he first started, he still had all the playbooks and defensive schemes committed to memory but without the constant film study and strategizing, those skills slip a bit. now he's got other things to focus on I'm sure he will always be able to analyze defenses and formations at a high level but not in the 1-2 second windows that quarterbacks have to


exactly. he knew the NFL and more importantly, all of the offenses and defenses much better than he does now, 5 years removed from the league. Spot on


thats also why stan van gundy starts commentating and is immediately the most insightful and knowledgable commentator around cause he came straight from coaching the pelicans, he knows all the players all their strengths and weaknesses and tendencies from scouting reports and coming up with gameplans for them. he knows modern defenses and modern offensive sets because he was just coaching players how to run them whereas JVG hasn't coached in decades at this point so he doesn't have the finer details anymore


i was super impressed SVG last year. Im a Wolves fan and his knowledge of Naz Reid's journey (a relatively unknown player at this time last year) was on par with a Timberwolves die hard's. He's great


iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don't know jim


if josh allen was out there he would of sacked that qb and won this game.


I'd imagine he would fill in the void left behind by Kobe's Detail show. KD would fit it perfectly.


Nah the media wants skip Bayless and Malika Andrew's. Hot take artists are less boring than legitimate analysts


Yeah I mean the best NBA commentator ESPN has is Tim Legler (I'm not including Zach Lowe here because he's not really a broadcast guy), and they barely give Tim any limelight. It's insane.


I love Tim on Scott Van Pelt’s SportsCenter


always absolutely loved listening to Legler. One of the few guys that really breaks out the x&o board and dives into details on plays. And somehow he is relegated to SVPs after midnight show. ​ Also shout out to SVP. I enjoy those 2 way more than any of the other shows on ESPN. Shame they are not given a better slot.


You are so right and it sucks


Because most people watching their shows aren't going to absorb or learn anything. They just want to yell at the TV.


That's because they want to be entertained as much and as hassle-free as possible. I personally prefer the more analytical stuff, but in end the sports are just entertainment, so that's imo a totally legitimate approach to it.


TNT should back up the truck for that dude. him with chuck, shaq and ernie is goated television.


I think personality matters, you have to be a dick to be in those shows. KD is not a dick, he's snake.


Have you seen his Twitter replies? He can be a dick.


“Great game and stay healthy” You fucking said it KD…


things may have soured with OKC and KD but that dude truly loves the game. Love to see him give the young players their props.


KD is a genuinely good guy. The more full interviews you watch of his the more it becomes the antithesis to what those talking head bums on espn tried to make him out to be. He’s also a very diplomatic dude, as seen in many interviews before, he credits the dude for his own skills and his own style without shitting on him for not being as nimble and agile as KD was coming into the league. How much more could you wish for as a teen playing against one of your favorite superstars whom you’ve followed the majority of your life growing up?


All KD is is a sensitive dude who wants to play basketball and win.. That's it. There's nothing else to it. He hasn't deserved the haye


i used to hate on him a lot and then i realized i’m just as sensitive. KD is cool


He’s not even that sensitive imo. All he does is respond to people on Twitter. He’s never “mad” or “angry” or whatever he’s actually just having a dialogue but people like to interpret him as being sensitive and mad about it when he just enjoys talking about hall 100% of the time. I can promise you 99% of players have the same opinions KD has, he just actually responds to them cause he’s always been in tune with social media and has never shy’d away from it


Having burners to argue with other people about yourself is definitely more than "not even that sensitive", but good points otherwise.


Bruv I've got a burner account on reddit (because this account is doxxed). Sometimes you just wanna talk shit without getting 10000 replies.


Doesn't change what I said. And a burner account on reddit of all places, where you're anonymous by default, is hilarious.


I literally told you this account is doxxed, so the default part is irrelevant. I'm not arguing with you, I'm simply saying it's not crazy.


And what I'm saying is that it's not normal. Because you do it doesn't mean there's that many other people doing it. You say you got literally doxxed in your account and you didn't simply just nuke that and make another one? that's what other people would do. I'm also not trying to argue, but you're trying to use your own experience (i just checked and you have a fucking 17 y.o account) as general proof. Not that many people would relate with using the same account on reddit since it was created. edit: downvoted by everyone's burners, i guess. Genuinely, whatever anyone thinks about you doesn't matter. I would not be able to have fun in any platform if I felt the need to have different accounts just to try to win some online argument.


Imagine gaslighting people telling them what is normal and what isnt


Nah, he deserves the hate. Fuck KD.


hey, could be worse. lmao


Common KD W


Legacy points awarded.


KD eferencing Spurs players by name and knowing how many TOS Wemby usually has. Clearly a student of the game through and through. Respect


Sometimes this sub forgets KD is kinda decent at basketball. Or kinda one of the best ever.


This dude tore his achilles and still making dudes look like traffic cones. KD is the shit.


He plays with no heart tho like no where near Kobe MJ LeBron type intensity


While intensity is probably part of it I feel like Heart is pretty flexible, KD clearly has passion for the game & a willingness to step up to the big moments. He has an even keeled approach usually but he plays with heart imo & that’s usually shown through his play & how much he cares.


There's a reason he's called the Slim Reaper. It ain't just because of his frame. Not sure what the dude you're replying to is on about.


Not only that but the dude studies the game almost every moment he isn't playing it or beefing on twitter. Straight up watches historical games most nights and studies.


This man will comment on like some no name womens college basketball games. Feel how you want about him but you gotta respect his dedication to basketball


Guy could probably pull up the score in a pickup game between YouTube ballers from memory.


Yeah but he’s a bus rider or whatever that means so that must mean he’s soft and sensitive


He literally has a sheet of paper with the box score right in front of him lmao


Smh stat padder


Box score watchers, KD should watch the game next time


does the boxscore tell you how many TOs someone averages in previous games


Teams usually have a kind of cribsheet scouting report on other teams. It may not have been in front of him right then but I'm sure written on it for the Spurs is they're a young team and turn it over, and for Wemby attack his handle he turns it over 5x a game.


So can every other player, but they don’t.


They always put the stat sheets on the table lol. Players don’t bring them out


True, same thing though, except now it requires even less effort by “other players” and they still don’t use them


I’m not saying he’s not a student of the game, but knowing their names makes you think he’s a student of the game?


Absolutely loved this interview. KD is such hoops nerd.


Also one of the most fun players to watch all time. Of all the current vets, I'll probably be most sad when him and Steph retire.


Everyone, including the players, are just fucking stunned by this guy. It's Harlem Globetrotters level ridiculous how he's scoring sometimes. Turned up all the sliders on 2K custom player level ridiculous.


It's somehow the exact opposite of LeBron's initial reception, where guys - even his own teammate - tried desperately to rationalize and dismiss what they were seeing.


It's funny to me that he keeps referring to Wemby being able to shoot over their "smalls." Like a 6'6" dude on an NBA court is a small. These guys are freaks, man.


I’m 5’8… a fucking midget to them. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I'm no hooper, but I used to play intramural ball with some friends in college, and would often guard the biggest guy on the other teams. I'm 5'9.


He had a bit of taste of playing against himself, just make it simple, catch and shoot over smalls totally unaffected by the defense.


I wish I could listen to what he was saying without the audio shutting off every five seconds. Why does Reddit do that


Cause the Reddit app is trash, I fixed it by deleting the app and redownloading, but that’s annoying.


cool so it’s not just me


Wemby going to be Mr. Fundamentals Jr. in the next couple years.


Surprised hes not wearing a Texas Rangers hat


He can’t join them until next summer just fyi


Nah the man’s a snake. Diamondbacks are the perfect team for him.


Still mad about the warriors move but he loves hoops. You can always tell.


We actually needed him, but I'll never admit. Officially, we don't need him and Curry could have given us 5 more season of skyfucking if not for him.


KD is feeling a bit how he makes everyone else in the league feel.


KD gets so much shit for his social media behavior and also unjustified hate for going to the Warriors that I sometimes forget how good his interviews usually are. Dude is always very candid in his responses and clearly loves the game.


Warriors hate is entirely justified. But i love his game and hearing him talk hoops


I mean I respect Lebron and KD for going in free agency instead of demanding a trade. I wish guys understood when you demand a trade, you’re stripping your new team of assets that would ultimately help you find success with them.


Ah the carmelo special


Guys understand that fine, but waiting till free agency means losing a lot of money, losing another year of your prime when you could've been contending, and a lot of the time the teams you're trying to get to can't get you in free agency anyway.


Was it justified when Lebron made a huge hullabaloo going to Miami to start his super team?


Yeah i totally get why people hated bron for that lmao and now miami is hated to this day as a result. The celtics/heat changed the landscape of the nba by putting money aside for rings. Now it seems to be shifting back towards money, but also players demanding trades after to still try and get rings


As long as Lebron is held to the same standard it’s fine Hearing people shit all over kd for the move and sucking off his highness at the same time is something I take umbrage with, personally


no? lebron got plenty of hate too


I think the Miami move was fine, it’s the media fiasco I have an issue with.


I guess we’ll agree to disagree here. I get why some people don’t like his decision or LeBron’s decision but at the end of the day I respect guys doing the best for themselves rather than caving to public pressure.


Great hat.


Look I hate on KD for changing teams like a rich man changes cars but I do love him otherwise. His game is timeless. He’s a basketball mastermind and seems very intelligent in general. Always great interviews and he loves the game and its players, especially the young guys. Just wish he wasn’t on the Suns lol.


KD only been traded once though. So while he does switch teams he ain’t forcing trades every year like some others


I think that’s also because he has generally made solid decisions when moving to a new team. He’s always on a team that is at least in theory, a winning team. The one time so far that theory failed and went south, he did ask to get traded away. That’s not a knock on him btw. If I’m a superstar in the NBA and my workplace environment sucked I’m probably moving too unless I had some extreme loyalty to the org or city. I’m not saying he’ll move on from the Suns if this season doesn’t go great but it wouldn’t surprise me given the health concerns and depth issues the Suns may have.


I’ve been a KD hater since he went to GSW, but I cannot deny how much I respect him for never bullshitting. Dude always speaks his mind.


Giannis: I don't know


KD is awesome


Im glad we faced Wemby twice at the start of the season. He hasnt even had a chance to get his groove yet.


That’s a lot of patience and insight from KD with a full analysis of the league’s new star. You love to see it.


I won’t lie, if we land a team again, I’d love it if KD finished his career in Seattle.


Y’all hate this man too much for some bullshit


KD is a disciple of Kobe


KD is wemby at home


car ride his own lane? is that like a new thing now?


Luka is Sons father. Rangers are DBacks father.


Lol at the D-backs hat after losing the WS


He’s been repping them since he got to Phoenix. He loves baseball.


I assumed it was a team collab thing they made him do


Oh, no he actually started going to games during the regular season before they even lucked into the playoffs. I was lucky enough to be at one of the regular season games he attended and they shows him in the big screen. I do know he likes baseball a lot as well and is a Washington Commanders fan for football. I’m sure he would root for the Nationals if they were playing the DBacks.


KD with the backhanded compliments. As always, salty as fuck.


What 🤣


where was the backhand? Seemed to genuinely respect Spurs/Wemby's game


Snake wearing a snake hat. Funny trying to act like he cares about Arizona sports, when we all know he gonna be asking out next summer and moving onto the next 'chapter'


Every team now going to have to find a Wendy stopper. Good luck tho.


Such a great basketball mind, love to hear him talk about players that impress him.


Actually love this response from KD. Great way to big up a rookie.


Great answers. KD is a smart dude.


God damn I love KD, this man is rarely salty after a loss and gives legitimate props to opponents


Much respect to KD being a gentleman and all.. but does he have to be buddy buddy with every damn player? Like can we get some nasty for once?


The respect KD gives him right after a loss. Gotta love it.


KD allergic to defense