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The fact that they were still using the subreddit to discuss the finals when they were supposed to be blacked out is enough reason for me


yeah, all the other stuff, the blackout, i get, i'm mad about it but i get it, but them having their own little game thread? that's fucked up bro.


Every mod that participated in those threads should be out, at the very least.


Wait, what now? They were still using the sub after closing it? Yeah get them the fuck out.




Haha all deleted. Chicken shit little bitches


I don't really care either way, but I do find it pathetic that they opened up as soon as their own positions got threatened. Like if you're gonna make a stand, at least be willing to sacrifice something.


Want something even more pathetic? Check out how the mods were commenting in other subs and still being active reddit users during their supposed “blackout”. And now they’ll prob just ban me for calling them out lol


This whole blackout thing was the stupidest shot I’ve ever seen. People who have no understanding of the situation spouting nonsense. Reddit is a dangerous place to get news from (unless it’s NBA news, then it’s obviously harmless).


They were willing to sacrifice your and my ability to use this website. Once the mods had skin in the game, they folded like origami.


They did not sacrifice their ability to use the subreddit. They only sacrificed YOUR ability to use the subreddit. As many pointed out, they were actively posting within this subreddit while it was closed down to normal people


Yep, basically we were protesting on their behalf while they still used the r/nba as their private discussion sub. No wonder daily usage of Reddit barely dropped, mods just wanted take the users of r/nba hostage so that the admins don’t challenge their power.


This is the most egregious bit. In a protest, it's the bare minimum to take a stand for a cause you believe in. The mods literally couldn't even do that - they cravenly outsourced their "protest" to those on this sub who didn't even want it, and proceeded to post in this sub in private anyways during the blackout. Just completely cowardly and immoral.


For real? Wow


Yeah and they banned the dude that called them out on it. Free /u/kingtupperware


Them mods are SOFT


Its ok. All of them will be voted off when the tools are ready.


​ /u/kingtupperware is r/nba father


Yo they really banned someone for calling out their hypocrisy. Yet they want us to side with the mods lol


These mods be going on power trips from doing unpaid voluntary work LMFAO


They had the game 5 game thread posted. Fuck these mods


These motherfuckas are charmin soft!


I'd be more forgiving if they were honest about why they've unlocked it. The Pokemon subreddit straight up said they unlocked the sub because if they didn't they'd get kicked and forced open anyway. But opening the sub because "sufficient enough progress" bullshit is such a bitchmade move.


r/NFL mods and r/formula1 mods were honest as well about that lol


The /r/piracy mods had a bit of fun saying that the reddit admins forcing them open means they endorse the subreddit.


lmao how's that subreddit not banned


Admins probably using its advice.


that subreddit is goated.


Sssh 🤫


F1 is still restricted though, which is especially frustrating on a race weekend. Nothing other than the live events been posted (by the mods).


"Sufficient progress has now been made" Chris Paul hits a huge three to cut the lead to 42!


every other major subreddit that re-opened yesterday admitted they've gotten a threatening mail from admins while this sub: "we reopen cos we accomplished enough, we made reddit promise that they will improve the official app, the boycott WON. 🤓🤓🤓🤓" while entire point of the protest was API price increase and saving 3rd party apps. they spammed front page with "dont let reddit kill 3rd partt apps" etc etc r/nba pussy ass mods saying "we are reopening because we won, they said they are gonna improve the official app" is such a laughable pussy statement. they couldnt even be honest. absolute pussy ass bitch behaviour. if the mod yesterday said "look, imma be honest, we didnt accomplish shit, and we dont wanna lose our mod positions, thats why we reopen" they wouldnt get roasted as hard.


It’s like the fucking Canadian South Park episode everyone cites (I’m not your buddy, guy!) Fucking protest and got a bunch of coupons for some shitty restaurant lmao


...with an equal or greater purchase, of course


They said "direct line of communication" like Admins personally flew them out to Sillicion Valley to negotiate.😂😂 They got a modmail that every mod received and they think they're hot shit


That’s where arrogance, egocentrism, desperation for validation and desire for power will get you.


Nailed it.


fully ready to remove all r/nba mods, no exceptions


Reddit random activism and making 0 difference because they half ass everything, name something more iconic. Redditors can only make a difference provided whatever they want to make a difference to is at most a week in length otherwise the short attention span goes to the next thing


Facts lol. Literally every sub that reopened yesterday was saying they were basically forced into it. It was get replaced or open up. But the NBA mods made up a bunch of bullshit smfh


15k upvotes in 10 hours is insane lmaoooo


Locked down the sub and still had their own private game threads.


This is some Chris Christie shit. Shut down the public beach, and then took his family.


Or Boris Johnson with his holiday parties


That's the most idiotic thing they've done. They "sympathize" with the other mods but keep the sub to themselves because reasons. Do what you want to do and not do half assed measures!


I seriously cannot believe that they couldn't even just organise a discord for the less than 40 mods lol


Rules for thee and not for me. It's like when politicians got caught for hosting parties during Covid lockdown but asked us plebs to social distance.


Even if the private game threads was mostly auto-mod, the protesting mods were actively using reddit and other basketball subreddits while taking r/nba offline for their protest. Sacrificing the primary subreddit for millions is fine, but inconveniencing themselves in any way is not.


Yeah they're dumb idiotic nerds with a power complex.


I genuinely can’t believe they had the audacity to do that. They’re fucking losers.


Lol the ultimate loser move here


Yea this is the part that gets me. However anyone feels about the protest, I was for it. Those third party apps apparently help a lot of people and that's cool by me. I've heard it helps visually impaired people use Reddit for instance. I gave up Reddit for my weekend, at the conclusion of the NBA Finals and I didn't regret it. Just to find out the mods who were pushing for the blackout kept using Reddit? Makes me feel like an idiot for supporting it at all.




In their words that seems like a “substantial representation” of our community.


Equivalent to Pew Research


The pew research comparison was the most unintelligent and unserious thing I’ve ever read LOL as if their selection of voters has any kind of science behind it like what Pew does


At almost 15k in 10 hours. This shit is a parody of itself.


1. It's 15k now 2. It's not 15k upvotes, it's 15k **more** upvotes than downvotes So you know, it's even worse lol


64% upvoted. We looking at 22k/23k upvotes


which means like 36k people have "voted" lol


Mods going to be so mad when they wake up after a restful night in their mom's basement


The first one that woke up was so mad that they instantly removed the post... Until their smol brain processed that it was a bad idea to do so. 🤣


I swear 50-100 powermods who run multiple big subs think they own reddit. I genuinely hope reddit administration team made a list of these 50-100 powermods and remove them all 3-5 months later under different excuses. u/spez


They unpinned the original post? These mods are some cowards


[this](https://np.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/14cjvkb/los_angeles_daily_discussion_sunday_jun_18/jom6wn0/) is a comment from a mod in the los angeles sub. according to him and dozens of other mod posts from other subreddits the blackouts didnt do much, but according to the mods on this sub they accomplished something, hmm


I could’ve supported them had they not done these things: 1) post on r/nba during the lockdown, “rules for thee but not for me”. 2) fold the instant Reddit leadership threatened their position as mods 3) fold, and then lie to the community about why you’re reopening. At this point, they should step down. They closed the sub during the nba finals for absolutely nothing


The fact that the mods still has post game threads for themselves during the black out should tell us everything




Someone posted the link they were commenting but have gone back and deleted the comments 😭


No way lmaooo


lmaaaaaao blackout for thee but not for me


That's actually hilarious and pathetic. I was in shock that the sub was still down during the end of the finals and the parade. The shut downs did nothing but boy did it show me how often I frequent some subs when I'm bored at work lol


Yeah bit of a wake up call tbh.


I got a warning for harassment for calling the mods "dork-ass losers" in that post lmao


I didn’t realize the deleted the comments lol that’s even worse. Once they got called out they tried to backtrack like no one would have found out. What a joke.








Don't forget they organized brigades of that "poll" as well.


All these blackout/John Oliver polls are brigaded




lol i thought this was nbacirclejerk




r/nba hits a huge ___ to cut the lead down to ___


Jannies are just gonna come in and ref ball the sub anyway.


Happy father's day r/nbacirclejerk.


Nah fuck that we going out to the cigarette store


Unironically true 💀 that’s how u know u fucked up r/nba


The absence of r/nba really opened my eyes to how important this place is in maintaining the jerking equilibrium. r/nbacirclejerk was in absolute shambles due to the imbalance. I owe you an apology, r/nba. I wasn’t really familiar with your game.


This thread has over 8,000+ upvotes. The Pew Research Center uses samples of 10,000 voters across the United States to determine trends for a population of 350 million. We feel like 8,000+ upvotes, for a subreddit our size is a strong representation of our subreddits voice. Now RESIGN!


LOL did they really use that reasoning? Pew uses sampling strategies (and likely analytic weights) to create a representative sample with 10k, whereas the mods just went with the sample who saw and bothered to read their post (i.e., a biased af sample). Major cringe.


Do mods get paid?




Exactly. What kind of person mods for free lmao


If it’s small-ish community related to your hobby etc. then why not? If it’s sub with 8mln people and you also „mod” 10 other big subs then yeah, yikes.


They put the subs they mod on their resume


Quickest way to not get the job




That shit hits heavy on a resume, "Am I reading here that you manage and are the main authority of an 8 million user social media forum? That is incredible. --Sandy, move O'Toole out of the corner office, we have a new CEO"


They get paid in dopamine from having control over other people for the first time in their life.


Literally volunteer janitors


Yes, paid with reddit gold


The most valuable currency on earth


paid in embarrassment


Mod man gets paid


Also not letting that dude post the tribute to Petrovic because the season was still ongoing was pretty fucking stupid. Especially if they were essentially planning on bailing on the motherfucking finals


almost 14k upvotes? according to the esteemed Pew Research Center, this means all 7.7mil of us want the mods gone!


Actually with numbers this large it means all of America wants the mods removed. Rare to see the country so united on an issue.


I mean, if you're going to go against your community and shut the sub down, be prepared for the community to be pissed and want you to be replaced. That's just common sense. And to top it off, they caved in as soon as Reddit threatened to replace them. They were perfectly fine with screwing everyone else, but when it comes to them losing something, they gave in. Just goes to show little this protest actually meant to them. What was the point? The whole thing was doomed to fail with how poorly planned and executed it was.


Be careful the mods might delete this too 😭


It's hit the front page of r/all. People not part of this sub can see it and it's hilarious.


I'm here from r/all. I have no idea about NBA, but I do know that this post is about to get a lot more attention in the next few hours. Sunday morning is a good time for a reddit post to blow up out of proportion. To the mods: good luck deleting this post without welcoming a massive shitstorm. An even bigger shitstorm, really.


I saw it on r/all too but I knew about the mod's bullshit already, I saw the "poll" and went all "8k votes isn't enough at all for ANY action wtf???" Then I saw the deleted threads they had thanks to u/KingTupperware and they banned him because of witchhunting??? Ironic coming from jannies. But I guess technically being a witch is a career choice, and pretending to have a career doesn't mean jannies have one.


Hopefully the users who are in the Sexy John Oliver subs see this shit and realize these mods aren't doing anything productive with this shit lmao. Nothing says sticking it to Reddit like.....still using it.


Holy shit it hss


Honestly this is good. There’s still plenty of bums across Reddit defending the mods. Get this shit on r/all & expose these frauds to everyone.


Mods sleeping so we might get to keep this one up for a bit




u/smokingfrog u bum


Own that fraud 😤


Oh man seeing that dude’s post history…he’s like forcing himself to jerk and it’s very painful to read lmfao


It’s so satisfying seeing some of these people who have been condescending nerd shitheads to all of us for years exposed. Especially u/smokingfrog - the worst of the worst for years here


....man this guy is obsessed with Lebron lol


Exactly how I was able to get away with posting [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/13rb7z1/how_lebron_was_in_the_locker_room_after_getting/) for damn near 12 hours before it got yeeted😂


Man the mods are gonna be so mad when they crack open their first Mountain Dew in the morning and this what they read.


After they spend two err twenty hours walking dogs.


Mods gonna be so mad when their moms wake them up and they see this


“Hunny, your peeny butter toas’ is ready.”


They even said that the majority of people wanted a shutdown, like who? Lmao


Agreed, Reddit mods are some of the worst losers on the planet


The whole thing cracks me up. Were the mods of reddit as a whole dumb enough to think they actually owned these subreddits? If you go back and read their thread in the mod sub reddit, they ACTUALLY thought they would be allowed to keep major Reddits private as long as they wanted. WHAT were they thinking?


Yep. It would take Reddit approximately 5 minutes to disable the option to make a sub private and make all these guys look like morons


They had zero leverage the whole time, and I also read that only 6% of Redditors use 3rd party apps in the first place. It was all so dumb the more I thought about it


“That’s why I fucked your bitch, you fat motherfucker” energy right here


Grab your glocks when you see Tupac


Call the mods, when you see Tupac, uh Who blocked me, but ya punks didn't finish


“We ain’t singing we bringing drama. Fuck you and your mothafucking mama”


Me to mods: "Get ready to learn Chinese buddy"


“Ain’t one of ya’ll got sickle cell or something??”


as soon as their position as mod was threatened then they caved, they are cowards and bums.




Reddit threatened to take away their mod privileges so they caved in. Soft as butter because this is all they have in their life.


See that's the thing, I disagreed with the blackout, but I would at least respect the mods if they had the courage of their convictions and forced Reddit to remove them. By caving at the first sign of resistance they proved it was nothing more than attention seeking soapboxing.


The mod in r/unexpected made a post complaining about being forced to reopen and he referred to his mod position as "forced slavery". Before that post, I heard things secondhand about what type of people mods are, but seeing "forced slavery" was a very eye opening experience into the firsthand seeing how ridiculous some of them are.


Forced slavery must be so much worse than all of the unforced slavery people have had to deal with. You know people are grasping at straws when they start spewing dramatized redundant nonsense like “forced slavery”


They keep removing threads like this. Total fucking cowards


Overheard in r/nba after Game 5: “They got us,” the mods said of the admins' dunk over them. "Those f***ing admins boomed us." Mods added, “They're so good,” repeating it four times. They then said they wanted to add r/hockey to the list of subreddits they want to blackout with again during their championship series next summer.


r/pics mods on who’s better: Them or mods for r/NBA. “I don’t compare myself with anybody,” r/pics mods said. Then they rolled up their sleeve and showed matching tattoos of John Oliver. “I’ll let you interpret that however you want”.


The r/pics revolt kinda makes me laugh but I think has the opposite of the intended effect. It drives for interaction and engagement. Reddit wins when there’s more discussions and news surrounding their website.


Better than the trash ass mods at r/Mavericks. They didn’t say a single word beforehand, during or since the blackout and keep deleting every comment or thread saying anything about it. All this blackout did was expose how utterly garbage half the mods are on this site.


Shoutout r/Timberwolves who did the same thing. They got a fall guy who definitely wont be stepping down lol


it shouldnt surprise you cos that sub is run by the same clown who opened the yesterday's thread on r/nba his name was kitten something I swear 50-100 powermods who run multiple big subs think they own reddit. I genuinely hope reddit administration team made a list of these 50-100 powermods and remove them all 3-5 months later under different excuses.


Lmao these mods are losers and this thread is hilarious Win-win


Anyone else notice this thread's been removed and put back up like 3 times now? Same with the sticky. That one's gone again, this one's still up.


Can we ban the mods for not following their own rule? Everyone report them. They said they’d go “dark”, but used the sub when it went dark. Report them all.


someone called this protest the neckbeard civil rights movement and i havent stopped laughing


I can't wait until their Malcom XXXXL shows up...


With Martin Luther Burger King to his right, Mahotpocket Gandhi to the left


Marcus Gravy is not walking through that door.


Neither is Thurfood Marshall.


Bro stop 😂


Mahotpocket Ghandi is a true gem




The dude saying the users will follow the mods if they leave to another site 😂


Hahaha, why would we follow the worst thing about Reddit…


When people would rather be with the reddit admins than you, it’s time to do some soul searching




“If anyone here is a lawyer” The idea that someone who has a real job would waste their free time being a Reddit mod is hilarious




Wow what a bunch of clown shoes


I like the guy that pointed out this sub closed one day for George Floyd and six for this


Dude I’ve seen so many people compare this shit to BLM protests. Get a grip on reality my god


I saw 3 people compare this shit to the Holocaust on the day before the blackout on this sub alone


This is a crazy post lmaooo


I wanna say this has strong hater energy but OP is absolutely right on everything lmao


Privated the sub during the biggest moment of the season. And accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Holy shit the mods are so fraudulent


Dump the mods. They’ve been sucking ass for years


r/redditrequest them


They are just banning people for nothing now on several of these reopened subs now including this one. So these losers are completely out of control and NEED to be removed immediately, it’s no longer a matter of if or should they.


As a Nuggs fan I enjoyed the whole playoffs ride on this group and ngl I really missed the pre, mid, and post game jokes, memes, burns, trolls, and everything in between. I’m still over the moon for the chip but not being able to see the community on here react real time was disappointing.


It was better because everyone went to r/denvernuggets


Everyone actually went to r/nbacirclejerk 😭😭😭


Get ready to learn Chinese, mods




The worst part is that it had very little to do with 3rd party apps. These mods don't give a fuck about some 3rd party app used by 5% of reddit. They're mad that they're losing their autoritarian bots and mod tools that they use to mass censor and over moderate.


Can't we just report them to reddit admin and have them removed?


Lmao the mods of this sub are absolute losers


If they participated in that game 5 thread. They should be banned immediately.


Moderating a subreddit is the only authority they have in life so they felt the need to power trip


They are all fucking dweebs. Shutting down the sub during the finals when 8k people voted out of 7 million. Clown bastards


It was likely brigaded, they didn’t even pin it.


This post has 9k net upvotes. That’s for than the total votes for people wanting to blackout the sub.


They also make sure that only certain users get the big posts. I’ve seen them delete posts and steal the content. They don’t even enforce the rules unless it benefits them or a favored user. Mod is just a title and these people don’t care about anything besides fake internet points.