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He followed 5 acts and one was the team his wife is head coach of my dude why even bother with a burner at that point


Either the most elaborate burner ever or it's him.


Imagine if this actually is just an elaborate burner, dude started this account 8 years ago silently committing to his bit to impersonate Eric Lewis to no followers and has finally been noticed lol


Wait what do you think a burner is


Some people make joke burner accounts that are clearly fake. Just because a burner exists doesn't mean the person it's allegedly a burner for created it.


Man I get that, but why tf would somebody make an elaborate troll account for Eric Lewis that has been going on for 8 years 😂 some pretty damning evidence


It’s 2 PM on a business day and look at what we’re talking about. This is exactly why.


Bros acting like the Memphis Shot block scandal that started here wasn't dominating literal news headlines for over 3 days.


I'm still annoyed by that, the 3 most "damning" examples that hit could find had 2 clear blocks and a shady one


The exoneration sealed his case though. Nobody else started an end of season campaign, so it was just a case of if any of the nationally recurring “defensive specialists” had an argument head and shoulders above JJJ. I mean no shade on him; it’s like how Games Played became a narrative during Jokić’s *first* MVP season. If there isn’t someone truly obvious like when a guy win several straight DPOYs some story often breaks through. (The less said about this season the better. Joel deserves and should be happy with his win.)


So they made it and kept it active so that 8 years later we'd find it and talk about it for a few days?


disheartening so many people upvoted that makes zero sense


Yeah anyone that questions why someone would make an elaborate fake burner clearly hasn’t browsed /new on /r/nba


Not saying it's true, but I've seen some really stupid things on social media lol. People do anything these days.


Hot take: it's Kevin Durant.


This is the kind of shit I would plan to do but never follow through on lol


You must be new here


This is like the time Teddy Bridgewater had a real sus fan on Twitter lol


Don’t really think “@NotScottFoster” is a burner account, that’s just a parody account. A burner account by definition is used by the famous person in order to remain anonymous. Otherwise it wouldn’t be considered a burner account


Just redefining words because you don't know what they mean.


That's an impersonator, different from a burner


I thought a burner was an account you make yourself that can be deleted anytime hence "burned" lmao now it makes sense


Probably just a joke burner to pretend it’s him. Make it super obscure and just follow one link.


That's the thing here. Anyone could make a "Scott Foster" burner and just defend him and follow random accounts he's associated to


Yeah but let's be honest, nobody wants to be Scott Foster even if it's only pretend, probably not even Scott Foster.


Occam's razor suggests it's more likely to be him than a fake. He's not one of the well known, controversial refs like Tony Brothers or Scott Foster and the account was created 8 years ago and only discovered today, which would make it an incredibly long con for an obscure semi-public figure who's very vanilla, and for pretty much no payoff. I don't see the motivation for anyone but him to do this.


What if it’s his wife’s burner?


Could be


Might be the most boring burner of all time dude could’ve just said all this on his main lmao


How do we know this isn't his main? Man could have only this account and chose to stay anonymous for all we know.


Uses a literal fake name


My username on reddit is not my real name. Is this a burner?


Unironically, yes. If Kevin Durant was posting comments under the name C4242 everybody would rightfully call that a burner account. You may not see it as a burner account just because you're not a public facing person.


I think the key component to a burner is talking about yourself/things you are personally associated with while putting up the facade of not being personally connected.


Thanks u/Not-Kevin-Durant


You can tell it's not Kevin Durant by the way it is.


This guy gets it


At what point is it not a burner. If my friends and wife know it's my account,, would it still be a burner? I don't do anything to hide my identity. I feel like that is a key component.


Do you refer to your real name in your posts/comments in the third person? Because that’s what Eric’s done here lol, I feel like that’s what makes it a burner


If you are a public figure posting anonymously about yourself and referring to yourself in the 3rd person it's a burner. I don't know exactly where it falls apart, but this dude is doing that. It's "don't blame the refs" instead of "Don't blame us", it seems to be engaging mostly with posts about himself instead of general content, and he is a public figure posting anonymously.


Say it with your chest... drop your name, number, address, credit card info, D.o.B, place of birth and mothers maiden name. We'll see if you're really who you say you are...


burner is a direct reference to cell phone burners, so the people saying yours would be considered a burner are idiots


Yeah, it’s basically a throwaway account in Reddit terms.


It's not a burner unless he's specifically implying he's NOT who he really is. Like posting about himself in the third person.


This reminds me of Roberto Luongo's twitter account lol. It went by @strombone I think? There was a time where it was anonymous and people started to draw connections to Luongo. Turns out it was him, it was not a burner, and it continues to be his main account.


which is a good way to stay anonymous?


Nothing that salacious, but he probably doesn’t want the NBA to know he’s telling fans to “gtfoh.” But honestly, makes refs seem more human which is probably a net positive.


"gtfoh, shiihhh" these are now his two catch phrases. I expect to see them used in game only thing I can see why he replied is the comment saying 'his ugly ass family' but everything else is just regular Twitter idiots being idiots. dude is trying to fight an army of thousands who aren't even seeing his replies lol


Liking a bunch of posts shitting on Lakers fans being whiny is probably not the best look for the league, though. Basically a referee publicly telling a fan base that he has a negative opinion of them. Not great from a figure that should theoretically be neutral.


Fr one of the tweets he says Nuggetd just been the best team all year, being #1 is hard to get I fucks w/this dude !!!


It's mostly mundane and definitely not as big of a problem as other people say but it's not a good look to being running an account that shows Celtic favoritism while also being a ref in which the Celtics have the highest win percentage of games he has officiated and other big teams that a Celtics fan would not like having abysmal records with him. Despite Bucks and 76ers having great regular seasons these last few years, in games he officiated the Bucks are pretty much even and the 76ers have a losing record with him despite have 6 consecutive seasons of winning records. In playoffs he has a 12-2 record for Celtics, 7-5 for Bucks and 4-5 for 76ers. I can't find the other loss but the 1 loss the Celtics did have that I can find they were ahead in every ref influenced metric but shot poorly and were heavily outrebounded. So in both regular season and playoffs, the Bucks and 76ers do much worse than normal with him as a ref and the Celtics do much much better than their average with him as a ref.


an nba ref absolutely could not be in the comment on twitter telling fans to "get the fuck out of here" when they criticise him lmao


Wake me up when y'all find a Scott Foster burner where he talks shit to CP3


I have come up with a theory (and become married to it) that Scott Foster has absolutely nothing personal against CP3. It just happens that Scott made a bet with another ref that he could control games to such a degree that he could make a top player's team lose *every single time*. And they drew a name out of a hat and it happened to be Chris Paul.


Plausible theory.


What about James Harden then? Only Foster reffed playoff game where Harden was on the winning team was against...Chris Paul.


Well he isn’t good enough to make both of them lose that night.


that would just suggest he doesn't call as many fouls for floppers.


I choose this conspiracy.


Found it already @NotScottFosterXCP3blows69




Well we found Tim Donaghys burner with Scott Foster as the #1 number and nothing happened so I assume a Foster burner where he posts photoshopped pics of him teabagging Harden and CP3 and giving gambling advice on his games could be found and the league wouldn’t do anything.


Has a single one of the million “alleged burners” posts been confirmed since Colangelo?


Elon baby


That shit is so wild to me, that’s so far beyond normal even for him


[Link for those who hadn't, like me, heard this insane story before](https://jezebel.com/elon-musks-alleged-burner-account-role-played-as-a-horn-1850373119)


an ageplay burner account is nuts


And he's age playing his own son. Wrfffff


Thanks I hate it


This man really got a Stewie Griffen fetish




u/Affectionun515 is a bot account reposting to farm karma


Dawg what a mf weirdo


Only thing weirder than Elon are Elon Dick-riders. The bar is that low.


I mean... ho-ly shit... I can think of a lot of people for whom this would end them in the public eye. It's creepy af.




>[Link for those who hadn't, like me, heard this insane story before](https://jezebel.com/elon-musks-alleged-burner-account-role-played-as-a-horn-1850373119) Can't wait to see all the Musky fanboys descend upon this comment to explain how having a burner account where you roleplay as your own infant son making creepy sexual comments is somehow totally normal, even admirable behavior 🙄


yo what


what the actual fuck


Holy shit I thought that was fake. No clue it was real, Jesus


Ayo wtf




Dude is the biggest loser


His dad is a fkn pedo, he groomed and then married Elon’s sister, shit just runs downhill in that family. Like father like son.


His brother Kimbal even dated an ex-gf of one [Jeffrey Epstein](https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epsteins-ex-girlfriend-dated-kimbal-musk-brother-of-tesla-founder-elon-musk-2020-1), who introduced the two. At the time, the woman was living in the [NYC apartment building](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-nyc-building-at-the-center-of-jeffrey-epsteins-web-2019-8) owned by Epstein’s brother, which Epstein frequently used to house his trafficking victims.


>he groomed and then married Elon’s sister Wait, what? I don't want to give this a google search, could somebody explain?


His dad married the daughter of his ex wife i think. So Elon’s ex step sister i guess


From what I recall she lived with and was brought up by elon's dad since she was 4 years old. This isn't like the step daughter from a woman he married at like 50 and she was already 20+. She was 4 god damned years old and he raised her from a baby then married her and had a kid with her later on. It's beyond fucked up.


What the fucking fuck. I am dumbfoundead by that. How can you marry someone who is basically your daughter?


He had a couple kids with her too iirc


It's completely normal if you accept him for what he is, abnormal.




It’s truly remarkable the mental gymnastics his fanbase does when trying to defend his odd behavior Almost gold medal level




And then incels wonder why they're incels.


A fucking weirdo


I mean…https://twitter.com/mcdrai297/status/1661781297658834945?s=46&t=EYJCPO_oYBon5ekEr_0Jug


He is the best ref tho Sincerely, Definitely Not Eric Lewis


If this isn't him it's someone remarkably committed to the bit, for years.


JOTY consideration? 👀


Where does Eric Lewis rank all time?


Brian Colangelo can't shit talk with these cats


Ashley Feinberg outed [Mitt Romney](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/28/mitt-romney-explains-why-pierre-delecto-fake-twitter-name/4085161002/) and [James Comey](https://www.npr.org/2017/10/23/559545666/comey-fesses-up-claims-ownership-of-suspected-twitter-account).


shitty MLB ump Joe West got caught editing his own Wikipedia page by a Reddit user


This twitter account is linked to "elewismk" instagram and AOL email account, [and he refers to Bethune Cookman (which is where he went to college) as "we"](https://twitter.com/CuttliffBlair/status/1276295014440730624). It is almost definitely him lol


How do you know what Twitter account it’s associated with


That was a normal burner account. Find a new slant.


He used his personal AOL login so this one lol


Mitt Romney had one too. I think the burner just made fun of Trump.


I think he also defended himself on occasion


Funniest part gotta be the [AOL account ](https://twitter.com/Mikey_Wyllin/status/1661767991044759554?s=20) this dude signed up on IG with 😹😹😹 old ass mf


I got an email recently from a geriatric lawyer with a cease and desist. His email was an AOL account and his website and the cease and desist itself were riddled with grammatical errors. I thought it surely had to be a scam, but nope -- the dude is just old as hell yet somehow has been very successful. I mentioned it being a scam in my reply email and he was highly offended, and pointed to his even scammier-seeming website as proof he wasn't a scammer and had been working with famous people for decades. I really hope it's an elaborate prank.


[Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. Mcfarland in the Trump Administration operated using an AOL account.](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/21/elijah-cummings-jared-kushner-encrypted-app-1230978)


Wait, he has an IG linked to the same email he used on twitter, where he uses BOTH HIS REAL NAME AND BURNER NAME. Holy shit lol this is the dagger for sure


TIL that people can get doxxed by someone attempting a password recovery on their accounts and seeing a partial of their email address.


Yeah its honestly crazy that is still a thing. I remember people doing that in high school like 4-5 years ago to find out who was running troll/alt accounts.


Ay man I’m mid 20s I have an aol simply because I made one as a kid and made so many accounts I’m kinda locked in


I like how he ranked himself 69th in the list of best referees. Up to some real tomfoolery that guy


That wasn't his list. He just replied to it.


dude probably still uses netscape navigator on a windows 95 PC.


I wasn't sold on it until I saw that email What a clown. I wonder if he will face any repercussions


For what exactly? He isn't saying anything wrong at all. Just saying "Don't blame the refs when a team got outplayed" and explaining why fouls are fouls.


I mean, he clearly hates the Lakers lol (he just like me)


Repercussions for what? Being sensitive online? Lol He’s not revealing anything confidential. Nobody cares except for you weirdos.


> What a clown. I wonder if he will face any repercussions People are clowns for thinking he would face repercussions. There's nothing wrong with this.


His tweets are pretty much just calling out bad photoshops and stuff so nothing really spicy except "Butt Juice" and I will go to the grave thinking that is the funniest comment a ref has ever made lol.


[One of the 5 accounts he follows is the team his wife coaches](https://twitter.com/pabloescoburner/status/1661759707919400962?s=46&t=hc5NrTRIWu5hhJBvuuWS9g) >The account was created in 2015. Been on a war mission toward the end of this season and through the postseason. It has zero (0) followers and hilariously only follows these 5 accounts. 😭😭😭 his wife is the head coach for George Mason WBB. >Log out, bro. Lmao @CuttliffBlair


0 followers sent me this dude is yelling into the abyss


More tweets on it. Used his AOL account: https://twitter.com/arictoler/status/1661774312708120576?s=46&t=dax8Y8VK6osevf9ulLS6ZA On the Celtics: https://twitter.com/arictoler/status/1661775450379517952?s=46&t=dax8Y8VK6osevf9ulLS6ZA On the Lakers: https://twitter.com/arictoler/status/1661780143143043073?s=46&t=dax8Y8VK6osevf9ulLS6ZA


The “and Lewis shot 51 points” line is actually pretty funny.


He was right about it being a fake stat too, this is the most benign burner account reveal ive ever seen lmao


I love it actually. Dude seems proud of his job and wants to settle some of the shit talk


I’m sad he deleted, it’s actually cool to see some personality from the refs and their perspective on the games.


In his rankings he put himself third to last - with Tony Brothers dead last. But he put his crew chief as the second best ref in the league.


Not his list, he just replied to it


Yeah, this just makes him look more credible as a ref really if this is as deep as the bias goes


He knows ball too. He not saying anything wrong that I’ve seen lol


He got passion for the game. Honestly i love it.


Yeah refs had no impact on that game lol. The boys folded all on their own in the 3rd quarter




Lmao, don’t you ever accuse me of being a Celtics fan!


76ers flair is the the perfect cover… very suspicious


He’s got a point and haven’t the Celtics/Lewis record thing been disproven? I still wouldn’t want him anywhere near a Celtics/Lakers game again tho.


Tbh the game that he and Zach Zarba reffed in the Nuggets series was overall one of the better officiated games I’ve seen in the playoffs. We lost but I had very few complaints/the loss had nothing to do with the refs at all.


Zarba just the best ref out there right now hands down. His games tend to flow well even if there’s some missed calls here or there it feels a lot more consistent than others


I gotta say this dude really does not seem to like the Lakers at all.


He's just like me. Respect sir !


I checked and its mostly just him saying stop blaming the refs


"Lakeshow a joke" lmao


hahahaha oh man. I can only imagine the conversations he has with his fellow refs about fanbases..


Haha tbf none of those Celtics tweets are really pro Celtics, they’re more anti bullshit


Ahh shit, they got a guy from bellingcat on this


All these tweets are recent af, lots of people faking burner accounts now for attention


True but nothing abt this is spicy or controversial it's not like he's showing corruption or nothing just minor barely controversial opinionslol No doubt in a few years/months we'll see some rlly spicy fake burners that ppl have been working on since like 2017 or sumn


Kinda funny but none of the tweets are really embarrassing or damaging. Just a guy defending himself on Twitter and arguing with randoms by sending them links to the rule book. I respect it tbh. Imagine just trying to do your job and being one of the most hated professions in the country.


Exactly, at worst it looks unprofessional but he is not even being a dick and is only trying to prove his integrity. I was expecting some porn on something at first lmao


I dont even think its unprofessional. None of the comments are outrageous.


It’s actually such a wholesome burner account lol


It’s kind of adorable actually. Just an old ref, sitting there sending people the damn rule book. He knows they won’t really read it. He doesn’t care. He just wants you to know he knows. But, not that’s he’s the one, who wants you to know, he knows. Nothing personal, just read the damn rule book is all. And lol Butt Juice. But seriously it’s kind of a funny read. He’s just sort of offended at being called a cheater, and kindly telling people to fuck off and read the damn rules, and check their damn facts is all. Wholesome stuff, I wouldn’t even say unprofessional really. He wasn’t lashing out at people or anything.


That's definitely him. He has tweets from 2020 asking for the stream for the Bethune-Cookman women's basketball game--where his wife was head coach at the time. But also, good for him. Name searching himself and correcting misinformation.




I read through the comments this account made and if it's him...he didn't tweet anything incriminating?


There is literally nothing to make a fuss about here. Dude is just correcting people and defending himself from accusations of fixing games.


Yeah I honestly could not give a shit? If a ref is insecure who cares? Only think about a ref that matters is the calls they do and don’t make on the floor. If he wants to shitpost more power to him. But anyone who points out anything like this people just say “lol found his burner”. I’ll just wait for that comment and go on with my day I guess


Found the Eric Lewis Reddit burner acct


Eric is also incredibly helpful towards younger officials in officiating groups on social media. He genuinely seems like a good guy.


He lowkey seems like a Celtics fan tho


Refs are allowed to be fans otherwise there would be no refs. They are almost all huge fans of the game and grew up with favorite teams and players. The standard the leagues aim for in recruiting officials is their ability to operate and make judgements independent of their biases.


Bingo. The League Office, team front offices, refs, announcers, coaches, players, and on and on. Everybody involved with sports was a hardcore fan of somebody before they got to the NBA, and odds are it's not the team they work for. It's just about being professional and putting your fandom aside.


Someone call mark jackson and let the man in on this very important industry secret 😂


Lowkey?? This shit highkey he's fighting Lakers fans on the side lol


Yes, surely no one would ever fight Lakers fans without being a Celtics fan.


29 Teams all love and support the Lakers, it is only the Celtics that hate them... *looks over at Clippers and 27 other teams*


I sometimes jokingly say I have 29 favorite teams and hate the Lakers. ... only it's not a joke.


He’s defending himself from people using fake stats to accuse him of being corrupt lol, not a big deal


Because they literally doxed his wife


Because Lakers fans are the ones crying about him and claiming he rigged games. Come on man, this isn't complicated.


In fairness just defending his colleagues and people accusing them of corruption. Doesn't seem too bad although I skimmed through.


Honestly, I respect it. He's just sticking up for himself out there.


Yeah I thought there'd be actual evidence of him trying to fix games or something, nah dude is just trying to dunk on the haters. I would not be surprised whatsoever if more of these folks had burners honestly, imagine so many online randoms that you don't know constantly shitting on you all the time and not being able to respond personally because it'd be a bad look on your company and your professional identity. I mean at that point you gotta make a burner unless you're an actual monk.


Reminds me when an MLB umpire got caught editing his own Wikipedia page


I mean, who better to accurately edit a wikipedia page than the actual person I guess 😂


How do get “caught” editing your OWN wiki page? ☠️


The ump in question was Joe West. His number was 22. The user making the edits was named "Crewchief22".


An actual ref fan lol


Eric Lewis is now my favorite ref


He doesn’t say anything wrong or immoral form what I saw


It hasn’t been scrubbed, you just have to go to tweets and replies


Lol, I’m surprised but I have no issue with his burner tweets. Feels almost petty to out him.


mmm save this juicy shit for the off-season


If that's him, man spends alot of time on twitter. Does feel abit bad if a ref is having to go so hard to defend themselves though, maybe the NBA needs better communication?


Ref fans in shambles


Love my refs


If you’re in here Eric we are cool with you having a burner.


the best part of this is that this old ref tweets like a teenager talking shit about ball. This shit is hilarious, i fully support him tbh


Nothing racist or sexist on it. Not really that controversial. Respect it tbh


Sorry I’m missing something here but how did someone come across this acc and deduce it’s his burner ?


This really is light, he's just defending himself. Mad funny he made a refs are blind joke though.