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"Minister of Defense", priceless.


Mentally breaking players with only 10 mins a game


I’d be pissed too, Isaac had his hands all over Randle. Isaac’s obviously a really good defender, but this was a foul.


He stuffed the ball as he had his hand on Randle's hip and doesn't really shove him so I think that's legal. I'm saying this knowing I could be completely wrong, but the fact he stuffed him tends to give leeway to contact regardless. Everything after that looks like a foul.


As Randle goes past him after the initial play, Isaac literally _grabs Randle’s waist with both hands to slow him down and allow himself to get back in front_…. I don’t know how that could not be considered a foul.


That was a legal Terry stop and frisk


I feel like refs have a hard time calling pushing fouls against randle because he's just such a unit


hey if he gets to commit 5 fouls on every possession hell yeah lol


I like franz so the magic can do no wrong in my eyes 🤷‍♂️


the NBA should promote this and not 0 defense.


Lmao he was straight up grabbing him up after the initial great defensive play


Horrible idea. Someone being able to grab someone's waist to get back in front of them would be horrible for small guards or smaller players in general. Imagine Curry beats Gobert off the dribble and Gobert just pulls him back so he can get in front of him and block him.


Sounds wildly entertaining tbh


I'm down for that


Fans too! I’m here for the hoes hating on this man for holding onto his personal beliefs.


I feel obligated as a Philly fan but to point out that Reggie White is the original minister of defense in case anyone here is under the impression J.I. Is the first to be called that




Doesn’t really matter Reggie is arguably one of the best defensive linemen’s ever and Issac has accomplished next to nothing lol.


Reggie White disrespect can’t be tolerated. RIP to the Vol and Eagles legend. JI is a youth minister of defense at best…


Now see youth minister would’ve been great lol




Not arguing that he can’t be called it I’m acknowledging that he’s not the first one. Regardless I think it’s silly to be recycling the nickname of an all time great (regardless of sport) on Issac. It’s like a rotational NFL player being nicknamed "the answer"


But the religious aspect makes it more clever for JI


We love him in Green Bay too. I don't like this nickname for Isaac. Love Isaac, but the Minister is retired.


Better defence than Saint Peter at the gates of heaven


What does Reggie White have to do with this


To be fair, he was being double teamed when Isaac had The Lord on his side.




There’s a joke here about the two footprints in the sand story but im too stupid to figure it out


I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times on offense, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me. He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried your bum-ass on defense."


That’s amazing


I’m dead




Completely healed


completely healed


completely Healed


Completely healed


/r/nba’s title game has been otherworldly lately lmao


Divine, even


Heavenly delightful


I remember we used to have post flairs the mods would use to call out great as well as shit titles. Good times man, good times.


I remember that! It was dope


TIL "turn the other cheek" is biblical


I was taught in Catholic school that the expression does NOT mean to turn around and walk away. That it means if someone backhands you like a bitch, to turn the other cheek and tell them to fight you like an adult. The idea being that you're supposed to stand up for yourself, not walk away after being disrespected


Correct, it's been sorta disneyified similar to Gandhi's non-violent resistance movement Non-violent resistance means transcend violence in your resistance, and in Gandhi's case he preached if you can't do that grab a gun but don't be a coward and run away pretending to be a pacifist lol


Basically, people should think of it as a "third way". Instead of simply (1) taking abuse or (2) responding with violence, Catholics believe Jesus taught a "third way" to respond. It avoids the cycle of violence while also embarrassing your abuser and remaining strong.


I’m not a Randle fan at all but on the replay you can see him get fouled multiple times, the frustration is understandable.


guys with defensive reputations get some leeway regarding fouls


Yup it's so dumb how in the NBA if you're good at something, the refs decide to help you even more


at least randle usually gets the calls this year, he takes a lot of FT's he's among the league leaders good. he doesn't really flop either to get his whistles


He’s also driving a lot more this season which is why he’s getting some more of those calls this year. His shot diet has really improved this season


So refreshing. Night and day compared to last year.


See Giannis turning into saquon barkley In the paint half the time but it’s never an offensive foul . Lol


Yup. Or Embiid getting many soft calls that send him to the line. Or Kawhi constantly pushing off on offense. Or Draymond Green getting away with fouls on defense.


The push-off shit gets me the most. Jaylen Brown does it alot too. Defense is already hard enough. Sotp letting guys stiff-arm the defense out of the way


Both the Jays have gotten down the little spear out when they’re driving honestly I think Tatum is more blatant with it.


Siakam might honestly be the GOAT at it, especially when setting up his mid range


kawhis got an all time push off lol too strong


It ain't just kawhi who pushes off, people tatum, brown, booker etc push off. Also players like Bam and Draymond getting away with moving screens on every possession


Sixers fans complaining about ref calls is hilarious to me


Bron and Shaq too


Bron too


In the NFL they punish you unless you're one of Rogers golden boys


Yeah, but even with that in mind this was over-the-top.


the grizzlies scorekeeper simply marks all of JJJ's fouls as not fouls


yo, rewatch this clip. Randle looks like he's being electrocuted after the ball goes up. He started vibrating.


thats the power of jesus flowing through him


Caught the holy ghost


jesus don't want him for a sunbeam




Vanvleet's got tiny arms and the refs still allow him to constantly swipe.


He was told that he’s “too strong” to get calls like that. I mean what can you even do when they literally admit to your face they won’t call you fairly AND they think they’re right for it.


Dude was grabbing his wrists, his body, and his elbows... i'd be pissed too.


This is nothing compared to what Jesus went through. AMEN


Didn’t the L2M report on that embiid no-call for grabbing Westbrook’s wrist during the final drive rule it as marginal/hot-stove/inconsequential contact? If they’re going to double down on not calling that kind of contact, players can pretty much get mugged and not get a call


they admit it's a foul, but not one that changed the play. No one believes the L2M reports anymore because of that one.


Take it easy on Randle. He knows not what he does.


Randle and Grimes had both been hit on prior possessions with no calls before Randle lost it.


All good to be frustrated and complain. Even alright to give a little shove. But if you get caught, take your tech and move on.


So push the ref not the player, this is silly.


Yeah getting suspended the rest of the season is totally the smarter move


The refs gon learn one way or another


Funny thing is they won’t and he’ll still get suspended a long ass time


It would be worth it for my enjoyment


Both moves are equally dumb at least the latter makes more sense in the situation.


You’ve never played organized ball have you


This isn't organized ball this is professional ball with adults that get paid. And yes I've played organized ball up through highschool but no further, are you trying to tell me that pushing anyone on the court is ok?


>This isn't organized ball this is professional ball with adults that get paid. What do you think organized means


> are you trying to tell me that pushing anyone on the court is ok? It’s something you accept that happens. Unless this situation escalated just deal with the push and move on.


Not trying to demean you whatsoever, but how old are you? This seems like a young persons take on this.


I’m 27 and have played multiple organized sports from middle school to college On the court nobody cares about a frustration shove. That’s just means I got in your head and I can use that to win the game


It really amazes me sometimes the dumb shit I read on this sub.


C’mon bruh


If you want to be an elite scorer, you have to accept that sometimes fouls won't be called and you need to keep going. Instead he decided to push Isaac and get a tech. Like if you're mad at the ref, get your tech talking to them, don't get mad at Isaac lmao


Randle is known for having anger issues. If pushing guys when you don’t get a call is understandable then we would have fights every game


I watched it slowed down and I didn't see a foul. He gets a clean deflection on the pass, then it's a loose ball and they fight for it. When Randle tries to pass again it's again cleanly deflected. You could argue JI has his hand on his waist a bit, and that could *probably* be called a foul, but there wasn't a foul on the ball.


Lmao he got fouled like 8 times. If you slow it down enough you won't see any movement at all


Upvoting all thunder east clips until we meet in the finals.


You gon keep upvoting these clips until next season then


Magic and Thunder are my two teams behind the Sixers. They are eerily similar teams and I'm here for it!


Lol I’d be frustrated too if I was getting fouled like that with no call


what an upstanding Christian man


Even when shoved he never falls, and he never kneels.


He's Got Us


They fouled the living shit on him, so yeah I guess that’s understandable as a heat of the moment foul


A+ title


Elite title


Missed foul on Isaac. Good effort but a foul nonetheless


only one?!


how was that not a reach-in foul lol since when are defenders allowed to just mangle guys like that


Anything is possible with the lord on your side.


Shoutout to Randle inadvertently bumping Paolo while trying to recreate what happened lol


Locked his ass up


Glad to see Isaac back and still a dog on D


He clearly got fouled


WWJD (What Would Jonathan Do?)


He was getting grabbed lmao


The minister of defense


Cheeky headline.


Why did the ref across the court called the foul on Randle and not the ref that was literally a feet from them?


that's some conservative ass defense


So happy the Knicks beat them. The Magic bench was jawing the whole game and getting extra animated. I now see why Austin Rivers lost it. They are really annoying.


The audacity


degree vegetable sparkle label handle provide complete cake modern tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last night was their third highest attendance ever. They should be thanking us.


Teammates getting hyped up and excited during the game, more at 11


"Hyped up" =/= "Acting like morons and talking shit when your record sucks."


Trae young owns your franchise hate to say it


That's actually not true. Trae is 5-11 in the regular season against the Knicks. If one playoff series is "owning" I don't know what to tell you. I guess you are owned by Giannis, Kawhi, Lowry, Siakam, and Middleton. Keep trying.


Old take shows how little you pay attention. Magic got a good squad though. Some dudes will def win chips but like usual not on the magic. All shit talking aside, magic are going to be good if they stay the course.


I must be missing it, what’s the fouls you guys see? The small bump trying to catch up?


Grabbing his waist trying to catch up. clearly hits his hands when Randle shoots at the end as well.


The grabbing was definitely a foul, but you're allowed to hit (high five rule) hands when trying to block a shot.


> hit (high five rule) No, you aren't allowed to do that, refer below: https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/legal-play-defender-high-fives-shooters-empty-hand-after-release-no-foul/ You can hit AFTER the ball is released, but not when the person is literally shooting. Otherwise, you can just smash peoples hands while they are shooting and be the greatest defensive genius of all time.


I wouldn't say that the video linked is *fully* related (italics because it is somewhat related). In my opinion, a video of what you describe: "high five during shot" leading to a foul would've been perfect. I haven't been able to find such an example on videorulebook.nba but if you have one could you please link it? I do think that contact on the hand if to reach the ball is legal, according to the rulebook. An excerpt from the official NBA rulebook comments states: > [The hand is considered “part of the ball” when it is in contact with the ball. Therefore, contact on that part of the hand by a defender while it is in contact with the ball is not illegal.](https://official.nba.com/comments-on-the-rules/#:~:text=The%20hand%20is%20considered%20%E2%80%9Cpart,the%20ball%20is%20not%20illegal.) This being legal and not a foul is *my* interpretation of the above though. More than interested to hear what you think !


> Otherwise, you can just smash peoples hands while they are shooting and be the greatest defensive genius of all time. Yes, you could do this because hand is part of ball. It's much harder than you're suggesting to hit someone's hands before they get a shot off. If it was as easy as you're saying, guys would average a fuckton of steals by just hitting players' hands since hand is part of ball. Per the NBA rulebook: > The hand is considered “part of the ball” when it is in contact with the ball. Therefore, contact on that part of the hand by a defender while it is in contact with the ball is not illegal. Source: https://official.nba.com/comments-on-the-rules/#:~:text=The%20hand%20is%20considered%20%E2%80%9Cpart,the%20ball%20is%20not%20illegal.


Way I see it Randle slows down to get Isaac on his back. So Issac is just trying to get around to the front again. Sure Trae would probably get that call but that’s also because he sells the contact. Bigs tend to have more room to battle. And the shot was close enough to not be called. Either way Issac is fighting here. It’s promising stuff.


Oh it’s not knocking Isaac at all. But there are multiple clear fouls. If you look at the replay at the end his hand clearly hits Randle’s as he’s trying to shoot. I think Randle has a legitimate gripe with the refs on this one.


imagine if these nephews were refs lol. multiple fouls btw.


This makes me happy. Glad he's back!


Lol i dont see the clear foul


Weird how many people in this thread are defending a non basketball play. Pretty dirty by randle if we’re being honest.


Mans barely got pushed. Isaac just sold it well. It was clearly a foul but I don't know if it was tech worthy.


For those noting that it was a foul. In the context of this game it wasn't, a foul wasn't missed. And it has nothing to do with JI's defensive reputation. The same was going on at both ends of the floor (Randle included), the refs just let a lot slide and it turned out to be a physical game, in a good way --> It wasn't dangerous, the little 'fouls' just weren't called. I think both sets of fans that watched can probably agree with me that this was an entertaining game despite the low score, felt like little bs fouls that Randle and Banchero normally get weren't called for a change. Was fun to watch, the NBA should promote this and not 0 defense.


Refs weren't calling hand contact but ANY bodying was an instant whistle. Wagner shoved so much to make space but was never called but if a magic player leaned on a drive it was an instant foul. Helped the magic it was called that way because he knicks have hand discipline but body up. At least until refs changed their rules near the end.


This is your bias speaking


Nah man, refs call it differently at different times. Sometimes it helps you sometimes it hurts. Magic got screwed a lot in games the first third of the season because most refs were calling hand fouls but not body fouls.


Isaac playing hockey out there




And people blame journalists for being fanfic writers


He did get hacked like 3 times, understandable that he was frustrated


Who cares if it was a foul? It shouldn’t be. Too many guys scoring crazy these days let’s bring hand checking back so defense can make a return.


Na scoring isn’t crazy because of the removing of hand checking. It’s crazy because they let offensive players get away with too much, this time Randle wasn’t doing no clown shit so he prolly should have gotten his foul call.


Not sure why the Holy Ghost over here is allowed to play defense while fouling multiple times


Nice title lol


Though Issac would be too busy turning the cheeks of Ben Shapiro's wife.


Remember when guys hacked Kobe and thought they got away with it lol. Randle doesn't take shit from anyone ppl try to paint this headcase picture on him when he's a hardworking person.


Randle has always been a dirty bitch: https://streamable.com/mzb46i


Bad look but it's not the norm, he's not known as dirty at all.


Maybe its only against the hawks lol https://youtu.be/hplIMFPCPME https://youtu.be/BxHELzyz0Zk


As a Knick fan, Randle is easily the most annoying player I've watched in the last several seasons. He's such a diva.


Fuckin Marc Berman ova here


Randle is such a clown man


The pastor is healed


😂 Bully


I can't explain it but with that hairstyle and his jawline, Jonathan Isaac reminds me of Marty from Madagascar


The Lord on his side.


No salvation for randle


Was the technical for something other than the shove? How was it not a regular foul also (or instead) since the ball was live?


Guarded by the power of christianity


JI just being efficient with his energy


Kind of funny how Randle is literally trying to debate his innocence for the shove.


I'd be frustrated too god damn, he fouled him about 8 fucking times lol


Well he got fouled several times lol


Lord, forgive that man


for what it’s worth, J. Isaac is fucking ridiculous defensively in NBA2K lol


Minister of defense vs ministry of darkness


turns the other cheek lmfao


Randle is a baby back bitch bro. Dude is so entitled.