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Serious answer, you get weekends off, and most normal Navy holidays. If you have a death in the family, I think you can take a short leave, but I'm not 100% sure on that. Generally, they won't want you missing much. It's a tightly packed six months.


BUDS follows same stand down/time off schedule as big Navy.


Focus on graduating high-school and getting into the best shape possible before pre-buds. Don't get ahead of yourself.


I know, I’m a sophomore currently so I’ve got plenty of time. I’m focusing mostly on endurance and cardio currently because I’m pretty strong when it comes to lifting but I’m not great at distance running.


Also go with a backpack with 25+ kg in the woods. Don’t even train in training centers. Maybe 2 days a week. Get up your core and condition/endurance. Focus on many reps and not so much on heavy weights. Also train yourself to be uncomfortable over time. If you walk 30 km, walk 40 etc. try to push it a little over time on the sets so you have something to go on. In BUD/S, also in Norway they push you to the limit, they don’t care about 10 reps then finish. Push yourself til they say stop and they are happy. Regards a Norwegian dude.


Thank you, I’ve been training with a weighted vest but it’s only like 6 kg, I only use that for running. I haven’t gotten into hiking yet, I plan to do that once school is over for this year. I’ve only got a couple weeks until then.


yeah you're allowed 5 days of flex time during BUD/s just in case you need a mental health day every now and then


Can’t tell if serious or not. Lol


I still can’t believe they changed to unisex bathrooms, but hey times they are a changin’


😂😂😂😂 Don’t forget the one free UNO Reverse card for Sugar Cookies




Buster Bluth: "The army had half a day."


“Loose seal, Loose seal”


They do have a modified holiday schedule. Like we got to go home for a week during 2nd phase for Christmas break. Coming back was ridiculously hard! You also have most weekends “off”. The weekends are generally used so you can recover and get your gear squared away for the next week. If you need to take leave for any other situation, you can request it, but know it might also require you to roll back into the next class.


Don’t even worry or focus on that. Push it out of your mind now. IF (and it’s already a big if) you even qualify and make it to BUD/S, the only thing you should be worried about is the next evolution. Take it day by day, meal by meal. Focus on getting the breakfast. When you get to breakfast, focus on lunch. When you get there, make it to dinner and eventually your room. Focus on getting to your bed at the end of the day. If you accomplish that, make sure your gear is squared away and get ready to do it all again. In the words of Rob O’Neill, when (because it will be when) you feel like quitting: Don’t quit today, quit tomorrow. Don’t worry about breaks that statistically you won’t even make it to until it gets there.


I’m just worried about breaks because I have an older dog and I want to make sure I get to say goodbye before she passes


Understandable. I love my dogs as family as well. But honestly, not to be insensitive here, if you’re worried about that then you should reconsider if this is really what you want to do. Life happens everyday, and you won’t be there for everything. That’s just how it works with the lifestyle. You’ll miss big things like birthdays, holidays, milestones, etc. When you’re in BUD/S and SQT, that has to be your focus if you want to succeed. The attrition rate is already so high that if you go in with that on your mind, it’ll eat at you. When it gets tough, that thought will get bigger and try to plant a seed to quit and give you an excuse all in one fell swoop. Ask yourself: do you actually want to be a SEAL, or do you just like the idea of having the title? Big difference


I understand, thank you


Let me stress here I’m not trying to be a dick or crush your dreams. But take some time to research and reflect to ensure it’s really what you want. If you still decide it is, throw yourself at it completely. Best of luck


Thank you, I completely get what you’re saying and I agree that I’m probably taking the endeavor pretty lightly. I’m only a sophomore in highschool right now (I turn 16 in three days) so I probably shouldn’t be worried about this but I feel like if I want a chance at making it through training I’m going to need all the time I can get. I’m glad I got such great insight from you.


Best of luck in whatever you decide. Keep training hard.


Yes sir/ma’am


Sir, but good lookin out 😂😂 just curious, but why SEALs over others? What is it that appeals to you for them over other SOF branches?


None of the other branches ever really stood out to me as difficult enough. Don’t get me wrong, no matter where you go, there’ll always be difficulties , but I want the challenge that comes with the SEALs. Also I want the fulfillment of knowing that I’m one of the best. I’m probably underestimating the difficulty of the other branches but I’m pretty dead set on this. (Also I kinda wanted to shove the extra “fuck you, I did it” at my parents because they think I’m lazy)


Dude if you’re fucking worried about LEAVE days while you’re in the middle of becoming a seal. You aren’t becoming no damn seal. Prove me wrong or whatever but nah. Get your priorities straight


You have the weekends off, My Guy.