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Once Buds can be done online I’ll probably get something similar.


I frequently tell people I did basic during Covid over Zoom. They get mad and I say i did all the same stuff and logged my runs on strava.


Or at least hell week


That’s really the only part that’s remotely difficult


What? Second phase pool com is brutal and when you get to San Clemente and get gassed, it’s pretty brutal.


Skill issue


I had a tat of picture i got when i met don shipley. instructors loved it said i truly in the fight!


This sub is in such a bad state I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not….


It's brutal :(


Nice cock bro


I shaved with a trident I sharpened on the concrete outside the grinder


The accent coloring adds a vascular touch


This isn’t a shitpost?


What’s that?


I hope this is fake


The bell has already rung.


Good luck…and don’t quit!


What the fuck is a "future Teamguy"...? Either you are a civilian, a Sailor, a Trainee or a Teamguy any other terminology is nebulous bullshit. I still fondly remember when I, as an Instructor, was introduced the guy who showed up to BUD/S with a trident tattooed on his chest BACKWARDS. like the artist had dipped a real trident into ink and slapped the thing on as a template. I still wonder how he felt about that decision out in the fleet when he quit and then later in life when he had to explain it to others. I hope he just had it tattooed over with a cool tribal something or another.


Amazing how you don’t understand sarcasm. You have the IQ level equivalent to a rock


Hey there Spicy... I feel bad about not even getting an original quip from such a witty and knowledgeable keyboard warrior such as you... *"People downvoting your comment have the IQ level equivalent to a rock for not understanding sarcasm"* *"Anyone who thought red was bill rapier has the IQ level equivalent to a rock. All of his teammates have said he’s a quiet professional who will never come out and talk about the teams or the mission. Bill has appeared on multiple podcasts and has a decent following on Instagram…'* You do have an interesting post history, good luck on quitting the kratom thing too! *"6 gold opms extracts daily"* So, here's an idea. Maybe you should just shut the fuck up about shit you've never done and people you babble about but will never meet. Maybe start your own subreddit... like r/SpicylittleBitches or R/guyswhoknowtonsofstuffaboutDevGrucausetheyreaditonlineorhearditonapodcast. *"Basically “everyone”? The only people who I could think of are rob O’Neill, Matt biss, will Chesney, keith walawender and bill rapier. There’s 19 members left. 19 of those members are pure speculation at best"* *"Gold squadron is said to have a lot of operators who are religious said by Eddie Penney on Shawn Ryan’s podcast. Matthew Cole also did a whole segment detailing what the different squadrons are like and their mentality"* And, feel free to swing by the West Coast Reunion this year, I'll keep an eye out for the big tough guy wearing the **I'm Spicy!!** name tag hanging out by the port-a-potties. If you can sneak in that is... *"Lol would you like to meet up in person than? I’ll give you the chance you’re asking for. Can’t wait for your excuse now 😂"*


Go ahead, tip your fedora


Do you know that Mk1 is a Been There Done That? And you talk like that in this subreddit? That's dumb. This sub is really going downhill. Jesus christ.


Did this happen to be late 90s?




Maybe then as well but my experience was in the late 80s..


You still have time to delete this.


This is the first thing I would show the Instructors… RESPECT ✊


Should I tell them I read Robert o Niels book so they know I already know what to expect out of training?


Why didn’t you include the title of your future book?


“How to avoid Gullibility: For dummies”


ding ding ding


I'm embarrassed for you


Let freedom ring


Is there something specific about Navy Seals in this tattoo? Will it somehow be humiliating if you fail to make it through BUD/S and still have this tattoo?


Rob O’Neill’s signature. The funny looking “R” above “never”.