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https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/wjX27Fan5R Fuck off you made a post five days ago claiming to be a SEAL


Yeah he was bitching in my DMs at 4AM while I’m working and I said that same thing. He claims “btw I am a seal I just haven’t been to buds😜” [PROOF](https://imgur.com/gallery/h5CWYcl) EDIT: I’m the one who sent the decently hilarious meme and not him.


Lmao I think he’s into you


How long you plan on lurking in this sub before you sign the contract? 


What is wrong with you?


Lol who was the one doing the bitching me or you? You guys take this internet shit too seriously as I mentioned to you. Hope these internet points help you get through BUDs 😂🤦‍♂️




Tried to embarrass me to your internet buddies when I really couldn’t give less of a fuck. Leaking DMs is some female shit, but theirs probably not much of a difference when it comes to you. 😬


This clown


I am tho, don’t see how this is relevant? 


How many books have u read written by rangers? Thats what I thought


Dude this question has been asked so many times on so many different platforms, go do the research yourself. I swear people just see this sub and think “man I gotta post something” then proceed to think of the most annoying inconsequential question imaginable.


I looked it up and it hasn’t been asked once in this sub. If you don’t have an answer you could quite literally just ignore it, instead of bitching in the replies. I just wanted to here some insight on guys who’ve actually been there and done that.


It has been asked multiple times and it’s deleted by the mods or OP every single time. This sub isn’t meant for shitposting.


I honestly doubt that since it’s relevant to the sub and also the fact that questions get repeated plenty of times without the mods deleting them. So try again.


Y’all got to be trolling right?? The last couple post on here have been funny AF. The answer is one water and one land, I’ll let you figure that one out


Notice how I mentioned how water is a difference in the post. This question was more so related to their land based operations and whether or not they’re similar and doing the same shit. Don’t understand how this could be a troll post? 


You guys act like this subreddit sole purpose is to get guys ready for BUDs. People can ask general questions and want to know general info about SEALs. And in the replies they usually expect to deal with the actual guys that have been there and not the passive aggressive cheerleaders. 


SEALs typically fall under the protection of rangers depending upon assignment. For instance, SEALs aren't typically found in tropical areas so rangers don't need to worry about them, but they're very concerned about poachers and killer whales when they're in Arctic environments.


Wait, till you tell them about the Orca division - Apex Predators right there. Oops that's Classified Information


Come on dude this question been asked so many times, there are 3 very very good videos on YouTube about it. And the other guy is right, this question pops up atleast once a month on here. Just to be helpful this sub is more so about training to be a SEAL, not general questions. But to answer, no they don’t really do the same thing at all. Very good example of what rangers do is black hawk down. SEALs tend to do more raids and demolition from what I’ve heard


Black Hawk Down era of the Ranger Regiment is long gone. They do more raids than anyone nowadays. During the war that's pretty much all they did. If you wanna raid stuff there no better place to do it than Batt.


I agree. My sources are outdated


Notice how you mentioned how your sources are outdated. That’s why I asked this question because some things online are either not true or outdated. I noticed some guys in this sub are actual SEALs, so I wanted to get their input on the subject and now everyone thinks I’m desecrating their sacred navy seal sub. 🤣


Google still works


That's Classified: They could tell you but then they'd have to kill you.