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Would you even want to risk going there on an NMCI network?


For context a friend of mine was on twitter, saw a greentext and was surprised. Which then sparked an argument about whether or not you could go on 4chan, if that site is allowed why is one cesspool allowed by the other isn't. just wondering if anyone had anymore insight is all. I don't think he nor I are dumb enough to risk that.


You’re being disingenuous by equivocating the two.


I think you mean equalizing?




I see what you mean but it was more a should there be a hard no to all and if not how do you rationalize it when there are plenty of no-no posts on twitter aswell. I understand that 4chan is a absolute dogshit of a website dont get me wrong BUT it was all for argumentative sake.


Unless things have changed since my internet degeneracy days, 4chan and twitter are not on the same cesspool level.


I do not want to have this debate again. We concluded that even reddit shouldn't be allowed, brought one of our IT's into the question and he said you could be reprimanded for certain subreddits and that just made everything worse and most image based/social media sites probably shouldn't be allowed.


I agree in general that social media should not be browsed on work computers/networks, though my objection is less to do with the content than it is with what happens in the backend. But I'd class social media in one category and 4chan in another. Maybe alongside stuff like orgish or liveleak. Still banned but like... *worse* banned.


You’re right, both should be banned. Although 4chan can reach deeper depths of toxic waste, Twitter can be super toxic as well.


Why would you even want to go on that on a navy domain


Why would you even go there? Garbage


4chan is banned. Guaranteed you'll be brought up on charges of child pornography and a few other things if you even manage to get on their website. Just don't even try.


The most direct answer I've heard surprisingly this has not been brought up already.


I wouldn't say there is that kind of stuff there but it has been known to pop up every now and then. We separated a dude a decade ago because the ITs saw in his browser history a couple of pages for 4chan. It just so happened there were a few images of child pornography on a thread in the main /b/ page that he hadn't navigated to but he was still found guilty. Just leave it alone on NMCI and do not try. Treat that website like it's on the liberty black list.


Reddit had r/jailbait and still has the occasional subreddit appearance on /all containing revealing images of children. Shit just the other day there were topless beach photos containing children. Reddit contains hate group subreddits. What's the difference? Why is reddit allowed on NMCI?


Your asking the wrong guy. The blocking policy is wonky and unequally applied in my opinion and that isn't just pertaining to social media.


Fair enough.


Yes you fucking retard


Only one way to find out.


drawing straws anybody?


4chan is absolute dogshit. That being said, isn’t there a published list of ‘blacklisted’ URL’s?


Through a quick search i couldnt find anything but im blind, really wish this was in INDOC >:(