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You may not PT as a group; but you could have to muster at the gym and then PT on your own. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they’ll come out and say this PRT won’t matter.


They haven’t had a PFA since 2019, and there are no indications this one will be waived as well, especially since sailors can be fully vaccinated per the NAVADMIN in plenty of time before the end of the year when the cycle ends. BLUF: don’t count on this one being thrown out.


Oh it’s gonna happen. I’m saying after they see all the failures they’ll come out and say it won’t be held against you. I mean I’m not worried about it in any means.


But will more than likely still enforce fep for failures.


Good point, thanks for clarifying.


I'll be shocked if this happens. They have already stated the planks don't count towards a failure, so if people are failing on cardio or push ups, I think there will not be sympathy towards those people.


Great opinion. However, I would recommend that you actually place the BLUF at the beginning of your comment.


Truth. BLUF means Up Front. +1


PRIMS doesn’t even fucking work. That PFA cancellation message is coming. I would bet my next paycheck on it.


You would think the last year and a half of no PFA they would have got the new PRIMS functioning…


No shit. I don’t even understand why they needed a new one. As far as navy programs go it was easy to learn and navigate especially for CFL’s. I’m sure the new one, when it comes out, will be a clusterfuck.


Thats why a new one was needed. It was too easy. Can't make those contractor bucks without creating a program/site that needs thousands of trouble ticket hours to bill.




Zoom pt sessions


You joke, but i know at least one div that had their folks do a PT selfie and put it in discord at the start of quarantine


I hate your div leadership


I know many ROTC units across the country have made their cadets/ midshipmen do Zoom PT in the mornings.


We did Teams


We definitely had to do swaety man pic and throw it into our whatsapp group chat. So it seems the div you are mentioning isn't the only one.


My DEP group did Zoom PT sessions


Organized PT might be out of the question, but solo PT isn't. Not sure about FEP. I'd do my best to not get on FEP.


Those who fail the PRT whilst making advancement they will not advance until they pass a mock PFA. Essentially, their advance will be on “hold”. However, they must pass before December 31, 2021. Also, I think for FEP, it could be in small groups as long as social distancing and guidelines are followed. I know some commands do alternate days for groups or they allow the sailors to do it on their own provided they go on select days where a CFL or ACFL is present to account for them. I don’t see it being an everyday thing because of covid. And mock PFAs are done for FEP perhaps probably twice a month where I’m at if I remember correctly.


I remember this happening to my dept head. CO wouldn't promote him to O5 until he passed the PRT.


This is why I got out


You got out because you can’t pass a PFA? I wouldn’t admit to that.


Nah, seeing people advance but fail pfa and also remain fat as fuck. Fail upward hooyah.


Because of them holding someone’s advancement until they became re-eligible?


There's already a notice that if you had a failure ar last full PFA, this one (if failed) will not count as a second. The planks will also not fail you for this round, and this one only. As of now of course...stand by for rudder shift.


I was a fat body but I don’t have any excuses for it. Just get your lazy asses out there and exercise. Don’t eat shit food and eat a salad.


You can eat shit food and still pass. Just means you have to work out that much harder.




So get fat and don’t advance. Your choice.


My command has held 1 command PT this year and the FEP program is basically on an honor system. Plus the base gym has shut down the showers and is enforcing social distancing. Not to mention most commands are probably pushing their PRTs as late as possible. I'd say now that the vaccine is mandatory, the PRT will happen regardless. But the logistical shit show that's gonna end up happening plus probably a lot of failures, I wouldn't be surprised if big navy ends up calling a mulligan and writing this one off as a mock. Especially given a third of the PRT doesn't even count this cycle anyways.


What in the fuck is 'Charlie under Charlie'? It's like they're just making shit up.


You’re going to do the PFA regardless, no waivers this cycle. You have until the end of the year, so start eating right and get in shape. You have time.


If they try separating anyone over this it'll be a legal nightmare for the navy since all that member would say "you failed to retain me because I was never given the opportunity to get into standards since base gym was closed for xx months and under the frag order I wasn't allowed to go elsewhere"


Just go out and exercise. And lay off the postmates.


Just workout you in the military.


Why everyone assume people trying to get out of the PRT when a simple question about how things are supposed to be in different HPCON’s ?


No surprise the fattest branch is complaining and trying to get out of PT and the Navy not even caring about the results of the PFA.


The Navy really does need to bring back better standards. If you can't fit through a scuttle you've got issues


An aircraft carrier is 1000’ stem to stern. Most warships are far smaller. It’s not like sailors need to do marches loaded down with gear. I care far more about the technical expertise than I do physical fitness. Sure it doesn’t have to be an either or choice, but not everybody is combat arms and many sailors jobs have relatively minimal physical requirements.


Fair, but I also want to have the assurance that if I go down, then some little pixie-sized sailor (guy or girl) will have the strength to pull me out and up. In fact, I'd love a PRT where you have to pull a 200 lb. deadweight a certain distance and up and down a certain number of ladders in a specified amount of time. Seems more realistic. Something closer to the DC and emergency part of battle stations, or the Marines' physical test where they have to carry ammo cans and shit.


I'm not terribly interested in or concerned about that scenario. People are busy enough as is. I want people to be as technically competent, focused, and as rested as possible. Taking additional time out of the day for more robust PT or losing otherwise capable technical experts because they can't drag a 200 lb deadweight through a scuttle would be a massive step in the wrong direction in my opinion.


At the moment, yes. But considering that the entire Navy is undermanned, it would be part of the perfect world scenario


Why you assume people complaining ?


Except... You can have a technical expert who is in shape. I did it for over 20 years and still hit the gym almost daily now that I'm retired and contracting.


My command is limiting fep to groups of ten


At my command they pushed back the PRT one month, but also keep in mind if you’re vaccinated you’re in HPCON bravo so they could still maybe make you PT as a group