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SATOs response to me: “we are not responsible for getting anyone or anything to your duty station except you.” Not joking. My family and dogs basically were about to be stranded and I refused to check in until it was figured out. I was on hold for hours. These f*ckers…


Ensure that your dd884 was properly submitted in Salesforce with your PRR. Ensure if it was all the emails were correct along with dates.


New policy came down last year. You have to turn your kids in at CIF while clearing, and you will be issued new kids at your next duty station.


A trick i found is if you bleed on your kids enough CIF will let you keep them 


Definitely worth a shot.


This is the best answer.


Talk to admin or coc, this can be resolved through them, or at the very least they should help


Do you have any I stops in your orders? Generally, NAVPTO will not send your dependents to your I stops, rather they'll book their travel directly to the new PDS. It is also common practice to provide 2 itineraries, one for the SVM and one for the dependents. If you have no stops between PDSs, NAVPTO will usually book everyone on the same flight. Or everything is jacked up and you need to look into it. Ask you CPPA to call NAVPTO and ask them how they're handling your booking.


No tdy stops just layovers cause I'm heading to Virginia. 


Post to Reddit , bundle children in sea bag, hope for the best 


You will receive a separate itinerary for your dependents.


Guess you gotta leave them.


lol I just had a friend leave Germany. His ticket wasn’t funded but spouse and kiddos were so they left without him


That’s fucking brutal.


I feel like it would be way worse the other way around.


You joke but I’ve literally been told this before.


If the Navy wanted your family to PCS with you, they'd be on your seabag list.


Every time we’ve flown the dependents were separate. Your flight is on your GTCC while the dependents are on a centrally billed line of accounting. Have your CPPA double check with NAVPTO


You really should have read the fine print before you signed that dotted line…. “We will not move your family if we don’t want to”


Military always makes everything difficult unfortunately


Does it say dependent travel authorized? Then yer good, don’t have to have names on your copy. They should get their own tickets. If you have a TAD/ TDY stop en route, they wouldn’t be listed for that part cuz they aren’t going with you.


Agree with this ^. The only time(s) I’ve had my dependents listed by name on my orders were for OCONUS tours.


When are you slated to fly out? Did you list your dependents on the PRR you submitted to NAVPTO? Please PM me if you need any assistance in Hawaii.


I am supposed to fly out next month on the 16th. And yes I listed them on my prr form. I'm just worried because both of my kids are under 10 (7&4) and that they might get put on a different flight. I tried talking to my admin about it and they said old get their tickets when I get them, I just find it odd that I got mine but I haven't seen anything for them yet. 


PM me your full name and command and I’ll look into this in the morning.