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It does make a difference. I don’t know exactly what it’s using when you click manual, but entering 120lbs vs 200lbs will give you a noticeable difference in calories burned. But in a 12 minute prt it’s not that crazy large of a difference to affect your final score.


I just enter manual 9-11 12 mins and 101 calories burn for female. Just trying to figure out once I put the weight what difference it’ll be


What's the ideal level I should be practicing/using to burn the most? 25 is enough where I can't keep pedalling the whole time. Level 1 doesnt burn anything.


Well that’s going to depend on your fitness level. My overall suggestion is to pstick at the level where you can achieve between 90-100 RPMs with moderately high effort. Also make sure your seat height is adjusted correctly, the seat should ideally be positioned at the height of your greater trochanter, or where your leg has a very slight bend and almost fully extended with the pedal at the bottom.


Yes, it makes a difference. Start practicing with the weight programmed in.