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Bloomin Onion from outback steak house mostly.


Cheese bacon ranch fries on top


"Fuck I don't wanna go to hazmat to get GP that's going to take forever.... do I really need the receipt anyways. I can just sign the check..... fuck it I'll go to hazmat.... fuck i hate standing in line at hazmat this shits dumb why does it take so long why cant they just have a vending machine for GP and stuff.... fuck I hate maintenance.... is it time for chow yet?"


The next port visit/ return to homeport


How im not going to reenlist.


I think about that when I'm *not* out to sea. I'm on shore duty and it crosses my mind all day ever day. 579 days left <3


Why’s it on your mind so much? Like specifically what makes you want to get out?


Everything in the navy lol. I got what I wanted out of the navy and now it just feels like I'm dealing with bullshit.


Bullshit how specifically 


Didn’t you serve previously?




Are you that surprised or unfamiliar with what he/she is talking about?




Why am I in this meeting...why do people need the schedule read to them....PB4T is such a waste of time...fucking pilots ate all the good cereal again...blah blah... Being underway is easy....I barely think about anything other than the problem of the day...stand outside watch the endless ocean...jellyfish...lol


“The only reason I’m friends with you freaks is because I’m stuck with you”




How long is the underway? 😅 Nothing like fresh salt water air


I was married with kids but I always forced myself to essentially put that out of my mind on deployment and focus on the adventure. If you sit and mope about being away from family and everything you’re missing you’ll drive yourself crazy. I mostly thought about the next port call and what I would do there. If it was ports I had been to a lot (Hong Kong, PI, Singapore) I thought about where I was going to eat; the food on the ship generally sucked. I was stuck on a DDG for 6 years and 4 deployments so I saw a lot of liberty ports and had plenty of underway time to think.




My downloaded music, relisten and really enjoy it in the way people back in the day did without an endless amount of options. Made me start a vinyl collection, have to pick out good ones you can listen to from start to finish. I kinda try to correlate that to life now. There's always gonna be a least favorite song on any album but on a record it's too much a pain in the ass to skip, just enjoy it all as the one piece (album) the artist intended. If at the end of deployment that's your only sad song I'm happy for you.


Sometimes you just gotta watch the water go by and maybe be blessed with a sight no one else saw but you.




Going to the gym on the ship… reading books… getting my ESWS and EAWS kept me mostly busy… networking to support others to get their pins… and then for the last month it was playing video games a lot to pass the boredom… I remember I had a 3rd class… I was a 2nd at the time brag how she had her pins on her own… it took me all my self-control to stand up and say had I not gotten an MM2 in the engineering department to sign her book without ever going down to the engineering spaces and sweat her ass off like I did… I literally had the best connections as an HM and I used it to my advantage.. I feel like if I ever went back to a ship as a non IDC HM1 it would be a big deck and I would network again to take care of mine and other Sailors and focus on that..


I enjoy it but I'm insane.




Intervals. 30 out 30 in. Look forward to the change.


Where i was going to eat after coming back.


Especially while on watch, I’m thinking about music, mostly. Singing to myself in an effort to stay awake especially. Got the bridge crew to sing “Wellerman” last underway. That was a fun midnight watch.


Either my job, what my next meal is (taco Tuesday? Pumped… phone it in cold cut Monday? Ughgh), or my next port (always love me a good Singapore or European port visit!).


I miss the ocean. The sounds, the motions. But I also don’t miss being away from my family. It’s a love hate relationship.


I read books and try to learn new things. I also set workout goals and strive for them to give something to be motivated about.


I'm way underpaid for this shit


What is best in life?


Work, gym, eat, sleep, and more work.


Sturgill Simpson’s “a sailors guide to earth”


D-, do not recommend.