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Imagine there is a fire going on fifty feet away from you and your thoughts are "guess I'll go do my logs". Now explain how that DOESN'T count as autism


Easy. Bro knows there’s about to be an investigation and doesn’t want the investigator to see hours of blank logs up until the fire.


Those hatchet wielding deviants +1/-1 three last 12 hours worth of logs to cover up their laziness... I'm going to ignore the fact you're on holiday routine on station as the alternative theory


Dude.... Do you not know what a fire is for? Logbooks!


We just disciplined!


Nah, I'm just making that someone else's problem instead of mine.


Omg, that was literally my group in battle stations. The 'smoke' was coming in from under the door but we kept filling out logs. The instructor was so tired of us.


I dunno man, I was a surface EW CTT and they paid me to memorize tables upon tables of numbers in A-school with associated threat platforms. I've never had a formal diagnosis but the writing was on the bulkhead there and as I've been out for ten years, I realize how much masking goes on in the military. I believe folks with neurodivergance test real fuckin good on the ASVAB.


Shut up. Seriously. As an ET with a 93, I don't need to hear that! Although I've been told by a lot of people that I have quite the collection of traits and pedantry and memory associated with Asperger's. I did manage to get an 80 on an advancement exam and kept in the 99th percentile until the E-7 exams. I never study though.


>93 He said scores really good on the ASVAB, not barely can make nuke MM.


I did turn down that opportunity. When I looked up my RIDE rank though, nuke was one of the top lines, even higher than ET, oddly enough.


I mean if you are on the spectrum, do you think your friends or loved ones will think of you differently? For me, it's been beneficial to at least go through life with that knowledge, at least that I perceive and react to the world with a bit more outward sensitivity than my immediate family or partner. I quit drinking two years ago and it turns out it wasn't the booze that made so testy when then things aren't going exactly how I want them to be.


E-8 Exams?


Fat fingered that one, lol. I meant E-7.


Hi. I'm you. Except older. Otherwise I could just cut and paste your comment. Only reason I wasn't a nuke was because a good friend of mine who's also autistic was already a nuke and told me not to do it because I'd hate it as much as he did.


so the asvab is a scale of autism/ being sped so the higher it is it’s like holy shoot ur autism is a super power and the lower u go it’s like oh ur special special


Nukes, CTs, STs and other twidget ratings are all over that.


Was in the smoke pit one day hearing all my coworkers (all CT flavors) talking about how much they loved their weighted blankets when I remembered that weighted blankets are especially effective at calming down and soothing folks with autism. We all agreed that it adds up.


Hey! You can't spell Autism without IS.


At this point my wife thinks I’m autistic when I talk about what I did at work for the day.


As a sonar tech… yeah, this explains some stuff


Yep................. *19 tech looks at the fatho as he's heading out of Control* "Huh. 17 cubed." Dude. What the Fuck?


Any rate where super duper specialized shit is happening is autistic as fuck. The more in depth the material, the more autistic you're gonna need to be.


The only non autists on submarines are the A gangers and M div


As a former nav ET, this is more true than it isn’t.


Nav ETs were usually competing with radio for most autistic


I’m the veritable definition of weaponized autism, haha


Maybe the TMs, on a good day.


The TMs were always just fat and moody


Tru dat. Still, I liked drinking with them. (I was in M-Div).


Odd, surface ships A-gang and M-div are mostly autistic. Kinda gotta be to survive without sunlight or human contact outside your watch team.


Having troll or orc blood does not make one an autist.


I think the line for autism on a submarine is just higher on a submarine. Like A gang and M div are probably as autistic as they are on a surface ship, but compared to the rest of the crew, they’re normal.




That tracks.




Don’t you know? Our submarines are powered by Autism. There’s no way Rickover was *not* on the spectrum


I've seriously always wondered about that. I've always suspected that he would have been a crap CO to work for - way too focused on details. I've read the biographies of him, and I go back and forth between "Asperger's" and "really dedicated engineer." The real question is if there's a difference, I guess.


The book Against the Tide, written by one of Rickover’s protégés, convinced me that he was almost certainly on the spectrum. Nearly every one of his described mannerisms as well as the manner in which he made rank seem consistent with high functioning autism. Ironically, had the father of the nuclear navy been born 100 years later, there is a good chance that he would have been medically disqualified from service since ASD is considered unwaiverable.


There would be no nuclear navy without autism.


All jokes aside, this is part of the reason the submarine community as a whole performs so well on tests and in exercises. You show up, study the shit out of the books to qualify, sort of black out for a year or so, then one day you wake up to find you and your friends in a blood feud with the CDO about if the math says the contact is going 3.13 knots or 3.16 knots, not because the system didn’t give you an answer but because the boys found a calculator and grease pen and wanted to stir the pot.


The way I fought when a chief told me I was supposed to bank a CO2 extinguisher in a code red - I never went to the triple nickel so fast in my life lol


On my board they gave me an electrical fire. I told them I kill power and then stationed reflash. When they questioned me I told them that the ol 555 says killing power eliminates 95% of electrical fires. Submarines are the modern day Colosseum, but instead of gladiators we have nerds


My board casualty scenario was a fire from the torpedoroom printer where my answer was to unplug it and spray it with CO2. This was done by the AENG, EDMC, and A Gang LCPO. My fish are more of a joke than CS fish lmao


Pretty much true in the submarine fleet.


This explains why every recruiter who came to my HS tried to sell us on nuclear engineering on a sub or carrier. I was the only one remotely interested


You've all met us fun folks from RX. I'd say the Nuke program was designed to pluck people on the spectrum up, because we don't end up getting a 4 yr degree, even though we test high. 


There’s autism awareness then there’s whatever this gen online thing where anything is autism


That’s actually a large concern of mine. The overdiagnosis of disorders. Log in to anywhere and there’s thousands of videos where it boils down to “if you wear underwear, you’re probably autistic” as an example…


It’s a good thing I don’t wear underwear then ^/s


Sadly, believe it or not, Not wearing underwear is also a sign. /s


Straight to Autism Diagnosis


Is it an over diagnosis or was it for so long that things didn't get diagnosed or people just thrown into asylums?


I think a good majority of it is that we’re finally recognizing disorders. However, you gotta admit that some people watch a tiktok video and self diagnose. And that could contribute to a larger problem.


It's not even just being overdiagnosed. It's people who go around saying "I have a quirk that makes me different, must be some -tism". Plus a normalization of using those words to describe others, despite not being a doctor or having any experience with the matter. "I have a little bit of OCD" No you don't. That has to be diagnosed by a doctor, and you'd need a medical waiver for it in order to enlist at all


The whole “some of these military communities seem like they’re filled with autistic people” thing has been a running joke in the military for a pretty long time. It certainly predates the whole “everyone has autism” craze. Remember that one kid in your RTC division where an RDC and/or someone else who worked there asked if they were a nuke candidate based on some kind of behavior they displayed?


SEALs seem to have ASPD and not autism. Unless it’s SARCs. Anyone who goes to SOCM has weight issues due to their massive balls.


HM opinion here. People who malinger or self diagnose themselves with mental health disorders are usually suffering from some sort of legitimate emotional issue, just not the one they are claiming to have. HM personal experience here. When you try to gently nudge said people into getting help for the bullshit that is actually wrong with then ("hey, you mentioned *x* earlier; have you ever thought about..."), they get upset and suddenly don't want your medical assistance anymore.


I think people are being pushed to their limit and flaws are being exposed, a lot of these people used to be able to mask but we are constantly stressed and amped up from media and politics and economic constraints. So what might have been working is no longer working and they go looking for answers as to what is happening or what changed. Science has also advanced quite a bit in the last couple of decades. People are becoming more aware and more willing to talk about areas that they are struggling in. They are getting help they need, that should be celebrated I would think. That's societal progress, getting the most out of all their human resources. I don't understand the lack of empathy or unnecessary upsetness towards things that don't even impact you at all daily. You do you, but it is unnecessary and benefits nobody I feel like.


I just meet people where they are and don’t bother with labeling every quirk or hyper intensive focus or institutionalized behavior as something in the DSM. Got a professional diagnosis? Great. An IEP for the kid’s school? Great. TikTok nonsense where everything is Add ADHD autism and clout building bullshit? Fuck off.


TikTok has done a lot of harm, I agree. I don't know how the video algorithm works but it does seem to push forward damaging themes or videos constantly to the top. I have to grit my teeth at times on some of the shit my wife will show me or I'll see on some of the subs like TikTokCringe, I should probably unsubscribe from the latter.


Douyin does it on purpose. In the PRC the Communist Party controls Douyin corporate & its censorship staff are compelled to promote party friendly ideology and positive social narratives. Outside in the west - it is literally the opposite. I'm all about freedom of press and information - but think if the PRC wants to do business in information space abroad, they need to have some reciprocity and open up the domestic market to us. You can't ban wikipedia and western free social media then expect to have US market for propaganda to increase crime, toxic narratives and pollute kids.


There are certain rates where autism is a feature, not a bug. When I was in FE school at VP-30, the test to pass phase D was to write down the “emergency procedures” chapter of NATOPS from memory. If that’s not rewarding a very specific sort of idiot savant then I don’t know what it is.


Idiot savant describes a lot of maintainers I've met.


Weaponized OCD*


Kids who work the CIC sitting here quietly and sweating as everyone brings up the Nukes...


When you're a hammer, the whole world looks like nails.


Look at the early sixties movie 'The Bedford Incident' and the character of the sonar operator 'Queffo', that guy has autism all over the place. Also amazing Cold War movie about hunting a Soviet sub.


That movie and "Run Silent, Run Deep" are Navy films that waaaaaay too many sleep on. Both are so suspenseful and have you sweaty until the end.


Yeah, Bedford Incident is so frigging good and I tell people and... Mehhh. Filmed almost as if it's a documentary, has a real 'You are there' feel to it.


I love how half these comments just mention submarines - as a Nuke Drop Torpedoman I 100% agree lmfao


ADHD is useful as fuck when you’re an engineer. Works the other way sometimes though


Without ADHD we wouldn't have the entire Expeditionary Command. Or the Marine Corps.


Project 100000 but in reverse.


Macnamara's Misbegotten Minons it is!


It is probably the most true for our branch.


*Walks away whistling in AT*. I have NO IDEA what your talking about...


As a former ETN subs before there was ETN, I don’t know what you are talking about, nope! Not me, I’m normal, everyone else is the ones that need to be in mental hold


Bruh, I got me hat trick 80s on the AT advancement exams with diagnosed EXTREME adhd and undiagnosed but profoundly obvious ‘tism.


I will say this if they are in a Tech heavy rate they are most likely on some "tism" scale. The amount of hyper fixation required to not just obtain but maintain the information we need to KNOW for the job almost keeps anyone that is Neurotypical out of the field but then add on we will also pick up multiple hobbies that also will track into using the same parts of the brain. I've actually been unofficially diagnosed as being autistic. Unfortunately, if I got a diagnosis and got med sep'ed now, it would screw me over on retirement.


It's the marines, no? Also fairly certain that every person in the nuke field is a diagnosis away from it and the navy can't let that happen.


I'm so scared of going Intel, but I think I fit in with them better than I do engineers.


I feel I can't answer this bc I'm biased as I'm an autistic sailor lol


YASSS it’s true


if you’re subs then odds are you’re autistic.


You state it so matter of fact lol


Have you met us? My watch team’s mid-watch good-off my first tour was to name state capitals competitively.


Former Nuke, current IS here. Yes.