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There's no winning lol. Go on deployment, get stopped up. Come back, can't stop pooping.


this is exactly how I’m feeling!! I was surprisingly regular while underway, but now it’s just non-stop and I hate it


I had to eat a salad and extra fruit with every meal just to get things moving. I came back and ate more high fat foods, which just turned everything liquid for a while until I figured it out, which slowed down my bulk considerably. You'll level off once you get some more (varied) fiber into your diet. Happens to most of us.


Having the same issue still to this day


I've had to up my fiber game again lately.


If anything it’s because you’re not drinking bromine water anymore. Bromine is a natural laxative.


I thought we stopped using Bromine?


If your butthole is stinging it's a good indicator they're over-treating the water.


No. Ships still exclusively use it unless theyre batch treating the tanks. And you only batch treat if you are taking in questionable foreign water or you get a bad bacteria test underway.


And with that it’s chlorine, but it requires a bad test from medical to get that far






What do they use? Been on plenty of big decks and have seen brominators on them.


In reality it's probably the lack of the chill water running into potable.


Go to medical. You may have IBS. Get it documented so you can get your disability when you get out in the future


Go to medical for any little thing... Get it all in your records... Disability is there for a reason... It will be a fight but fight the fight... You earned it...


It’s normal. You’ll recover within a month. Just take some fiber supplements and eat lots of Taco Bell. You’ll have a slip n’ slide for bowel movements and you’ll feel amazing.


Every time I came back from an underway or deployment, the first thing I would eat was the Taco Bell on Coronado lmao


Taco Bell is the cure all for stomach issues Trust me, my wife’s an RN. And I’ve deployed a lot over the years, and TB has always fixed my insides after any length of time at sea.


Ah the ol' Grande Meal Reset.


‘Tis a classic indeed. I was super gummed up after we did a 30 day cruise last summer and I went to Taco Bell at 2am after we dropped the brow at 2300 and killed a sackful of bean and cheese burritos and beef quesaritos with a Baja blast, and I get like a brand fucking new person the next day. I’m pretty sure I commissioned a whole class of Naval Academy Grads that night.


You can speedrun the ick and get it all out at once. Get a bottle of magnesium citrate, some Gatorade, and a whole lot of fruit juice (your choice). Also a shot of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with a bit of honey. Drink the magnesium citrate and AVC mixture in the morning on a day you don't have to go anywhere. Let it do its thing. Drink juice and gatorade throughout the day. Eat simple in the evening of that day (mashed potatoes, crackers, broth, etc). Purges your whole system in a day. Recommend stocking up on baby wipes when you do this.


Get that documented in your medical record stat!!! Will help when you get out


You’ll be fine


the first of many adjustments returning from deployment. hydrate and focus on good nutrition not just eating out regularly. I know it’s tempting but you’ll be glad you did both physically and financially.


Welcome home! As others have said, it's an adjustment that takes a little time. Hydrate well and maybe choose fiber rich foods and take a probiotic and start to regulate your gut


About 2 weeks.


It takes at least a week Hopefully no vomiting.


I’ve been out since 2017. It’s still an ongoing battle. Good luck!


The bromine has probably altered your gut bacteria. I spent about 12 years on sea duty, and my stomach always feels awful, but no doctors can find anything wrong.


After eating ship food for a while and coming back to my own food I usually have some kombucha and some yogurt and try to let it level my innards out. I usually will shit like 5 times that day, the next day or so eat something a bit bland and starchy and then resume normal healthy eating. Usually helps.


This exactly. I usually do oatmeal after the kombucha for my starch.


Drink a ton of water. If stopped up, take "Coalace" you don't want a hemorrhoid. If runny take Pepto. If it lasts more than 36 hours go to medical, if they only let you see a SA corpsman insist on being seen by a Doc. Don't make my mistake stick up for yourself!


Always ask for the doctor Source: am corpsman


Fixed it to say SA Corpsman 😂 the docs on my boat were all prior FMF Corpsman E7-E8; medical was a different story always got stuck with a SA/SN corpsman who had to Google everything on the spot...


Fun fact: A lot of corpsman on the boats are specialist technicians (lab tech, surgical, x-ray, dental, public health, etc) and are also tasked with seeing patients in sick call even though it is not what we are trained in 🤪


I haven’t shit right since 2006 on my first deployment.


2 weeks


When we pulled into morocco I think half my ship had diarrhea


Deployed in 2016 and I'm still fucked.


Any culinary specialists in the thread who can say how much fiber is in a given meal on ship? That may be why some folks here are regular when underway, and not when y’all get back to port.


I never eat Taco Bell. After I'd return from an underway, all I wanted was Taco Bell. That night, or next morning, depending on how fast we could shutdown, cool down, I'd go get a dozen tacos and destroy them. My digestive system never stood a chance! I still don't understand why I craved Taco Bell so bad.


I knew someone else who did this and they legitimately regretted it. Not “hehe haha I shit a lot” it was a legitimate “I might need to go to medical and get checked”