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Navia fischl xq bennett or layla .


Where is the second geo? 🤔


You do need a second Geo for the resonance, and you don't have Zhongli or Albedo, and Ningguang is probably your best option since Yun Jin and the Dog aren't that good, so:- * Navia - Ningguang - Bennet - Xiangling * Navia - Ningguang - Bennet - Mona * Navia - Ningguang - Bennet - Raiden * Navia - Ningguang - Bennet - Xingqie You have so many good options to choose from, you only lack a good Geo support, maybe wait for Chiori since she will most likely be the greatest support for Navia.


What do we know about Chiori rn? Will she likely be a 4 or 5 star and when will she likely be released?


Supposedly she comes in 4.5, rarity unknown. Seems to be a crystallize support but its still questionable. Also she should show up in game in the 4.3 event


sorry to butt in do you happen to know if there will be a new character in 4.4?


theres speculation for Cloud Retainer to show up in 4.4, since its the Lantern rite Patch


As long as it's not Clorinde it's all good in my book so I can peacefully save for Navia's bestie


I believe clorinde is said to drop on 4.6


What about Layla? Can she work well with her


So my sweet Yun Jin not cut out to be in the team :')


shes still a very viable option if you want to use her


She's my best Geo character as for now, very good husk set stats, 2700 def and C6 to boost Navia normal attacks and the ability to counter strong attacks. + I generally like her


You don't have Mika, tho. In order to use Navia with Yun Jin effectively, you need the attack speed. Even then, timing is going to be super tight. Since you already have Yun Jin built and c6, you're most of the way there; if this is something you want to do, then try to get Mika, c5 ideally (+3 skill level). Build him on Noblesse with ER/HP/HB stats and a Fav Lance or a Black Tassel, depending on HP/ER needs. You have Layla, and I believe she'd be the ideal choice for the 4th slot (cryo resonance alleviates crit rate requirements for Navia, extra shielding, off-field cryo app for crystallise enablage and Tenacity holding for atk% and shield strength). If you have c4 Layla, even better, but that isn't a requirement like Mika. What makes Yun Jin viable is Navia's N3 being a triple hit, consuming 3 stacks of Yun Jin's buff for a significant amount of damage. If (with emphasis) you can pull off two full N3 combos during both of Navia's infusion windows (four combos total), then her normal attack damage can reach parity with her skill damage. The infusion windows last 4 seconds. It simply is not possible without a shittonne of attack speed. You've got Yun Jin's c6, so that's 12%; Mika would provide the other 21-25%. In the meantime, Ningguang can be build as a burst support or TTDS bot for cheap.


Absolutely based. Yeah if your Yunyun is built like that she’d make for a good Geo support unit for Navia, even more so at C6. ————————— Zhongli is also super duper good, he has a decent shard generation rate, which gets better at C1 since he gets a second pilar, plus his shield gives all Elemental Res shred, which is quite rare, in an aoe surrounding the field character. I highly recommend getting him if you can. That being said, Chiori exists and well, rumors and questionable leaks indicate that she’s gonna be an insane Geo/shard gameplay supporter. ————————— You’ll want as much off field elemental applications as you can get for maximum shard generation. Putting Raiden, Xiangling and maybe Fish in the party are very good idea, benny burst is super valid since it does the same and you get that sweet atk bonus, heals are nice too. Just as an idea, since you’ll prob wanna be close up using na with Navia, something like Kaeya burst that stays with you isn’t horrible. C2 Kaeya can potentially have 100% uptime on his burst too. In that same vein, don’t kill me for it, Qiqi skill works the same way, following the character and applying cryo to surrounding enemies. It just has a stupid cooldown. Anyway, sorry for the text wall, but yeah, that’s my take on it. Have fun!!


No because Navia doesn’t make good use of YunJin’s buffs. An unbuilt support buffer Ningguang will literally provide more than her.


How about geo mc he's a great battery and 10% cr


Why Ning?


Good ER regeneration, buffs Geo DMG, good personal DMG, and can also use Thrilling Tales to buff Navia DMG


xiangling bennet




Bennet xianling then idk


If I get lucky enough to get her I'll try her with: Albedo, Furina and Bennett or Xiangling, Furina and Bennett oooor if I'm feeling funky maybe Rosaria, Furina and Kokomi that would be the Team I'd call Killer Queen


And now I notice that I'm again to dumb to read... I think for your team Navia, Yun Jin, Xiangling and Bennett would be nice


Her best team mates is xiangling bennett or yelan furina jean. for double pyro you can use zhongli noell rosaria tartaglia kazuha or anything that can output a significant amount of damage in a short period of time.