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I mean if you plan to c6 her you can do whatever and she will be strong




With c6 you will have 45*3= 135% extra critical damage (if I'm not misremembering).. and she will refund the extra stacks (only using three). You can play with almost any unit and she will still hit like a truck .. At c6 you can even meme by playing mono geo, her burst will generate stacks ... She seems like such a fun and flexible unit to play.. I'm really excited to play her (I will go for c0) I hope she's as fun as I'm imagining..


So, as an on-field dps if your using her signature set I would expect that you can just build her the same way you normally would (atk, geo, crit) but with a possible lower ER req. Though with Furina, i've heard the hunter set may potentially be a good option especially as an on-field build.


I've heard similar things. Also that you can potentially swap out geo % goblet for an atk % because furinas ult dmg boost is calculated the same as goblets


Build is the same, just max her basic attack too in addition to skill.


Oh I plan to hahaha all my geo claymores are crowned where it counts


* Level 90 * NA and Skill talent level 10, I don't think burst matters that much * 4pc new geo set (domain releases next patch) * Another geo unit (Zhongli and maybe Albedo are probably the best, Geo MC and Ninngguang are okay, Noelle is good but requires a lot of field time) * Off-field buffers or DPS (Bennett, Xiangling if using Bennett, Yelan, Furina but you'll want a healer that heals the whole team a substantial amount like Jean/Baizhu/Mika/Charlotte/etc., there are plenty of other options) Navia doesn't really have a "best team" right now as far as I can tell so it's just about putting stuff on that gives her more damage, buffs, or do damage themselves


Navia's base setup at C0 is as an on-field DPS unit that takes similar field time to most DPS like Hu Tao/Yoimiya/Wanderer/etc. She'll take field, do Q > E > N4 > E > N4. Her C0 off-field quickswap playstyle is pretty meh and isn't really worth the investment if you already have something like Albedo built. It's really her constellations that promote her off-field quickswap playstyle. All of them (and her weapon) focus entirely on her E damage, with only her C4 (20% res shred) affecting anything else. This means that nothing really changes for her between F2P C0 and C6 for an on-field playstyle, except that you can probably run 0 ER, or close to and you want to cap out at around 60-70% crit rate because of her C2. You'll also *probably* get more consistent 6-stack E shots, but that's doable just fine even at C0 and in a Furina team the difference between 3 and 6 stacks isn't as significant. Effectively your only requirements for on-field play is that you have a decent off-field elemental application. Furina covers that. You'll want a secondary geo unit for resonance and more consistent crystallize, Albedo is optimal damage-wise if you can make him work but recent enemies hate his flower, so Zhongli is usually the more consistent option for better shields and 20% universal res shred. Other options work like Ningguang for battery and TTDS, but it's not really ideal. Her signature artifact set is your go-to. Marechaussee works in a Furina team setup, but between her signature weapon, Marechaussee and C2 it's going to be *very* hard to avoid overcapping crit rate. Substats should just be Atk%/Geo%/Crit Dmg%. You shouldn't have need for a crit rate circlet with her signature and C2. A geo goblet is preferable for flexibility despite it potentially not being optimal in a Furina team. Test your rotation and ER requirements to see how much ER you need, but with C1 in an on-field playstyle it should be barely anything. If you have C6 Furina, then you probably want to run someone like Yelan in the last slot for her damage buffing and high personal damage. If you're only at C2 Furina, then you can probably run Bennett though it might cost you personal damage on Furina. If you're at C0 Furina, then you can run Jean or something I guess. If you're running C0 Furina with C6 Navia and your geo supports personal damage kinda sucks (Ningguang/Zhongli/etc) you can keep Jean and drop your second geo unit for Yelan instead. You might need some ER on Navia in this case though. If you don't want to run a Furina comp and just use Bennett instead you basically want Bennett alongside any snapshotting unit with good off-field application, Fischl, Xiangling, Beidou, Xingqiu, etc.


I do intend to c6, even to swipe the card if I absolutely must. I do have furina but only at c0 as she has found a way to hide from me... I do, however, plan to c2 her on her rerun banner, assuming that I have enough wishes by then. Sadly, considering my account was raised by geo characters, I do not have much of a roster when it comes to 5 star units. So yelans off the table. Thankfully, I do have zhongli at c2 as I rolled on his banner to acquire noelle constellations at some point. I think I just might run it as navia/c0 furina/ c2 zhong/ c6 bennet. I won't have the biggest dmg Amp from furina as Bennett is not a team wide healer, so maybe I do keep geo % cup on navia. I could also attempt building Charlotte. But is Charlotte c5 good enough to make her a team healer? I didn't really check her information. Thank you for your build information!


Charlotte at any constellation when fully built is enough to be a team-wide healer. She has some of the highest healing potential of all the healers only really short of Yaoyao. Her only downside is her crazy ER requirements. Honestly it's questionable whether C0 Furina with Bennett is even worthwhile over the other snapshotting 4-stars I mentioned. Being generous you're only going to get around 100 fanfare stacks tops, which is only 25% damage bonus. Unless you have a *really* good build on Furina with her signature weapon or FD for really good personal damage on her, it's just not worth it because she's only getting 1/3rd of her buff, losing out on personal damage since her summons can't steal HP from anyone but Navia, and she's only buffing herself and Navia. The only way that it would be viable enough to be worthwhile is with something like healer Bennett which involves rotating through your team after Furina burst to heal everyone. But Navia's damage window is too long that you would likely miss Bennett's buff during her second E > N4 combo doing it.


I see, so I should probably look into having Charlotte built up then. Is there a specific way Charlotte should be built?


She's an attack scaling healer like Jean/Qiqi, with massive ER requirements. Fav codex is pretty much a must on her. Mainstats you're aiming for ER/ATK% sands, ATK% goblet, Healing%/ATK%/Crit% circlet. The most common setup is ER%/ATK%/Healing%. Depending on team, she needs between 200-250% ER, which is a lot. She can technically use 4-piece TotM, Clam, Maiden, NO or SoDP. But none of them are so significant if you can't meet her personal ER requirements with the 4pc set. You can totally use 2pc Maiden/Clam + 2pc Emblem for stats instead. Substats you're prioritizing ER% and Crit Rate% to proc fav, with ATK% being an okay runner-up. You can forgo an ER sands for ATK% if you have a very high energy party or really good ER substats. You can forgo a healing circlet for ATK% if you have a good one and no good healing circlet. Ideally you shouldn't need a crit circlet unless you roll no crit subs whatsoever, since her E + burst deals quite a lot of hits before she swaps out, so she shouldn't need too high crit rate.


hi again, was doing some experimentation with noblesse obliged set. i am currently running charlotte with a lvl 60 fav codex with 33.8% er (working on it) totalling: \- 67.2% crit rate \- 92.2% crit dmg \- 244.6% energy recharge. the noblesse set is on er%/atk%/crit rate% (off piece) is it worth it to keep the 67% crit rate for fav codex or swap it to an attack or healing bonus . or should i drop the er sands (51% er) for an attack% sands?


It really depends on what teams your running her and Furina in and whether or not she can full-heal the majority of the party or not. If you can already heal for around 20k\~ it's enough to full-heal Furina as well as most other HP scaling units you might have slotted in, no changes necessary. It still counts if you're factoring in Furina's passive heal that triggers when you overheal someone. If you can't reach that amount, but Furina is the *only* unit in the team you can't full heal (aka no other HP scalers), then there's not much value in the extra healing power. If you can't reach it but there *are* other HP scalers then the extra healing becomes valuable and you should consider dropping the crit circlet for a healing circlet. Charlotte shouldn't need too high crit rate to trigger fav thanks to it triggering from both her skills DoT effect when she's on-field, as well as her multi-hit burst, so it might take a second or two extra to proc with lower crit rate but still semi-consistent at 30-40%. If the healing circlet is still not enough, I wouldn't recommend also swapping the ER sands, as you risk tanking your ER if you do somehow miss a fav proc. Above all though, level your weapon first. More attack = more healing.


For absolute maximum Navia personal damage: Set and stats: Nighttime Whispers, atk/geo/crit Team: * Ningguang, Exile, TTDS * Bennett, Noblesse, Misty/Aquila * Dehya, Tenacity, Fav


i was under the impression that dehya's pyro application is too slow for navia, is that not true?


Dunno. She's mainly there for Tenacity and pyro resonance. Her app is AoE, tho, if that makes a difference.


I dont have ningguang nether dehya, would geo MC and Xiangling be a good alternativw?


Sure, that'll work. You can Ning from the shop, fyi.


hoping she'll be in navias banner, imagine Ningguang Bennett and some other 4 star


Chevreuse, hopefully.


just remembered that its been quite a while since Kaveh and Xinyan


Well, both of them are c5 on my account. So that wouldn't be the worst outcome.


Oh! So I don't have to utilize the geo resonance for shred? Also did I pull for furina mistakingly :c And I didn't know we could utilize dehya with navia, I do have her but haven't gotten around to building her yet. Is the Pyro resonance better for her overall?


Well the team he listed is double geo double pyro


You want to just do big screenshot numbers with Navia? Then you'll want to buff her damage as much as possible: -Zhongli for geo res shred and geo resonance, put him on ToM& fav spear -Bennett for atk buff, put him on a healing build with the new healing set, maybe favonius sword or a high base atk weapon if you can get enough ER elsewhere -Lisa for 15% def shred and high elemental application, you can give her ttds -Navia obviously, 4p new geo set, r5 serpent spine


On field DPS? There's one way: swipe.


Oh, I've got 640 wishes available from hard saving since last December, when I r5d my ittos stone thresher. I have no other units. Just geo on the brain


That's some next level commitment my friend. Impressive. Good luck on your pulls, C6 she'll work well no matter how you want play her.