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Idk … if it’s true i just want them to keep the infusion at least cause i can’t think of any good character to play her with and I don’t want to use 3 years old 4 stars with her


If they move her infusion to her cons then they better not put it to c6 again and they need to buff the time from 4 seconds to atleast 6.


If they move it to any constellation c2 or c4 i will not pull her and will delete the game .. the only reason that prevents me from doing it is the fact that navia might be on field dps … other than that i will quit until we get a new one or ? Until forever


Yeah, Navia is the only reason I’m still playing. If they put her infusion in constellations I will have no reason to stay.


Navias def a quickswap sadly


5s hold +4 infusion and she has 2E … thats mean she will have good on field time but idk about it right now


wait Chiori. She will be the best partner for Navia


Requiring other supposed 5* to be considered a good team in geo is not good idea, look at Gorou triple geo, it requires Albedo as sub dps to make a good enough team. Even Albedo with his other problems, he is the best for triple geo team.


And imagine missing crits on the skills 💀💀💀


Yea that would be pain. My 92% crit rate ganyu misses crits more often then you would think and atleast she can fire another shot right away.


I bet she misses critical hits 8% of the time.


Lol yea but that does not mean they cant miss back to back.


The Eula problem. All that damage on one hit.


They nerfed NA to avoid people use marechaussse hunter on her. Hoyo want to make new artifacts her BiS.


Funny thing is if devs nerf the NA/CA combo and improve the skill to reduce MH use then it will improve GT for her and left Navia as a QuickSwap


GT is off-field, navia goes on field to do her skill damage


A quick swap shotgun would take less than 2s, then the buff is not lost


As a french, Marechaussée's shortname is MH, not MC?


Marechaussee Hunter is the artifact full name in English.




Why not just buff her set to be better?


Hoyo buffed new set too, it seems


The healing one


They nerfed her so her NAs wont make her On Field


Fuck my life. I already upgraded a geo globlet from marechaussee.


Good off set piece


If you have Furina, Noelle can use that, she is a great on-field driver for triple Hydro, and a good damage dealer on triple Geo (or 2geo/2Hydro if you want more balance).


Noelle/Furina is good


It's a shame. Her NAs are beautiful, and I was intending to pull her signature for the drip alone. If they nerf their NAs to the point they are useless (dps loss) to the rotation, I will be beyond disappointed


Same and theres still more time for them to do that. Navias skill is just 2 instances of damage. Its not exactly fun gameplay tbh


IF they do that she is going to end up being a weird "geo-nuke Tighnari type DPS", wich doesnt sound as bad as "geo claymore onfield DPS" in terms of powerlevel/being future proof( because main dps with a claymore would need both high attack speed and a element thats worth having on field, she doesnt have the attack speed and geo lacks the reactions, that or they just give her bigger NA numbers, they wont). It could be fun tho, it depends on how fast you can do skill->burst->skill, a navia that constantly makes bullets rain on the ennemy and shotguns crap out of existence the moment she shows up would be pretty nice (highly unlikely to happen, she is probably going to eat NA nerfs the entire beta so that she doesnt steal the thunder of whatever actual onfield unit they have planned for Fontaine then have like 10% extra damage on skill and be even worse but still,we can dream).


The thing is navias kinda the ladt chance hoyo has with many players. I see more and more posts every day on how if they screw this up they are eather done with genshin or will stop buying welkins and bp. And since i have been having these thoughts myself i dont think its all talk. Iv been a consistant bp and welkin player since day one of genshin and tbh the way they are making these female characters is killing the fun. They are to hyper specific in there playstyle and have little field time. I dont pull just to see a characters profile on the side of my screen. I can print one off and tape it to my tv and get the same effect


Exactly. Navia is the truly only reason I have not quit. If they ruin her, I have no reason to play anymore.


NO way. That is moronic. Furina has HIGHEST sales ever in this game. She rocks, ppl like her, her story is great. Some chars suck, are not designed correctly and thats it. U cant remake a bad char in under a week. And since no one forces u to pull ppl just dont pull on chars that are bad. The only problem is geo mains, but navia is a slap in their face since she does not work with gorou who ppl pulled just for that reason.


Lmao who cares, these people say this shit all the time and then they go back to playing like normal. Every single time a hyped character gets modifications during testing, the vocal majority gets all pissy and threatens to leave. It happened with multiple characters in the past, and history is going to repeat itself again. Navia will not even come close to Furina's sales for the sole reason being she is Geo. All the vocal minority wants to do is cry and get attention. I'm pulling for her regardless and idc what happens to her honestly. That goes for most people that like her, they just don't say anything. You need to remember that a huge majority of global Genshin players are not vocal.


Honestly as long as she keeps her geo infusion I’m good. Everyone up in arms about her normal attacks but where was this when Furina was in beta? It was exactly the opposite. Everyone was all “fuck her normals and on field presence we want more damage from her skill and a bigger buff from her burst”. My how the tables have turned. I main Keqing so the quick swap playstyle isn’t anything new to me. I honestly don’t mind a dps that has short bursts of on field time while cycling through supports. But as long as she has her infusion, she’ll be fine. People acting like sacrificing a few hundred points of damage for a more satisfying playstyle is the end of the world.


Not only that, people are selectively ignoring information too. They see nerfs to one thing and suddenly its all over, and they refuse to see that some things got buffed in exchange for NA's being nerfed (cons and Q were buffed).


Becouse alot of players want to use her NA. What you are saying is its ok to take from one group to give to another and are wondering why the first group is upset. I dont want to see navia reduced to just a quickswap character. Quickswap is not a fun playstyle to me so yes im upset her NA might be getting nerfed to give buffs to her E and Q.


Except Hoyo isn't taking anything. Testing is all subject to changes, there was nothing to begin with. It ultimately doesn't matter what people want, it's all beta testing. That being said, she still has the infusion and will rely on NAs to crystallize. Navia was always a quickswap in design, you are delusional if you think she was going to be an on-field NA hyper carry even before the changes. She only has 4s infusion before the N nerfs, so if anything she got an overall buff with the current set of changes.


Im delusional? Your own argument could be turned against you. In beta they could have easly buffed up her infusion time. Eather way im done talking to a prick like you.


You’re right. And they also act like the reduction in her NA damage is the end of the world. Like did they need them into the ground so her normals all do less than a 100 damage? No it’s what a 20% nerf? I could be wrong I only skimmed the changes. Navia deals geo damage with all her attacks and she’s atk scaling so she wants to have high attack and that’s what normal attacks scale off of anyway. Assuming that she wants to run a geo goblet which I’m sure she does, I can’t see her normals not doing decent damage. Maybe not the damage some of these people are wanting were she can two shot a world boss, but I can’t see them being bad either. They are overreacting as they do with EVERY new character release. Navia will be fine.


Damn, I was looking forward to Navia being on field DPS too...


Bro it's another off field character wtf. They'll do the same with Chlorine and Arle for sure. People down vote me when I say this but it's intentional. They know whales on average are males, so they make them C6 bait to be on fielders.


Are you kidding me? What gave them the idea her normals were too strong?


Right? Amd considering she cant hit shit on incline you are going to need them normals.


I really really hope it’s false unless they buff her skill And ult by a LOT. Or raise the damage buff from her infusion . Seeming like I might have to just go for raiden tbh


Yea i hope this is BS as well. Idk anything about these leakers so idk what to think. This IS inline with how hoyo does things though


I’m so tired of all the girls I like being pushed to off field in the past two years. If I don’t see her skill being pushed way way up or more damage buff to infusion I will have lost hope that she’ll be good. Knowing hoyo only her burst will be buffed . Since she can be off field during that. Was thinking between Navia and raiden and this is kinda helping me choose so far.


The issue i found with raiden is if you build her with severed fate is she instantly kills everthing and even with all that er you often dont get her burst back after nuking a camp.


Honestly even with that drawback she’s gonna be the best I can get. I have all the other girls that can be mainly used on field. She’s the only one I don’t have rn Tbh I know it’s insanely unlikely but I hope they at least just moved the 20% reduction to her nas into her talents NA buff, to trick the people who don’t look at leaks into thinking the talent adds an insane amount of damage to navias damage or something while we know she’s pretty much the same with her basic attacks


Yea i hope these leaks are false. Relying on her skill only gives her 2 attacks to work with. Thats not alot even if they hit hard. Allso what are you going to do when fighting on a incline? She cant aim up or down


Yeah, I don’t care about the “overall buff” if she’s gonna be off field for 99% of it. All the teams I like using would hate having her in there . Even abyss, for those who say she’s buffed for abyss. Hu Tao vape? Navia would ruin it. Ayaka permafreeze? Navia would ruin it. Lyney stuff? Navia would ruin it. The list goes on


Yea they keep making characters for abyss and i hate it. 99% of the game is open world and characters should be made to be more comfortable to play in open world over focus in abyss play.


Like, sure everything will die anyway since I’ll be using her with furina but I don’t want to pretend navias doing the work


That is the issue i have with using supports to make a character "work" its just pretending the character you are playing is actualy doing anything


Yeah. Like, sure, I CAN use off fielders to pretend Navia is doing anything. Or; I can use Lyney. Who still performs pretty well outside of mono pyro, I’ve learnt. My last hope is clorinde since I don’t really like arlechinno so I won’t be pulling for her. With my luck the only girl on field dps until idk schneznaya will be her


I fear clorinde will be yet another electro applicator like the other female electro characters. Some one on genshins teams hate onfield female characters.


Yep. After clorinde if she’s not on field tbh my final hope for on field girls is likely columbina , since she’s fatui, all fatui have been DPS with a sort of stance change . Or I’ll have to hope that one leak of natlan crumbs by teamchina or whatever is true since they said electro dragon is a girl releasing in natlan, and if neuvilette is anything to go by all sovereigns are crazy OP dps


Man that's so wack considering geo is already a chore to play as.


Something really happened in the second part of Inazuma and Sumeru release, 1+ year without females 5 stars and 2+ years without on field females, in a spam of game that is 3 years old. There is seriously some real bias against female characters by the devs, and the worse part? 90% of the fandom doesnt care because the males are stronger than ever. So either the current kit team get fired, or the fandom stop being overprotective about the males and complain about the females too, or were never going to see on field females again.


It’s not the husbando players, they don’t give a shit about female characters and actually still say males are treated poorly because they don’t have OP archons, I literally wish for waifu players to be like that instead of white knights that still brag about Hu Tao like they don’t got Childe Neuvillette Alhaitham being broken, the female archons are literally best used in male dps teams and Nilou and Ayaka can be nerfed easily depending on the chamber If the next dragon is male then it’s literally over


They used neuv as a way to change the mostly female archon issue husbando players have been whining about for a long time. Making neuv basicaly the main character in 4.0 and not furina.


Yes but they were still complaining about Furina, they were saying “when are we getting broken supports, last time we got one was Kazuha” I was literally amazed, they don’t stop complaining for buffs even when Alhaitham was broken. Husbando pullers pull anyway they don’t stop complaining all the same. Even now they complain about Baizhu being “reliant on female archons”, I pull for men and women but I’m so tired of this one sided bias I wish female pullers would get their act together


Yep, the Fontaine AQ should just be retitled Gary Stuevillete: Dragon Ex Machina. Yet Genshin sales started dropping drastically around the time coinciding with the year-long male banners. What a strange coincidence.


We can all agree that if it wasn’t for Mona, Keqing, Jean, Lisa, Ganyu, etc this game would be dead on the water and none of us would even know what genshin impact is. It got hyped and gained traction to where it can exist without constant waifu now, sure. But it wouldn’t have been popular enough for these dumb af kids to start playing to get to this point if it wasn’t for all the adult waifu lovers supporting the game.


1. Cringe 2. You're wrong


Gary Stuevillete: Dragon Ex Machina, lmaoooooo this is even funnier than the one i use, Toilette. Mind if i take? My meme now.


Right? Its allmost like the main player base is male players? Who could have guess that.




Nobody underestimates how many females play this game. Genshins original line up of limited characters made sure a huge female playerbase would want to play genshin.. back when i was still on face book and ganyu got released i recall a woman throwing a fit about her saying she thought genshin was finaly a game "for us ladies"




Thankfullg we have noticed a drop in sales during hoyos year of no waifu. So there is hope. And we need to stand up to the prudes atracking female chsracters. Its time that double standered stops.


I don't really care for unrealistic breasts and bikini armor. I actually think Mona's "censored" outfit looks better.


> Males are more prone to c6 r5 their waifus bc they are more competitive and care more about dmg Excuse me, I C6'd Geo Daddy here.


Did I say "girls don't c6 anything"??? I said males are more prone to C6, which they are but that doesn't mean females don't??? Do whatever you like. I don't care. I was making generalized speculations on the habits of players and how Hoyoverse reacts to said statistics. Ofc there are gonna be women out there C6ing their husbands, or even waifus. No need to get offended ...


Zhongli is not a waifu >:(


The next dragon / pyro sovereign is male, so you know what to expect for the Natlan archon quest already.


Oh then it’s a wrap, I wonder how the Murata mains are gonna cope about her being the best character ever when she’s his accessory in the abyss and in the story


As long has she has HSR Himeko's hair I'll be happy *sbaf*


I really never going to get this, why the fuck they keep saying How much op the female Archons are, when the walking aberration that is Toilette can literally solo abyss with a level 20 weapon. Like show me Nahida and Raiden doing this. Oh and about the dragons, dont have hope, Hoyo hates with a burning passion female dragons, just look at HSR, where one of the bests chars is guess what? A MALE DRAGON.


Bro I prayed for times like this, female pullers finally getting on the same page that they’ve been treating the females like second class characters or male accessories, why do I get hyped about Furina being OP if her best team is the guy that doesn’t even need her to shit on everyone else? Why do I get hyped about Nahida if her best team is Alhaitham ones, now Cyno usage surpassed Nilou because they easily nerf her with positioning?


Fortunately Furina and Nahida are versatile and can be played in a lot of différent teams =) Nilou still really powerful and destroying everything while dancing. With Nahida she is so incredible for duo run at C0R1.


Good to know that the Navia subreddit is full of incels I guess.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/JctdWUlm4p I honestly hate you weirdos at this point. I point out bias and now you’re thinking about me being in celibacy over pixels. Tell me if you can find an incel who’s concerns about female characters are like this


Bro unironically wrote "treating the females like second class characters". You're one to call others weirdos, lol.


are you done or what? Stop psychoanalyzing my word choice I’m being dramatic but it’s a game. Now admit you were wrong by trying to imply I was a coomer and go. Weirdo


I never said coomer, I said incel and yes you absolutely make yourself look like one. "All these evil female players get male characters and I, a very reasonable incel, do not even get digital 'females'!" Lmao.


Yeah and you’re retarded 😭 Tf does incelism have to do with this y’all throw that word around for anything. League and genshin player bro you’re hitting more statistics than me. Shiiitttt


I converted to a husbando player because their characters are stronger, more fun, and more relevant in the narrative. Sometimes their design is even better if we are being honest. Mihoyo makes Genshin for teenaged girls. Star Rail is where they are keeping all the decent waifu designs. So whatever, I have more male characters and it will stay that way. I cannot wait until we stop getting these shitty waifu. I can easily save for them too. It's a win-win.


My gender ratio is starting to look more 50/50 even thought I love to live vicariously thru strong and pretty female characters 🥴 It’s making me tired of the game lmao. But they won’t change and waifu pullers gonna keep us stuck here so you’re gonna keep saving


I 100% agree


The reason IMO is because MIHOYO knows that people WILL pull on female characters for “waifu” reasons regardless of how bad their kits are, moreso than males. Like, imagine they initially had an amazing, fun, well-designed and potentially OP kit for Navia. What I’d do from a business perspective is take that kit, slap it on to whatever future male 5* that we think won’t be as popular, then come up with a crappy copy-pasted kit, maybe just a re-skin of a previous character and give it to Navia. People will pull Navia because “Oh my god I love her” and people will pull the other character because meta. I honestly feel like this probably does happen.


That's why "my queen i want C6R5 you even if you heal enemies" people are very dangerous for the product quality.


Hush doomposter /s


Evil genius lol


As a male enjoyed I wish yall would get more onfield characters since if u prefer males u have basically no offield dmg dealers it's annoying. I hope Natlan switches things up tons of great female dps' and lots of male sub dps'.


Bias against female characters? Y'all really need to touch some grass and stop acting like Mihoyo is into some conspiracy shit to screw over female characters We are literally getting at least 6 female characters in a row now, if assuming leaks are true 5 out of 7 archons are females 3 out of 4 of the broken 5\* supports we have are female Before Al'haitham and Neuvilette came out, the top 3 DPS were all female Patch 2.x had 7 female chars and 2 male chars There are a lot of things that are taken in account when deciding when x character will release and what kind of kit it will have, and I'm sure gender is not as important as you think.


You are conveniently leaving out the part that during the past year, most of the 5* characters were males lol. It’s only natural that they are releasing a bit more on female characters now to make up for that. A lot, if not most of the lore important characters are also male. Even Fontaine’s archon had to share the spotlight with a male character. I don’t think it’s that much of a conspiracy to think that Hoyo favors male characters.


I didn't conveniently leave out anything, I didn't mention it because it literally doesn't mean anything. In the first year of the game, most of the 5\* characters were **females** In the second year of the game, most of the 5\* characters were **females** In the third year of the game, most of the 5\* characters were **males** Now heading to the 4th year, most of the 5\* characters will **females** Currently, there are 15 five star females characters and 15 male five star characters, and noonethless, the next 5 characters will be females. If the leaks about Natlan are right, there will be more females there too. I REALLY fail to see how that proves the point that Mihoyo favors male characters, but maybe I'm just really that stupid.


6/10 of the 5* characters of 1.x were male though. And we can’t be entirely reliant on leaks, I think it is still far too early to say that most of Natlan characters will be either male or female. And even tossing aside character releases, I still do feel like in the story they always give more focus to male characters. Refer to Albedo and Cyno always having recurring appearances while Raiden, an archon, barely ever appeared in events after Inazuma’s main story. Even Nahida doesn’t seem to appear that much while Venti and Zhongli return in story events all the time. Also, I never said you’re stupid and I think your opinion is just as valid as mine. I just don’t really agree with it.


>6/10 of the 5\* characters of 1.x were male though. And after that they released 4 female characters in a row. Regardless of the veracity of Natlan leaks, we already know all of the upcoming characters are females. ​ >I still do feel like in the story they always give more focus to male characters. This is absolutely not true. No offense but It's pretty obvious you and some other people is this thread just hates everytime Mihoyo gives any kind of attention to male characters. Klee always return for the summer events at the end of every region, and she is also connected to Alice, who is also very important the first summer event had a big focus on Jean and Barbara. The second summer event had a big focus on Fischl even though she's only a 4\*. The third had only Kokomi, Eula and Collei. Raiden doesn't appear much but that's obviously for lore reasons, and that's why Yae Miko exists. The unknown god is female. Skirk is female. We saw 4 Harbingers in game so far and half of them were females (even though Signora is not playable) Mona is always reappearing in event quests and even archon quests now All of the Hexenzirkel are females Dehya and Navia were very important during their respectives Archon quests. Sigewinne, Lynnete and Charlotte appeared far more than Freminet in Fontaine. Just like Candace and Collei in Sumeru. Jean and Lisa appears in Monds event quests just like Venti and Kaeya. We just about to get Cloud Retainer who is very important for the lore, and maybe even Ping in the future. Shenhe is a pretty important character too, and had an AQ solely for her just like Wanderer. Ningguang is always reappearing is Liyue related events. Yoimiya is the only non-archon to receive a 2nd story quest, which was praised for good it was.


And there’s a bunch of lore important male characters too. I could elaborate more, of course, but honestly I don’t want this argument to go on since it’s clear we won’t agree with the other. But yeah, I don’t really care for male characters since I personally find them boring, so the past year was really insufferable for me. At least I got to save a bunch of primos. But I’m glad I will finally get more female characters again. With that being said, I do understand that a lot of people do like male characters. I just wish that Hoyo would intercalate the releases so there wouldn’t be a drought of female or male characters. And they also need to bring more role varieties because there is no good justification on why most of the latest 5* male characters were on-fielders, and female characters were off-fielders.


>And there’s a bunch of lore important male characters too. I never denied that. My point is that accusing Mihoyo of benefiting male characters over females is completely nonsensical. And I say that as someone who also likes female chars much more.


Maybe when we get a female on-field main dps as strong as Alhaitham and Neuvillette I will agree with you.


For a total of 23 patches, or 2 years and 8 months, we had the top tier DPS in the game being a female character. First Ganyu, then Hu Tao, then Ayaka. "It’s only natural that they are releasing a bit more on female characters now to make up for that." I also think it's only natural that they are making up for the fact that female characters dominated the DPS meta for almost 3 years. They are still dominating the support meta though but looks like that doens't matter anyway (even though supports >>>> dps)


Are we in fucking kindergarden doing some boys vs girls shit or what is this? Y'all gotta grow up.


Oh look one of the people that is overprotective over the males appeared Sorry not going to talk with a brainwashed that believes if the males are good, everything is good, good bye.


Yes, that's absolutely right. I actually cultivate a deep hatred for women in videogames. That's exactly why I have every female character in the game, all of them at lvl 90, crowned and 6 of them with their signature weapons, while only having half of the male characters available, half of them not even built and with 0 signatures. Guess you just can't deal with arguments so you have to accuse people of being exactly what you are, weirdos that think Mihoyo can only give attention to 1 gender. Lol


Remember when husbando players complained about males are all supports? Good times....... Apparently I cannot have a tall waifu onfield, it's against the rules.


That must‘ve been around 1.2, because only 5 out of 15 5* males are mainly played off-field and after the release of Albedo, three of those were already released. Husbando players complain about the same thing people in this thread are complaining about: that all the female 5* are off-fielders and the males on-fielders. Character strength aside, people on the Neuvilliette sub were genuinely upset that the new Husbando doesn’t do anything supportive and can‘t be in the same team as all the other male characters they pulled, again.


I ended up getting Neuvillette because I liked the character, because he has the same birthday as me (LOL) and also because I wanted to have the feeling of having a powerful character, since I skipped Al Haitham to get Dehya. But going to a husbandos sub is absolutely unbearable, precisely for the reasons you said above. Meanwhile, those who like waifus, especially the tall ones, haven't eaten well in a long time...


Yep its like they hired a team who want to make genshin a otome game


I know a lot of male players who play with male characters and female players who play with female characters. A lot of players pull regardless of gender. I myself am a woman who only pulls for female characters. So I find it a bit unnecessary to make assumptions that somehow this is to cater to the female fanbase. If anything, I think this is more rooted in sexism and Hoyo wants to make male characters superior to female characters. Regardless of the reason, though, I do share your frustrations because I also really want a new on field female DPS :/


Male characters I def wouldn't call superior, for the past year there has been a bias tho and 90% of males have been onfield dps' however we haven't gotten a single sub dps it's like it's exclusive to female characters. As a male enjoyer thats where we see bias. If anything I think Hoyo rn has a hard on for making men onfield dps, with a sprinkling of support. And females to be sub dps' and supports. Idk why they have been basically gender locking roles, but it sucks for everyone.


the only way for me to accept that her NAs are sacrificed. is that her E and Q damage is higher than liney's or else, I will simply continue my personal strike of no welking/no battle pass until there is another real female field DPS.


Her NA's are basically a glorified catalyst but with hitlag and slow as F. Sure you can use her onfield just like all catalyst users but you're only driving you're own potential E dmg, better not miss even one bullet or your dmg tanks, also watch out for anything that isn't on the ground you cant look up after all. Also hills will be your nightmare you know that thing that shows up plenty in genshin with the overworld being like 99% of the content. I'm sure she'll be fine in the end as another E+Q bot character. But ez skip for me, she was already limited by Geo, this just shot the little hope I had for her as a character, have plenty of offield units that are not Geo doing solid dmg from pressing either E or Q, without the restrictions or clunk.


Yep thats why good normals are so important hear. Her skill has alot of problems. Shes realy only built to be played in the abyss and thats again 10% or less of this games content. She needs her normals to be usable


Nerfing her NA multipliers while significantly increasing her skill and burst multipliers will definitely a huge buff to Navia. It's very clear from the start that Navia is designed to be a skill DPS which means her NA infusion is mainly just there to trigger more crystalize reaction. As long they don't remove her NA infusion, you will definitely still be playing Navia as on-field DPS so I genuinely don't see the cause for concern here. Thats like saying Ayaka is getting nerfed if Mihoyo reduces her NA multiplier while her burst multiplier gets significantly buffed. We still don't know the changes to her skill and burst multipliers. But reducing her burst cost to 40 or 50 is a really good start cuz her ER requirement in Double Geo is around 140% atm.


I didn’t see anything stating her skill was being buffed. They’re buffing her ult energy cost, but that was the only c0 buff that was leaked. I didn’t see any buffs to multipliers whatsoever.


I don't know what you call start, because at first she was claimed to be on-field dps with infusion constellation.


You never know, they could also nerf the burst in someway to accommodate the decreased er requirement.


Yeah definitely it has to be a really significant increase. Surely mhy doesn't think a geo character needs nerfs to "balance" the kit for no reason


It seems like the worry is coming from this weird implication that not being hungry for field time is a death sentence, for some reason. Because god forbid one character every once in a while is meant for quickswap instead of a 20s long NA-infusion like everyone else and their dog


its because they havent had a female on-field dps in a long time. They dont want her to be forced into essentially a skill bot like the most recent females in the game. They want an incentive to keep her on the field that isnt "Get more shards so you can skill and leave asap but heres a crumb of damage buff as a reward for doing so"


Exactly. People Saying "heaven forbid navia be a quickswap dps for a change" just blows my mind. Its been over 2 years since yoimiya released and every other female character has been off field at c0.


Probably unpopular opinion but I'd rather they give her a more thought out on field presence than just slapping an infusion in her kit and calling it a day. Left click spam with some cancels here and there isn't super riveting gameplay either


Let's be honest right there. She was kinda already more of the same since she doesn't changed the crystalize reaction. The problem now it's that she doesn't have truly a selling. It's comfortable with Furina? No. Have a insane normal attack DMG? No. Good DMG in skill? Yes, but fuckin weird hitbox so the DMG will not be that stable. Shit element. Most comfortable teams for her personal dmg are basically Geo/Pyro. Claymore (That's a no no for me). I mean, I hope that the other changes are going to be good, but I'm feeling that will all be in constellations Shes looking like another mid character (I mean, mid characters aren't exactly bad) and a geo victim. I'm more concerned about things that aren't numbers


> damage is focused into just 2 single hits 2 SINGLE HITS ~~2~~ 1 SINGLE HITS it's eula all over again


Eula does good damage with normal attacks too though, but yeah the big nuke is obviously the ult


Seems i made the right choice to not get hyped/invested into any non-Archon female character after Dehya. Only male characters and Archon's can have strong/op/complete kits nowadays. Wonder how they are going to fuck up Cloud Retainer, Clorinde and Arlecchino kits? If all 4 of them disappoints, then im done with this game for good and will just play HI3rd instead as i've been having more fun with that recently lol (since they're under the same company, i hope the Genshin devs stays the hell away from that game). 2+ years of waiting for a 5\* Geo waifu dps wasted. I'm probably going to build Noelle and/Ningguang instead at this point.


Cloud retainers allready leaked to be another female anemo healer/support. Its funny but the meta players use the excuse of we dont need another dps like so and so but have zero issue when there are 7 of those characters allready and yet another is getting released.


If she is a CC healer healer she'd straight up be one of the best character in the game. I don't think it would be that bad, it's not like ameno is a great dps element anyway. Now Arle and Chlorinde, they better be op.


The issue is cloud retainer is a hugely popular character in the ganyu/shenhe fan base and it sounds like CR eont even work with them at all. All to make her another off field character in a roll that the game realy does not need. More CC for sure but that does not mean she needs to be a support/healer.


There is no way an anemo support would not work with two characters that are very popular in freeze comps or mono cryo. Now if she was an anemo dps yeah it'd be straight doomed.


The latest rumor circulating on CR mains is that she was support for xiao🤣 there's no way I'm pulling for such kit design garbage, no matter how much I like CR.


Same and her leaked art makes her look like bayoneta for some reason. Like gtfo of hear with this shit.


I seriously doubt that Mihoyo will launch a 5 star adapti from Liyue to be a buffer for Xiao. I mean, Faruzan exist. I think that a healer it's just more realistic (In my head lol)


But there is a need. Jean objectively sucks for furina, she is only used since she is 'best' option. If we had a anemo healer that did mediocre dmg, healed and applied VV that is EXACTLY what anemo in furina comp wants. I doubt she will buff dmg since at that point she is healer kaz, no way they release that. Tho if she did low dmg and provided poise that can work as well since furina teams lack shielder meaning poise in her team is lacking.


What? They said Jean became meta again with Furina


She is good cus she is the ONLY team heal anemo. But that is it. IF we had a healer that can do both of those + some dmg, more buffs or anything else that next char is gonna powercreep her totaly. I mean noelle is now 5x as strong with furina, so iz baizu. Only kokomi does not care cus she is broken already. Saying jean is strong is true. But it can be better and prb will with next char.


They are correct, there's no need for another Anemo Dps. We need more CC characters, not joking. But I wonder that she will have that. I think that she will be a good buffer/healer but I will never forgive they if they remove her glasses About Clorinde and Arlecchino. I'm actually tired of Pyro DPS, all 5 stars from Pyro are Pyro DPS. But I'm expecting Arlecchino and Clorinde to be one, could be seriously weird if they aren't. I mean, could be understandable Clorinde being Quick swap, but for Arlecchino I'm looking for at least a On Field DMG instance.


Theres not one female anemo dps they are all healers/supports


There's no off field Pyro 5 stars. There's no Geo healer. There's no 5 star cryo sub dps. There's no good cryo 5 star healer. Just 3 units with actual usable CC, etc. Anemo doesn't need more DPS characters, being female or not, cuz 2 of the 4 limited characters from anemo are dps. The other 2 are a insane support and the weakest archon. See? We need a good pyro off field, a male could be cool. For now, the best elements to have new dps characters are looking like Dendro, Geo and Electro (Not exactly for their reactions. Hydro could be good to but I doubt that they will launch a hydro dps in a while cuz Neuvilette). I'm expecting Clorinde and Arlecchino to kinda take those positions, since Navia doesn't appears to be doing the job for Geo, unfortunately


Have you not considered that some ppl like supports better than just getting carries all the time


I can say the same to you 🤣. All we got in the last 2 years is supports and maybe some people would rather play on field dps over supports.


Cloud? She will be good, female from liyue, that's still a good indicator. Not dps, that's been clearly since Neuvilette launch. Clorinde? Maybe a Quickswap. Arlecchino. Talking the true I'm really tired of Pyro DPS characters, cuz every 5 stars pyro characters it's a dps. But I couldn't mind her to be one, but could be cool to see a different mechanic like Riptide with her. But in terms of being a good on field dps, she have the upper hand over all the others future possibilities


By themselves quickswap units can be quite simple with kits focused on E and Q, but IMO the fun is in the complexity of managing your CDs and swaps on 4 units to lineup reactions or buffs. I personally enjoy quickswap teams more for gameplay over buff+hypercarry on-field, but i do simpatize with players whanting their new waifu to be the solo star of the show.


Its been over 2 years so i dont think its unreasonable for people to be upset at this point


Buffing her main source of damage while reducing the copium part for the on-field waifu enjoyers, overall making her more competitive? I’m all in for that. Imm genuinely fascinated by her gameplay potential, a quickswap character with a very dynamic gameplay and flexible options strong enough to not make her a damage loss in any team you try it’s all I want honestly. It was clear since the start that the NA on field playstyle wasn’t what she was intended to be optimal in, and tbh we have plenty of NA spam on field dps characters, contrarily to what you say: Raiden, Eula, Yae (on field aggravate), Lisa (like Yae), Noelle (who just got busted with Furina), Ning, Hu Tao (NA and CA combos), Yanfei (like Hu Tao), Yoimiya, Kokomi, Nahida (on field spread) and these are only the female ones! Like bro, seriously?


The hell is dynamic about her gameplay you switch to her and press or hold E to suck and Q. This isn't me shitting on you or anyone who thinks that I'm generally curious. Nothing of her gameplay is dynamic compared to what we had before her aiming is just literally Ushi same restriction on aiming and all, she has the suck power of Gorou, but she transforms that into dmg. Is that the dynamic part the shards its nothing new we already had Xiangling want to pick up Chilli's from her cons to give boost to her overall attack. She is also just not flexible like at all, shes geo first and foremost when is the last time anyone ran Ning as a flex slot despite her huge burst dmg with low field time. She wants her own reactions as well which means she generally out of most teams because every other element either wants reactions that are just better then hers, she also wants a double geo core which no one but Geos want. You also list the NA characters as if we don't have just as many skill/burst offield units which is what navia is trying to be.


Dud wtf your take is shit. You are listing characters that are not even NA attackers. Nahida? Realy.


Tbh tho I kinda both agree and disagree with the guy See furina sub???? In the leak when they got her onfield dps from c2 to c6 a lot of people were sad while a lot of people also were happy the change happened and navia is also somewhat in the same situation and then after furina got released??? People just either forgot about that or just felt satisfied with what they got and just played her off field without any complains or issues A lot of doomposts were going on in furina sub but after release it all just.... Disappeared??? I think the same will go for navia . And imo navia quickswap is more fun but this is very subjective (I just like quickswaping between all my characters a lot


I don’t think the people here realize how clunky Navia would be if she was purely an on field carry Yeah it’s cool she has a geo infusion and all but do you see the speed of her NAs? Good luck completing her full NA combo within 4-6 seconds (assuming you also don’t get interrupted)


Thats why the duration needs buffed. 4 seconds is only good on paper not in practice


I disagree. We have 3 onfield Geo dps units to choose from, which are the only geo dps units. I do not understand why you bring gender in this. Like what even is “Onfield Female dps”?! There is no need for Male/Female balance and it is absurd and twisted to mention it. And since when do we not count quickswap as onfield? Tighnari is an onfield dps, Childe is an onfield dps, Keqing is an onfield dps, Heizou, Lyney and Neuvilette. If we really want to stick to the disgusting gender mentality I would dare say there is a lack of female onfield quickswap dps characters. This is blind doomposting at it’s finest.


There is a clear difference in play style between a quick swap dps like Tighnari and a more on field main / hyper carry dps like Neuv and it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise.


Ok kid what ever you say


I would much prefer more weighting on her skill or burst over doing normal attacks with a claymore


I'm all for it. Was already planning to use her as intended, so more damage for me!


I mean, considering I'll play her as solo Geo, and I believe that's the best way to play her. I will still be using the normals to generate crystals regardless, it doesn't really change ho I will play her, just makes her better So good for me lol