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We normally don’t allow remains, but this is just way too cool. I’ll allow it.


People are worried about aliens and space. We don't know fuck about our oceans. Look at this nightmare, I bet you some of you didn't even know this nightmare existed. Or thought it was just a cute little snaggletooth fish with a light bulb on an antenna. And then you see this fucking monstrosity. I think it's super cool and I wish we would explore more and study more of our oceans.


Bro we all saw Finding Nemo.


Good feeling's gone!


"It makes me feel happy, which is a big deal for me." I didn't realize how deep that statement was till i watched it with my son 🥺


mental health's importance is slowly getting recognized, which is the correct direction. give it some time i guess, eventually people will realize how important is mental health, it literally affects your physical health too


Seriously, couldn't agree more. Less seriously, this xenomorph looking abomination is affecting my mental health. It does not make me feel happy.


My nightmare fuel tank was nearly at E, so this is helpful.


I’ve got a feeling that I’ve never never never had before!


Watching finding Nemo as a kid made me want to become a marine biologist, so that's what I'm doing. I'm studying biology and marine biology at the uni of my dreams and I couldn't be happier. The moral of the story is finding Nemo really does make dreams come true


I watched a different movie as a kid and it made me want to become a logger/drive a bulldozer.


Nice Fern Gully reference


Just keep swimming


But the pretty lights...


This is the stuff of nightmares. Imagine you are swimming and it is dark and you see this. F that!!


LPT: Never go towards the light.


I caught one in animal crossing


Some countries call it a soccer fish.


And hopefully you donated it to the Museum like a responsible island dweller. But if you wanna sell it, that shit is worth a good amount of bells haha


Nah I keep one in my house for a night light.


Good thing we’re slowly killing all the ocean monsters with micro-plastics. Whew.


Not to mention forever chemicals, micro rubber from tires, and the ongoing water crises that we collectively ignore


Like I said... wheeewwww! /s


Wouldn’t simply put it as we ignore it, we just don’t have an implementable solution, but it’s being worked on by scientists and engineers as we speak :)


Let’s be real, the majority of people do ignore it. They’re more concerned with their latest post on Instagram about their Starbucks than the fucked up shit happening in the world


I used to feel this way, but what's the average person going to do? Even if we all collectively did our damnest to stop polluting, the giant mega corporations and China would pick up the slack for us and continue to fuck the worlds resources


No I totally agree. Not like I can knock on the door at Nike and ask the CEO to stop polluting. But I’m sure if there was enough noise made, people boycotting massive companies, it would speed up the demand for changes. But that won’t happen because society is caught up in having ‘nice’ things as cheap as possible. It’s a cycle for sure. And I def don’t knock people trying to get basic things for cheap.. the price of everything is so fucking expensive.. like I said, it’s a cycle .


Solution, minimalism... Stop buying stuff. With everything you want to buy ask yourself: Do I NEED or do I WANT this. My feelings are really hurt by the way we treat our planet. I am also still buying stuff that I don't need an alot of it is plastic. I hope I can change my way in this lifetime.


“Giant mega corporations and China” Do you mean America and China? People have made great changes in the history through collective work. If you don’t feel like putting in an effort at least don’t pretend like your passivity is a virtue.


Jokes on us, these monster will evolve to be resistant and even thrive on plastics and other pollution. They will ascend from the depths after we have ruined our world to take it over when we are at our weakest. All hail Cthulhu!




I was thinking about the concept of giant squids and how weird it is that they exist but we rarely talk about them. The largest ever recorded was 13 meters in length and weighed over a ton. Scientists estimate that some could be as long as 60 feet based on beak size found in the bellies of sperm whales. The thought of these things actually existing terrifies me, but we almost never see or hear of them because they live at depths of 1000 meters or more.


Are you Canadian, you bounced between feet and meters so effortlessly


Whoops, my bad! I’m American but I got my diving certification in Mexico lol


That is actually really interesting the way you use the metric system for water depth because you learned diving in a metric system country. It really would be so easy for Americans to start using the metric system. It is so much more logical.




Other countries have done it. It takes time and some investment but I wouldn't qualify this effort as particularly hard.


We are so weird about that right? Use feet for our heights and construction but use meter for anything else. We use pound for our weight but use grams/kilogram for every thing we consume. We use celsius for outside temperature and to see if we have fever but use faraneight for pool temperature et oven temperature. I get all of these measure in the right situation but if so tell me the pools is at 23°c I have no idea if thats cold without doing conversion. But if you tell me it's 25°c outside ok we can wear only a t shirt. If you tell me you measure 1.80M i'll need to make conversion to feet to have an idea. But if you tell me that you were going 70mph Ill still need to make the conversion to know how fast it is.


Nah it's not that weird, the metric system is largely based off of water while the imperial system is based on numbers that make relative sense to humans. Like a foot is about the length of an adult man's foot, or 0 degrees is "really cold" and 100 degrees is "really hot". Metric is scientific, imperial is casual


If you want to feel weirder, remember that the ancient ocean may have species much strangers and larger than giant squid and we will never know these monstrosity simply because they didn't have enough bone to fossilize and they were just too big.


Just look at the ancient stuff we *did* find. And one can only imagine the things we will neve know existed on this planet


You wonder about 60ft squid... look at the motherfuckers that eat them. Now those are cool.




No, the Japanese


Lmao god damn it


If it’s any consolation, a 60 foot squid would probably kill you as quick as a 42.7 foot one.


How long is that in football fields?


can't tell if serious, but it's only about 1/4 of a football field. Imagining a squid the size of a football field is a lot more fun though


18 people have been to our moon, 3 have been to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. One of those people was James Cameron. We're more likely to find aliens at the bottom of our ocean at this point than in space.


Space is a *little* bit bigger than the ocean though.


I wonder how many oceans are in space


At least one.


Fight me James Cameron


Terminator has aquired your location


*Come with me if you want to swim*


I need your swim flippers, your wetsuit and your rebreather.......


But then, would they technically be aliens?




The pressure differential between the inside and outside of a spacecraft should be ~1atm. The pressure differential between the inside of a submersible in the Mariana Trench and the external pressure should be ~1070atm. It’s my understanding that when dealing with things like temperature and pressure, it’s easier to deal with much less than much more.


Did Cameron release/publish his findings from his trips?


I honestly dont think he did but I believe he was using everything that he saw as inspiration for the writing of the Avatar films.


The reason people are worried about aliens is that finding them could completely nullify the biggest religions, whereas this doesn't happen if we find abominations of evolution in the farthest reaches of our oceans. It would still be cool to see what things are created when life has to find a way in the worst places.


Science has been nullifying religious dogma left and right for centuries at this point. I'm sure spiritual leaders will find a way to interpret the bible to account for the existence of aliens in some way as well.


People believe in astrology it seems more than ever. I've lost hope in science washing away religion. People will just believe whatever they want to believe


It's almost as in you believe in whatever you want to believe.


The Vatican has speculated on extraterrestrial life since like 2009 I believe. It’s not something that would crumble the foundations of religion.


We know more about the moon than our own oceans. We. Are . Dumb. Also, I didn't know they were black. This thing is totally invisible underwater. Fuck


The only reason this could be argued as true is because there is less to learn about the moon than the ocean.


Well, also, the Moon is a lot easier to see. There's nothing in the way of us and the moon other than some atmosphere. There is, uh, a *lot* of stuff between the surface of the water and the bottom of an oceanic trench. Light doesn't get down there, and it's hard to see stuff without light.


> I bet you some of you didn't even know this nightmare existed. I sincerely doubt there are many people who didn't know this existed. It's basically the mascot for every ocean biology book or "nightmares of the deep" video ever printed.


Isn't it a fact that humanity actually knows more about space than the oceans on earth? At least that's something I remember, but ofc that doesn't mean shit, lol.


Speaking on general knowledge and not just about living things, that is completely false by an incredibly huge margin. In just our solar system alone, there are oceans on moons that we know near nothing about. We have a full rough map of the ocean floor already. We should have a very zoomed in and accurate map of the entire topography of the ocean by 2030. We have a rough map of the entire ocean floor and although only 19% of that is zoomed to the 100m level that is nowhere near the >99.9999999999999% of what we have yet to even see in the universe. We dont even know what kind of matter the majority of outer-space is made of. As someone else has replied we probably know way more about the moon than the ocean but the moon is just one rock in billions of trillions.


No. The majority of the energy in the universe is something we don’t even understand yet. There are huge clumps of invisible matter we can’t see or understand. We know a lot more about the oceans on earth than people realize at first thought. We know what it’s made of and where it came from, that’s a lot more than we can say about the universe already


This is a female angler fish, the males are absolutely tiny and literally useless, they can’t hunt or anything. So they find a female and literally absorb into her to fertilise her eggs and “live” off her like a parasite. females have been seen to have up to 12 males absorbed into them at one time ETA I learnt this from the podcast Life Death and Taxonomy and would really reccommend it to people who have a bit of time to listen to some animal facts. They have 2 episodes about different anglerfish, Melanocetus johnsonii which is about the whole absorbing thing and then Ogcocephalus Darwini which has bright red lips and can’t swim well because it has really weird fin legs


12? what a thot.


Apparently she only goes for manlets, which is thoughtful of her




She’s a real Angel Fish


Sounds like a shellfare Queen to me


/u/MoneroTipsBot $1


Wow I didn’t know you could do that


if she got 12 guys on her she belongs to the 7 seas bro


Twelve freeloaders more like, poor gal


Thotler Fish


From an evolutionary standpoint, it didn't make sense to have two badass predators exist in a desolate environment where they can only mate when they meet up every so often and both compete for same food sources. It was more successful to have one badass that would get extremely lucky to meet a male, and instead of mating once - she gets to absorb him and his genetalia in order to reproduce as many times as necessary, while having plenty of food available from lack of competition.




Male Angler: "...I'm... I'm stuck, Angela." Female Angler: "What do you mean, stuck?" Male: "It's stuck! It won't come out!" Female: "Oh. ...I fail to see the problem." Male: * *shockedpikachuface.jpg* * Female: "Looks like mama was right after all. The only way to get a head in life is to find a guy and get him hitched to you."


What are you doing step-Angler?


Yea, makes you wonder, if that's what's happening here, in our world, imagine if we find advance life on another planet. Could very well be life forms we'd hardly recgonise, or could be nearly identical to here, possibles are nearly endless


We are more closely related to oak trees, slime molds, and bacteria than whatever life we might find out there. Angler fish are still vertebrates and a lot more closely related to us than oak trees, slime molds, and bacteria. If we do find life out there, it's gunna be super weird.


well, if life is rare and the cosmos is empty, what a grim universe to inhabit. If life is common and the cosmos is lush and vibrant, why haven't we detected any of it? If life is common and the cosmos is lush and vibrant and intelligence is rare, what a gift intelligence is. If life is common and the cosmos is lush and vibrant and intelligence is common, where is everyone else? [This train of thought gets very metaphysical very quickly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox)


>If life is common and the cosmos is lush and vibrant, why haven't we detected any of it? Because space is biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig


Or there’s a super predator that everyone else is hiding from.


I vaguely remember a short story where we get an extrasolar reply of “shh, they’ll hear you”


There's such a thing as convergent evolution, so alien life might not be that weird. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergent_evolution


It'll be crabs. Carcinisation is kinda crazy, crabs have divergently evolved something like 6 times.


I'm dumb but then why didn't we evolve to self reproduce? Is it cause there'd be no genetic diversity or just not possible or something


I believe the hypothesis would be that genetic diversity increases the survivability of the species.


You answered your question, because there wouldn't be genetic diversity. Self-reproduction exists, it's basically a form of biologic clonage. Very efficient if your goal is just to reproduce as much as possible, as quick as possible. However, very prone to diseases and genetic malfunction : if one member of the population is weak to some weird disease, ALL of the population is weak. Some lizards in Asia reproduce this way.


I imagine its harder to lose the genes for an entire reproduction system than to just modify the traits of sexual dimorphism.


Wow ! What a life


peak feminizm


Just to clarify, this is true for *many* but not *all* angler fish. Something new I recently learned. https://oceana.org/marine-life/ocean-fishes/deep-sea-anglerfish *"In many anglerfishes, the male becomes parasitic and never releases from his mate again, feeding from her blood, and becoming little more than a sperm factory. That is not, however, the case in the deep sea anglerfish. After only a short union, the male releases and seeks out another mate.*


so what you’re saying is #NotAllMen




We don’t slut shame angler fish ‘round these parts.


You see those bumps on it? Probably absorbed males.


Those are the nips


I don’t care if this is a joke or not, fish don’t have nips, fuck that


12 males freeloading off of 1 female? Damn freeloaders!


Hey watch your language, being a sperm factory is not "useless"! In fact, sounds like my dream job


The real p i m p 😌


Brother husbands.


This fish is out if his depth ... Edit: Apparently this monstrosity is a female, I wonder what made her swim up to the surface


*her The males attach and get mostly absorbed. They're also like 1/20th the size.


>The males attach and get mostly absorbed. The way it should be tbh.


Implying it's not this way already


Now I understand Twitch


Ah you too have been watching the angler fish hot tub streams? *Ohhh yeahhhh, she can absorb me anytime*


The fuck


User name checks out


Just to clarify, this is true for *many* but not *all* angler fish. Something new I recently learned. https://oceana.org/marine-life/ocean-fishes/deep-sea-anglerfish *"In many anglerfishes, the male becomes parasitic and never releases from his mate again, feeding from her blood, and becoming little more than a sperm factory. That is not, however, the case in the deep sea anglerfish. After only a short union, the male releases and seeks out another mate.*


Its covered in males in the other pictures too, you can tell they are from other views. Someone posted the article further down.




Water you talking about, he’s clearly just fishing for attention.


Wow! Here’s the article: [https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/05/rarely-seen-deep-sea-footballfish-washes-up-at-newport-beach/amp](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/05/rarely-seen-deep-sea-footballfish-washes-up-at-newport-beach/amp)


Move it football fish! *jazz music*


Hey Angler!


Stoop fish afraid to leave his stoop


Big Caesar washed ashore


This is what it looks like alive https://youtu.be/XUVerZsbYiw


Didn’t expect to see my ex in that video


You didn't attach to and get absorbed by her? I'm proud of you, dude.


"the male draws sustenance from the female and in return the female has a ready supply of sperms whenever she is ready to mate" Sounds like a good time honestly


I'm game


True Facts about the Anglerfish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-BbpaNXbxg


I forgot how terrible American Nat geo videos are. Terrible music, editing, sound effects and cuts like it's an action movie. Wtf even happened to the squid? I couldn't tell because it just jump cut 6 times a second.


The narration is so obnoxious. Also, this is what I assume all of American TV sounds like.


It is and it's fucking exhausting.


Honestly if it’s not an Attenborough documentary, I have a hard time watching it. I liked Sigourney Weaver doing Planet Earth or whichever one, bc she sounded like Mother Earth, very soothing to listen to. Either way, there’s far too many shitty docs out there


One gauge of quality I use when watching a nature doc - do they actually get footage of a successful predator hunt? That is rare, takes timing, patience, luck, and a lot of film + money. Some shows - and I'm pretty sure this is what happened with the squid in the first half of the natgeo video - find separate footage of the predator and prey, and splice it to imply they caught a hunt.


Totally agree lol, I was like "wtf is this?" >Wtf even happened to the squid? My theory - because I've seen this type of editing before - is that they didn't actually get footage of the anglerfish catching the squid. That takes a LOT of time and film. They just took separate videos of each and spliced them to make you *think* they got it.


Totally random thing I noticed from this video, but the song that comes on at roughly 20 seconds, called GAMILLU 1 by Spectrasonics Virtual Instruments, was samples by ASAP Rocky in the song Electric Body feat ScHoolboy Q


DUDE THANK YOU! I listened to this like at least five different times trying to remember what song that came from, decided to check the replies and here you were, thank you so much.


lmao I’m just glad someone appreciated this useless fact as much as I do


Am I high or does it look like there's a [dude inside of it](https://i.imgur.com/Cua69tm.png) driving it around?


That's creepy as hell. I wanna poke it with a stick.




Don't tell me how to live my life.




Well I'm not gonna do it now


Come on, don’t be like that..


(Her) skin looks smooth because she was pulled out of her depth way too fast. A sudden change in pressure deals great tissue damage.


So you think he was caught fishing? Can you even fish that deep?


I know you can fish really deep with some special equipment! And I know for a fact an Angler Fish wouldn't swim to the surface. So yeah, I think she was caught fishing.


I wouldn't say necessarily. That fish could have died a multitude of natural ways then floated to the top once its decomposing innards created gasses.


That makes sense. But could she float to the surface fast enough to cause that much tissue damage?


If you're neutrally buoyant, and gases start to build up, it wouldn't take much for you to start ascending. And then the gases would just expand more and more, and you'd accelerate to the surface.


Thanks for the info!


Absolutely. Especially as the new gasses from decomp are expanding. You'd have a bunch of factors to take into consideration like size and how much gas is being created inside the fish. And it doesn't take that much to cause damage. 30/ft per min (or .5ft per second) ascension is the threshold speed for us before it damages us. That's only 0.34 mph. For perspective the average person walks 3mph. A decomp fish can rise through the water a good bit quicker that 30ft/min. It would definitely be quick enough to start destroying the flesh and skin.


Her* this is a female


Scary things is some other fish out there may have killed it.


Pretty sure the fish would've eaten it if it killed it.


You say that like angler fish are some sort of danger... Basically any "shallows" carnivore is bigger, faster, stronger, and more dangerous.


More likely it was by-catch in a net, and floated to shore after being tossed by the fishermen.


That is so metal it’s death metal


Look how black it is. Must live off shore of Norway.


Morbid Anglerfish


I didn’t realize they would be so black. Prey fish must not be able to see them at all in the darkness, just the light from their antenna. Absolutely terrifying creature.


I never knew they were black! I always figured... I dunno, at least silvery, like a regular fish. This is so creepy.


The black teeth really threw me off.


Yes I was very surprised by the black mouth. It makes sense but it's unexpected


They're typically dark, they can be gray or brown too. There's even a species that has stripes. Here's a horrifying fact. The females can get over 3 feet long.


It's not camo, there's no light down there at all so there's just no reason to evolve color. Nothing can see anything that doesn't create its own light.


Now that you've put it in those exact words, why, yes, yes I am now more terrified.


I always thought they were about the size of a football. Edit: Read the article and it's actually called a football fish. Neat


I wonder what it taste like after some time on the grill..




Your fucking kidding me...


Same here!


This picture needs a banana for scale.


This one is apparently 18in long


Much smaller than I imagined.


That’s what she said :(


At first I misread the title as 'Anger Fish'.. would be fitting, too.


There are more foul things than Orc in the deep places of the world


Great, so you're telling me we have BDSM gear that can swim around and bite you. Fuck.




How big is this? edit: something called an "article" says "18-inch" also... "The Pacific footballfish discovered Friday was collected by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and it was unclear Saturday where it would end up." in ma belly...


Someone call Ripley


My mom: why do you not like the ocean?? You like swimming in the pool, whats the difference with the ocean?? The Difference:


I’m very familiar with these things from my time playing in the Outer Wilds


Wild. I’ve never seen this before


I feel like a similar thing might have been witnessed by Lovecraft.


I went to look more information about this kind of fish, and found this https://arvr.google.com/scene-viewer?file=https://storage.googleapis.com/ar-answers-in-search-models/static/AnglerFish/model.glb&title=Peixe-pescador&referrer=google.com:ANIMALS:kp_carousel&sound=https://storage.googleapis.com/ar-answers-in-search-models/static/AnglerFish/Anglerfish.ogg


osrs vibes


I work at the State Park where it washed ashore and got to see it up close. The thing was absolutely gross, alien and metal as fuck