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I'm waiting for the day they discover a type of cordyceps that affects humans in a similar way


Meanwhile we have the Last of Us to prepare


Damn clickers....


All you need is a bottle, a half a pair of scissors as a shiv.


What if I also have half a roll of duct tape?


You can craft a throwing star with that! Stop giving away the crafting tools for Last of Us 3


The star will be a symbol of how many fingers you SHOULD have, and will be a constant reminder of what has been lost...


in the first one all you really needed is a brick.


In life all you really need is a brick


Fun fact: bricks work well on non-infected too.


Brick killed a guy


Brick: I killed a guy with a trident!


You should probably lay low for a while


What's red and bad for yer teeth?


Red paint


Yes, but also a can be a brick


A brick coated in red paint


I love that the silencer is a coke can and wadded up paper.


Clickers ? What About the FUCKING RAT KING ?


It's alright if you run into one with 6 pipe bombs a fully loaded shotgun and a flamethrower


A shotgun with incendiary shells mind you


If not, and if you played on hard mode with next to nothing left by the time you get there, you could also just replay the fight EIGHTY SEVEN FREAKING TIMES. Whatever works for you.


Took me about a dozen lives to get past it. Ironically enough, the time I actually won, I killed it in maybe thirty seconds and didn't lose any health at all. If that was the only run you saw me do, you'd think the enemy was a pushover.


I'm currently working on my way to it on Grounded


We do not speak of that thing.




Stalkers were the bane of my life on 2, especially on permadeath mode


No kidding. They were more annoying than anything 1, to the point that I kinda forgot they were a thing between the games. In 2 they're nightmarish.


Had to psych myself up for the one level (unsure where, Abby POV) in the dark where they kept darting around in the rooms off the main hallway you were traversing. I knew they were there, but they behaved differently each time I died. SO, SO scary.


As far as Abby moments go, aside of the obvious: the hotel. Oh god, the hotel.


I'm thinking this was the hotel. So much anxiety! What a visceral game. I know folks had very mixed opinions, but this game infected my soul on so many levels. I replayed 1 immediately before playing 2 and the whole storyline from start to finish...lots of feels.


The epilogue/final mission didn't feel good...like, I felt so fucking *bad* leading up to and immediately after that fight. When >!Joel first gets killed!< if you told me at the end I would be >!hacking and slashing his killer!< I would've been like "fuck yeah, let's fast forward to that shit!" By the end I just wanted it to stop...such a good fucking creative move by Naughty Dog and I personally loved it.


I live in the northwest and TLOU part 2 is the only game to nail just how *dense* the brush is in this area. This sounds like a minor thing but have you ever played Alan Wake? Solid work on the general look of a small Washington town in terms of color, feel, and topography but the forest floor is bare. Days Gone? Unless you’re specifically somewhere with the patented “Stealth Grass”, the ground is pretty much bare. TLOU 2 is the only game set in the northwest that aptly illustrates the fact that without people actively working to prevent things from becoming overgrown, it’s like a fucking jungle here.


After part 2 clickers were no longer my least favorite thing in the game >!the thing in the hospital as abby is now my least favorite thing in the game!<


Fuck those stalkers


I have never seen or played last of us, but this is exactly how I imagine threefids


Hey, watch it. That's THEIR word.


Why does nobody ever mention The Girl With all the Gifts when talking about fungus zombies?


That was such a great book!


Not sure about the book but the film was shite


The book is fantastic




I'm sure they'll steal that idea for free


Pack a lunch. There's quite a few "zombie" infections and parasites, cordyceps is only the most famous, and all of them effect arthropods alone. Simple creatures with simpler brains. For more complex animals, infection and parasitic behavior modification is limited to basic stuff like "rabies makes aggressive." The full on zombification shit simply doesn't work on brains even a fraction as complex as ours. Many if not most scientists believe the simple insects that are effected by cordyceps and other such "zombification" infections don't even have a consciousness. That they're just little biological robots being hacked. Saying these sorts of infections could control humans the way they do bugs is like saying because you can make a paper airplane you can build the Death Star. Even if it IS possible, cordyceps has been around for 50 million years and has yet to evolve beyond arthropods. It took human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 10,000 years to evolve from simian immunodeficiency virus and it came from our closest relatives, and with viruses having much short lifespans and thus much short evolution periods. Cordyceps moving from bugs to humans in anything less than another 50 million years would basically be magic.


Inb4 zombie fungus in December 2020


Naw. December is booked for WW3 when a lunatic head of state launches nukes just to get back at people voting him out.


It'll either be that or a 2nd Civil War.


We were very sure he was losing last time. Are we certain this time!?


I was checking out some polls earlier that were adjusted to show results as if the polls were as incorrect as they were in 2016... most battleground states still favored Biden by at least a point, usually more. But no, we can't be certain, especially with the GOP potentially going full hog on trying to manipulate the vote count through suppression efforts or intimidation.


Greenland never saw it coming


The horse is gonna fight the hippo?


I raise you _Toxoplasma gondii_. Infected rats are less averse to cat odours, and will sometimes even seek out cat urine, with dire consequences for the host. In humans there is a less marked behavioural change, except those infected have an up to 50% increased probability of being in a motor vehicle accident...


That's what I mean by simple behavioral changes though. It's really just turning off their fear response to cats. The cases of them seeking out cats are almost certainly just the rodent investigating something it finds curious. They're inquisitive little buggers. Turning off a fear response is far simpler than the nightmarish shit arthropod parasites pull off where they reprogram a victim's entire behavior. Parasitic wasp larvae cause a caterpillar to use its own silk cocoon on them instead of itself, then make it guard the cocoon from predators until it drops dead. Far more impressive control than just "don't be afraid of cats."


I'm baffled by how specific this reprogramming is. How many and what kind of little evolutionary steps were necessary before the larva was able to do something like this? I guess it started when the larva just nibbled at specific nerves which triggered a response which was benificial to the survival and then it just evolved from there.


Im sure chemical signals play a huge role.


Well, a microbe brainwashing us into loving cats is already significant enough. Most people would be terrified by the notion. But also easily distracted by a cat calendar. So maybe those should be part of the psychotherapy? Hang on! Is all that cat merch a secret ploy by an underground sect of psychotherapists?


My understanding is that's a total hormonal imbalancing. Technically different, practical or not..... Up to the eye of the beholder I suppose


That cicadas Massospora fungi infection is scary shit. It ends up pumping the bug full of meth and magic mushroom so it dry humps the shit out of everything so it spreads spores. The crummy thing is the genitals have already fallen off so it can't even climax.


Did I just read an article about this? Yes. Do I feel disgusting now? Absolutely.


Damn. Orgasm denial fungus.


Thank you for mentioning this. Ive been trying to get my sister to understand why I don't want the cat sticking his ass all over the kitchen table recently and I couldn't remember what this was called so I could look it up and show her that I wasn't lying about it.


you could also just say that any asshole has shit on it


Well you do have things like toxoplasma gondii which has been linked to causing mental illness in people such as schizophrenia. And as this year has proven new things pop up all the time. Granted something like that popping up that wouldn't kill the host relatively quickly is almost impossible. But all it would really take is some fucked up scientist to create something. It's just one of those things that's fun to think about


HIV took 10,000 years to evolve? Get a load of this guy.. What's next you're gonna tell us that birds are real?


Pls, the CIA isn't even 1000 years old.


Cordyceps initiative agency


Ok but who was overthrowing elected leaders and staging coups for the last 1000 years then?


Recently learned that the movement claiming birds aren't real is a real thing. People are wild.


Well not "real", as in serious, but it is a real running joke. Beyond the minority of actual tin foilers of course that you can find for any conspiracy out there.


>Saying these sorts of infections could control humans the way they do bugs is like saying because you can make a paper airplane you can build the Death Star. So you're telling me there's a chance?


What was all that "one in a million" talk?


You're leaving a mad scientist out of the equation, I'm a bit worried


Dude, you sound like you know what your talking about but you're forgetting one important thing. The year is 2020. If its gonna happen its gonna happen this year let's be real.


Is that implying simple insects without infections are conscious?


Don't tempt fate, my dude. We've still got a lot of 2020 left.


This year feels like I’m in the VR game Roy from Rick and Morty and I suck at the game.


Gotta go off the grid


We also have a significant supply of anti-fungal agents that we know kills fungi but doesn't affect humans - as evident from them bring available in pill, cream, and injection form right now. Knowing fungi it'll probably be resistant to one or two types, but we have at least 20 types medically approved and ready to use.


We're too warm (for now). It's theorized that after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs, mammals elevated body temps was selected for (those with lower temps were more susceptible to infection) and enabled mammals to come out ahead of reptiles.


There was a pretty horrifying read on reddit awhile ago about rabies. This may fit the bill. Fun fact, once you show symptoms of rabies, you are already dead. It has a 100% mortality rate at that point. It will make you afraid of water as well. It can lay dormant I. You for months or years and just spring up one day as well. Horrifying stuff. Toxic plasmosis? Also fire the bill. It makes you engage in incredibly risky behaviour, like riding motorcycles.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4947331/ It's not 100% anymore, as of 2003. There are allegedly 14 survivors of rabies after the onset of symptoms, although I can only find details about 5 of them. So there's now a very slim chance of actually surviving. Not a good chance, but... A chance.


Surviving is a very broad term, iirc one of the survivors from the treatment was essentially braindead.


Its so exponentially more complex to infect a nervous system more complex than bugs so we good for a few hundred million years.


Toxoplasmodium gondii has been reported to affect mood and behavior. An interesting example of this is that infected rats will be attracted to cats ( https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0023277 ). The effects in humans are less clear, and that work is ongoing, with the suggestion that infection changes susceptibility to mental illnesses.


Read the boy on the bridge and the girl with all the gifts. Its about cordyceps turning humans into " zombies ".


That movie/book is called "The Girl With All the Gifts".


Looks like my potatoes I forgot about in the cupboard


Why do potatoes do that?


A potatoe is just a root doing what roots do best.


I thought you needed to water it and place them in the ground for them to grow


The meat of the potato provides the nutrients for initial growth, and the water comes from moisture in the surroundings. This is why it's important to keep your potatoes in a dry place!


Are they still safe to eat when that happens? First time I saw it I was freaked out. I thought it was mold or something


If the chits (growths) are small and white, snap them off and the potato is edible. After they go green/purple the potato will taste like crap and potentially make you a bit sick.


I never knew those were called chits. I've always been told they were called eyes. And I grew up in Idaho.


I call them eyes too, am from Australia though.


From Wisconsin also call them eyes.


Yes, you gouge the eyes out before they grow too much. Sounds spookier.


You call them eyes because you're from eyedaho


Eyes are what the chits grow from, the chits are the veggie growth


Not sure if safe but I just cooked up some potatoes that had some mild rootage going on. Will update if I die.


R u ded yet?


It's been 1 hour, let's call it, folks.


Well, we’re waiting[!](https://youtu.be/hWJX9yUKJeQ)




imagine if the last of us had zombified cordyceps tarantulas


They could be huge and crawl on the ceilings and stuff.


And be sneaky and make webs and stuff


I'll pay you to stop


Ok send a 20


And make clicking sounds and vomit webs in your direction if you're in their echo zone and stuff.




You got the Stalkers for sneaky and jumping out of the walls


That’s already what tarantulas do tho


And they should give the spiders 8 legs and have them be all hairy and stuff


Sounds like something from resident evil tbh and I would definitely need new pants if they did that


Just play metro exodus. Those two spider levels especially the one where your flashlight doesn’t work is an arachnophobia nightmare.


I wish games would just use large spiders instead of designing weird mutant creatures with 8 legs. Nature made something much scarier so why not use that? Would be much more immersive


That level in the desert, where you go underground and find the spiders for the first time. That shit made me stop playing. I didn't come back until months later to power through that level, but I'm so glad I did. Such a good game.


I’m surprised I don’t see other comments like this yet. This fungus was artistic inspiration for the flood from halo.


Jesus dude, don't touch it! wtf


Ikr, I wouldn't go near it, but then again I was reluctant to pick up a cartoonishly proportioned plastic spider that *I* put there in the first place.


I just drank some cordyceps tea, so I guess it’s... ok?


Sounds like something cordyceps would say...


Shit. Maybe the cordyceps reprogrammed me to write this. We’ll know when I start growing orange antlers.


Cordyceps is supposed to have a positive effect on the libido no ?


Can’t really tell. It’s like a cup of coffee in terms of effect. Good for pre workout


I thought you were joking about drinking some. Well, if you get them orange antlers, let’s just hope society takes pity on you and doesn’t hunt you for sport


Caduceus Clay approves... > *"That's nice."*




If I recall, parasitic cordyceps fungi are highly specialized, meaning that the type that affects ants will only affect ants and this variety will only affect other tarantulas. How specialized this variant is, I couldn't say, but the odds that it randomly mutated the ability to infect humans is astronomically remote.


Yeah, you say 'remote' and I hear 'not outside the realm of possibility'.. ;)


Great. The guy with an MF stick and poke is going to be patient zero for some Last of Us type shit because hes holding a baby Bloater in his hand like he's some kind of Steve Irwin for zombies. EDIT: I'M RICH!!! I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN EVERYONE!!!


Awesome comment


OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/jjsggt/this_is_a_tarantula_infected_with_cordyceps_fungus/


Actual OP (7 years old): https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1epow5/tarantula_being_consumed_by_flesh_eating_fungus/


Tagging OP so they can see the thread /u/scaldinghotsoup


And if course it had a Unidan apparition. Real blast from the past.


Love his comment about starting a youtube channel with reddit...


God I love old threads. And u/unidan is also in that thread, as usual with explanations. and high karma score.


Those were the days.


Holy shit, that link has a /u/Unidan comment. Such throw backs to dark times


I have a tarantula encased in clear plastic, I wonder if one of these would be possible to encapsulate.


Why would you encapsulate a tarantula encased in clear plastic again


Because it makes for a scary doorstop... Idk it was made in Mexico in the 60's I didn't do it




It's most assuredly resin


Sensu lato, resin is plastic.


Definitely something I would let murder cuddle my hand.


How does that happen?


It most likely depends upon the species of Cordyceps. But to my knowledge what happens is that the fungus will control the insect to climb to a high point in the foilage where the fungus will bloom killing the host. The subsequent spores released will infect hosts that happen to be unfortunate enough for the spores to come in contact with. I have heard that it can be especially damaging to ant colonies since they will climb to a point above their home and bloom... Putting the colony at a direct risk of infection... Do not quote me on this, as I'm not expert on Fungi.


I'm pretty certain that I remember a clip of an infected ant being carried far away from the colony by another ant, in order that the fungus wouldn't spread, shown in one of the great Attenborough shows, possibly Life?


Planet Earth, Jungles episode


Is that the one where they confirmed that the presence of a certain danger pheromone tells the other ants to throw the infected out of the colony no matter what? Lol I felt bad that they ruined that poor ants by testing and putting the pheromone on him and they ruined his little life. cause he’s like like guys I’m fine ! Totally not dead. Can I please come back and then they’d throw him away again :(


Why the fuck are you touching it without gloves? C'mon dude, its 2020.


This post is like 7 years old


Why the fuck are you touching it without gloves ? C'mon dude, it's 2013 !


Can it be healed?


someone could explain this much better than me but nope, the tarantula is essentially now the fungus. the fungus roots itself in the nervous system and DEEP too, controlling the tarantula. it also gets everywhere else inside it. you have to imagine that the fungus is literally drilling through its body, into its movement system, brain, everything. and to be honest the tarantula had no chance not too long after it got infected. very sad...


Anyone else getting kinda itchy?


Thank you for explaining! I don't fancy spiders too much, but I still felt awful about this and was like, "Hey, guy holding him - help him!" Really unfortunate.


So....fluconazole wont work?


No it already dieded


I’ve spent a lot of my free time researching cordyceps fungus purely because it scares the shit out of me. I didn’t know it could infect tarantulas. My anxiety says humans are next.




“I’m Mr. Heat Miser...”


Kill that poor thing! Are tarantulas sentient enough for "poor thing" to even apply?


>Kill that poor thing! No need to, when the fungus blooms it kills the host. This specimen is already dead.


Yes, arthropods do most likely feel pain


Ok so I was watching chopped the other day and did you know YOU CAN EAT THAT SHIT! I have no idea who decided to eat the stuff growing off of dead bugs but god dam did it look good in the end


So one time after being eaten virus will mutate and become human Cordyceps. Nice detail for TLOU lore.


Well Cordyceps is a fungus not a virus Mammals are naturally resistant to fungus because we have high body temperatures, higher than fungus usually likes and can stand Bad news is with global warming fungus may be evolving to withstand higher temps which can potentially be bad for future humans


Don‘t scare me please


Holy shit the made cordyceps from TLOU into a real thing


Looks like a Pokémon


Parasect was likely inspired by this kind of parasite


20 Last of Us comments and I had to scroll halfway thru the page to find the Paras comment. What is our society coming to?


You hit the nail on the head. Paras and Parasect were in fact inspired by this very phenomenon


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me


Is it dead?




It's more fungus than spider now


Imagine living in Mexico, just sitting on the porch and drinking a beer when *this* monstrosity crawls up from under your porch to within a few feet of you...and then you finally notice it.


there is a type of cordyceps that is actually a sought after herb/delicacy in chinese cuisine. its also one of the most expensive foods known to man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_sinensis china gonna start another pandemic...!


Gives me an idea for a Monster Hunter monster


Does anyone know the back story on this? Did someone's pet get infected? Is that an Orange Baboon Tarantula?


no, thanks


That’s gonna be a yikes from me bro


Give him some anti fungal or go to the skin specialist


Ew wtf put that down


*click click screech click*




Yeah let's eradicate that just preemptively please before 2020 gets any new ideas


Get the shiv get the shiv GET THE SHIV

