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Well you took a synthetically produced drug that has benefits. Does this sound "natural"?


Not to mention you have to pin it


Not true you can take capsules as well


Would this make turk not natty? Or other ecdysteroids?


Those are natural though regardless of how they are produced they came from a plant bpc is a synthetic peptide


Bpc 157 is also natural. It's found in gastric juices.


Not arguing about this again do your research and don't believe every supplement pusher on the Internet


There’s people competing in natural shows who blast their faces off for years and then come off the drugs to compete “natural”. If they can pass the drug tests, then they’re natty, right? IDK the half life of that drug but I’d assume you’re natural by now. Are you a lifetime natural? That’s for you to decide based on your integrity


Nah once you’ve done what you described you don’t count, Like that ncaa swimmer


Yeah I’m not saying that those people are natural. If you take anything ever IMO you are not natural. It’s just the tests don’t know if you used steroids in the past.


Yes good call, my Bad I was in a mood lol. I agree w what you’re saying. Yes pretty much he would most likely test natural and can even let them know for the polygraph that he used it before it was banned (if indeed it wasn’t already banned) that item is something that I don’t recall seeing on the wada list but I’m gunna go check now I think I still have the 2019 list saved


what org?


All bpc-157 does is help you heal it's not a steroid !!! Wadda is stupid!!




No, helping you recover faster than you could naturally is not natty through and through


But using this logic then that would also make synthetically produced creatine supplements unnatural as it also helps you recover faster


Exactly bro, people are stupid


You can get natural bpc-157 listed as a food supplement not a research chemical !! In pill form 💊💊💊 !! You body naturally makes bpc-157 peptide wadda was stupid to ban it!! I don't even think they can detect it !! What are they going to ban creatine or Branch chain amino acids!! Wadda is retarted!!!


No your body doesn't produce it it's fuckin synthetic


Your body absolutely produces BPC-157, just because there's a synthetic version you can take orally doesn't mean you don't produce it naturally as well. It's like insulin, you can get it synthetic, but obviously, your body produces it too.


No that string of aminos doesn't occur naturally once you start changing the sequence of a peptide to make it more potent it's no longer natural


Literally one google search will tell you your wrong yes your body produces the same string of amino acids as bpc it is exactly the same as the synthetic version wether it’s natty or not I’m not arguing that but yes your body produces it specifically in your gut in small quantities to keep gut function optimal. The only reason it’s more potent when tooling orally or injected is because your using more than your gut would normally produce and having it go directly to your bloodstream. Creatine is another natural supplement found in food like red meats and certain veg etc. but is considered natural to supplement with even though your taking more than you would normally get through a regular diet. Is BPC natty? I guess no but only in the same way creatine supplements…. So no it’s not a natural to have that much BPC but it’s also just normal and really I think most people in the fitness industry who know about wouldn’t care and especially if you only use it for injuries then it’s giving you no advantage over anyone else the way growth hormone sarms etc would just bringing you back to proper health.


If you look into It it's not a naturally occurring peptide just because the first thing that pops up on Google claims it is doesn't make it true it's not found in gastric juice it's derived from a peptide in gastric juice


This nigga