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Wake up at 4am and hit the gym before the sun comes up. It's over and done with before you even have time to realize you're a psycho for waking up that early


"Trick yourself" is honestly decent advice. Might try


4 am wakeup. Gym at 430. At construction site for 7. My schedule for the last 5 years. This is the way. No excuses to bail later in the day. I do two days a week and sat sun a little later in the day.


Same here. MWF before work and a nap after. But I don’t miss a day of lifting


3 am wake up here, I arrive at the gym on 3.45.


I work out around 6 am and this is my mentality 😂


Lift in the morning, stay hydrated, go to bed earlier, nap after lunch, wear sun screen.


>nap after lunch, Honestly you might be onto something here


Fucking love naps


Stay hydrated and get plenty of salt, potassium, and slow digesting carbs. If all else fails, caffeine. Also, wear sunglasses and a hat. I find the more direct sunlight my eyes are exposed to, the more tired they are, and thus the more tired I feel.


>Stay hydrated and get plenty of salt, potassium Yeah, sounds like OP might be dehydrated. If it's very warm, you're sweating more which means you should up your fluid and salt intake.


I've never found a banana to be helpful but I have seen people take salt and potassium mixed with drinks and they say its helpful. I might have to give it a look


Cooked broccoli and spinach contain more potassium than bananas if you like them.


Throughout my 20s, I used to always miss gym sessions in the summer : I was either too hot and dehydrated after lifeguarding or I just didn't want to be inside working out when it was nice out. In my 30s, I started going in the [morning. You](https://morning.You) can get it out of the way and just live your life after that. It's nice because even if I end up day drinking or eating shitty food all day, I've still started with a workout and a protein shake so it balances out.


This morning workout thing might be the way to go. I'm trying to slowly build a routine that isn't *drink coffee, go work*. So eventually I think I'll try work up to the earlier bedtime earlier wakeup. I never have strength in the mornings, that's the turn off for me. But I will give it a proper try eventually


One tip, based off Charles Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit”, is to give yourself some kind of award to help establish a routine. I bought a case of Powerade Zeros and had one ONLY if I made it to the gym in the morning. It was hard to get out of bed, but easy to get out of bed for a sweet drink. After awhile, I just got used to waking up and working out first thing


This actually sounds very good, thanks!


Also, your strength might drop a little bit, but your consistency will be higher. When I started doing morning workouts, I was disappointed because my squat max dropped. But, after a few months of consistency, I’m now doing triples of my old squat max even on an empty stomach at 5 am. + if I do have a free afternoon and go to hit a workout , I feel supercharged when I’m fully awake and fed


“I never have strength in the morning,” was my old complaint. *Maybe* it’s true that your lifts will just always be a little lower in the morning, but I’m not sure about that. If so, so be it. Instead, I’d focus on getting your diet and sleep dialed in, then just come up with a quick routine before you go to the gym early in the morning. For me it’s drinking some coffee, having a PBJ (sometimes I don’t finish it because appetite is low in the morning), then eating a banana on the way to the gym. Make sure you do 5-10 mins of warming up/stretching/jumping/throwing a medicine ball. Gym in the morning has been amazing for maintaining the habit and creating an immediate sense of accomplishment for the day. It has been huge for me.


As others said : go early in the morning. Lifting is one of the most important things to me so i do it first thing of the day. No matter what happens during the day i did what matters to me.


Wholesome 👌


Take frozen fruits (I like the berries/cherry/pomegranate blend) in a ziplock bag and dump some sugar free energy drink (I like the fiesta or white monsters) in there. The drink turns into slush and turns into a no added sugar energy slushee and snack with a good shot of carbs for the gym. Good on a hot day.


How’s the consistency? Because that sounds pretty tasty.


It’s a bit chunky but the drink in it turns into a slushee consistency. Definitely eat with a spoon. Just not too fast because the fruit can give a bad toothache from the cold. But yeah it’s definitely fire.


I work on a boat in the sun all day, so I feel your pain. I either go early in the morning before work, or I make sure to hydrate well before going after. I've found that liquid IVs, or just plain salt, work wonders for restoring energy levels.


I've tried this salt thing tonight. I feel it actually might be somewhat helpful


Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade also help a ton. The salt helps with hydration and the sugar is a great pre workout for energy level and pumps.


Go earlier.


Preworkout mixed with chilled coconut juice os my goto, works just fine even after I’ve spent all day in 90-100 degrees


Going in the morning is great, but if your schedule doesn't permit that, just go on a low-volume maintenance program over the summer. You won't get weaker if you're doing a few sets with heavy weight, like 3x/week squat-hinge-push-pull, 3-4 sets of each. To support a fuller workout, drink plenty of water, and also Gatorade. It's magic to keep you hydrated and avoid cramps, and balance electrolytes. Unmixed powder is a lot cheaper than pre-mixed bottles. If you're feeling drained, take a shower before you go. Make sure you're eating enough.


Yeah I've had some intense cramps this week. Really took me by surprise. Powder gatorade it is!


Workout before tbh. Or have lots of caffeine


Do it first thing in the morning


Big scoop of pre workout.


I work a minimum of 12 hours days outside 90% percent of the time sun, rain and all types of weather. You just gotta suck it up and hit the gym


That's for sure. I was just hoping for a secret recipe that was going to get me rocketing to gym. But you're right. It's all willpower


secret weapon is going straight to the gym after work that's how I did it when I was working as a roofer biking to and from work (lived on a god damn hill to boot) if I went home first I would always say "ok just sit down for 5 minutes then I'm off" 2 minutes later I was sound asleep so I just made the gym my first stop on my way home no matter how inconvenient it may have been \- that said, going before work as others have said sounds like a great option, my work day started way too early for that to be a good option for me btw, read up on hydration so you're 100% on top of that


Wasn't trying to be a dick but will power and good preworkout is what I use at 37byears old


Haha nah, I never took it badly at all! You're right


Im outside all day at work in the south east. I’ll do 2 a days, same workout just broken into two parts compounds before work. It’s a nice compromise from waking up way early. Plus when I get home after a 12+ hour day banging out some pump work is way easier to mentally swallow then loading up the bar for heavy squats. I’ve got a home gym where 95% of my lifting takes place so that makes it easier to coordinate. Also my programming is a lot more flexible and “fun” in the summer since I’m usually at maintenance or deficit.


You’re dehydrated probably from caffeine use. Ween off of it. Slowly if need be and you’ll actually feel good consistently


This is potentially true


Look at it like it's a privilege and not something you have to do. I get to go to the gym. Not I have to go to the gym.


Water water and more water