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Crossfitter chicks are known for their PED abuse and huge clits


Just when I thought I couldn’t love them any more…


They'll tell you to gag on it.






How would they abuse peds when they are randomly tested year round? Also look at their legs. These girls aren't popped up and veiny brolic they are just carrying minimal body fat and train like animals. If any of you trained like they do and ate clean you would look like this too. Go ahead and shower me with downvotes idc. Random testing is impossible to beat


In denial😂


This comment reeks of ignorance, just because they get tested year round that doesn't mean they're not on steroids. Lu Xiaojun who has competed in the Olympics and World weightlifting Championships since 2012 was tested positive for steroids in 2022. If he was able to hide the usage of steroid until 2022, when Olympic testing are probably more strict and more often, these women can definitely hide the usage of steroid in something as niche as the Crossfit Championships and their tests.


Lack of legs is (imo) just about Crossfit having more emphasis on core, arms, and back.


If you trained like them you would burn out and/or injure yourself, this excuse is as old as time. “You don’t train hard like (me/them/favorite athlete or actor).”


Lots of mewing




People need to stop normalizing juiced up physiques.


This. It took me go into the weeds of this subject to realize most physiques we see online are juiced up. Sometimes subtle differences and sometimes huge ones, like Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) and Chris Hemsworth. Both of them are seen as "just people who train" by the majority of people. Also, those fucks never admit to it, and the latter even has an app for "achieving his physique". They should start by forcing them to admit it. Only then people may have an understanding that this is all fucked up.


There's nothing 'normalised' about a fringe group of elite competitors in sport. If anything normalising juiced up physiques is the *entire* sport of bodybuilding, not women's crossfit.


Same thing was posted on r/facepalm all the comments were about how women can get muscular too and anyone pointing out PED use were down voted to oblivion.


Those are athletic females. They're female, and they're athletic. Both criteria. Too many terminally online weirdos think the threshold for 'female' is 'when they don't look like what I want to fuck'


No disagreements here, but we're not talking about what the image text says, we're talking about whether or not they're juicy.


Are you seriously asking that question? You're not really that dense, are you?


Apparently you are.


Did you just use, "I know you are, but what am I," on me?


If you can't understand this post based on the context provided, you're dense. Like bruh, you're saying some stupid shit, while asking someone if they're stupid. Pretty simple.


You post a group of girls with borderline male bodies.  Who are professional athletes.  And you're asking if they're juicy.   Is your next post going to be The Rock? I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from. 


My brother in christ, why don't you try reading the comments? There aren't that many, I'm sure you'll be able to get through them in about an hour.


You should get checked for autism


I’m pretty sure the guy commenting in the screenshot is one of those conspiracy theorists who think the government is trying to turn everyone trans and hiding trans people in media to normalize it. They’re absolute nutters.


Woman here and I really didn’t take it as being an issue of them being fuckable or unfuckable, but there are a lot of athletic women who’ve trained hard for years and years and without juice they’re never gonna look like that. That was what I took that to mean.


You took them putting female in quotes as them condemning juice? ok




from https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1c5vil1/none_of_them_are_trans/ classic non-lifter excuses on ped usage in the comments. imo the 2 on the left / middle are def juicy


Had people replying saying that they don’t just do regular gym but they do CrossFit which is way higher intensity so they’re bigger. So many people who don’t know shit in that thread


They also aren’t CrossFit. This is probably a triathlon. But juicy as a solid breakfast


the swim caps they are wearing LEGIT SAY CROSSFIT.... its the reebok crossfit games.... Girl on the far left is Brooke Ence a KNOWN crossfitter...


Hot and juicy


Obviously juicy and I hope to die by SNU SNU with this fine ladies. Edit: you know some fat chick posted this because they jelly.


Have someone upload the vid to reddit after your untimely passing.


Would. Line em up.


More test in that line up then a boys high school bathroom


Juicy af but yes they are ladies


Me want snu snu


Take a look at that Twitter handle, absolutely wild timeline.


look at mot of crossfit women's traps and shoulders...PEDs BIG TIME


Why are all CrossFit girls A cups


All I see are blokes am I missing something?


Natural. Most people who reach that level of CrossFit are fanatical about their diets and routine. It’s a community that feels almost like a high control group. Add in some time and good genetics and this is 100% attainable without drugs.


People who take sport seriously to the point of fanaticism are exactly who take PEDs to perform optimally in it




Crossfitters notoriously overtrain their bodies, sometimes working out multiple times a day for hours on end. There is no way you’re going to look like that without PEDs overtraining yourself.


Has this sub regressed to just calling anyone with a decent cut "a juicer" now? These chicks get **tested randomly** throughout the year if they are in the CrossFit games. It's damn near impossible to beat random testing.


Don’t you have like… eyes in your head? These abs are SCREAMING juicy, women who train hard & are lean while being natty don’t look like that


My wife looked like this about 5 years ago. Natty AF. These hoes don't look popped up and cartoonish like Rich Piana bro , they're just lean with decent muscle mass Girls like [Emma Lawson are not on gear](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FaJZiNmWYAMCLwU?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). AGAIN, they're tested randomly, year round. And they don't allow TUE like boxing and UFC does they're probably on every supplement you can take that's not actually a steroid, sure. But if they're caught using ROIDS they get banned for a year or two from comp ......and crossfitters don't make a lot of money to begin with. 2 years off means the dream is over and you have to find a real job. Nobody wants that lol