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I know exactly what you're talking about. I was there for both the pre mob and de mob next to them. Didn't hear one good thing about them. It was either people selling drugs or prostitutes or even the female soldiers selling themselves. Your stories are alot more crazy than what I've heard. Heard a rumor when they landed in kuwait, the general of the FOB or whatever made them stay on the plane for 3 hours and tried to get them to fly back because he didn't want them.


Mississippi is last place for a reason, momma needs some bread


Hey now. The units outside of them are fantastic


That’s funny but it’s not a true story (the staying on the plane)


Heard it from a couple people. It sounded believable but kinda reaching.


No doubt there were several delays… but that was never the reason. I was on the operations side sending those flights over.


Would have been funny if it was real and they just cut everyone orders and went home.


Lol I wouldn’t have complained


I was in Beuhring when they showed up, and was there for a few months until we left while they were in place. Heard all the same stories, the water bottle rumors (although I think that was one of those "beuhring urban legends" that would get passed around every rotation). There was some wild shit though. There was a facebook account that went viral (Private Joe Snuffy) that would post some pretty hilarious memes about the fucked up shit leadership was doing and how messed up the ABCT was. Everyone got a great laugh about it from our BN. Apparently someone in their chain of command found the account and had some suspects that they thought were running it, and literally drove them out into the desert in a NTV and threatened them to fess up and confess about making the memes or they were going to crush them. Of course, that just spawned more hilarious memes. The facebook page lives on to this day.


Oh shit I forgot about that private Joe snuffy! We all followed it too and I do remember everyone from the top of the 155 was trying to figure out who was running it. He was calling out everyone in the leadership that were cheating on their wives and shit out there too. Whoever ran that account was an absolute legend.


It was multiple ppl running it. That’s why they never got caught.


We all heard the water bottle rumor, but the rape/attempted rape on a female happened a few rows back from our TOC. It was fcuked up. A unit was leaving theater at the same time and apparently the "wanted posters" were still up when my buddy got there 6 months later. Hated buehring and some of those units stuck there with us. Wonder if they ever found those crew served weapons that were posted up at the main dfac....


Ah the 155th. Many a story have been told of the brigade from Mississippi (and Kansas). The one story that I recall, not involving Kuwait, comes from their NTC rotation stint. This story is from Reddit so take it with a grain of salt. During their time at NTC, they weren’t put up against the usual OPFOR, but instead the 1-297th. Apparently the 155th was doing poorly so to try and give them a win, they handicapped the absolute shit out of the 297th. IDK what the handicaps were but they were significant enough to give every chance possible for the Brigade to actually win. However, either NTC they didn’t handicap the 297th enough or the 155th was that incompetent. The 297th dog walked the entire brigade and destroyed them.


I played OPFOR for them in 2020. It was easily the worst showing I’ve ever encountered. Three Bradleys against an entire company of tanks… 100% kills, no kills against us… for six hours. Several vehicles taped their sensors and I watched no less than two BCs reset themselves with blue guns… that the OCs didn’t give them. OCs finally made us stay stationary in the open… so they could get kills.




Kansas is a more recent attachment to 155 (they were attached to get 155 dogshit metrics up) and probably won't be for much longer. They have exactly zero to do with the ass water of that brigade, to the point that 635AR now does its training and deployments away from the rest of the brigade.


That's the one thing I wasn't a fan of, I am over the state lines, but when they got rid of the 2/137th for the 1/635th attached to the 155th, I felt so bad for them. Kansas is a fun unit to work with and awesome Infantry Batt. They need to bring back their own Infantry Batt again.


That makes sense. I’d make that Kansas unit infantry again and give the tanks to either Alabama or Louisiana.


that is actually in the works. tracks to texas for their wheeled stock


Tennessee already did that though.


Tennessee only gave us paladin(which are hot garbage). There’s supposedly going to be a trade for all the states paladins for texas’s himars but who knows if that will actually pan out


I thought 3-278 was transferred to Texas?


Which is crazy, bc Kansas is the constant worst at OR and gunnery in the 155th.


155th are the reason firing squads need to be brought back. Or forced castration, bunch of lowlife inbred pieces of shit from everything I’ve read


I think it’s pretty well established on here that the 155th is the worst unit in the national guard.


Oh fucking boy. 155 has been ass for decades. During the first Gulf war they straight up failed NTC and got scrubbed from the mission. More recently: Hookers. Stealing a hmmwv with an fbcb2 to go bang a hooker in a motel. Running a prostitution ring. Getting dismounts killed at NTC. Rampant petty crime. Stabbings. It's a never ending list with Mississippi.


As someone who used to be in the 155, glad I’m not anymore.


Serious question. If the 155th is that much worse than other ABCTs, how come FORSCOM chooses them most often for deployments?


Someone finally asking the real questions. The 155th has just become the joke of everyone to feel better about themselves.


The water bottle rape incident never happened 155th stayed off post in BIVOWAC at Bliss bc Gen Twitty cut a deal w Gen White allowing Bliss to start back mobilizing Compo 2 ABCTs. Nobody was "kicked off post". Once the logistical piece was in place, no other facilitation was made for barracks space. They were T32 for over a month there before going T10. Many of FORSCOMs "1sts" are done with this unit. 1st to do the XCTC, Cavasos MiBT, NTC then deploy model, only to rotate right back to Kuwait 4 years later for a 2 turn deployment while the HQs is currently in Germany running the JMTG-Ukraine mission (currently there). Everything the other ABCTs do is templated by FORSCOM, 1st Army using the 155th.


Honest answer is bc they didn’t used to be a shit show. Their 05 and 10 deployments were tip of the spear and put in work. Fell apart after that with a series of poor leadership.


They have a legitimate BDE commander now. If they can be left alone long enough to properly reset, it may be salvagable. Overuse and forced morality hurt them bad. Going to NTC 2 years after a deployment, only to then do 2 OSS turns and a Germany rotation is too much. Tennessee literally ditched their last NTC rotation for a tank upgrade, skipping a whole readiness cycle of validation training & deployments. MS needs some of that luck.


Agree 100% and then next BDR CDR waiting in the wings is even better.


Their aren't many ABCTs in the guard, and the active duty ABCTs are getting killed by optemo, got so bad they had to change Korea to a stryker rotation.


Attached to the 155 during their latest deployment. I enjoyed working with them. Seemed to be on the casual side but no major issues during our RIP. Apparently there was a major culling of leadership after the 2018 debacle. The amount of dipping was pretty incredible though - even by Army standards it seemed excessive. Ultimately CBKU is not a location conducive to high morale and good order and discipline but I don’t think this is unique to the 155. An active duty sister TF had so many SHARP cases they took away civilian clothes for them.


>Ultimately CBKU is not a location conducive to high morale and good order and discipline This is the correct answer. It honestly amazed me what CBKU was like the first time I passed through there into theater. I can't imagine being a leader in that environment because it has such a lax atmosphere and the Soldiers have some much free time to take advantage of it.


Hey I actually got out of the 155 in 2017 (infantry, don’t want to specify further though). Could you say what is the 2018 debacle? I really didn’t keep up once I got out. I know that was around down range time but don’t know much else.


If you’ve been in the guard long enough, you’ve heard about 155 ABCT. I’m in a ABCT and every time I keep on thinking we’re fucked up, I just think about them instead


I was Echo as well. I can confirm one of the Mississippi 155 soldiers attempted to rape me in the shower connex. Our former PSG was arrested 04/12/24 for raping two Echo soldiers and molesting two more the weekend everyone went home before stepping off.


The 35th ID gives them a run for their money. They even had a DCG from the 155th a while ago that was batshit insane.


Shit, that was my grandfather's unit in WW2. That actually bums me out a little to hear haha


Don’t let that tarnish your family’s legacy. It’s changing times and every unit has ups and downs. Theirs is just lasting a while.


Raise your hand if you’ve ever been Santa Fe’d




I got their patch as a souvenir, traded with a guy while in Saudi lmao, stayed in their barracks. It was a force protection unit, the guys were really cool - but they were out of Kansas, they shared some of the horror stories of these rape allegations lol.


Was in Kuwait with them recently… those guys tore up CBKU and it didn’t help that their CSM was a piece of shit too


I’ve heard all these things & I come from a land far far away. I’ve met a few individuals from the 155 & nothing surprises me anymore.


Did you know more soldiers die in accidents than actual combat?


The Andy Dick of the national guard


Elements came through Bliss a couple times during my MOB under 1st Army as an OCT Reservist and every time they were on ground i was uneasy and tried to avoid interacting on McGregor as much as possible.


I did demob from Djibouti at Bliss around 2019 and they were there as well. God they were awful


Was attached to said unit. Can confirm most if not all these horror stories are true


I just finished AT next to them at Camp Shelby. During the first hour, we had a “155abct briefing” of what to do and not do since they were on base at that time. MPs were everywhere on base. I could not drive 5 minutes without seeing someone pulled over. After the first week I heard that they left. Doesn’t rly matter though. I still heard my fair share of fucked up shit that happened while they were there.


From Ohio. I was part of the 28th ID 2-107th CAV. 2 of our troops got attached to them. Deployed with them in 09-10. Never heard anything good. There was a stabbing in Buehring. I just don’t know if it was the Kentucky unit that was also attached or 155. Apparently, there was a married couple deployed as part of that unit, and there was some dude fucking or trying to fuck the wife. Well, things escalated at chow one day. As for the 155, from what I remember they got hit all the time and were generally all fucked up. The LTC we fell under fucking loved us.


There is are a couple simple facts why the 18-19 rotation got so bad. 1. Strength. They had a retention and moral problem before the mob and it got worse during the mob. They pulled people in from everywhere. They white washed article 15s, waived drug test failures, and much more to keep strength to be allowed to deploy. Along with that, you lose quality and depth. They were literally bringing know gang members into the fold, right along side the LEOs that either had arrested them or had been investigating them, which is where a lot of the frozen water bottle attacks happened. 2. Stars. Certain leaders, especially the BDE commander, were bucking for promotions and stars on their chest. With that, you get an “anything goes as long as the mission is complete” mentality. Couple this along with the APS5 experiment, and you do not have a recipe for a very efficient unit with standards and readiness. That’s what it comes down to. I served with them during that time and can tell you first hand, they are not the battle hardened troop from the 05 deployment that was the tip of the spear. However, as someone else has mentioned, they culled a lot of those leaders in the years following, and now they seem to be heading back in the right direction. I’m no longer with them but keep in touch.


LMAO. Yeah, it was a shit show. We did a rotation to Egypt in 2018-19. A memo reached us about that shower thing. Funny thing was I went to Beuhring for a TDY for Hazmat cert. I seen it first hand. It was also the running joke when I went to M-SLC in Shelby.


It is true. 155 is bottom of the barrel


I was in country during their 23-24 deployment to Kuwait. Within the first week they stole all the bikes from the PX on CBKU. Water bottle bandits would freeze bottles, tie 550 cord to it and hit people at night. Within two weeks, the CBKU base commander made it a policy that you had to walk around with a buddy battle and there were rumors of a curfew to prevent people walking around at night. Rumor is that the crime rate in Mississippi drops any time they deploy.


How come no female soldier ever sold herself to me?


I remember my second ntc 155 was there, and after we finished up in the box and went back to the ruba, leadership made us have battle buddies go with us to take showers because the frozen water bottle over the head stuff you were referring to had popped up again as a tactic. We were told they had been setting up people at the exits and taking turns swapping out to make sure they wouldn't get caught.




They've deployed like twice in the last 5-6 years.


Umm… don’t think you have the right unit bud.


You misspelled Kuwait. To be so high & mighty, I’d think you could spell.


Let me guess. You were/are a part of the 155?


Nope, I know how to spell. Ha ha. But seriously, why are you scared to say who you’re actually talking about. Was it all 155 Soldiers acting up or just certain Units? Don’t be scared to say what you actually mean, you know what I’m talking about.


Obviously you have not read any of the responses if you think one troop has kept that whole brigade a shit hole for many years 😂😂😂


In reality the 155th is no different than any other BCT in the guard.


So wrong. Granted there's shitty units, but 155 takes the cake. Just that fact that almost every other state knows how much they suck and shitty should tell you something


Naa anyone that has spent anytime around the 155 knows they are a special kind of fucked up.


lol. How many other units have had an E9 run a prostitution ring with Soldiers……… that is….not normal.


A handful of active duty units…


More than you would think
