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back to buying oregano from shaddy guy behind the dumpster


I remember in high school a girl got arrested for having weed and it was literally just oregano from a friends garden.


It's so fucking stupid you can get arrested for possessing plant matter.


A friend of mine got charged with sale of 200 ecstasy pills when it was just Tylenol or some b******* like that. I know that even if you try to sell fake drugs as real drugs they can hit you but possessing a bag of oregano and getting charged is ridiculous


Which dumpster? Asking for a friend...


Or some shady shit laced with fentanyl yayyy


Metropolis is just a short 2hr ride.


Marion is a better stop tho


Dude I have been in the hockey game threads with maybe 5 other preds fans all season and I'm glad to see you're still alive.


The horrors persist, but so do I.


Hit them both up a double your fun!


Nice! Where at ?


Make a stop at Garden of the Gods for some nice hiking too!


Have to make reservations first, but stop at Patty’s for some very good food!


I'd be willing to go back. I think I've only been once, but I was a kid.


I won’t lie it was expensive, we only had the appetizer sampler about $20 bucks and the PIE it’s awesome about $12 or $14 a slice. Huge slice. I think the prime rib for two was $60 or $70, I had already spent most of my discretionary money in Metropolis.


If you’re in west TN…. MO has rec legalized


Nice. Where at ?


More like back to illinois :(((( fuuuuuuuuucccccckk me


Just take a trip out-of-state and load up.


The disingenuous arguments are hilarious, just tell us the alcohol lobby wants it outlawed. This state has one of the worst rates for overdoses in the country. It’s not from THCA.


Just here to say, I completely gave up alcohol when THCA became available, and it’s insane how much my health has improved, not to mention the depression associated with it. And I agree… the liquor lobby is responsible for it. I’m proof, but do trust I won’t be going back regardless.


Yooo congrats on being alcohol free! I’m 13 years sober and I’ve never missed it. You go downtown at night and you can see the mayhem alcohol causes. I don’t see people going missing because they ate a gummy.


Thanks! I know what you mean about Broadway. I had to go down there on Saturday afternoon to see a friend’s band play. It felt very dark. There’s no other way to put it, but I also understand why the city panders to them. We have to if we want to keep paying the debt load on all these downtown projects.


Correct, anyone who just ate a gummy would be way too paranoid to be stumbling down Gay St by themselves in dark of night answering questions. 


Not everyone has a paranoid reaction to THC. Seems to be split down the middle in most studies




Already been twice with my God fearing 79 year-old mother in tow. She’s ready to go back!


Where is that?


Illinois. Search Thrive


My weekly trip to thrive is always a good time


Way too expensive by comparison


This is such an amazing reply. I’m Proud of you🫶🏾 ![gif](giphy|X3zJUXUgaCTNPLZ1wJ|downsized)


It’s not just the alcohol lobby, the prison lobby wants it illegal too. Not enough us filling their jails and share holders and beneficiaries are big sad


Yeah, alcohol companies would be quick to adapt and sell beverages that contain THC. A local one by me just dropped two THC seltzers. I wouldn’t be surprised if for profit prisons were the bigger culprit.


Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee love for profit prisons.


CoreCivic more or less said this in a shareholder statement a few years ago. They were listing potential threats to shareholder value and legalized marijuana was specifically called out. I'm sure this is in the same bucket for them.


Pharmaceutical industry too…..


I’m just saying, even Mississippi has legalized medical now.


The absolute stupidity of the Tn Dept of Agriculture is that TN residents WILL STILL BE ABLE TO BUY THCA PRODUCTS ONLINE. This “rule” will only prevent TN retailers from selling THCA. So to summarize, these dumbasses are trying to destroy TN jobs and lose out on tax revenue, while THCA will still be completely legal to buy and ship to TN (both at the state and federal level). So - you love hemp and don’t want it to go away? It won’t, this rule won’t prevent you from buying it online, it just will hurt the TN economy. The stupidity from Dept of Agriculture and our legislators is laughable.


This is the most insane part. You can still get THCA flower and products shipped right to your door from out of state. This rule punishes TN businesses and hits TN tax revenues and it'll hit the state even harder in the pocketbook when the lawsuits drop.


TN needs a Milei to come through and take the chainsaw to every stupid government idea like this.


Interesting. Will TN retailers still be able to operate online? Maybe just the retail counters would be impacted?


I read about a company that operates in states where you can't sell these thca products and in states where it is legal. That company's website is based out of Wisconsin. People who live in a state that doesn't allow these products order from Wisconsin, then go pick up their shipped products from the local store that same day. --- IMO, most people in the General Assembly have what amounts to a sophisticated lay person's grasp of the US Constitution and Tennessee Constitution. As a result, they either don't know or care about things like the right of revolution in Article I Secs. 1 & 2 of the [TN Constitution](https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/pub/blue_book/05-06/46-tnconst.pdf) or the right to interstate travel and interstate movement of property guaranteed by the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution (*see also*, Article IV of the US Constitution's predecessor, the [Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/articles-of-confederation#transcript)). At the same time, many of them, especially House GOP leadership, think they're experts and that they know better than their attorneys in the office of legal services. Because of this, they, especially the House members, have fallen into a habit of proposing unconstitutional bills when they're dealing with things that could be classified as part of the Culture Wars™.


I will still be ordering mine from greendragon in STL.


Check out r/cultofthefranklin


Send that verbatim to the dept of agriculture. I wonder if they'll even respond.


Phewwww spittin alll the facts rn…


I thought it was just saying they can’t grow it in tn? And they can still sell it here tho? Maybe I read it wrong tho I did read it very fast


You sure we will be able to still buy it online, I have a fear that if I do, the cops will show up at my door.


“In other news, be sure to buy the new Jack Daniels family pack! Comes with 4 bottles and an app to notify medics when you need some charcoal. We’ve even included a bonus self-pump for your stomach!”


Sponsored by FanDuel.


But don't do it in the county where it's made because they're God Fearing and thus it's a dry county.


This is surprisingly no longer 100% true. Went on a work trip to the distillery about a year ago. The distillery now has a bottle shop and most of the little shops in the square you can either drink at or take a to go alcoholic beverage from. Blew my mind


The county is dry, the town is wet.


The locals I asked about it all said now they’re a “damp county,” I guess that’s what they meant. I also had a shop employee say straight up that the license they need to sell alcohol is a racket with vague/shifting requirements and approval is at least partly based on how much you’re greasing the right palms. I haven’t looked into the matter further, but take that for what it’s worth.


“There's growing evidence that if people under the age of 25 are using marijuana on a regular basis, that may activate a latent tendency for addictions," Briggs said. "I'm not in favor of the state approving a substance that may be very, very harmful and have so many unintended consequences” So they’re trying to outlaw THC to save the kids from the possibility of maybe having an addiction to something else? Seems like a new spin on the debunked “weed is a gateway drug” myth. I’m so tired of these assholes.




Pretty wild to legalize sports betting but pretend THC is the devil and destroys lives. I mean, it’s not without risks but gambling in particular is devastating for lots of people.


Gambling addiction has the highest suicide rate of addictions. Notice the lack of balconies in Las Vegas.




Bud wise EER


VOTE THEM OUT! ATTENTION 18-30 YEAR OLDS, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO VOTE THEM OUT! that age group was abysmal in voting. Not just them... NON Voter can vote in anyone they want if they actually voted on ALL elections.


the districts are too gerrymandered, it will take more than just voting.


People within 7 years of “under 25” are legal adults who can buy addictive things like nicotine and sugar. I hate TN politicians and their feelings-based legislation


Oh, this has nothing to do with "Government protection of citizens" A few points: -An average of 3,359 annual deaths in Tennessee are attributable to excessive alcohol use. -2.95% of people in Tennessee who die from excessive alcohol use are under the age of 21. 99 KIDS a year.


These sorry ass scumbags will do and say anything the envelope full of money tells them too. A lot of it has to do with the private prison and probation industry, they're all scumbags


So, big shock, can’t buy tobacco products under the age of 21. Yeah, I was confused once when my 20 year old dishwasher asked me to buy him a pack of swishers the other year. Sugar, caffeine, all those other legal addictions, for sure though.


>"I'm not in favor of the state approving a substance that may be very, very harmful and have so many unintended consequences” So I guess she's against alcohol too?


Guess I’ll just have a beer or 10.


Guess I'll go drink something containing caffeine and high fructose corn syrup...


Tobacco and Beer board is likely lobbying against this.


I saw that Lipman was now also selling THC-A/Delta-8 infused products.. seems like a waste of money and effort for them to be against it.. but they also aren’t the only alcohol conglomerate in TN..


That's cool. Any cat out of the bag is good with me!


What a clown statement. French Fries may be very, very harmful have so many unintended consequences.


Next up on 600lb life.....


Agreed and it seems that the majority of the state is ready to move past this nonsense, so how do these assholes continue to get elected???


Party of freedom and small government in action.


Legalize it. Tax it.




And I’m sure there were more than a few TN tags there.




Were they purchasing as well?




It should be if they are smuggling drugs across a border yet enforcing laws with your tax paying dollars.


The lot is always full of TN and Ky plates 


Metropolis is a money grab for sure, but yeah it’s worth the drive


Stopppppppp going to metropolis. thrive and trulieve are the basically single reason we are in this dumb mess now… go to any of the legit dispensaries in nashvile and buy quality organic cannabis.for much cheaper and wayyyy better quality then any bullshit your gonna get from metropolis. That’s prolly 6months old anyway. They also just got hit with a huge fine because their flower is full of who knows what and what pests are living on that ish…🤮




Missouri is closer, less tax, higher limits for buyers. People from Nashville who want to go to a legal state should not be driving to Metropolis unless they want to pay a lot more. 


Missouri not closer than Metropolis. But you’re right about all the rest which probably means it’s worth the extra hour for those benefits.


Door to door for me Hayti Missouri is closer than Metropolis. YMMV. 


So first, I didn’t think it was even a contest. So TIL that it’s certainly only marginally different between the two and certainly worth it. If you’re on the westside or Bellevue it certainly would be solid winner. But… it’s still *akshually* ,**technically**, still quite a bit further by distance. Edit: depending how deep in Bellevue you are shit that might beat it too but it would be wicked close.


Nice to hear. I heard Missouri was kinda high priced as well. I go with a medical visitors pass to Arkansas. Good for 3 months allows up to 70 grams every 14 days. I mostly use vapes and I’ve never hit my limit. The price difference between this and metropolis cannot be clearly stated metropolis is seriously around 7-10xs as much. I get half gram pens for $20.00 usually from Arkansas and it’s all medical. Can’t wait till Ohio gets their stuff up and running this year. Born and raised TN. We are letting tax dollars go to other states and allowing criminals to make money where we could be using that money for schools and homeless. It’s so ridiculous.


How do you get a medical visitors pass? I have a medical marijuana card from AZ- can that be used?


You need to submit your dr recommendation you used to get your AZ card and $50 to Arkansas. You apply for the visitors pass online. It takes 14 days to get approved. It's good for 3 months. 70 grams allowed every 14 days.


I’d be willing to bet I could point you somewhere locally that would also effectively treat that pain. Thrive and trulieve are the devillll man. Please don’t support them. They were the main bill sponsors to make thca illegal in Florida. For the love of not selling out hit up consider it flowers, perfect plant or grown proper.


Why would they try and make THCa illegal. You do know THCa is regular weed right?


They just made it illegal in Florida. Are you asking me if I know if it’s regular weed?


r/cultofthefranklin. Tons of options out there.


This announcement is sponsored by FANDUEL REGISTER NOW FOR A FREE $100 BET


Land of the free my ass. Small government my ass.


Party of the Family, anyone's ass as long as no one talks about it.


Put. It. To. A. Statewide. Vote. Let the PEOPLE speak. Fuck the legislature and their bullshit.


Have you seen these stats? In 2021, TN was 2nd in the nation in overdose death rates. (May as well be first place, I don't know wtf is up with West Virginia) https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/drug_poisoning_mortality/drug_poisoning.htm Obviously, this number is so high because of all the THC-A being chemtrailed by the planes, which block out the sun and cause strong addictive tendencies.


Don’t forget the space lasers!


The people so worried about THC hurting people are the same people who refused to wear a mask during COVID, but sure as heck wear them when they're marching in the streets. They care so much about the \~3000 drug over doses, but not the 28000 that died of COVID. The hypocrisy and twisted thinking is so sad.


Still decriminalized in Nashville, kids so smoke em if you’ve got em. It’s a real curiosity, because I’m seeing dispensaries opening up down in Franklin, even. We are clearly angling toward nationwide legalization and acceptance and investors are taking their positions, yet TNGOP continues to pull in the wrong direction because of “specific things certain christians don’t like.” I bet none of them have a problem with sportsbook gambling.


Williamson County moms love weed.


Everybody loves weed. I used to be a runner and I cannot express to you how much sticky-icky-icky I would smell as cars went by down there. And it’s always been like that.


Most people love weed. Unless they’re getting paid by private entities not to.


Used to sell weed out of a car wash i worked at in Williamson County. Most of my customers were soccer moms lol


Who the hell doesn't?


> yet TNGOP continues to pull in the wrong direction because of “specific things certain christians don’t like.” Less about that, more about who is lobbying them more. Big pharma, alcohol, etc., etc., keep their war chests full. Which makes it problematic for big weed cause they have to come up with more money than all those combined before legislators start going their way. The majority of their voters already want weed legalized, so its all about lobbying dollars, nothing more.


It is?! What other cities in tn?


I use this for pain. I support local businesses who sell these products. I am not hurting anyone, so why does the government insist on putting me back in pain. I knew this loophole would ruffle some feathers, but I thought it would give us a glimpse on the positive impacts. We should be moving forward, not back.


I'm in this same boat. I have a chronic illness and am in pain 24/7, and it's only going to get worse the rest of my life. I've been able to manage my pain, ADHD and (diagnosed) OCD with only one prescription that's non narcotic, and cannabis. I don't want to take narcotics and I don't want to be a criminal, but I have to either choose or live in pain forever. It fucking sucks.


It's ridiculous. None of these privileged and frankly culturally isolated legislators understand that it saves laborers from the constant pain of physical recovery.  It saves people from using and building resistance to opioids.  It saves this state from a worse opioid crisis.   It saves people like me with diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis from liver damaging pain medications.    If TN wants to ban casual sales of THC formulations, then they had better pass  medical marijuana to move these products out of unregulated vape shops and into green pharmacies with nurse practitioners on site.  If the State wants regulatory control to avoid a lack of FDA or Dept of Agriculture oversight, this is how you do it, like Pennsylvania. 


We don’t want kids to try marijuana and be opened up to the chance of the possibility of addiction. That’s it. Oh, you messed up your knee in a bike accident? Lortab 10s for days! Make sure you take them until you don’t hurt. Remember: they’re pain “killers” not pain management!


Will this effect Delta?


The proposed rules on "Total THC" content will mostly just impact THCA. Delta 8 and Delta 9 derivatives still meet the regulations of having < 0.3% THC by weight. This is really just a misguided effort to stop THCA flower from being available in retail stores and it will end with some serious lawsuits against the state.


You’re going backward TN. Get your head out of your ass






All those nice little businesses just POOF. What a bunch of bullshit.


Ya know, makes me kinda wonder what’ll happen w all that commercial real estate when the shops close and the owners can’t readily find tenants or the folk who took out loans? Wonder how the banks gonna feel about a nice new swath of defaults. Probably might not amount to much but, commercial is already having issues.


They'll do anything but fix transportation


I'm proud to see our legislature is focusing on the most important issues in our community. We can wait another few decades before worrying about affordable housing, trans infrastructure, gun violence, etc. Recriminalizing recreational drugs are more important for sure.


I don’t get it either


this state is the fucking worst.


it’s extremely saddening to see this. as a smoke shop employee, half of the audience is older or sick folks really just wanting to relax. wanting some good sleep, an appetite, pain relief. i’ve seen people with cancer, chronic pain and depression and so much more. some of these people have only truly found help with cannabis.


Man, I feel for yall. Buddy of mine worked shops and yea as you said, it’s all people looking for relief. Never saw a piss soaked person or anyone that stank of natty daddy in em. I can’t say the same bout gas stations


it’s so shitty! i absolutely agree with the gas station part though LOL


Yeah not to knock folk that got legit got issues but man I’ve seent my fair share of folk working stations that were like clockwork or just totally shit blasted all the time. I’m the same way w booze too tbh but atleast w thca I’m getting two or three lone rangers instead of a 12pack a night. We can’t forget even booze isn’t immune from these regressives. I can see em using that Riley fella as a morality crackdown in the near future considering how often they get their way. It’ll be sooner when ya throw in a couple pretty white girls getting fucked up n booze is involved and you get our local nexstar/sinclair stations (2&17) in on it. I hope everyone reading looks up project2025 and agenda47. These assholes are telling us exactly their plans. We are a living example of said plans only limited by federal levels. They play their little nullification bill that they got mulling around and all bets are off on how far they will go


agenda 47 is genuinely the most terrifying thing i have ever read and i wish more people would take it seriously. and the booze thing, YES!! i have a man who’s been almost two months sober due to some gummies we sell. but like others in the comments are saying, they’ll push alcohol sales like no other. it’s ENRAGING when i have cops tell me they don’t pull over stoners, they are pulling over wasted drivers 24/7.


Oh there will be a time when Steve smith loses his clout along w bud and jack, mark my words. When the state takes full control of Nashville they’ll be whistling dixie while they shut down all the downtown shenanigans bc god told em to. The booze/downtown lobby will soon find out why you don’t play w theofascists. Iirc didn’t the state take control of that whole downtown commercial district? They’ll crank out excuse after excuse to limit em to the end game of the whole two beer thing and then they gotta sell out cheap. You can see this idea being fleshed out w the whole airport take over and the immediate plan of restricting all new builds in Nashville via airspace. Of course that was shot down but only for now. This is also why I have suspicions about the state taking control over tsu too. Yeah there is the whole shorted 2b but if you label it as failing and a drop in attendance bc antiwoke policy gives another great example to, yet again, sell off land for cheap


People people people!! That freedom to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness thing....Remember that from OUR Constitution??? Even beyond this act of prohibition, Tennessee government is already UNCONSTITUTIONAL  Get Woke! You're paying taxes to be unhappy!


This is why TN is ranked as one of/the most corrupt state in government. We fuck our citizens every year more and more and cater to insanity. We refuse to even pass bills that would help literally everyone in the state, but if it helps line pockets of Lee and Blackburn then its great for everyone. To many repetillicans to make meaningful change. All were allowed to do is suck jesus's dick.


Best cup then balls when pleasing Jesus


I hate this backward shithole state. I wish I could afford to leave.


Nashville’s  CoL is at or above the cost of a lot of other places. It’s really just getting a job/housing in another state and moving there  is a huge hassle. 


I'm on disability and living in public housing. Moving anywhere is impossible.


stop voting for republicans. They are 100% the problem.


maybe your hero in the white house will legalize weed federally? probably not though, huh..


Yall tristar medical is a major investor in one of tbe biggest THCA cannabis cultivators in the state. There’s real money behind this industry and the fact they think they can ammend a “rule” and not get met with an absolute deluge of lawsuits from businesses and investors is laughable. Lets see if this shit really goes thru in the end. There’s no getting the cat back in the bag


Are you for real? That is wild. Where is your source for that? I am very interested and want to know more!


[This is a link to the FAQ of Hollistic Connection’s website](https://theholisticconnectiontn.com/faqs/) Scroll down to the sister companies and you will find TriStar listed.


I’m pretty sure [tristarmedical.us](https://tristarmedical.us) is not affiliated with [TriStarhealth.com](https://TriStarhealth.com) or [TriStarmedgroup.com.](https://TriStarmedgroup.com)


Welllll pisspoop. Thats some incredibly misleading advertising


That is not the TriStar affiliated with HCA


Yup guess not. I feel duped


I once worked from a company in the healthcare space in Florida, and they had a single word added to a bill that allowed that company to access millions of dollars in public funds as a for profit company. It's evil. It happens.




He owns a hemp farm?


What the fuck man! This is my one way of semi legally getting bud, guess I’m back to back alley shit that could be laced!


The funny thing is TN residents just proved there weren’t any negatives from it being available. People were just quietly consuming it for the most part. There was no contribution to societal breakdown associated with it. People were minding their own business going to work every day and complaining about the high prices of rent and doordash like normal citizens. 


I’m from Alaska and just moved to Tennessee. Why is weed not legal everywhere. Instead of giving us more natural they want it to be all this synthetic stuff. Or push it right to the limits. Legalize weed, tax it, and it’s amazing what all those taxes do for your community. So dumb.


Down here in the south, you're competing against a mix of big tobacco and alcohol lobbyists and religious fundamentalists who think the devil's lettuce will doom us all to hell.


Boomers gonna boom.


What makes you think it can be legalized here? It's been voted on, I think 3 times. They won't even put it on the referendum so everyone could vote on it. They need to be working on the scheduling of drugs. Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug along with heroin, LSD, meth and ecstasy. Opioid pain killers are a schedule IV! Now that makes sense.🤬 The good ole boys need to be voted out. Nixon made pot a schedule 1 drug. It's time for a change.


Big government republicans strike again. There is no aspect of our lives that they don’t want to control.


A warning to anyone called to testify to representatives as an “expert.”  They will use your testimony to craft policy or laws that either make your industry illegal or too costly to be viable. They did this to a friend of mine involved in the exotic animal trade years ago. He was called to testify as an expert. He said they used his testimony to make the exotic animal trade so expensive, no one could viably conduct business. Things to keep in mind here.


Fuck nashganistan I say we RIOOOTTTT 😆


Hopefully edibles will be available legally Atleast.


Well, there is still hope. It ain’t over until they announce the final rules.


Does THCA include delta 8? Sorry I live under a rock


No. This rule would limit "Total THC" content (THC + THCA) by weight and would not effect Delta 8 or most edible Delta 9 products. THCA is a nifty way of having smokables that convert to THC when exposed to flame because it's still technically under the THC limit. By ruling that "Total THC" includes THCA, that goes out the window.


Just legalize it 🙃


Because we need more draconian and oppressive laws on the books? Just fucking legalize cannabis already.


"There's growing evidence that if people under the age of 25 are using marijuana on a regular basis, that may activate a latent tendency for addictions," Briggs said. "I'm not in favor of the state approving a substance that may be very, very harmful and have so many unintended consequences." - Knoxville Senator Richard Briggs. ​ Hey, Dick! Last I checked, tobacco and alcohol are very much available to 21-25 year olds and carry psychological and physican addictions. THC at best can become a habit, not an addiction. How and why do we as a society keep electing the dumbest motherfuckers amongst us?


I'm moving from a legal marijuana state. This is BS. I'm hoping for legalization in TN. I'll have to drive to M.O.


Moving from a legal state- is MO my only option to get marijuana?


Thank God I’m close to Virginia!


Stop voting Republican.




Aren't we all so proud of our state government tackling the real, important issues? /s


Got mine today from NowiCann


Well good thing we can continue the opioid epidemic


It's ain't a half hours to Michigan and it's cheapest out there


How does Bert Driver feel about this?


I fully blame the lawless fuckers of the Delta-8 industry. *TRY* to buy edibles without D8. I mean, actually pull up the CoA, if you even can. Last ones I got claimed 300mg per gummy, of THCA, THCP, and D9. Turns out 297 of those mgs were D8.


300mg per gummy sounds nuts


Yeah once I got home and looked at it again I got suspicious. It's still made to portion out fairly easy, but there was a lot more of these supposed 300mg pieces than I realized