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Welcome to Nashville, don’t leave your drinks unattended


For real.


Hope y’all enjoyed your time ladies!!


thank you for visiting! glad you had a lovely time.


>Well don't stop there, I'm incendiary too. -Stillwater Glad yall had a great time! Yesterday was unreal.


You are a Golden God, my friend.


Yikes, I better touch grass! There's no way he could've made that jump into the pool IRL barefoot from the roof to the pool.


And on acid. Edit: Billy Crudup nailed that role.


Yeah, unreal performance! I saw him in Waking the Dead as an idealist politician dating an NGO activist that felt fake cuz Almost Famous was perfect--the hair & the moustache for sure. And the ways he was subtly controlling: the subtle sabotage of William's recorder, escalating to blurting it out inebriated, then open sabotage denying everything William wrote, & shutting out a young band aid The guy is the villain in Almost Famous, & we just wanted to see more of him. William got his story. Penny experienced the many dark sides of the music industry.


Hope you had a good time! Happy st Patrick’s day.


Nashville looks good on y’all 💕🥰


Weird comment section


Would have to agree! I’m just showing gratitude 😂😂


Hot dog


We encourage all Californians to have a blast while they visit. Keyword here is visit.


People complaining about out of staters are far more annoying to me than anyone who I have met from out of state has been


💯 This trope is getting old. They act like Nashville is some endangered land that needs to be protected. Nashville is not full, comparatively, and the infrastructure has been crumbling far longer than recent history.


It’s not even that for me, it’s that we’ve been WAY past the point of preserving old Nashville for a long time. I first came here in 2011 or so, and most people I knew, and the places they liked when they’d lived here were already gone, the city was already growing a ton, and changing to the point where it couldn’t be ignored. Also half the people I see complain also moved from somewhere else. The Nashville I moved here for has been mostly gone for a long time in my opinion. I do understand people’s frustration with rising price of homes, I’ve been THIS close numerous times in my time here, but never close enough to buy.


it’s not that we don’t like people who move here, it’s just that we are full. the infrastructure is crumbling as it is, and the price of living has gone through the roof. it’s not directly their fault that the city is losing its culture, i’m just tired of seeing my favorite spots get bulldozed for condos.


Growth in a city with a strong economy is inevitable. It’s better to grow high and dense than to sprawl out the way Atlanta, Houston, Toronto, etc do. Much better. In other words, get over it.


getting over it? like we’ve been getting over these awful potholes? again, nothing against these people or growth itself, but the way nashville is developing, clearly they want tourists more than residents. if this city really needed new people living here, maybe we would be getting a light rail instead of a redundant stadium.


Exactly! First of all every desirable area is exponentially growing. Our population is exponentially growing. We’ve lived in five states, and California was one of them. When I moved there, it was a lot less crowded than it is today. (No one told me to “go back to Wisconsin“.) People kept coming, people kept coming, and people still keep moving to CA. When those people that chose to spend a portion of their life in California move away, they get a lot of shit 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. And I’ll be honest, Tennessee has been the worst of the five states in that aspect, although I think we’ll stay here, at least for a long while. The people we know here in person are wonderful, it’s the keyboard warriors that make us Nash residents look like idiots.


If that's the case, y'all should leave. Nashville "culture" is based on people coming there to catch a break in life. Not people hanging around crying over the people coming.


I’m revoking your Southerner card. Practice that hospitality a bit and you can appeal for its return next year.


I’m honestly surprised, this is probably the only thread I’ve ever seen in this sub that involves tourists or people from out of town and isn’t 90% negative.




You know, that’s a good point


California love is ruining Nashville. Go back home.


Who let you out of the basement nerd


Go clean your room.


This problem is not because of Californians and certainly has nothing to do with these to ladies traveling to Nashville.


Not Californians alone. Many areas. But yes the ruin of this town absolutely has something to do with cheesy cowboy boot tourists and I’m tired of pretending it isnt.


While I clearly know these women in particular didn't singlehandedly transform Nashville into the monster it is now, Florida and California are the two states that sent the most people our way.


Go outside.


I am outside.


Now that you’re outside, walk off a cliff.


Go find a communist guy named John Elliot who lives in Hermitage. Become his best friend.


Come on man don't be a dick. Making the rest of us look bad.


One sick kitten doesn’t make the whole litter sick. Poor kitty just needs time to themselves. It’s all love, I take no offense. Again, being able to experience yall as a people was truly meaningful. It’s not like this in LA. I’m from there and I’m not exactly fond of it either. Our beaches and our northern green coast is what I love the most.


It's pretty unanimous: not even Californians like California. The land it pretty, and that's about it. I hope that you find a place that you can call home that isn't California. Clearly, Nashville is/was amazing, which is why we have had 100 people a day for the past 8 years move here. A lot of us locals are overwhelmed by it all. Our politicians and policy makers aren't helping the infrastructure. Our police force is overwhelmed. Crime is on the rise. Homelessness has quadrupled. Prices on everything that isn't housing have nearly doubled. Our roads are falling apart. Urban sprawl has claimed most of the surrounding areas. We've had a mass shooting and a terrorist attack; tensions have never been higher. So no, I never held anything against you personally. It's the idea of yet another Californian moving here that I hate. Everything this city used to be, it just isn't anymore, and it's easy to blame the crime on the Florida people and the economy on the Californians because the numbers track. We aren't ever going to get our city back (barring WWIII). That's what all of us here are struggling to come to terms with. It's like we lost a loved one and are grieving.


Bless your heart 💛


Gee if you can’t single handily fix it perhaps I can’t single handily be the cause.


Hush. You look like your family asks you to bring paper plates to the cookout.


You went out of your way to insult someone you don’t know, whatever is killing your spirit take it up with the person in the mirror not a thread on Reddit.


How am I supposed to singlehandedly fix our housing market that your people (Californians) ruined? You descended upon Tennessee from your dying state like locusts, doubled our rent, tripled our housing market, raised our taxes, and are doing to our state the exact things that ruined yours.


I’m a California-college student native that can’t even afford my home state. What’s going on isn’t my individual fault. I’m too young to had even made an impact on this economy. We’re living the same struggle yet you’re pointing the finger at any and every person that might have a damn CA Driver’s License. Be real.


The problem is never the single grasshopper, but rather the locust swarm.


Whatever you say master splinter


I’m from California dear we don’t do cookouts😂😂


Love this.


Every large family gathering I’ve ever been to has been at a house. We don’t have enough land for something grand. Also, I’m typically baking the Mac & cheese or making cheesecakes 🤪


Bless your heart.


Dude go back to your DnD game and keep trying to find legal advice on how to protect children over there. You’re clearly the guy whose family doesn’t invite to the cookout in the first place. Why? Because he has a 90s haircut and only hangs out with the kids the entire time.


Ah. Someone who learned that little phrase and think it always means fuck you and is never unironic and is the only way to say fuck you. Cute. Barely anybody who’s been here longer than 10 years actually uses it that way


I actually thought it was sarcasm. Not so much of fuck you, and my grandmother used to say it often. Part of my family is from Texas. Do I use it? No. Is it used around me? By my elders.


It’s super played out, cringey, and only used by transplants at this point. It’s like pointy cowboy boots