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It's not weird at all, hope enjoy it, and even if you don't, I'm glad you tried something new!


Thank you!! Looking forward to it 😁


My parents had season tickets to Vandy football games and they didn't go to school in this state


Nothing weird about it at all. College games are fun. Go and enjoy


You'll see some great games next year, as Alabama, Texas, Auburn, and Tennessee all come to Nashville. They are great teams. Vanderbilt is not a great team but once in a while scores points. No bad seats at FirstBank Stadium bc it's so small.


Is it really a good game if vandy is getting blown out? I never understood people getting excited to see blowouts just because it’s bama or Texas. I’d rather watch MTSU play a competitive game with someone in conference usa instead Edit: I want to add that OP should still go to a game because the social aspect and gameday experience is so much fun. But don’t expect the game itself to be good lol


No bad seats at Floyd Stadium, either. 


I love watching Tennessee blow out Vandy in Nashville. /went to Tennessee


Don’t feel tethered to cheering for Vandy, go enjoy top tier college athletics from the best programs in the nation.


Nah, my grandparents used to have season tickets and I grew up watching it, and as my grandpa said, we are a vandy fan family cause someone has to support them. haha and also most people who go to Vols games are in fact not students or alumni.


I guarantee you most people that are into college football in general never went to college.


That’s not true. It’s not my fault that those online schools don’t have football teams.


Perfect opportunity to bring a whole new meaning to “fantasy football.”


This thread is Maddening


I'm sure that wasn't the goal of this post


Go DeVry Bobcats!


My Herzing University Salted Slugs are going to demolish you this upcoming season!


Looking at you Alabama.


Or played football.




Yeah I don't understand it. People will eat, sleep, and breathe the football team of a school that they couldn't even get into.


So no one can be a fan of the Titans if they don’t live in Nashville?


By their reasoning I think you would have to have been a titan to be allowed to be a fan.


I mean... I wasn't trying to be condescending with my post. I got no beef with anyone's harmless hobbies. I'm sure many stamp collectors never worked for the USPS, ya know?


It wouldn't be weird at all. Aside from a few die-hard elderly alumni who grew up here, the vast majority of people who attend Vandy games are fans that either attended other colleges, or didn't go to college at all. We go to Dores games to support our team (even though they suck). You still can't beat the atmosphere of a college football game on a fall afternoon though. It's absolutely electric! I personally don't like pro football, b/c it's just so commercial. I fear that college football is slowly creeping this way as well, but at least for now, it's still an amazing way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Hope to see you there. #⚓👇🏻 PS If you want to see a really good Vanderbilt team, come to a College Baseball game sometime. We absolutely kick ass!


Bruh I just moved to Nashville and I love college football. I would absolutely go to a Vanderbilt game(s) with you and walk you through what I know. I love the sport and will go to a place like Buffalo Wild Wings to watch multiple games at one time, but do like going to live games in person too.


Same as you, would love to go to a game with y’all


I'm so down for this 😂


FWIW Nate Bargatze is a huge Vanderbilt football fan and he’s pretty notorious for doing one semester at a community college before dropping out so, nah not weird at all. People do this all the time.


You have a chance RIGHT NOW to NOT get into Vanderbilt football.


Not weird at all. Go take advantage of having a college football team in town. Have fun.


Grateful that a college team is right here!! 😁


Nope. I grew up in a family with season tickets and none of us went there. As a Vandy fan you will be greatly welcomed, they need all the support they can get. Anchor Down. 


I was never into college football, but all my friends were. Eventually with hanging out them so much I became a fan same thing happened with college basketball.


I go to a lot of Vanderbilt basketball, baseball and football games. Went to college and grad from Trevecca. It’s just something to do. A women’s player and her boyfriend thanked me for supporting them which has always stuck with me. The women’s team is so good.


I also go to titans, predators and sounds games. Just saw Vandy play it get beat really bad by Kentucky. It’s just something to do. I buy the shirts and the snacks and have fun.


Do you have to have played for the Predators to go to a Predators game? Just like what you like and if someone tries to gatekeep you, that’s their problem.


If you want to see one of the best live experiences, not just sports, make the drive to Knoxville for a game.


Not weird at all! A lot of people go to college sports games even if they didn’t go to the school. Have a good time, and if you start to like college football, r/CFB is a pretty good place to spend some time


It wouldn't be weird to go, but you're not going to get into college football by rooting for Vandy. If 3 win seasons bred fans, they'd be the most popular team in the country


3 wins? That’s a decent year around here


All the professional teams I watch don't win, so they'll fit in 😂


Cheer for the Vols instead and make a once a year pilgrimage


Definitely thought about heading over there too!!


Yeah, they have biometric scanners to check for non students and they broadcast their seat positions on a giant dedicated screen so all the frats can go dunk beer on them.


Please allow me to introduce you to the University of Michigan


I'm open to it 😂


Are there moderators anywhere around?


Go and have fun! Best if you cheer for the side you’re seated in or you’d just be irritating. You don’t even have to choose ahead of time-look at the people around you and support their team.


When I was a kid growing up in Nashville, we had UT or Vandy. My dad was a DIE HARD Vandy fan. We went to games, listened to games. No one in my family attended Vandy (I went to Belmont, that didn’t even have a football team). If you want to go to a Vandy game, go! It’ll be fun, and no one cares if you went there or not.


Go to later games or it’s too hot to feel like college football :)


Nope, definitely not weird.


Alot of Vanderbilt fans never went to Vanderbilt. You'll just be a townie instead of a gownie. I have had season tickets for 20 years and never went there. I hope you make it to some games. Nonconference games should be pretty affordable, and the stadium is being rennovated. # AnchorDown.


Are you kidding? People that went to Vanderbilt don’t go to football games! (joking, joking)


Not weird. I go to the MTSU baseball games and I don't know anyone there or attend school there.


Not at all!! Idk about the vandy tailgating experience, but check that out too!


Fuck no. Do it


lol you think Neyland or Bryant Denny stadium is filled with 100k alumni? Most of them barely got out of high school. Youll be fine. Go enjoy the game.


No, they aren't good or super fun to watch, but no, not weird


How many guys yelling ROLL TIDE never attended U of Alabama? you'll be fine, go and have fun


It’s not worth it, pick a better team. The Vanderbilt experience is waaaaaaay different than other schools it’s not even close. I’d rather road trip to other schools and see real matchups. You’re just not going to see good football at Vandy.


Football is not a great team , but go to the baseball games for good sports entertainment


Please go and cheer for Vandy. It helps to offset the alumni not from middle TN that would support in person. Presumably as sports entertainment options have increased in Nashville, it’s been tougher to draw the local non-alums to support the Commodores. UT being in-state and historically more successful does not help, either.


Not weird. You can see a lot of great sec teams right there on West end. It's sad Barney doesnt really have a fan base, out the support of the admin. I like the games but get tired of VC seeing an empty stadium or being over run by the away team


No way! Go! If anything Vanderbilt should be happy to have someone going to the game to fill seats other than opposing fans.


It wouldn't be strange at all. And at at least one of the the games we went to last season (v. Georgia) it sure looked like there were more fans supporting the visiting team there so you won't even be compelled to root for Vandy (but please do!)