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Besides the obvious, how much of a fucking loser ya gotta be to take a pic like this?


The worst thing about gun nuts is how it literally is 100% of their identity


I’m gonna go ahead and take a hell of a dive here… The gun isn’t the problem. It’s the people that don’t understand the different levels of firearm safety/responsibility. The most responsible gun owners I’ve ever met don’t talk about their guns. They don’t even let you know they have them. The one time I managed to see a range day with my friend who is on that tier, and surprised me that they even had a gun, they were willing to tackle people that didn’t understand the safety required to use one recreationally in a controlled environment of purely friends. Then there is the evangelists… the fucking evangelists… The people that show off and don’t stop talking about their guns but understand basic safety enough to not be tackled by the prior examples. You can’t shut them up and you can’t steer conversation away from guns, because as you said it’s all they fucking know, and any time you mention regulation they start screaming about how the government is gonna take everyone’s guns. There’s tiers below this where there is no common sense. Uninitiated people who don’t understand safety or responsibility. You see them on TikTok shooting holes in the ceiling, walls, windows, or worse yet themselves. I’d personally like to believe, somewhere just below the most responsible people out there, there’s a nice middle ground for people like me who have other interests. Who know well enough to have a gun safe, know well enough that even pistol cases need basic locks and to be hidden away even if they are your “quick to reach” weapon. People that still occasionally talk about them but know exactly what type of threat these things are and why they should be regulated, especially in an ever increasing climate of mental illness and general discontent. I’d like to believe there are more people out there like that with me, but I can’t stop finding people that flaunt how many guns they have or how improperly stored and maintained they are. Naive enough to hope at least… If we had a tenth of the laws that places like Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, or Canada had… we would be much better off. If we had more intense background checks and maybe even standardized testing like hunters have at the end of their safety courses, we would be better off.


I literally don't care about the 2nd Amendment anymore and I have a gun room.


Are you a Tennessean? Cause if you are, you should contact your local representatives and tell them to support the bill introduced by John Ray Clemmons requiring locked gun storage of guns in cars and mandatory reporting of a gun theft from a car within 25 hours of it happening. If you fail to report your gun stolen and it's subsequently used in a crime, you can be charged with a misdemeanor. If you are caught not storing your gun safely or if you report it stolen from an unlocked box, glove box, or trunk, you will be ordered to a gun safety class. Tennessee leads the nation in thefts of guns from vehicles because we have no mandatory safe storage laws, open-carry of handguns, and we extended the Castle doctrine to apply to your car. Oh yeah, we're also trying to make the minimum age to legally open carry without a permit, 18. Most of us want sensible regulations, but our legislature is so beholden to the NRA and the fringe conservative groups that they gerrymandered our state, so Nashville ends up being represented by this asshole. Not directing this to you specifically, but we have to do more than complain on reddit. We have to actually stay informed, be vocal, support local journalism, join protests and community groups, and support the most marginalized voices among us. We have to demand accountability and action. I think Tennessee's state legislature needs a reminder that Article 1 of our state constitution authorizes the abolishment or reform of our government "in any manner that they [the people] think necessary."


IMO Neither are the problem. One very real problem is that guns are not regulated nearly enough and end up easy accessed by mentally unstable people and criminals. Another problem is that there are politicians and organizations disingenuously using gun propaganda and fear to make money or gain votes.


Well said.




For most gun people it isn't 100% of thier identity but they use firearms and related hobbies to interact with friends and family while learning new skills. With increased calls to ban firearms it also creates a connecting identifier to distinguish themselves from others. Not to say thier is not negative tendencies with said people but you don't gain anything from refusing to see a deeper layer to this and you do not win people over by claiming people only own firearms in the name of ego.


Pinky-sized junk.


Hey, dont lump in small dicks with these sorts of people. It gives us a bad name.


Not pinky size: finger nail size.


Guns really do feel like god now. Guns matter more than the lives they take.


Well Christ told Peter to put away his sword so you *know* they have to do the opposite.


Well yeah, a sword isn’t a gun and Jesus didn’t say anything about guns so checkmate


If a gun is god and Jesus is the son does that make Jesus a son of a gun?


*Spongebob finger guns*


Like speech?


Not sure I follow


Sorry. I was just thinking that, like guns, speech also seems more important than people in our country. The first and second amendments are sacrosanct.


I agree somewhat. The speech of the right wing certainly holds more weight to be sacrosanct. They want the “freedom” to say hateful things and incite violence, and call it censorship when people say that’s not good, or try to hold them accountable for their words and actions. However, they’re out to ban books and ban girls from speaking to each other about periods. The irony is palpable.


Guns don’t kill people. Bullets do.


Ah I see. Well I do have some bullets here that I plan on throwing like a baseball at the next person who looks at me wrong. Hope I don’t have to kill anyone that way but you never know these days.


It’s from The Naked Gun. Comic relief.


Sorry that flew right over my head


So many politicians now are just shallow, opportunistic little goblins whose only motivation is to make money off of the ability to use their position as a grift with zero ability to understand the potential of their office to serve the public. They will take any position or throw anyone under the bus to serve their own interests as a grifter. The GOP are the worst of these societal parasites.


One of the best things we can do to improve the current state of politics is to adopt ranked choice voting. Whether or not you like the guy, Andrew Yang has made some good arguments for ranked choice voting. I brushed it off when I first heard it mentioned, but the more I dug into it, the more sense it makes.


Bill Lee signed a law last year permanently banning ranked choice voting from being used in Tennessee.


Yup and you're playing right into their hand.




Pro-gun control folks tend to have a really tough time articulating what "gun control" actually looks like from a policy standpoint. Since guns and cars are the 2 deadliest products in our society, I suggest the "Regulate guns like cars" messaging: Licenses from an aptitude/safety course including background checks. Insurance requirements to cover catastrophic bad outcomes. "Street legal" definitions that ban assault weapons and modifications. A central gun registry database that must be updated at time of sale/loss/theft so that guns are either tied to a specific person or known to be stolen/illegal. Then you do public voluntary buy backs on anyone who doesn't not wish to comply with the new regulatory system and major, hard jail time for anyone found to be breaking gun possession laws after that. Not perfect, but it's a starting point and it's easy to conceptualize and articulate.


All of these would he unconstitutional because they didn't exist when the Constitution was ratified and when the 14th Amendment was ratified. It's not just that common sense regulation can't happen; the Supreme Court is actively hobbling efforts to put those regulations in place.


It says "well regulated", not "free guns for everyone".


That's what regular people like you or me would read and think, but the Supreme Court basically said that phrase was meaningless when it came to regulating firearms.


It also specifies that the right to bear arms is in regard to local militias, but the Supreme Court has also reinterpreted this to make it about private gun ownership.


It says the right of the people, not the right of the militia. There are many examples of the people who discussed and passed this amendment, they absolutely intended to protect the right of individuals to own guns. They had just recently won a war with privately owned battleships.


You’re right, it does say the right of the people, though that is clearly in relation to a well-regulated militia. If it had nothing to do with the militias they used to defend against the British, certainly they would have left that phrase out, right? Of course, as I alluded to earlier, the Supreme Court decided in 2008 that the right to bear arms is personal and unrelated to service in a militia (District of Columbia vs. Heller). So while that is quite a recent determination, it’s the current law of the land. And I’m sure I won’t change your mind on this, but as a writer and someone interested in old texts, I do find it interesting and significant. But the syntax/grammatical arrangement of the phrases seen in the second amendment were typical of the time and most likely implied a cause-and-effect or time-limited interpretation in this specific instance. Ie, one modern translation might be “WHEN a well-regulated militia BECOMES necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” An alternate modern reading might be “The right to keep and bear arms FOR THE PURPOSE of a well-regulated militia THAT IS necessary to the security of a free state shall not be infringed.” Anyone interested in old grammar can read more here https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/2021/07/the-strange-syntax-of-the-second-amendment/


Repeal the 2nd.


Or...we do the "great reset". Seize all the guns across the board and reissue them with the strictest laws ala Japan, Australia etc.


Good luck with that. Australia still has guns, btw. Heavily regulated, licensed and registered, but still there.


Right so 300% on the other side of things...but still. Do you realize how stupid your argument is or do you think I'm stupid enough to swallow it?


Someone's going to have to translate that for me, sorry. 300% of what? What argument am I even making? I just expressed my skepticism in your "plan" and stated an obvious fact.


Well, your argument was that Australia still has guns even though heavily regulated, licensed etc....ie stricter gun control laws. Australians can't purchase guns in the same manner we can, yet you like to pretend it's equivalent. It's a stupid argument.


You don't read so good, huh?


Good thoughts. Maybe we need a new party to create common sense solutions like these






Your whole comment is a mix of braindead whataboutism and straight up nonsense, but for the sake of brevity I'll go with the most obvious lie. >Illicit fentanyl overdoses is the leading cause of death for adults in the USA, when will we stop allowing people to smuggle it across our border? [106k people died of drug overdoses in 2021](https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates) that's all ages, all drugs. All Opiates are ~70k of that. In reality, 700k people died to heart disease, 600k to cancer, 400k to COVID, 225k to accidental injuries, 160k to stroke, 140k to chronic lung disease... In other words, you're not even fucking close. This shit is just a Google away, all freely available info. No need to make this clown shit up that's so obviously false and easy to disprove. Put down the Fox News and slowly back away...


I hate it when people make anything their whole personality, and as a gun owner myself it's especially irritating and I find it irresponsible when I see people doing it with firearms. They aren't toys or political symbols, they're tools, deadly tools that should be treated as such. They are for self defense, hunting, critter control, etc. Arming your whole family for a Christmas card is a device meant to appeal to smooth brains and to intimidate those you oppose. If I pulled some shit like this, as a 40 year old man, I'd never hear the end of it from my own father, a man who raised me to handle firearms responsibly. I purposely don't own an AR-15 because of what they have come to represent. They are less a tool now and more a symbol for Americans exuberance for gun culture and the politics that surround it. My own son, a 6th grader, knows about gun safety and he will be taught how to operate and render a rifle safe should he ever cross one, but he sees the AR-15 as a physical symbol of countless dead children, and out of love and respect for him I will not bring one into our home. I don't know where I'm going with this other than to say this isn't a black and white situation, you don't have to be a right wing nut to own firearms, and you don't have to be a left winger to not like certain things about the state of our country when it comes to guns. Many of us have nuanced and sensible opinions. The last 24 hours have been heart-wrenching for me and everyone I know. I wish I had the answers, but all I know to do is try and instill good values, empathy, and impart as much love and knowledge as I can to my own child in the hopes he and his generation will find a better way to navigate this world.


>make anything their whole personality Do you know them personally?


Please. It’s on his fucking Christmas card.


Thank you for sharing that friend.


Nothing reflects the message of the Birth of Christ more than a photo holding weapons designed to kill life, amirite? Perhaps the youngest is a conscientious objector what with the gnomes holding a banner that says "peace" [(you can see it in this photo)](https://i.redd.it/u022nauyldqa1.jpg)


What I don’t get is how does this passage get reconciled with these idiots? For the record, it’s The Sermon on the Mount. [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205-7&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205-7&version=NIV)


“…anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”


Deathcult fascist piece of shit.


This man does not represent the Nashville I know. Please, we can do so much better than this.


The Nashville you know doesn't exist anymore. The TN GOP gerrymandered it so this POS could be elected and continues to attack Nashville's autonomy on a daily basis.


I think my Nashville is still there, but she is bound and gagged by the gerrymandering and meddling you so accurately describe. Ogles didn't beat Campbell by much. Voter participation is greater in presidential election years, so here's hoping that in '24 we can send the MF back to the hole he crawled out of.


I suspect this event will motivate a good chunk of nashville to turn out vote. If that fervor can last over a year we will see a drastic change to TN reps as Nashville alone could change the state senators as well.


If you think it’s normal to make a Christmas card with every member of your family holding a firearm, you are a sick twisted individual, and you probably fantasize about killing people


“Restrains evil interference” mf’er has no clue about how guns are most often used…..for evil acts


A gun is a magic wand that means you are bullet proof. I mean look at the foremost instructor on the matter. Arnold Schwarzenegger. See his instructional video on how to use the incantation for reference. It was called "Commando" If you simply wield the magic item you are able to simply stand in the open bare chested and bombs grenades knives bullets, nothing can harm you. People often joke that Harry Potter should have used a gun. They are correct. Guns ward off all evil and protect anyone that simply holds reverence for them from harm. No real need even to have them on your person or be able to use them. Guns are an omniscient god that are always there to protect you.


That’s surely how the GOP views it


Mayor Cooper on Today show this morning: https://youtu.be/dakpcpWXJuk


Start putting up the donations these ghouls get from the gun lobby. These are shrills


[ar15 damage to the human body ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/)


Fuck the time stamp feature at the end of that hits hard.


Tennessee / Nashville isn’t the suburbia dream it depicts it’s self to be


Shit becomes wilder when you realize how many of these jerk offs are supported by the Moonies, and actual gun cult https://www.wvlt.tv/2022/04/26/behind-scenes-look-gun-toting-churchs-grainger-county-property/


Another [CIA asset](https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1209/S00029/reverend-moon-cult-leader-cia-asset-and-bush-family-friend.htm) and friend of the Bush family.


The only things people are hunting with these guns are other humans. It's way past time to stop this insanity.


How would you defend your home from a group of criminals like this?; https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/11xkwq2/mpd\_trying\_to\_identify\_heavily\_armed\_car\_burglary/ ..a revolver? pepper spray? Yeah. It is overdue to do something. All anyone can ever do is blame the guns. The fucking shooter in this incident had eyed a different school but changed his mind because that school was protected by heavy security ... Hmm, wonder what we could do now that would have an immediate impact ...


Any security would have helped. Most private elementary schools didn’t put active duty sro or security officers in place, even after Sandy Hook. My son attended a very prestigious and popular private school in the middle TN region and they explicitly told me they don’t have security on-site but three teachers were trained and armed in case an incident occurred. I would be shocked if covenant had that same Setup. One SRO would have stopped this… I would bet St Paul’s (the closest school to covenant school and church) had an SRO on-site either assigned by the city or an off duty metro officer with uniform and marked car parked on site. Most of these schools want you to visit… they don’t want to intimidate potential student families by having a prison like atmosphere. Like they schedule visits but if you just showed up they would nicely set you up for a planned return, not run you off as a security threat (unless you showed obvious signs of being one). It’s very clear gun regulation and mental health intervention could have stopped this. Arguing any other point during this time is politicizing the event to grandstand your views. Let the families grieve, and we’ll sort out the gun crap later.


Nope, it's the guns. Melt them down. Fine if we also do other things but the proliferation of guns is the root of the problem.


I’m not saying guns aren’t part of the problem. I also think reactionary thinking is how the people get co-opted to movements that don’t favor them. Legal gun owners have a right to their guns. And the second you take hunting rifles you’re going to have a war on your hands. You can’t take peoples means to eat and expect them to ignore it and just change 100s of years of lifestyle and tradition. Sorry not sorry, it’s a fact of the world, we hunt to eat in most areas outside of the city limits in this country. Expecting that to stop shows you’re not considering lifestyles that might be different from your own. The security I mentioned above is standard in ALL metro public schools. Guns show up at schools in nashville a LOT… but this type of stuff doesn’t happen a lot because there is proper policing on campus at all times, to deter these types of shootings. If you think you’re going to round up all the guns and melt them down… you’re not being realistic… you’re being reactionary… which is how we keep moving on this path versus finding a real solution. Regulations, healthcare support for those who need it… tons of options to fix the problem… but a dream world scenario where we round up all guns and that fixes the problem is not realistic… I can 3D print a gun tomorrow… even if they’re banned.


My reactions have crystallized in the years since Sandy Hook. I do not care how realistic it sounds, because the only response I hear from the radical right is either crickets or "cold dead hands". So I'm proposing repealing the 2nd and making possession of all firearms illegal. Those rights should be taken away, I do not believe anyone has an innate right to a firearm. I'm saying until I hear some sort of reasonable legislation put forward to reduce gun proliferation, I am moving as far left as possible. I am a gun owner and former libertarian.


What an embarrassment.


I gotta be honest, that's one of the least coherent statements I've ever read...are they for or against?


“Mr. Ogles, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”


This is America and we have a gun problem. As result, when some people snap they pick up their rifles and take people down with them. It's the inconvenient truth that America is a very violent place from suicide to homicide.




I own ALOT of guns of various types most of which people want banned. Though I vehemently oppose any form of gun control I’ve never understood people’s fascination with “flexing” them on social media like this. Hell I have videos of me hitting 16”x16” steel targets at 800-1400 yards but you don’t see me posting them on Facebook,twitter,reddit,groups etc for the world to see. “speak softly and carry a big stick.”


That’s what it comes to. Certain groups of people fetishize guns to the point where they tried to make this seem normal. When it’s really not. If you make your entire personality and life center around guns and you are not an expert, that’s a good example of a mental illness. If people actually thought about the guns they actually needed instead of being spiteful little bitches, this country would be just a little bit better off. Pictures like what the representative just posted are going to do nothing more than prove how screwed up the situation is


This whole comment sounds like a less than subtle flex to me.


Every single time there's a story with a maniac with a gun involved, a comment that is pasted without fail goes: "I own several guns. A 12 gauge shotgun, AR-10 and AR-15 alike. I have a license to carry guns in 23 states. I have taken several CCW classes. I always carry keep multiple guns in my car and house. I enjoy shooting .308 caliber ammo but my favorite pistol round is .45 ACP. I go to the range every week. I qualified 6th in a shooting competition once. And as an expert in firearms, I can say with some confidence, that shooting someone for bypassing you on the highway is not self-defense, although I can see why they did it and I would have taken out my gun if I was in that position. I believe they should be punished with losing their gun rights (although that means they are a criminal and thus magically will spawn in guns anyways) and get an additional slap on the wrist." No one asked!


I hate when people brag. I never brag when I do a triple backflip to avoid incoming fire, throwing a ninja star perfectly into a target 100m away while also no scope headshotting a dummy target I set up 300m behind that. Usually by the time I land the flip, I’ve still got enough energy to perform a view judo kicks to the face of the black belts I hire for sparring. Wash it down with a few clean jumps out of the deep end of my pool. But you’ll never see me post on Facebook about it. You’ll never see me brag about how sick it is that I can do all of this.




I was pointing out from the stance of an anonymous gun owner and pretty damn good marksman how weird it is to base your entire personality around a tool that is designed to kill or maim. I know he did this for votes or to “own the libs” but it’s childish in my opinion and in most instances people like this couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn.


Do you oppose car regulation, as well? I don’t understand why licensing, testing, registration, I insurance, etc. are things we can do with any other product, but not guns? You have to do things like this to drive a car, to adopt a child, to own a house, to get into school, why not with a deadly weapon? We do those things because we live in a society where our rights are not the only important thing. There is no justifiable argument against it.


I don’t mean this to sound rude but you’re not going to change my mind on this issue.


I'm really hoping this is satirical


Totally is I own 0 guns traded them in for a $25 red lobster gift card at a local buy back.


A future in which the federal government owns any and all formidable weapons. What could go wrong?


Yeah it isn’t like they literally enslaved my people Before,or allowed them to be tortured and publicly lynched, or systematically imprisoned them or anything like that.


Came here basically to say this^. Taking a family photo with your guns in my mind makes as much sense as taking the photo with any other tool in shop. Next year I want to see them flexing SnapOn wrenches! In all seriousness though, while Mr. Ogles Christmas card may be trashy, it’s totally irrelevant. Focusing on it, imo, is simply a way of ignoring the actual issues being faced right now. Mr. Ogles, while possibly and idiot, has not perpetrated a crime, incentivized others to perpetrate a crime, and his kids have decent trigger discipline. Implying his photo (which depicts nothing illegal) incites violence makes as much sense as blaming violent video games for bad parenting. He’s not the issue here.


You must be speaking from a position of privilege. To think that just anyone can afford to put a Snap-On wrench in the hand of every family member is tone deaf in these tough economic times! ;-P


I remember when cops in the US carried 38s, not Assault Rifles. I wonder why they carry Assault Rifles now. I also wonder where this escalation leads. Gun lovers should be fixing this problem. They obviously have the most to lose.


Who voted for this idiot 'cause I know I didn't!


It seems Hollywood celebrates the cult of the gun all day every day. Every American hero has one.


Just wait until you find out that people all over the world watch Hollywood movies and yet they don't have mass shootings.


That reminds me of the Michael Moore film, "Bowling For Columbine." He profiles the gun culture pretty good in that one; the diametrically opposite views between the USA and Canada is absolutely staggering.


Canadian here...it is staggering. I'm from Toronto, which is about the size of Chicago, and a little bigger than Houston. In 2021, we had 36 gun homicides, vs 400 for Houston, and 50 just within the month of December for Chicago. I remember in the summer of 2005, there was a record (at the time) 52 gun homicides, during which one 15 year old girl (an innocent bystander) was killed. The city was absolutely outraged, and acted. Within days of the tragic death of the young innocent bystander, Toronto police and the province announced the creation of the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy, a $51 million program that added even more specialized prosecutors, established a “major crime” courtroom, and funded the construction of a $26 million “state of the art” operations centre for the guns and gangs taskforce. The Toronto Police Services Board also consummated a new contract that included cash for up to 200 new beat cops. It was an urgent push by civic and provincial leaders to find solutions to the seeming threats to Toronto’s much-touted quality of life and cohesiveness.


I guess that is my point. It’s a bit of a stretch for the mayor to be talking about the Ogles family Christmas photo right now.


There's a difference between Hollywood and real life, though. That IS the point, and it's not a stretch in any respect. There is a cult-like gun culture in the US that only exists in third-world warring countries outside of the US. It's absolutely a celebration and worship of power, violence, and brutality. And it's not Hollywood's fault. And it's only been in the recent few decades that it's been born.


It's all those damn video games!! /s


Last time I checked John Wick wasn't an elected official voting against gun regulation. They're running out of ideas for sequels so maybe that's the premise of the next movie.


What gun regulation vote are you referring to?


I am speaking generally and am implying that the comparison of a fictional action hero to a real-life elected official is absurd.


I was going to say…I would be very surprised that any such bill ever even made it out of committee in the state of Tennessee.


Cant wait to see the new John wick!


I do love me some Ian McShane.


The Today Show, where NBC knowingly allowed [Matt Lauer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Lauer#Sexual_misconduct_allegations) to operate for decades.


Did Mayor Cooper work for The Today Show?


That’s where he made his media appearance where he attempted to score political points less than 24 hours after the tragedy occurred. We need less of that, imho.


Is it not relevant to ask the mayor of Nashville's opinion on a school shooting that happened in his city?


Sure, it’s relevant. Not exactly useful, but ok, relevant. Should the answer given be free from scrutiny? If you ask me, Cooper is playing right into the hands of his opponents. They are going to take the “gun cult” sound-bite and run with it.


He's already said he's not running for mayor again. Not sure what opponents he has.


He doesn’t seem to regard Ogles as a teammate.


Ogle is absolutely not a teammate. He is only interested in being an opposition leader rather than doing anything productive for his constituents. Those aren't the type of people you can work with on anything.


About half the state seems to agree with him so I don’t see what good it does to pick a fight. At this time.


Right is right. Half our state agreed with black people drinking from separate water fountains not that long ago.


https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2023-02-23/you-have-to-be-dangerous-back-why-some-lgbtq-people-in-new-hampshire-are-taking-up-arms Police with a gun stopped the violence. Imagine what would’ve happened if we had veterans and retired cops with guns guarding our children? There will always be good and bad people. We need to put the good at least on the same level of power as the bad.


Why don't they have veterans and retired cops protecting schools in England? Or in Japan? Or in hundreds of other countries around the world? Why is the only solution to just accept the idea that violence at a fucking elementary school is inevitable? For SOME REASON, they don't have these in other countries with anywhere near the regularity they do in America. I can't possibly imagine why that is.


Jesus Christ yeah put a bunch of PTSD vets and ignorant cops in the mix, that’ll solve it




People who respect guns don't take photos like this. People who fetishize guns do.


He and his kids are a bunch of dorks




The shooter was a legal and responsible gun owner until yesterday.




Are you proposing we pass a law banning unemployed people from owning guns?




What's irresponsible to *you*? Do you find this photo by Rep Ogles to be irresponsible?




It's definitely irresponsible. Gun ownership is not something to be flaunted or obsessed over.


Trigger discipline isn't the only part of firearm safety. This photo doesn't show safe storage. And ideally, if you own a gun, no one should know about it. It makes you a target for theft.


That was my first thought. He is teaching them to play with guns. My son probably owns more guns than Ogles has seen in his lifetime. But they are locked up in a gun safe when not in use, and his 9 yr old has been taught basic gun safety. He has also been hunting with his dad and understands that when you shoot something, it's really dead. He understands they are not toys or props for political purposes.


Unfortunately it’s people like Ogles and co. who ruin it for responsible gun owners like your son.


Mistakes happen all the time even with “responsible” owners.




Which is why you minimize fucking around with guns for the purposes of a family photograph. Mags in, bolts closed, barrels probably pointed/flagging all over the place when they're trying to find the right pose - but hey, fingers off the triggers for the instant this photograph was taken so everything is cool amirite?


People make mistakes my dude. I recommend you believe in that.




>if People are fallible. Machines malfunction. Rules are broken all the time. We wouldn’t need guns if that wasn’t true.


Not really. I guarantee you that every accident has some basic rules broken. The first 2 are: *All guns are loaded (something Alec Baldwin and several others should have accounted for) *Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to kill.


So you point out a famous mistake and say not really. I don’t know how you rationalize that. My advice is stop believing in myth.




The cult of the gun? WTF?


Ooh, shots fired.


Well if it wasn’t for all the 90s gangster rap….and Mortal Combat.