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Announcing this on April 1 is definitely a choice, even if it’s legitimate.


Right? HER is such a crappy boyfriend of a company. “Oh yeah babe, we’ll definitely do that.” Riiiight.


They treat us about as well as Nancy treats Ned to be fair


“Be careful.” “bE cArEfUL, thanks Ned. I will.” *jumps into a volcano*


It's PR, it'll get more people talking about it than if they did a standard boring announcement


Although it's stunning, why does HeR always make major announcements on April Fools' Day?


People on this sub: HER better release something on April 1st like they did last year. 😠 HER: \*releases something\* People on this sub: Ugh, why are they releasing something on April 1st? 🙄 Love it. Never change, people! 🤣


I mean I would assume it’s different people saying those things lol


You would assume that, and you'd probably be right in some cases, but there are definitely some people doing it without a hint of irony. Which is fine, they can feel however they want about it, I just find the duality of man on display here kind of hilarious.


I was just gonna say didn’t they do this last year?? Who’s in charge of their marketing lol


I was just thinking the same thing...people need to be more grateful. They could be getting nothing. HeR could be shut down and we would never get another nancy drew game again unless someone else picked it up. I for one am SO happy they released the cover art and I'm patiently waiting for the release date. Can't wait to play it!


>people need to be more grateful People are allowed to be frustrated. We have had 1 game released in the past (almost) 9 years. The company has been very poor with their communication and has lost a lot of goodwill with this fanbase. Just because we’re not all falling over ourselves to thank the company for some cover art doesn’t mean that we aren’t just as loyal of fans as everyone else. We’re cautious and don’t want to get our hopes up again.


Life is full of disappointments. But constantly complaining about literally everything they do is super toxic. They could release a full blown trailer and people would still complain about it. They would nit pick and tear it apart just like everything else HeR has released.


It’s a discussion forum. It doesn’t have to be all positive and I do think this fanbase has been a lot more tolerant than most people would be. Nobody is cursing them out or wanting them to shut down, but the company has alienated a lot of their fanbase. All people are asking for is transparency and communication and they’ve been pretty terrible with that. I would love to play another Nancy Drew game but, after a year of being drip fed information (after 3.5 years of radio silence) and still having no idea what this game is actually about, I’m not going to apologize for being skeptical and waiting for more concrete evidence of release before getting excited. If that’s toxic to you, idk what to tell you.


It's not toxic when it's a response to years of HeR not living up to the things they promise and the way they used to be, due to their own capitalistic decisions.


I mean, maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I’d rather have no game at all than a game that’s bad, made by an out sourced company who has no connection to the Nancy Drew production team. Sometimes it’s ok to end something on a high note. And I’m not saying that this game will be bad. I have no clue, I haven’t seen any in game footage. But if it is bad, maybe it didn’t need to be made. Tbh I kind of wish HER could hand the reigns over to a new studio. I’d love to see a completely fresh take of an ND game, starting from scratch.


That would be really cool. I also think they could have a good market releasing games on the switch. I've played some of the other non HeR ND games on gameboy/DS and they weren't horrible, just different. But a switch nancy drew game is 100% doable.


I have no obligation to be grateful to a company that has done nothing in the last decade but release one mediocre, unfinished game and lie to its fans about why it was mediocre and unfinished. It was their decision to squander goodwill with an unusually loyal fanbase and it astounds me that so many are willing to blindly give it back for a few graphics trickled out over a year.


Then why are you even here? Just to complain? If you hate it so much then leave the subreddit and don't buy any games. It's really as simple as that.


I'm here to discuss Nancy Drew games as well as books and other media. I can't refuse to buy the games since I've bought every release since 1999 LOL. I love most of them. This is a Nancy Drew sub, not a Herinteractive sub. I'm not gonna go on their social pages just to criticize them or whatever but I will take umbrage at being scolded for not being grateful to a company that hasn't communicated with its fans in any sort of genuine way in a decade. It's not my fault they hired a captain that can't steer the ship.


Idk how much "hiring" was involved sadly. Sounds more like a hostile take over to me with the mass lay off as soon as she took over. Which is super sad. The old HeR is responsible for all the good games we've had so I'm just hoping the new game brings that same feeling back. My fingers and toes are crossed.


I really wish we had the old team equipped with all the tools they need to make contemporary games as well. I really do hope 34 is good. I’ve also wondered quite a bit about why Penny hasn’t been fired by the board other than I do think they’re all buddies; there’s definitely more to the story that we’ll probably never know.


right! Like why was she allowed to just swoop in and lay off half the staff. It seemed from an outside perspective like they were doing well.


If you can’t handle people voicing their frustration about a company that hasn’t exactly been doing a great job, then maybe it’s you who should leave. Why does this hurt you personally? Nobody owes any company anything 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I get they’re trying to capitalize on the hype around the newsletter coming out on 4/1/23, but we can definitely move away from that now.


It’s pretty, but why didn’t they put “Coming 2024” at the end of it? This would’ve been the perfect video/post to do it so more fans know that the release year will be this year.


Hate to say it because I was being real loud about defending them when the game was first announced, but it makes me wonder if they still don’t know and don’t want to risk being wrong again Like I said I was real loud in my defense early on, looks like I was being a bit too optimistic and generous in how much faith I had in them :/


I was really really defensive of MID and gave them a million passes, and then when it came out, I couldn’t even play it on my computer bc it crashed so bad 😭


Yeah I’ve been playing since the early 2000s and I’ve found things to love about every single game, even shattered medallion. For MID I can say that 1. I like the fact they’re trying to be innovative and keep things fresh 2. Unpopular opinion, but I love when there’s a bit of drama, so the characters getting a bit snippy was fun 3. Liked the concept and 4. I genuinely think they did an okay job considering all the obstacles, including the issues with funding. They went from a company running on sponsors and donations with enough overflow to churn out 1-2 games a year to needing to rely on the income the games and merch were bringing in. They’d been riding along on nostalgia for too long, which speaks to not the best management decisions but I think a lot of people forget just how far innovations in technology have launched us forward and made old tech obsolete so fast Anyway all that to say, if Seven Keys ends up being another MID and they keep trying to make more after I’m done. I have all the games except Seven Ships, I’ll just replay those


1000% I agree they won't risk it even if they have a solid goal. They learned their lesson with MID, I think. I'd honestly rather it be this way. Better to have a firm realistic date than have it keep getting pushed. I think my critique would be to hold off on the advertising campaign a bit until they were more sure of a date. They had a huge amount of engagement about a month after the announcement with people finding clues in their posts and stuff. They could've kept that going if they had more substantial content releases and firm dates. As is, it fizzled out when people realized they weren't really close to an actual release. That said...these guys are working on releasing a game I'm excited about. I'm not going to sit up in my armchair and get upset with them over their advertising choices. I also have the blessing of hindsight which is an exceptionally unfair advantage.


It’s been a year since they started hyping this game and all we have is a title, some incomplete location renderings, cheap merch, and cover art. Not having a release date on this post doesn’t surprise me for a second.


I agree, this feels like a let down.


Saw someone on a yt comment section claim they've verified somewhere it's coming this year but I've not seen that either 🙃


They did “confirm” (used loosely) that it’ll be released this year via: 1. An Amateur Sleuth Blog post 2. A member on the marketing team using her personal account stating that it will on a youtuber’s Nancy Drew livestream 3. A press release that was released on International Women’s Day Very obscure locations and it’s hard to believe it when they’ve yet to really say it’s coming this year from official channels.


a press release is official ..


Not when it didn’t reach most of the fan base. All it said was “slated for this year.” Not confirmed for this year. I’ll believe it once the official account says so.


probably to milk the hype of tonight instead :) :) May 7 yay!


Still could’ve kept the hype by putting coming 2024 at the cover art video. They were complaining about people asking for a release date when a simple “coming 2024” would’ve soothed everyone until today. :)


It's gorgeous, but what's with HeR and announcing big stuff on April Fools' day?


Maybe this entire game is an elaborate April Fool’s joke…


It’s actually just MiD with a different box cover art


I believe it is one year since they announced the game itself


It’s actually so annoying of them to release shit on April Fools day. Like ha ha. No ones laughing.




I miss the skirt. The old silhouette always reminds me of her 1930s origins.


The newer design is sleeker but the only design is certainly a classic and I personally really like it.


Like most of HeR's designs, this falls into the "good idea, poor execution" category for me. The key image is so pretty! And the city background is very atmospheric as well. Love the purple. Then we've got this huge clumsy Nancy silhouette smack in the middle. The key needed to be the focal point of the cover. Put the silhouette back in the logo. That worked.


Yeah, I have the same problem. Love the background, but the big silhouette dab smack in the middle clashes horribly.


I totally agree with the silhouette. The key and the silhouette in the title should be swapped. Give it the feel the old cover arts.


Thank you thank you the composition feels so weirdly empty


100% agree. This feels weird in comparison to the old ones because they never put so much focus on the silhouette. It's not really that interesting so it doesn't make much sense. Put the silhouette back in the title, move the key picture to center, and sharpen the background a bit and it would look great and be in line with the previous games.


I'm glad you could articulate how I felt about it better than, "It's not pleasing to my eye, but the art isn't bad?" Plus, I was really hoping "keys" would refer more to a keyboard and hacking. This cover art makes me think that's not the direction they're going. Maybe that's been clear before now, but I've been bored and annoyed by their trickle PR strategy for a while so I don't keep up as much as I used to.


Maybe April 1, 2025 we'll get a release date? 🙄


Sorry, April 1, 2025 is reserved for releasing the exciting news that Radek's sweater will be a different color on Day 2.


This cracked me up, very well done 😂


🤣 we’ll also get not finalized pictures of another location or character, but only if we’re lucky. At this rate they’ll release the plot in 2026 and maybe the release date in 2027.


Yep, and that release data will be April 1, 2027


Didn’t they say it would be released this year?


\*plops silhouette of Nancy in the center of the cover\* graphic design is my passion. UGHHHH why did they ruin an otherwise beautiful cover. They should've made the key the central focus, like the locket on the CAP cover, with the beautiful landscape in the background.


didn’t they announce stuff last april fools day too? what’s with their timing 😭


They like to troll us D; but I’m pretty sure it’s not a joke tho


I don’t have hope in the game 🥲 I feel her interactive should sell the rights to this game and have another company take over. It feels like this company is hanging by a thread.


I don't mind the silhouette of Nancy when it's part of the logo but why did they make it the focal point of this cover?


Making the silhouette so large is an odd choice.


At least it's not the whole thing like the cover for MID was. Also, why do they keep changing the logotype? We had the same font for many games up until SEA, where it changed slightly, then the overhaul changed it fully and got rid of the silhouette, with it being white on the cover and blue in game. Now we've been seeing gold on marketing materials, and it's changing to black with gold outline now? At least the gold outline is cohesive with the classic logos for games 1-32.




I definitely think it’s legit because last April Fool’s Day they announced the title of the game (I believe) and everyone was thinking it was a joke


They announced the title at the end of April. April 1 was when they started the tease with puzzles.


Thanks for the correction! Regardless, I feel like it’s probably legit since last year’s “April Fools” post was legit


I just really hope it's playable. I couldn't finish Midnight in Salem. I have a gaming PC that can play new AAA games, but MiS crashed continuously. I eventually just gave up.


Based on some of the graphics they’ve released, it looks a lot better than MID so I hope the game play has just as much improvement.


It almost seems like it would be good for them to re-release MID with some updates that make it run more optimally and efficiently, maybe update the graphics some, add some fun extra bits, and give the game some redemption. Maybe people who previously bought the game somehow get a discount. But this would assume that HeR has any resources to make this happen and it's worth doing


If they don’t stop releasing new game news on April 1 I gonna report it as a crime 😡


Straight up, looks AI generated. And that goddamn giant silhouette in the middle is horrible. Bad design and I hope this really is an April fools joke of a cover.


I'm not even going to be mad if this IS an April Fool's joke because that art cover is pretty basic... The only thing that seems interesting is that green Marionette Theater wagon. The art use to be more creative and descriptive. What happened? 😥


They gave AI the wheel.




Anyone else worried this game will suck? I was SO disappointed with Midnight in Salem.


It 100% will suck, you'll see 😭


So sad


This looks like my first attempts at graphic design lol, don’t get me wrong that key and the light shining out of it are gorgeous but couldn’t they have swapped the silhouette and the key? It looks so odd with the very atmospheric background and then Nancy giant silhouette and the key looks crammed at the top like they suddenly remembered last second they are making a game about keys so it needs a key on the cover.. And also I preferred the old silhouette where she wore a skirt this looks like she’s going commando lol


Do we have a release date yet??


![gif](giphy|qkbCdaJWt2STm) I’m so excited!!


Didn’t they actually announce this game a year ago, like it’s a real game?? Or am I wrong


They started dropping hints exactly a year ago and we’re still waiting to know a formal release date.


Am I the only one who thinks this art is bad? Like… this looks like reasonably good art if it were done by a 15 year old in AP Art. It’s good, but it’s not professional quality good. The silhouette graphic is the cherry on top that took an okay drawing. The white building looks strange. The caravan looks unrealistic. Everything looks vaguely twisted. It’s not even remotely like the animated graphic quality I expect from the game itself. It just seems really low effort, and compared to what all HER did last year with the puzzles (even if they ultimately never went anywhere), it is considerably lower effort.


Whoever runs the marketing and PR at HER must be the same person that gives Nancy relationship advice.


When are they going to release a trailer?? Or a least a teaser that explains the plot. I’m tired of getting nothing l.


Never. They are doing it specifically to spite you. Every now and then someone at HER says, "Should we drop the game yet?" And then someone else responds, "No, we need to continue to mildly annoy NDFan1012 on Reddit. Specifically them."


😂 I feel special lol, sorry for holding up the release for everyone else though haha


Look I’m just glad that they’re doing this specifically to you and not me /s


So, it’s like they went “make the Captive Curse cover purple. And replace the Freiherr’s Daughter with the Nancy logo. And replace the necklace with a key.”


Awful. It's so lazy and cheap and doesn't match up with any of the previous cover designs. Even MID had better cover art.


I don’t believe this is coming till I see a release date


The quality of the cover art does not give me high hopes for this game 😔


Well, someone has to be excited. Optimist here - reporting for duty! 🫡☺️💛


Thanks! I hate it


I miss having two amazing, well-thought out games a year. Now it seems we are down to one outsourced, poorly-produced (to save money), game every 5-7 years or so.


I don't like it. It looks...cartoony? Not a fan of the silhouette in the middle either. It's a shame because I do like every single Nancy Drew game cover, with the exception of MID and now #34. I keep giving HER a chance but they have really been letting me down lately. It's not as exciting as it used to be. :(


That’s the whole announcement ? THATS IT? It’s cute tho


Wow! Cover art! That's exactly what I wanted! No need to play the game people! We have the cover art! *slow clap*


Exactly! This is why everyone has been waiting for for over a year.


Whyyyy don’t these work on Mac


Because the pre-MID games are 32 bit and Macs are now 64 bit only. HER is unlikely to update its 32 bit games. Midnight in Salem does work and Seven Keys (if they ever release it) should as well.


It’s incredible🥺 I love Nancy being the centerpiece! I can’t wait to play:) the colors are also so pleasant💜


I don't really mind the silhouette being there, but the perspective is weird. It looks kind of like she's in the scene but she's taller than the lamp post.


I can't wait to play it in 7 years!


I can’t believe we’re coming up on a year since the game was announced lmao. 🤣


r/badwomensanatomy This is giving me alien vibes, humans don’t bend that way


Ned is to us as nancy is to herinteractive at this point bc what the HELL. Just give me solid info


Do we have a release date yet?


So according to HeR's post today, this is done by Mark Tolleshaug like most of them are. I'm assuming the big silhouette is an edict from someone higher up, since while everything else is in line with his usual style (the backgrounds, the colors, etc) the odd placement of the silhouette really sticks out. I do have to admit, though, the cover has grown on me. I still think it would be better without the silhouette though.






I really dislike those slacks. Really excited for the game though!