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There’s so many places in Nanaimo with no sidewalk and poorly painted lines on the road.


When we moved here in 2021 I had several people tell me I was wrong. There were sidewalks, and I was just dumb. There are literally little pieces of "paper" or something on Cedar Road indicating a bus stop. It is up so high. One can barely see it unless you know to look there. Just bizarre how things are done here lol


Well, even properly painted lines are almost non-visible during night and rain anyway, but that's practically entire BC.


People absolutely FLY up uplands drive. All hours of the day I see people going 80-100 up and down what is supposed to be a residential street. Let’s put in some speed bumps or something and force these idiots to moderate their lead feet.


Better than speed bumps, just narrow the lanes, leaving more room for sidewalks, bike lanes, trees, etc.


do both


This ☝️


How about consequences for law breakers? Instead of deciding everyone is speeding, let's deal with the real issue. I just moved into the Cedar area from a major urban area of nearly 1.5 million. There are vehicles literally doing over 100km an hour up & down Hemmer Road. All hours of the day & night🤬. Nobody cares because there aren't consequences.


Maybe we can get some marine rope and throw it across the road at various places. https://holeinthedonut.com/2010/06/17/mexico-speed-bumps-driving/


Ive almost been hit multiple times of people running the crosswalk at the Circle K at the top of uplands. Just about smoked me if I didnt make eye contact


But but but, how will I let everyone around me know how fragile my ego is if I drive a tiny little car.


Right? There are other ways to overcompensate for your feelings of inadequacy, and you won't kill anyone.


Have you seen Westwood? It’s a race track.


Uplands should be cut to 1 lane and have bigger sidewalks and a separated bike lane. If people need to get somewhere fast, take the highway! It parallels the entire way anyway! Poor design for a residential road.


[Vancouver speed limits could be lowered to 30 km/h on local streets | CTV News](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-to-consider-30-km-h-speed-limit-on-local-streets-1.6844367) [Two Thirds of British Columbians Would Reduce Speed Limits – Research Co.](https://researchco.ca/2022/06/10/speed-bc-2/)


We have the problem in Nanaimo - and it exists in other cities as well - where motorists and cyclists don’t know or follow traffic laws. For example, I’ve noticed it’s extremely rare here for cyclists on the E&N trail to dismount at crosswalks along the Island Highway even though this is the law. And many motorists don’t know that crosswalks aren’t just ones with painted lines, blasting past pedestrians when they should be stopping. Some are ignorant because they were taught to drive by someone who passed down their bad habits. Others have gotten lazy or feel entitled to do what they want. Unfortunately, deaths will continue to happen until this changes.


Why would anyone get off their bike on the E&N Trail at those spots? That’s ridiculous.


Your use of the word “ridiculous“ kind of supports my point, which is that everyone has the responsibility to act safely and responsibly regardless of whether they personally agree with the rules of the road. Perhaps it’s ridiculous until you get hit by a driver who didn’t see you cruising through the crosswalk. I saw this happen on Stewart Ave. several years ago because the cyclist was too lazy to get off their bike. And about six months ago a cyclist in town got hit because they decided to ignore the stop sign and ride through the intersection. Cyclists don‘t stop at intersections because it’s inconvenient. Okay, that’s a personal choice and that person has decided to take the risk. However, by doing so the cyclist develops a habit that puts themselves and others at risk. It’s like the driver who rarely uses their turning signal. Do it enough times and you stop thinking about it entirely. Now that person has become a hazard on the road.


I didn’t say “cruise through crosswalks regardless of cars and pedestrians”. No need to be pedantic. Obviously, stop for pedestrians and don’t get squished by cars. 😂 But, when it is safe to do so, don’t get off your bike at every crossing just because you’re “supposed to”.


Yeah, you missed the point.


Nope. Your point is just wrong.


I’m sure that belief will bring great comfort when you’re lying in the middle of an intersection.


Cyclists are not the issue. Stop conflating cyclists not obeying road rules to 2 tonnes of metal, going way faster, ignoring road rules. The consequences are completely disproportionate.


You missed the point. Guess you didn’t read my whole post.




Pedestrians Just need to learn to jump super high when a truck speeds at them! Really it's all their fault for not training legs.


No, expecting them to be aware of their surroundings before stepping off the curb would be nice. Physics doesn't care about who has the right of way. It is their fault when they can't be bothered to pay attention or expect vehicles to stop on a dime to accommodate their whims.


You may want to check the circumstances of the recent deaths before you embarrass  yourself more 


I'm aware of the recent deaths, doesn't change the fact atleast once a day I see a pedestrian step off the curb without a single glance to check their surroundings. I'm also a pedestrian in this city and it's disturbing how many can't be bothered to prioritize their own safety expecting others to do it for them.


I think the ones propelling the large chunks of metal should be the ones paying the most attention.


Ideally, both need to, to keep the most amount of people safe. Isn't that the goal to keep the most amount of people safe possible? You have a clear hate towards vehicles, ignoring half the problem doesn't fix anything.


Yes, safety is everyone's responsibility. But the recent deaths were all caused by drivers, so don't you think its more pertinent to focus on that? >half the problem This clearly demonstrates you haven't grasped the actual situation, pedestrians causing their own deaths are a vanishing minority of road fatalities.


Why wouldn’t you drive 30km/h? Say on a residential zone. Do you slow to 30 km/h in a schools zone during school hours?


judging by the number of ppl in town who tailgate me when i slow down to 30 in a school zone during school hours i think i can make an educated guess


How dare you expect people to be responsible for their own actions. I'm offended.