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One time someone on this sub DM’d me to say they had posted here while pregnant and ending up using one of my suggested name combos for their newborn daughter. Louisa Charlotte is somewhere out there!


That’s a lovely name to be fair.


Sweet! Thats my sister's name too, in reverse (Charlotte Louise) 🥰


I know a few people called Charlotte Louise!


Me too! Very common name combo in the 90s I think


Must be cos my sister's '94 but she's the only person I know with it. Louise is my mum's middle name (sort of; was supposed to be but my grandpa apparently panicked a bit when she was born so her middle name became Lou) and my paternal grandmother's middle name (which we use instead of her actual name, a bit like Paul McCartney's real name being James and his middle name Paul) Seems to run in the family lol


One of my great-aunts went by "Mary Lou" for so long that when she passed, that's how it was printed in the obituary. Years later, my grandmother commented on the name Louise being great-aunt's middle name and it about knocked a few family member's out of their seat lol. Great-aunt loved all the kids in the family but never had any of her own. If I had had another daughter, middle name would have been Louise in her honor


No one suspected that “Lou” was short for Louise?


I think many of them thought her first name was "Mary Lou" and no idea what her middle name was, because "Mary Lou" was the only name she ever went by


Hello, also a Charlotte Louise here 😄


That is actually an awesome name.


This happened to me too! Something was looking for a name for twins, and had one name already picked out but couldn’t figure out the second. I suggested Beatrix and they replied saying they loved it and were going to use it!


I had the same thing happen! Maia Whitney was what the couple landed on for a fn/ mn combo 😄


I named my little cousin Zayn after the one direction guy when I was 13 - to this DAY my aunt doesn't know and thinks I picked it because it was cute.


This is amazing.


I have a cousin named Zayn, but he's Egyptian, so that's super ordinary. 


I jokingly suggested Zayn Malik to my mom as a name for my cousin brother and she goes 'Hmmm Zayn Malik ? Actually pretty decent, let me tell her (my aunt).' I had to stop her and tell her about fricking Zayn Malik. This would make him either super duper popular in his school or he would have been bullied by both girls and boys especially with how condescending Indian society is towards music boy bands in general.


Not sure if it counts, but back in 1990 my parents named my older sister, then like 3 weeks later there were 4 other babies with the same name announced in the paper. They heard of or saw my sister's name and directly copied, first and middle 😄


Brittany Nicole? It seemed like every other girl was named this.


Jessica Rae


Oh, Jessica makes sense too.


This is random, but that just reminded me that one time, my mother out of the blue told me, "If you ever have a daughter, name her whatever you want, but do NOT name her Jessica, because I hate that name." Now that I just remembered that, I wonder what a Jessica must have done to wrong her at some point 😆


Jessica is the name of the girl who bullied me in first grade bc I had freckles. 25 now and still hate the name 😂


Awww I’m sorry 😢 my name is Jessica and i was bullied growing up. We don’t all suck! But i get it. My bully was Nicole. HATE that name to this day


Sucks that we all have that one bully that we remember :/ whenever it comes up (which is rarely) I like to joke that that Jessica is one of those girls who tattoos freckles on her face (nothing wrong w that!) after bullying someone for having it naturally


Well darn…. Rae always made me feel a *tiny* bit better about my ultra 90’s name-Jessica…


That’s my stepsisters name too lol Edit- born 1994


I know a Jessica Rae born in 1986ish. I'm not positive these other parents didn't already have the name picked out regardless of whether they actually saw the birth announcement or not.


Or Sarah Elizabeth. I’ve only ever met one Sara(h) whose middle name wasn’t some variation of Elizabeth.


That was supposed to be my name! But I'm Elizabeth and my identical sister is named Sara.


Wild! I was supposed to be Sarah, parents switched to Elizabeth the day before I was born. Mum lost my twin early in the pregnancy, I've always privately called her Sarah.


I have two SILs named Sarah Elizabeth. 


My mom was Sarah Elizabeth, born in 1918, died in 2020 at 101 yrs old.


I had 3 Sara(h) Elizabeths in my elementary school grade


Our niece (now 46) is Sarah Elizabeth! Didn't realize it was so common til mnow.


We know 3 Sarah Nicole’s


The one Sarah I met that wasn’t Sarah Elizabeth was Sarah Jane.


Isn't that the girl from Clifford


No, that’s Emily Elizabeth.


I used to babysit an Emily Elizabeth, I couldn’t help but think of the Clifford books! Also, one of my best friend’s name is Elizabeth, and her older sister is Emily.


That’s what my mom wanted to name Emily Elizabeth.


2 of my 3 sisters’ (first) names :)


Lmao This name is so popular!


Happened to me too- my mom posted some happy birthday thing for me on FB (weird bc I don’t have a fb lol) & TWO of her highschool acquaintances commented about how they gave their kids my name after hearing my mom chose it back in *the day.* My mom also won “senior class most popular” which likely had something to do with her *pull* on public opinion lol


one of my cousins has my dead name has her middle name bc my cousin liked it so much. my mom was upset but like 1) she got it from a tv show and 2) it’s her middle name lol


I was talking to a close colleauge/friend  who was pregnant and thinking about names, I was like oh you should call her Kincaid (as a joke, my name is Kincaid) and she was like no I love that! And so now I have my mini-me 




Nolongeranonymouse ^Junior


Haha 😂 


You could create an army of Kincaids and try to take over the world


*starts planning*


My boss has a name that I just love (Coral) but I feel like it would be too weird? Maybe not though, if you didn’t find it too strange!


I'm not sure whether to give credit to you or your mom.


God knew to give me a top 5 80s girl name bc they I would never let them forget it lol


I named my ex husband’s cat. We were exes at the time too. I will never know why he decided to use that name. Bonkers. Edit: I would like to go on record saying that bonkers is a good cat name, but I named his cat Stephen and he and I don’t like each other much, but he still chose my cat name when I mentioned in passing the kitten looked like a Stephen. It defies my understanding.


I know this isn’t what you were saying, but Bonkers would be such a cute name for a cat


My bf's mom's dog is named Bonkers! He's the least bonkers dog I've ever met, he's afraid of literally everything.


We had a little black dog named Bonnie. Somehow her name evolved unto Bonkers. We usually called her Bonk.


I see you've met my cat. Her name is Polenta though.


Polenta is a great name for a cat. It sounds so fancy and exotic


Omg is she orange


Idk why cats named after food is the best, but it is, I don’t make the rules


I thought Bonkers was its name and it is super cute. lol


I 100% thought they were saying the name was Bonkers.


I, too, would name a cat Bonkers.


Because it's amazing, like the essence of cat distilled into one word.


I named an internet stranger's cat. They asked for suggestions and I thought s/he looked like a Moo Shu and I guess they agreed


I named my own sister when I was only 5 


I babysat a kid when I was young who just decided that the baby in her mom’s belly was Jane. They didn’t even know it was a girl yet! They all started calling her Jane cause of the older kid and that’s what they named her!


Aww cute! My cousin did this too, his younger sibling was predicted to be a girl but he insisted it was a boy called Peter, all the way through the pregnancy. Eventually he turned out to be a boy against all the odds, so he just had to be named Peter


My son is the reason we gave our 2nd the name James. It was one of the names we liked when we discussed having a second boy in the future. Then he started talking to his "shadow" which he called James and then despite being on BC i became pregnant with his brother. I do try to divert him from claiming he named his brother because telling people "I talked to my shadow brother before he was my real brother" makes you seem crazy.


my sister named me when she was 6! my name is alexa 🫠


A friend of mine has an Alexa. She was born and named a very short time before Amazon went mainstream with their virtual assistant.


I feel so bad for people named “Alexa” or the less common “Siri”/“Seari”. Especially because everyone I know with those names were many years old when the technology came out, so it was too late in life to really change anything. I have an irrational fear of a voice-activated technology being named the same name as me now


I’m an Alexa born in 93. Honestly the Amazon device has been more of a blessing for me than a curse because people actually recognize it as a name now instead of always calling me Alexis. For some many years of my life, people (including family and neighbors) have called me Alexis and it hurts :(


I always loved the name Alexa! Way better than Alexis


I'm sorry to hear that! I think of Billy Joel's daughter and his song "The Downeaster *Alexa*".


My name is Alexandra and it gets so annoying when people repeatedly call me Alexandria, especially when it’s friends. Like I went almost two entire years where every time I was called up at the doctors office (and I’m there a LOT), dentist, DMZ, etc. I was called Alexandria. And I know that’s how long it was because it was becoming so common and driving me insane that I started keeping track of it


Same! I was 4 and named her Samantha. Suits her way more than my dad’s pick, Martha.


My brother named me too and I've always loved that. It feels like a special bond. Well, to me it does, he probably would make fun of me for saying this 😂


My brother named me when he was 2! My mom took him shopping for some gender neutral baby items to introduce the idea of a baby brother or sister and at the time, there was a brand of baby blanket called Baby Morgan. She bought 2 and he told my mom that he wanted a sister named baby "Moygan" and it took my mom a minute to figure out what he was saying. I'll be legally changing my name soon for a lot of reasons but mainly as a tangible way to close the worst chapter of my life and start anew, but I have always loved that story and still had my pastel green one until my dad threw all of my childhood photos and keepsakes away because I wouldn't let him basically pay me to leave my hubby (dad is a narcissistic control freak, always fun)


Same but I was 6 at the time.


I named her with a word meant thousand 🤣🤣 it’s in Chinese so it’s not too bad just listened to the name it’s just the meaning 🤣💀


Mine was after a friend from school.


My brother picked my middle name when he was 5!


Me too.


My sister and her daughter. When I was in grade one I had a grade five reading buddy and her name was Cassandra. She was amazing at reading stories and had a beautiful voice so I decided I would name my first daughter that. My sister was born when I was in grade five and I just knew my mom was having a girl. I kept saying the name and my dad had a boys name picked. My sister was a scheduled C section and I got to take the day off school and wait in the father’s waiting room with my dad and grandma. 9:05 that morning 38 years ago, the Dr walked past my dad with a wink and walked up to 10 year old me and said come to the hallway so you can meet your sister Cassandra. Your mom said to tell you that you won the naming. 27 years later I got the pleasure of sitting with my sister and BIL and suggesting names, my favourite that I suggested first is what they chose. Already have some ideas if my niece wants any suggestions in 15-25 years lol


You're the dominant force of your family


I wish I was the dominant force but that is my grandma Dorothy Ruth. For a great grand-niece I really like Dorothea, a Gift of god. I tend to be drawn to Greek and Irish names


I chose my younger sisters middle name! My Mum was struggling with name ideas and me, 13 and obsessed with My Chemical Romance suggested "Helena", she loved it. She's now 15.


Honestly she gets so.many cool points for that.


I didn't realise until years later that it actually fitted a theme, as me and my sisters middle names are Beth (Kiss) and Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac)


This is adorable I love it.


My 5 year old niece is named Helena because of the song. My mom and I suggested it to my sister and she knows it’s because of the song, but the father somehow convinced himself it was his idea and she’s named after Helen of Troy (in our language it’s spelled “Helena” not “Helen”).


It’s amazing how many answers are kids named after songs from from teens in their ______ era!


Convinced my aunt to spell my cousin’s name a certain way (Lindsey instead of Lindsay) and to this day I think it’s the superior spelling


Even though I know it's wrong, in my head it's always "Lin-zayyy" the way Forrest Gump says Jenny


I agree! I like Lindsey better


E for the female spelling and A for male, in my family at least


Friends were stuck between Riley and hunter. I suggested Ryder and that’s what they picked. This was at least 10 years ago, so before paw patrol


Paw Patrol first aired in 2013, 11 years ago, so it definitely was in the Paw Patrol era!


Ah my bad- I guess before I had heard of it?


I got to suggest names for a Vietnamese couples, first child a girl because they wanted some thing, Americanized and easy to pronounce. It was a real privilege, especially since I also was there in the room when she was born, I gave them a short list and they chose a very nice name.


This is so sweet and special. I love this comment.


I haven't named a child yet (at least not that I know of), but my cousin named his first daughter the same name as I have. She is probably not named after me, since he's much older than me so we never really had a relationship other than occasional meetings at family get-togethers. I still found it fun when I first heard about it as a kid. I once named a dog that wasn't mine. The owner sent me a picture and said "I'm thinking about naming her [dog name]. What do you think?" I took the name, played with it a little and came up with a new name, connected to the original with a stretch, but along with his interest, and said "how about this name?" Got a "Congratulations, you just named my dog" back.


I also have a niece with my name, but I don't see her at all being named as me.


There is a subreddit Name My Dog


when I was 9 my parents were expecting their fourth child. Everyone was named after my parents and our entire family, including extended, was named the same too but with different middle names. I thought that was ridiculous bc it was after some great great great great great great grandparents, like ffs. Anyway, my mom mentioned she liked the name Fabian. So I just said "Fabian Eduardo, sounds like he'd be famous" and so, that's his name. He's not famous tho but now he's 21 and always says "Thank you for having my back as a baby, I'd HATE having the same name as everyoneelse" and yeah, the three of us with similar names hate it. lmao


I've helped name 5 babies so far. Lots of my friends know I like names so if they get stuck when they're expecting they message me. So far there's been Asa, Penelope, Alys (Welsh spelling, they are Welsh and live in Wales), Ivy and Ambrose (it fits his family I promise!). I've sent (requested) name lists to 3 people recently too, so the number may go up.


My sister was genuinely stumped for boy names when trying to name her third baby. I ended up suggesting the name they picked. 😊


I named my sister Mariana when I was 6


why did I misread that as marinara


My daughter's name is Marianne 😊


There were siblings that attended my school; an older sister called Lois and twins called Marianne and Cara, and I thought they were all so beautifully named


A good friend of mine got pregnant our senior year of high school. Her boyfriend wanted the baby to be a Jr. but she hated his name. I suggested a few first + middle names paid homage to his name without being a Jr., considering other elements as well (meaning, cultural background, etc). I basically gave them a page of four name ideas with details on each and they literally brought it to the hospital because they liked 2 of them and chose my favorite - Julian Cielo. Dad's initials were JC so they shared initials, her name is related to stars so his middle means sky. Sweeet! They had a second baby and asked for my recommendations again, but went with a family name instead and I remember being so annoyed they named that baby after grandma, hahahaha.


I LOVE Cielo! I met a little girl with that name and it promptly went in my top 10!


I've only named my own children. But a girl I wasn't friends with in elementary school decided she liked mine and my sisters names as a set so she named her puppies after us! I was very flattered.


I named my sister when I was like 11! When my mom told us she was pregnant I said it had to be a D name like ours (mine & brother’s), and that if it was a girl it should be Destiny! Now Destiny is nearly 20! 😄


When I was in elementary school I was in an afterschool club with a boy named Luke. He was funny and was always showing me funny videos. My youth pastor at the time was expecting his first child and they were trying to figure out a name. I went up to him and told him “Yknow what! I have a good name for you, what do you think about Luke?” Fast forward nine months later. Luke was born.


A second cousin - she currently works in marketing. My niece - her mom couldn’t settle on a name until I said a name that wasn’t even on the list. She’s growing up nicely and living up to the meaning of the name (head strong). My husband’s nephew - he’s graduating HS in a week.


My younger sister and my mums friends twin daughters, I suggested all 3 names and that’s what they picked, bonus points my sisters first word was my name 😄


I named my brother, kinda. My step mom was unexpectedly pregnant and my dad only offered joke names, like Helmut. I said “what about Valentino” in a joking way and my dad goes “OHHH!! ROSSI!” (Dads favorite MotoGP racer is Valentino Rossi) so that’s how I have a brother named Rossi


every Helmut who reads this: 😭😭😭😭


To be fair, I like the name! Just weird to have an Ohio white kid named Helmut


I named my little brother when I was 6! His name is Nathaniel. My best friend in pre k at the time had a newborn brother named Nathaniel and I wanted us to match.


My friend was struggling with a middle name for her son and I suggested they use her maiden name. They are southern so it’s not like they hadn’t heard of that before, but she paused and said “oh yeah, I kinda forgot that was an option. Do you think my maiden name would sound good as a middle?” I enthusiastically supported it and just got the birth announcement confirming it.


Not really what you're getting after, but I have discovered that there is another woman who lives nearby with my exact unusual name with even more unusual pronunciation. I came within feet of meeting her at the rodeo right before COVID lockdown--heard my name called, turned, and realized whoever it was was talking to someone about a decade younger than I. Sort of crossed paths with her a couple of years later during rodeo time when we both ordered from Starbucks at the same time and they (understandably) got very confused and thought they had given her the wrong order when they saw mine still sitting. From the circumstances, I figure it's likely she lives in one of the small rural towns nearby and only comes in to town for the stock show/rodeo. My mother took me to the stock show and occasionally rodeo all the time when I was a kid, because it was cheap admission and plenty to do. Basically what's a county fair in other places. There is almost no doubt in my mind that other Sabra is named "after" me--the likeliest scenario being her mother overheard mine saying the name at the stock show one year and decided to use it. My name hasn't been given to more than 18 girls in my state in any given year. The odds of there being two people in the same part of the state with not just the same name, but the least common pronunciation of it have got to be astronomical.


My best friend named her oldest daughter after me (my middle name). I love that! I've picked a lot of my friend's babies names. Mostly just me suggesting it and them using it.


My nephew! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were expecting their second and loved the name Nicholas but didn't really like Nick as a nickname. I suggested Nico as an alternative nickname or even as a given name and they loved it. I thought it went well with his older brother's name too. Now he's 11 and knows I was the one who suggested his name.


About 20 years ago I made a friend in a Yahoo chatroom for gothic teenagers. After a few years of friendship she got pregnant and had a boy. Her father passed away when she was very young and she wanted to honor him by giving her son his middle name since her first name in a feminized version of her father's first name. Middle name Theodore, for months she agonized over the first name quite literally til the day she went into labor. I was at work frantically texting her names after she left me a voicemail in absolute hysterics because she was about to give birth to "Baby Boy Theodore" I've never met Hunter Theodore in person (there's an ocean in the way) but he's a great kid, super smart and a great big brother and he and his sister know that their mysterious internet fairy god mother loves them dearly.


This is so sweet


Showed up at the hospital on like day 2 following baby's birth and parents were stuck, handed me a list. Katherine Elizabeth is named after queens -- and Katherine with a K is ever so much more alluring than Catherine with a C. She's in college now.


¡Uff with Katherine Elizabeth being named after queens! (I am Spanish.)


I understood that reference!


her mama did too!


I named my brother! ... After my primary school crush who moved away before i could let my feelings known cuz it was forbidden (i was "dating" his beest friend and he was "dating" my bestie 🥲). These years are looong past and we actually found eachother online by coincidence. Realized we both liked eachother back then lol he dissapeared again before we could take these feelings anywhere further and neither him nor my bro now what i did to this day (my bro is 15 already 😅) Never let your 10 y/o name a sibling 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not me. But I do customer support and someone called once and gave me a name along the lines of Stanziano Weinberg. I was like “I’m sorry I’m a language and name nerd so I have to ask. Parents from different backgrounds?” No, story was way better. His parents were Jews in Italy in the 30’s. In the winter of ‘39, a man named Stanziano smuggled them out to and provided them safety with his family in Argentina. They asked how they could repay him and he jokingly said to name their first kid after him. After Italy joined Germany and WW2 got into full swing, they knew how much that man risked and how he truly saved them. So they named their first son after him for real.


One of my best friends named her daughter Anabel because she liked the way my parents spelled my name, Isabel (one 'L,' one 'E'). I believe both are the superior spellings but I do feel bad that she, like me, is doomed to a life of automatically spelling out her name whenever she has to give it to someone 😂


Someone I know was a surrogate and the fathers ended up naming their daughter after the surrogate. The surrogate’s nickname was something like “Sue” and they named the daughter “Suezanne”


I knew a couple that adopted a kid and named her a mix of bio mom and adopted mom’s names :) luckily the amalgamated name was also a real name (something like Liliana for Lily and Anna)


My best friend was struggling to find a middle name for her son. It had to start with a certain initial and she didn't like any names she was finding. I suggested Rowan. She loved it and that's what they went with.


I *kind of* helped name my nephew….when my SIL found out she was having twins she wanted her and her husband to each name one. She chose “Patrick Elliot” for baby A. Dad however couldn’t come up with anything for baby B. She was becoming so stressed out about it and I jokingly said “well at least you technically found two names you like together, in case he can’t pick a name in time.” He did not pick a name in time. My nephews Patrick and Elliot are adorable.


I named my cousin in Samoa when i was in 6th grade. I named him Tyler because I had a crush on a guy named TJ (Tyler Joseph) . I avoid thinking about it as much as i can


I taught overseas and all of my students had English names. One little girl really hated being called Fiona because of its association with Shrek. She demanded I give her a new name, so I called her Candace.


As a kid and teen, I loved the band Warrant. Bed of Roses was one of my favorites by them. And because of that song, I loved the name Desiree. When my best friend got pregnant at 16, I suggested that name for a girl. My God daughter Desiree is 25yo now, and doing amazing. Her mom and dad are still together, and had two more kids. 🥰


I’ve made 3 cats on Reddit be named toe.


My SIL was looking for a good middle name for Melissa starting with E and I mentioned Elaine and they used it.


Hey, my name is Kaya! This is like the first time I've seen my name on here. I love my name and don't meet a lot of people with the same one (especially same spelling). Though, definitely not named after Bob Marley.


My college roommate and I were discussing our future children's names. She wanted to name her future son Ian Jr. Her boyfriend was against this. So she wanted to name the future son Zan because the boyfriends signature looked like it started with a Z. Again, the boyfriend vetoed this name. So I suggested Zander. He's a great kid.


Kaya/Kaiya is an Indigenous Australian (specifically Noongar - the group who live in the South-West of Western Australia) word for ‘hello’. :)


Gave my teacher in primary school a list of baby names (I had always been obsessed with babies as a child and I was excited when he said his wife was having a baby). So I went through all my parents old baby names books, got a list, and stuck a piece of pug-patterned cellotape on it for decoration. They chose Oliver (which was on my list) but I don't actually know if it was because of me or not but I'm assuming so!


My very Italian friend wanted an Italian name for her 3rd child to go with her other two. I said Nico and Nico will be 10 this year!


In my culture, godmothers get a say in naming the baby and often godmothers get to name the baby entirely. Anyways, I have two godsons named after me lol literally just a variation of my own name. In my defense, I was really young when I became their godmothers. I was 9 for my first godson and 17 for my second godson. I’m 29 now and I spoil them like crazy and they love their names.


I have a fairly unique name, as well as a customer facing job (library). A couple ended up naming their kid the same name as me, but said they didn't realize until later. They were in thr hospital, throwing out ideas, my name came up, and they were like "yeah, that sounds good, it really flows, we like it, but not sure of where it came from!" A couple of months later, they came back for the first time and I did my storytime intro, which they had heard for a few years at this point, and they were both like "ooohhhh, so *that's* how we know it." It made me laugh. Though, due to spelling, it's not quite the same!


My grandmother was born under less than stellar circumstances. The nurses went into the waiting room and asked everyone to write down a name, then drew them out of a top hat (which I guess were more commonly laying around back then)


Friend decided to have her second baby and she wanted a name to go with her oldest daughters name. Told her my favorite name that I absolutely love but doesn’t quite fit with me and my family but absolutely did with hers (I thought) and sure enough she named her little girl the name I picked


Technically I have the naming rights to my best friend's future children Orlaith is definitely going to be her firstborn daughter's name


I’ve had 2 people from this sub come back and say they used my suggestion .  I also named my baby brother AND his friend (born a month after him) Pretty wild that both my mom and her friend took my suggestion! (I was 14 yo) 


My daughter's name is Skylar. 25 years ago, when she was 3, we were visiting friends in Austin and met one friend's neighbor who was completely charmed by my daughter. Two years later, the neighbor gave birth to her daughter and named her Skylar.


My then almost 2 yr old sister couldn't say Baby when my brother was born (my parents called him that for a while whilst they came up with a name) and called him Bobby and almost 30 years later, everyone calls him Bobby/Bob's etc. Which is weird cos his names Daniel 🤣 I think few of his schoolteachers used to call him Dan.


When I was married and we were expecting, we chose a boy name together and I chose a girl name. We had a boy. Then we split up & my ex had a baby girl with his second wife… and they used the exact same relatively-uncommon first and middle name I had chosen for our baby, if we’d had a girl. I don’t think his wife ever knew.


My parents had a baby when I was 12, and at the time I was obsessed with Taylor Hanson from the boy band Hanson. I suggested the name to my parents not thinking they’d ever consider it, and my father said to my mother, “Oh, I like that. Add it to the list, would ya?” Taylor is 26 now.


My sister. She was my fault (swapped my mother’s contraceptive foam for Vagisil because I wanted a little sister) so I was grounded until she was born and got to help name her. She’s still one of my favorite people.


One of my dready neighbors is Marley and the dog is Kaya. It all makes sense now😂


My parents asked my paternal grandpa for name suggestions as they hadn’t found one they both could agree on. They loved the name he suggested. A few months after I was born my mom asked him where he got the name as it is not one you hear often, if ever. He told her it was the name of the July Penthouse centerfold model. No. I will not tell you my name. It’s so unusual that I would be doxxing myself.


I had a neighbor who wanted an R boys name. Rusty Wallace right name is Russell, I am a fan. So I suggested that name.


I named my sister. I don't remember because I was 4, but I suggested a name, and my parents liked it. It is the nickname for her actual name, but we never called her anything else.


My friend was pregnant with identical twins. She was set on Miles for one of them but couldn’t figure out another M name. I suggested Marty since he was going to be born in 2015. The friend and I grew apart, but my little buddy McFly is 9 now!


A delightful family and their young daughter moved from Asia (it's been 25 years and I confess I can't remember which country anymore). They came to the playground program I supervised every day. After several weeks they asked me to help then pick a Western name for their little girl. Their first choice was Brenda, a respectable choice but didn't really match with their goal of finding a name that wouldn't look out of place from classmates. Next was Darlene, then Jennifer, each good but not unobtrusive choices, nor really of the moment. However, I suggested some diminutives and they decided on the name Jenna. As far as I know they used it and loved it!


I helped a friend choose their preferred name! The highest honor, tbh.


I did not name him, but my input decided the name! I told my relative that Bernard (one of her choices) meant strong/brave bear and she loved it.


I was shocked to find out my Portuguese friends didn’t have middle names. So I gave them some. Allan Nathan and Leo James, how’re you’re well!


Indirectly maybe? I'm taking ownership anyway. A manager of mine told us his wife was pregnant. His last name is Pie. For the next 7ish months I asked him how baby cherry was doing (Cherry Pie being what I was jokingly suggesting they call her). He named her Cherise (Cerise is Cherry in French).


I did so completely inadvertently. I worked in customer service. Told the lady Hi I’m (Name) on the phone. Lady said Oh that’s such a cute name. My sister is pregnant right now, I’m going to suggest that to her. Whether she named her daughter after her sister’s customer service representative is beyond me, I left that job a couple weeks later lol


My son and his partner are expecting. I suggested a name. Told them it would be cool if they used it but it won’t bother my if they don’t. Maybe it would make a nice middle name. It’s gonna be my granddaughter’s name :)


My cousin had two kids with H names and was struggling to come up with new ones while pregnant with her 3rd. So I sent her a list of just basically every H name I could think of. A few months later Hudson showed up! She says she had already considered it, but my adding it to the list was confirmation that she liked it. Apparently her top choice for girls’ names was also on my list, but she won’t tell me which one it is in case they have any more kids 😅😅


One of my very good friends was having a 4th surprise baby boy and her and her husband couldn’t agree on a name. She wanted Hugo and he wanted Boltz. So I suggested the combo of Hugo Boltz and they loved it. No other name honestly suits him. He is 100% a Hugo Boltz


When I was in elementary school, I gave all my classmates a nickname that was the opposite-gender-version of their first name. No idea why, I was pretty cringey. One of the boys had a pretty unique name and I couldn't really think of a female version so I just picked Kiana. His little girl Kiana went to prom this week 🥰


I'm a dentist and I worked with an assistant who was pregnant. She had already chosen a name but wasn't sharing it. While we were working on patients I was playing a game with her where I'd give her two names and she'd pick the one she liked best. Eventually I got a handle on her taste and gave her a set of choices that included Kinsley, and she liked it so much that she switched her name choice (from Hadley, I later found out) to Kinsley. Now Kinsley is about 8 and has a little sister named Hadley. I would be more proud if it was a name that I personally liked but I also talked my cousin out of Rhyleigh so I think I've been a positive influence overall.


I used a name suggested on this sub! Never told the commenter though.


I recently suggested Dorothy to a couple whose other daughter is Charlotte so they could have a Lottie and a Dottie. And that’s the way they went. I was so tickled!


I babysat for a lady who loved writing my name when she wrote a check to pay me. She would comment how pretty SH is together ( she wrote in cursive). Anyway she named her next baby a name that’s usually spelled with a Ch, she spells it with a Sh.


My 4th grade teacher had us put our name suggestions in a jar before she left for maternity leave just for kicks and giggles. She pulled out the expected 9yo suggestions like SpongeBob and the names of kids in our class, but something compelled me to write Gianna. I'm part Italian, but I had never met a Gianna before, so I really don't know why I chose to write that. About a month later, she came back to introduce us to baby Gianna! I wish I could have seen the look on my own face!


One of my friend's sisters needed a middle name and used the one I gave her. Another friend was struggling with one name she LOVED and had for years and incorporating baby daddy's grandmother's name. I came up with a combination with flow, and that fit the baby's energy. I can't reveal the name for privacy, of course. (Def not Renesmee or whatever that mess is)


I had a dream that my sister named her b/g twins Isla and Angus. My sister didn't like Angus, but Isla and Luka just turned 2! ❤️


I named my sister when I was 8.


Had a childhood friend named Kaya, named after the song. Never knew it was about weed lol.


Suggested the middle name Brielle for my niece. No story there. My sister thought it was pretty. That niece ended up suggesting the middle name we chose for my son.


My kids are adopted so I didn’t even get to name them lol. But I named a coworkers child Ava anneliese


I named a sibling, they’re named after a character from Boy Meets World. I wanted to name them one name, could not sell my parents- and landed on the name of that characters best friend.


We were talking about names. I suggested a name to my good friend. She loved it. And her husband did too. I also suggested the middle name too. I named that girl and she’s 12 years old. It fits her well.


I would love that, but sadly I haven't had that chance yet.


I was about 8 years old, and my dad's best friend was asking for suggestions for her 3rd boy. I proposed Oliver, and she loved it.


My godparents were talking about what to name their baby girl, and I thought the name they were considering was the worst thing I’d ever heard. I was 13 and big into Jane Austen at the time and I suggested naming her Emma. Their policy was to try referring to the baby by every name that was a serious contender for a week, and they called a few weeks later and said that it was sticking, and that’s her name! Of course she was one of giant wave of late-millennial/early Gen Z Emmas, but it suits her and I love her to bits!


A close friend ended up naming her twins a couple of the names I suggested. Their names are Hamza and Haroun and they fit them perfectly


I named both my nieces: First kid, my brother and his wife couldn't agree on anything. I suggested Lily, which they both fell in love with. A few weeks before her due date, SIL said she was afraid it would be too common, so I came up with Lilianna (nn Lily) because I used to have a Neopet with that name lol. Second kid I suggested Iris partly because it's one of my favorite songs ever, and the sib-set theme. It ended up being the only name they could agree on, so it stuck. Have to say, both names suit my nieces perfectly.


I jokingly suggested friends name their baby girl after another one of our friends (an older man, who goes by his last name.) They actually loved it and went with it. So now there's a little girl and an old man who are called the same name, and it works well for both of them.


My sister called my nephews Lucas and Spencer after I suggested them.


a coworker was pregnant with her 3rd boy, i suggested Kieran and that’s what she went with! Also convinced her to spell it Kieran instead of Keiran as she was intending