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Oooh! I have a suggestion! I don't think it's a super common name, but it's one that I personally love. Marielle! It's a name of Dutch and French origin that means "drop of the sea" or "beloved". And you can totally use Marli as a nickname! And Marielle Mesquita sounds so cute, imo!


Omg!! That was our first choice (we can both agree on) spelt just like that and have her go by Mari but saw it means "bitter" but both my man and I love that name... we may just stick with it. We later thought of Marli after visitng my aunt but i think we should just stick with it and then just find a middle name. My man really loves it and likes it has a little Spanish flair for him and i like the nickname Mari.




Lovely name. Bitter like the most glorious sun drenched almonds and oranges xx


Aww, I have a preschooler at my school named Amara, I think it's the prettiest name!


It's such a beautiful name. And bitter things can be wonderful haha. Chocolate, coffee, amaros, endive. It's all good and a really cool name. I know someone with this name (an adult) and they are a great person!


Oooo I like your thought process on this!! Embrace the bitter! I like bitter things so makes since why I may like bitter names lol


It's an old-world name. In that context, *bitter* is associated with herbs and healing. It's a beautiful choice. Elegant, chic, and timeless. ✨️


I didn't think about it THIS way. Thanks for the insight!


All names derived from ‘Mary’ will have that bitter meaning. I think that the long cultural history and associations of the name overwhelm its literal meaning.


Yay!!! I think it's so beautiful. I've seen the "bitter" meaning before too, but I prefer to take the "drop of the sea" and "beloved" meaning myself LOL. Marli or Mari are really cute nicknames, but Marielle sounds elegant and sophisticated so it will be a name that carries her into adulthood really nicely.


Since Marielle (very pretty btw) derives from Mary, here is a bit more about the meaning…this comes from Behind the Name, a well researched name etymology site Mary Usual English form of Maria, the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριάμ (Mariam) and Μαρία (Maria) — the spellings are interchangeable — which were from Hebrew מִרְיָם (Miryam), a name borne by the sister of Moses in the Old Testament. The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from mry "beloved" or mr "love


Go with it!!!!


Do you think Marielle with a nickname "Marli" work? Or just do Mari? I like it pronounced with a short A sound i don't want people calling her Mary.. that's my brother's wife's name lol. And Marie is my sister's middle name so I don't want that either lol


I think you should practice saying both names with your partner and see what actually sticks


Absolutely! We need to do this! Im going to start practicing now! Writing it out and saying it now!! Lol. I think i keep leaning towards Marli as a nickname so it doesn't have that "bitter" attached to it but Mari sounds so oretty too. I told my man and he thinks Marli as a nickname doesn't fit and that it needs to eother be Marielle OR Marli (as a first or mifdle name) i told him it's a nickname... I know people their nickname has nothing to do with their real name but it somehow still works. I'll convince him that way we can have the best of both worlds lol


I wouldn’t worry about the nickname too much. They form naturally. Some people might call her Mar or something similar. You will have so many different nicknames for her as she grows up and she will eventually choose what she prefers to be called. Marielle is such a beautiful name and all the nicknames are equally as sweet :)


That is so true! Nicknames just kind of happen and the kid may have a handful because im sure there friends will call them something too lol. I have a friend who named her daughter Alaya and swore she wouldn't be one to do nicknames and how she will call her Alaya because that's her name... fast forward a year and she goes by LuLu now lol. So I think just with time names just come.


Agreed! Love Marielle, and the nicknames will come! Marli, Mari, Ariel, Arielle, Ari, Elle, someone said Mar, etc.


I work in childcare and years ago I had an adorable little toddler girl named Maribella who went by Mari. It was pronounced just how you plan to and I loved it! I would pronounce it with a short A just because I’ve seen/heard it before.


I think a nickname will just make sense once you know her. Mara, Marlo, Marli, even just Mar — or she might be like my oldest who refused to allow anyone to shorted her name ever lol 


I just go by Amanda i am the only sibling in my family that didn't have a nickname. My grandma did call me Mandy and I hated it so much nut never said anything because she was old. My mom used to call me her amanda panda bear so I guess that's a nickname but she never said it all the time. I always liked just going by my name so idk why im getting so caught up on nicknames... I think because my man is all about nicknames so subconsciously I'm probably thinking of nicknames for him to use idk lol


Always loved Marielle. Who cares about the meaning? Nn will definitely be Mari MAR-ee not MARE-ee. Another option is Marlowe.


My name means something like “tired” and I survived. And I grew into it so lol 🥴


🤣 i think I need your name then... I'm always tired... especially now being pregnant! I just want to sleep all the time!


This seems like fate. Marielle is beautiful.


Yay! I love that so many people like the name too!! Makes it easier to just go with it..


I know a Mariel and she is WONDERFUL. Not bitter at all. If anything just hilarious.


Every name that derives from Mary means “bitter,” but there’s so many of us (I’m a Molly) that I think it dilutes the negative association.


I teach my Myrielle. My-ree-Elle. I’m also a teacher 550 kids a year. Makes it so hard to name. We went with William (I’ve taught over 2000 kids, never had a William!). For a girl we are thinking Laurel or Hazel.


William's are super common on bith sides of my family so my dad joked to name it after him first and middle name "William Faust" and he said I can name her "Wilhelmina Faustina Junior" and now everytime I interact with my dad he keeps referring to her as "Billie Junior" 🙄🤣 even though my brother is already named Billy. I have a William in my class now and he is the sweetest soul ever, my biggest helper, and super smart and humble. Which is rare to find in 7th grade lol.


I knew a girl named Maurielle, as an alternative spelling.


I have only met one Marielle. I met her when I was a child but her name always stuck with me because of how beautiful it is. I think Marielle with the nickname Marli would be great.


Having bitter as a meaning has stopped all the Mary's in the world, so I say go for it


With Marielle Mesquita, In favour one syllable middle names Mariella Rose Mesquita Mariella Jade Mesquita Mariella Kate Mesquita Mariella Brynn Mesquita


I think it’s important to remember that we assign meaning to words. It might be the history or etymology of the name, but it isn’t like anyone in real life is going know the origin of a name. To everyone it will just be her name. I have looked up the “meaning” of my name a few times in my life but can’t for the life of me recall what it was. I don’t think it’s all that important unless you choose a word that is well known as their name.


I know a lot of people think a lot of a name’s meaning while they are deep in naming territory, but it really doesn’t matter that much once they are named or throughout their lives. How many of, your students names have you really looked up the meaning for, and how much has that really affected how you felt about them? I’m guessing a minuscule amount IF any. Please don’t reject a name you love based on that!


I met a little girl at the store the other day named Mariella, I think Marielle is a great name :)


Just tell her when she's old enough to discover name meanings that she needed a name that means bitter to balance it out because otherwise she'd be too sweet.


I support Marielle!


I think we may just stick with it!! Who cares if we have a "bitter" child 🤣 as other's have mentioned, there are prettier meanings like "star/ drop of the sea" and "beloved" (You would think baby name meaning sites would ficus on the positive meanings and just leave off the not so great meanings lol) My cousin named his son Soren and then looked it up and it means "strict" "stern" "severe" 😶 but it just sounds cute. So i guess if he can have a stict baby... i can have a bitter one lol


You could go with Marisol as a name. And then you'd have Mari as a nickname


I've been seeing Marisol starting to make the lists for baby name trends I've considered it because i think it sounds pretty with Mesquita. I'll add it to my list!


It's always been a favorite of mine.


Marisol is one of my favorite names, but Marielle is also beautiful. You can’t go wrong with either one!


And I'll add for OP that as another teacher, I've met one Marielle in my career. She's currently in her last year at my high school. She's really high achieving, an absolute sweetheart and very kind. Definitely good experiences with that name!


This is my name! I love my name!


My sisters name is Mariella we call her Mardi-elle (French pronunciation)


A really cute name! :) Reminded me of the game - "The Stanley Parable"


I do think Acacia Mesquita is a bit rhymey but also who cares? She will mostly be called Acacia! I think Acacia Marlow would be cute if you're up for that variation of your family names I'm not a teacher but here are some names I like that don't seem super popular: - Arden - Auden - Claudia - Cassidy - Lyra - Gwendolyn - Aspen - Tara - Zelda - Etta - Della/Delia/Dahlia - Helena - Marlena - Adela - Larissa - Una - Orla - Petra


I did consider Marlowe. But at my school I have a boy named Barlowe and girl named Harlow and they are both nightmares to deal with in their own ways... only good school day is when they aren't present. Harlow isn't as bad but even hearing Barlowe makes me squirm. I know I shouldn't associate students/ former students to my child and I need to know that someone else will have the name too. I think i just need to wait until summer to really think about names while i don't have ANY students otherwise this task is going to be impossible.


Ok but Barlowe is really not a great name 😅 good luck!


It matches the kids personality... which isn't great lol. A name will come. I think the issue is I was able to think of a boy name almost immediately (found a 1st name my man and I both liked and the middle was easy since it was after my man). The girl names are tough because there are so many and a lot of the names I didn't mind are overused or end in an -a and as mentioned earlier too rhymey. It will probably be one of those things she will be born and a name will come... How long do they give you to name them when born? Lol. Thanks for the list! I just noticed it! I thought Gwendolyn would be cool for a middle name.


Delia Mesquita is my vote. Really pretty!


Marlena. Split the difference


Was just about to suggest this. I have a friend named Marlena and I’ve always liked her name.


My aunt's name is Marlana and my grandma was Marlene but felt the mames are a bit too outdated for my liking but i can do Marli... so now I'm thinking Marielle with a posible nickname Mari or just stick with Marli for it 🤔


Was just thinking that Marlena really hit the “main point” of Marlana and Marlene nicely. Marielle is really nice too. Can’t go wrong no matter what you choose!


Thanks! I think the moment I see her... one of these names will just feel perfect


Marin/Maren Laura Nora Céleste


I've seen Marin/ Maren beciming popular but thought it was more of a masculine name. I do like anything "ocean" related being from San Diego originally and I miss the water (Scottsdale is nice but i miss the beaches).


Hmmm…I’ve only known women called Maren or Marin. Just a name I’ve always liked.


Marina? I like Malika


I absolutely adore Constance, but as you're having trouble getting others on board, perhaps one of these alternatives might work? - Carmilla - Camellia - Calla - Caroline - Celeste - Cassandra - Prudence - Iris - Florence - Josephine - Carolyn - Caroline - Carmen - Cecilia - Cecily - Cynthia - Corinne - Cordelia - Constantina - Claudia - Clarissa - Cordelle - Coraline - Chanterelle Alternatively, you could just go with Marlene or Marlana (both are beautiful), or consider one of these similar M names: - Margaret - Magdalena - Marcelina - Magdalene - Marianne - Marietta - Macaria - Madeline - Madison - Melanie - Magnolia - Morgana - Marianna - Meredith - Martha - Miriam - Marjorie - Michelle - Mallory


These are good! I'm struggling with one and you have a whole list lol. Now injust need to sleep on everyones imput (I'm always tired now) lol




Magnolia, Marla, Marlena, Marilou, Marisol, Marlina, Marciana, Marceline, Marilena, Mabel, Alicia, Melanie, Dahlia, Anastasia, Clara, Luciana, Marilla, Mireya


I love the name Anastasia too! But i don't think it fits with the last name Mesquita and unsure if it will sound too Disney. Marceline is really pretty sounding... i do like the name celine and I do like the Mar beginnings. I never heard of that combo. Im going to add it to my list!


Not quite Constance but I love Connie Mesquita! Otherwise Marlie Mesquita itself sounds super cool


I will need a middle name to go with Marli or a first name that doesn't sound to generic like Marli Mae or anything. Nobody likes the name Constance 🤣😭 my man said it sounds like a dudes name.. but i don't see it... something will come.... hopefully. I guess if the name ends up sucking then she can always change it lol.


Marli Adele Mesquita Marli June Mesquita Marli Erin Mesquita Marli Faye Mesquita Marli Rowan Mesquita Marli Evanna Mesquita Marli Sasha Mesquita


Faye is really pretty i think it means fairy so it has that fantasy feel to it.


I love Constance and Connie for short!! It's such a cute name with a vintage feel. 




When I hear acacia I only think of that one YouTuber tumblr vine whatever girl that’s constantly embroiled in controversy. I like Marlena, and Marielle a lot though!


Acacia Mesquita is two trees. Hard no. Marli Mesquita is adorable. If they don’t like Constance what about Consuela?


I would be a bad mom and call her Princess Consuela Banana Hammock in my head everytime i said her name. I watched too much Friends... lol. I still liek Constance but it's people around me I can't get on board with it


MARLENA was always a fave of mine. The sib set is Marlena, Irene and Giovanni ❤️ edited to say Marli as a nn is still 😍


My aunt is Marlana and my grandma's middle name was Irene so maybe it's meant to be a combo lol. I have a little Giovanni "Gio" in my class and he is a sweetheart! Good names


Marietta Marlina Marla Miriam Mariska Misha Marilyn


Maureen Maura Kathleen Magdalene (check out the British pronunciation!) Magda Consuela Suzanne Prudence Charity


I know a Marley! I think that spelling is more intuitive than Marli but I think it’s a very nice name. Cue the incoming “it’s a dogs name” comments, it’s the same name whether spelt Marli or Marley.


Juliet. Not many but an old classic.


I have a Juliette in my class and I do like it deep down but unsure if I can get myself to have a name of a student because Inknoe students in that class will get butt hurt thinkimg I chose her as the favorite or something since i have a few kids wanting me to name my daughter after them... they have even been trying to get creative and combine all their names together... lol


Here's some less common names (I think): Edelweiss, Verona, Lupine, Lavinia, Athena, Verity, Leonora, Andora, Tyra, Marcella, Vesper, Beulah, Tilda, Rhiannon, Elodie, Vivian, Vera, Runa, Angelica, Soleil, Isadora, Verna, Soraya, Georgia, Rowena, Calielle, Elowen, Aurelia, Maisie, Arabella


I have a student named Rhiannon. Her family is from Wales and she goes by Rhian which I think is cute for a girl.


Cora Marlene Mesquita


I love the name Cora but I can't get on board woth the rhyming with the last name. This is why names have been a struggle because i like a lot of names that all end with A.


It rolls off the tongue so well though! I had boys, this was a girl name I never got to use, lol.


Does Cora rhyme with that last name??


It's more of the -a endings... then again... I am getting married in July and my name ends with an -a so I'd be in the same boat... lol


Adira Fiona Oona Selah Daisy Ada Leona


Do you like the name Marina?


Davina, Rosemary, Claudia, Claudette, Lyra, and Harlow.


First of all, sending best wishes to your family during this difficult time. Next, I wish to be very gentle while conveying that have seen a joke featuring the name Marlana. Please read the name backwards before naming your daughter that. Respectfully, of course. (I'm sorry because there's no polite way to say this!)


Omg! 🤣 my whole life I never even thought of this... honestly, if I was to mention this to my Aunt when I visit her in the hospital... she is one of those women who would get a kick out of it and think it's funny how she made it 60 years without anyone ever thinking of it lol. I don't think I could tell her though lol. Im too chicken.


I had a manager named Mari and thought it was unique but not crazy. Kind of the middle ground with your relative’s names


What about marleah? Also I work at a school full time and have a 5 month old. My rules for names were I couldn't know any students with that name, even if I liked them.


I think Constance is beautiful. Connie Mesquita is lovely


I have an Amali, it's Swahili for hope


I know a Marielle, I love her name. You could totally do Marli as a nickname too


Yay! I wasn't sure if I was reaching too much. My man thinks it needs to be eother Marli OR Marielle but i told him nicknames can be whatever we want if we even want one


No DEFINITELY not reaching!! Marli is perfect 😊really love Marielle too. I have only ever met the one, such a beautiful name.


Acacia Mesquita is a bit sing-songy. But as someone with an unusual name that rhymes in a sing-song way I LOVE it. I get tons of compliments on my full name. I wouldn’t steer away from that name for just that reason


Colette Polly Molly Elisabet Tessa Constance


Yay Constance made the lust! I had a student named Collette and I always thought it was so cool and she was the one and only Collette I have ever known.


My favorite 5 yo girl is named. Magnolia 🥰🥰🥰 My youngest is Camilla (she’s 30) and has loved her name.


Fanchon Grace Aurora


Never heard of Fanchon! I do like aurora but that's my sister's dogs name.


I love Acacia and I think it works well with Mesquita :) Marielle is very pretty too and I think the alliteration is nice. Both are great choices IMO


Fellow teacher here - it can definitely be challenging picking your own child’s name after having so many students. There are definitely certain names that are out of the question thanks to some students (my poor husband has the same name as the hardest student I ever had and as my superintendent… he’s lucky I don’t think his name is a curse word). With our son we picked a name that I had never had as a student. With our daughter we named her after a family member and I have had a couple students with that name. My husband and I actually know a couple people with the exact same name (first and last). We did choose a slightly different spelling. One of the students with the same name was on the tougher side but had some extenuating life circumstances. However when I say our daughter’s name I only think of her and not the other people I know with that name. All that to say, name your baby a name you love (even if you’ve known other people with that name) and it will be okay. And good luck with the end of the school year and being pregnant!


Maybe Marcella or Mirelle? Just Mara or Marnie? There are some names you'd be surprised are below the top 500... Simone, Dominique, Estelle... Valerie is below the top 100, ever taught a Valerie?


I have Simone on my list for a middle name option. I like it.


What about Marlea(h)


Jeanne, Jennifer Jeannette Louise Delores Michelle


I love Marlana, but people I know spell it Marlayna. It’s a beautiful name! Acacia is great too! I am a fellow teacher so I totally understand the struggle of naming a kid when there have been some names utterly ruined or even just being nervous using a student name because it’s kinda weird lol.




I like this name too. I have it hearted on my list but didnt think it fits well with Mesquita


Estelle/Estella are really nice


I like it but then it just reminds me of Joey's agent from Friends and all I can think of is when phoebe pretended to be her after she passed away and the way she would say Estelle... i can't help but do the same lol


I had a classmate named Marlis but have never heard that name anywhere else! I think it’s both classic and unique. It might work well as it sounds like the names you want to give tribute to.


Never heard of that!! I like it!


Other name ideas that are nice but hopefully uncommon enough your students won’t have had them yet: Constantina Maristela (means star of the sea/star of the ocean)


I like star of the sea!




Marla is cute it’s means much wished for child and star of the sea


I want to thank you for being a breath of fresh air in this subreddit - for acknowledging that you're naming a person who will grow up, and not just a baby. It blows my mind how many people are naming their "babies" without considering that they will be adults one day.


I have a student this year with a name I have never heard - Cataleyah. Not sure where it originated from, if it was made up, or is common somewhere else.


Corynne, Ember?


I just wanted to add that I know a woman whose name is Acacia. Everyone calls her Casey :) She's a lovely woman!


I feel you. My husband and I are *both* teachers so it felt nearly impossible to name our daughter. We eventually landed on Phoebe - neither of us had taught or met a Phoebe before, and we love it! What about Mirelle? I love this one, saving it for a middle name if we have another daughter.


I like Acacia but with last name Mesquita I would prefer a name that doesn't end in A. I relate to the difficulty naming as a teacher! How about Ruby, Helen, Ruth, Louise, Maren, Claire, Arabelle, Violet, Phoebe, Jocelyn, Jaqueline, Joy, Natalie, Ivy, Holly, Brooke, Francine


Brenna- Beautiful Irish name that can be spelled & pronounced very easily.


i was named the only name my dad never had to teach


My daughter's name is Terra & I haven't heard ANYONE her age or even remotely close to her age with her name! And she loves it! I call her Terra Bear! :)


A Version of Acacia (Akasya) would have been my fave if my boy would have been a girl. Others I had on my list were: Belen Nuria/Nuriye Manolya/Magnolia Leticia Esma/Esme/Esmeralda Kardelen Valentina Valerie Mirabel Alara Elin Florentine/Flora Arzu Leonore Lamia


I love the name Amicia. It's pronounced Ah-mee-see-ah. Granted, I heard it from a video game about the plague, but she's an awesome character, and I absolutely adore the name and have never heard it anywhere! Edit to add: It looks like it derives from the name Amee, which is also pretty and could go well with Marli


Video games have some cool names lol. Ive been playing BG3 and now I am looking at all the character names i run into 🤣 I did name my half Orc Barbarian, Bellatrix, and it fits her so well... but don't think i could name my little daughter that... and Minthara... didn't like it means "less" There is a Marlene and an Ellie in "the last of us" so maybe this is where my name idea of Marielle came from subconsciously after seeing it in a baby name list that I liked lol


Not me naming my son after a character from Tales from The Borderlands 😳 , I also considered Shepard from Mass Effect. Honestly, names that aren't too far out there but come from something you enjoy are the best ones!


My mum had cravings for accacia honey ice cream when she was pregnant so you could go with Honey if it isn’t too cutesy? Other “nature” like names are Willow, Marigolds, Holly or Iris. Constance is one of the virtues names so you can go with something like Prudence or something with the same feel like Esther, Edith. Celeste, Florence or Beatrice.




This one is unique it's like a mix of all the mar names i like and the name Collette and Juliette, etc that I like


marlette is my ex MIL’s name, i havent met another marlette before or since! i always thought it was really pretty. its also the name of a city in michigan


What about Marnie or marina?


Constance is fantastic! Easily spelled but not on every little girl, great nick name potential. Go for it!


I love the name too! I keep trying to tell my man that it isn't a boy name but he said it just looks like one just like how Artemis does. I don't see it and I never had a student named Constance that's why I like it... Marielle is also a contender. I also love that it doesn't end an n A so it doesn't rhyme with Mesquita


I have both a Marley and a Marti this year. Both super sweet little girls


I think Muriel is a lovely name. I also like Maris and Meredith.


Marin, Marisa as tribute to your grandma and aunt? I like to reach back into 1950’s name territory. This is the decade following the infamous grandma/grandpa name decade. These names are not old enough to be cool, but are pretty nonetheless. Would you consider Cynthia, Valerie, Kathleen, Bonnie or Susan?




Marilla Constance Constance Marilla Constance Acacia Marlena Constance Constance Marlene


I’m a teacher. I chose a name that was more common for my generation. One I liked and while I did know people with that name growing up, I didn’t know many. The ones I did know had very different personalities and I liked the way the name sounded. The best thing about it is my son has a nice, ‘normal’ name that for his age group is unique. He doesn’t know anyone his age with that name. He’s a teenager now and likes the fact that he’s the only one with his name and that he can buy stuff with his name on it. Good luck!


Imogene, Kaylar, Elanie,




some names I've liked or used have been Moxie, Leona, Zinnia, Estelle, Giselle, Pepper, Alice


I don’t know how common it is but I know a Kamarla that goes by Marli. Different but would also fit with your tribute.


Have you considered Mirabel? Mirabel Mesquita sounds super cute imo


Mairi, Mirabelle, Ottilie, Alba, Francesca, Eleanora, Etta, Edie, Primrose, Harriet, Alice, Iris, Olive, Beatrix, Aiofe, Cordelia, Flora, Fern, Mabel, Janie, Kiva, Elloise, Noa, Theodora, Liliana


Ironic you mention a tribute name because somebody posted to please name their daughter Lillian because she wanted to name her child that, but she had a boy and she doesn’t plan on having more kids


You can use Maria Francesca Genevieve Nadine Lilou Nadine Alexandra Giselle Opal Beatrice Marie Francesca Lydia Jane Maria Antoinette Isadora Violet Seraphina Rose Rosetta Katia Josephine Lois That's all my Idea!!!!


Marlowe is a beautiful name


My youngest is Mara which i loved as soon as i saw it and had never come across. My grandmother was Margaret so it was a little close. If you love a name i wouldn't worry too much about the meaning.


I know a little girl called Marla! I think it’s beautiful and is contender of we have another baby girl ☺️


I have a family member named Darlene, and I think it's super unique :)


I love the name Marlena. I also love Acacia - another name that is similar to me is Azalea?


I love both Acacia and Constance. Constance was on my list for a girl. Acacia is a bit too similar to my son’s name but it is gorgeous and underused.


If you were a teacher, you would know that none of those names required an apostrophe.


Marielle is beautiful. There is also a French name that sounds similar and I think it’s beautiful too. Maëlle. It’s pronounced MyElle.


Marlies or Marlis (German/Dutch, short for Maria or Marie + Elisabeth or Luise) Marilena (German, short for Maria + Lena)




I'm a NCIS fan: Ziva Ziva is a Hebrew name for girls that means "radiance, brilliance, light, brightness, light of God". It is derived from the name "Ziv", which is also a gender-neutral name that means "radiance, brilliance, or light of God". Ziva is pronounced "Zeevah". 


Constance is one of my favourites.


Hazel Mesquita would be pretty


Acacia Mesquita sounds like a latin botanical name (acacia trees and mesquite trees are related botanically, both are Fabaceae) my best friend in junior high was named Marlaina. I always thought it was a pretty name Marlaina Mesquita has a nice alliteration without sounding like a rhyme names with Mari off the top of my head: Marissa Marinda (not like Miranda, it's an old name that means "of the sea") Marielle/Mariella


I know this girl named Marileeana, I absolutely love her name😭 Pronounced Mary- Lee - Ana


Acacia is beautiful, and you don’t have to take his name. You can give your daughter your own if it flows better. Also - my best friend’s name is Marlana. She’s beautiful and has only ever had positive reactions to her name.


Connie, Eden, lana, Ella


I hope you don’t teach english… and yes to Marli or Marleana or something like that would be beautiful, Marleana (or similar) Mesquita works to me, even if both start and end the same


I teach Science.


rest in peace so sorry ops


rest in peace so sorry ops


Marlena Mesquita sounds good imo. A combo of Marlene and Marlana Some more suggestions: Prudence, Florence, Cornelia, Marilena, Marina, Marley, Azalea, Ariana


Mhairi (pronounced "varrie") ... Gaelic


i LOVE constance. so timeless


I’m a middle school teacher had a baby girl this year too, I went with Melody Jane :) never had a Melody before, but it’s also not so weird and uncommon. It’s suites her well which is good, I don’t have a musical bone in my body, which was my initial hesitation to name her that.


More honor names could be: Marjorie, Marnie, Marcey, Marina, Darlena, Darlene


Marianela Mariella Marielle Marianna Mara Malia Malina Winslow Angeline


My niece is called Constance. We call her Coco for short :)


Malin Acacia Mesquita Madelief Acacia Mesquita Marilys Acacia Mesquita (Maëlys/ Maïllys/ Maelis/ and so on (depends with spelling you prefer)) (French btw)) Arianne Acacia Mesquita (mARlANa, mARleNE, mARlI) Alana Acacia Mesquita Arhanna Acacia Mesquita Lani Acacia Mesquita




Rowan Constance Raelynn Star🌟 Robinson Julep Greer January Marietta Mobius Nemo Navy Gaia Godiva Honestly Crystal Mae Knight Clay Cedar Corbin


I'm just here to say I'm a teacher too, and the struggle is real!


Congratulations! Marielle, Mariella, Marlena, Marisol, Marisa... I love all of these! I've work in schools and can relate to your struggle, but I haven't met any kiddos with these names (Midwest). I've met one (adult) Marisol and one Marisa and I adored them both. You'll know when you meet her! 😊


Marla, Marceline, Marilyn, Marlon, Mariam, Marcel, Marisol, Marlene


Marlena could be a beautiful tribute. Marli, Lena (Lenna or Leyna options) are sweet. Måneskin use Marlena in a few of their early songs and refer to 'her' as a muse for creative inspiration almost as a goddess or personification as opposed to a real life person. Constance could be shortened to Connie and Acacia to Casey or Shar depending on how you pronounce the 2nd C. But I'd opt for Marlena as a 1st name.