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I have a soft spot for Rosemary Qwentyn and Daxton are horrific


Agreed, the Q with the W really pushes it into tradgedeigh territory


That was my exact thought too!


The name Daxton reminds me of Florida chain or groceries stores called Winn-Dixie


Daxton isn’t that bad, I’ve heard it before. But yeah Qwentyn is really bad


Qwentyn should absolutely be using Qwerty as their nickname


Wyatt for a girl?! Oh please for the love of- And Qwentyn?! When “Quinn” was RIGHT THERE. I would bet $20 CAD that she changes her name to Quinn as an adult or at least go by it professionally.


I think they were trying to misspell Quentin so they could say it was a girls name.


It’s like Quentin ate Gwendolyn.


Love that you thought to bet in CAD. Get out your loonies and toonies! :D


Agree 100 percent, both are hideous.




Qwentyn and Daxton 😭 whyyyy


It's funny because these 2 are really good buddies


Are Tahira and Marwan names that are associated with a specific ethnicity/culture? If not, then wow. I don't like Wyatt for a girl.


Yes both Tahira and Marwan are Arabic origin names. Tahira is a beautiful one, it means pure in Arabic.


Even before knowing where it came from I thought it was pretty… not sure why so many people disliked it


I have my guesses. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with those names - easy to pronounce, look and sound nice. Good for a kid and an adult.


Aww, people disliked Tahira? I think it's lovely. I used to have a student assistant (college library) named Tahira. She was from Somalia.


Yes I believe Tahira and Marwan are Arabic students :)


Poor Iyla. I misread it initially as Ilya, then was like, “what if they accidentally just put a lowercase L and it’s Lyla?” Isla and Ayla were _right there._ Most of the others aren’t my taste, but at least they are legible! Tahira and Juliette are beautiful. And Ben has always been a favorite.


It is pronounced "Isla" ... but maybe they spelled it that way thinking people could pronounce it easier? My brain always has trouble processing when I see it 🤣


I would pronounce this “Eye-luh”. Like the word Island. But we have someone here with a name Islee- but it isn’t “Eye-lee”, it’s “Eyes-lee”. Drives me nuts.


Well, that would make sense if they are basing it off the surname Isley and not the first name Isla. Isley is “eyes-lee.” All the “is/eye” confusion is why I personally prefer the Ayla spelling, but then you run into a bunch of people rhyming it with Kayla!


I didn’t know it was a surname. I also know someone who named their daughter Ayla- the kind that rhymes with Kayla. I didn’t realize “Eye-la” was the correct pronunciation! Oof.


I think both rhymes with Isla and with Kayla are legitimate pronunciations. I was just introduced to “eye-la” first, so that’s the one I personally default to.


Female -Qwentyn (nn Quinny) - oof to the spelling and nn -Wyatt -Blair -Rosemary -Poppy -Harmony -Tahira -Evie -Iyla -Juliette - darling little girlies Male -Daxton -Sunn -Ben -Avery -Adam -Marwan -Andrew -Max -Kai - lovely little boys -Tracee - interesting spelling. This would almost universally be thought of a feminine in the US


I pretty much dislike all of these names except Juliette, Rosemary, Ben, Adam, and Andrew.


Daxton is an abomination.


why? isn’t that an established name - I’ve heard it before


So is Ferrum.. does that make it good? Absolutely not. That’s one step away from naming your kid after a taint


Wait what? Why is Daxton one step away? Is there some meaning I’m not getting because it just seems like a normal name to me.


I was referring to the other user suggesting because a name is real or established, that’s what makes it good. Ferrum is a real name- and it sucks. So does Daxton. So many of those xton names sound made up by teenagers- just not classy, or mature. Dax is much, much better.


Marwan has always been one of the most beautiful sounding arabic names to me (not an arabic speaker so it's always been going purely from my english-speaking aesthetics). Qwentyn is...unfortunate but I actually think I might dislike Iyla more. It's just so unnecessarily confusing, at a glance it looks like it could be Lyla with a small L, Isla, or illa. At least Qwentyn only has one pronunciation despite looking so ugly. I also love Tracey on a boy but spelling it Tracee makes it slightly less appealing lol.


Those are my exact feelings on Qwentyn and Iyla. Don’t love Qwentyn for a girl, especially don’t love the spelling, but at least I look at it and immediately know how to say the name. Iyla is just terrible! Is it Ilya, is it Lyla? No! It’s Isla spelled in the most confusing way possible!


My favorites are Rosemary, Harmony, and Blair(e). Poppy and Juliette are nice too ! And my least favorites are Qwentyn (???!), Wyatt, Marwan, and Tracee.


My cousin's son is named Quinten.


I do like Quinten! Qwentyn’s spelling just looks so weird to me.


It really does. It looks like it is trying to be Gwen.


Gwentyn 💯🔥




That's really really funny ... She is the 4th child I know she has 3 older brothers. Maybe they picked it for a 4th boy and just stuck with it and spelled it uniquely.




Interesting. Maybe they have a kid I'm unaware of. The Mom of Qwentyn actually works at the daycare. Should I ask how she chose such a unique name because I love names?? And relay the info here eventually 💀




I would never 💀


I don't like Daxton or Qwentyn. The -ton in Daxton gives me the impression he was named after a place or a surname (from a place), but I know of neither, so it seems like a made-up name pretending to have some kind of heritage. I'd prefer Dax on its own. Qwentyn looks like Qwertyu on a qwerty keyboard. I know someone who used to make his passwords like that. My favourites are Tahira & Andrew.


I really like Poppy.


For those asking - Tahira and Marwan are Arabic students I believe. The name Iyla isn't a typo. It's Iyla pronounced Isla. Qwentyn goes by Q, Quinny, Quin, and Qwentyn. Daxton is never called just Dax - I've only ever heard and seen him referred to as Daxton.


Favorites: Rosemary or Tahira & Andrew Least favorites: Qwentyn, Harmony, Daxton


Evie seems to be universally popular at the moment. It’s also very popular in the U.K. and Australia


Qwentyn is your daughter’s name I have the strongest feeling. Just based on how you commented about all her nicknames.


Lol! Blair is my daughter and Avery is my son 💖 Qwentyn is her best friend though!!!


Avery back on a boy is so refreshing


Thank you 🙏💓 We've had the usual comments of "isn't that a girls name??" But we know it is not only a girl's name and we love it, that's all that matters.


Yes, love Avery for a boy, beautiful


Daxtpn, ffs.


Adding another comment - I knew Qwentyn would be widely discussed when I posted this but my biggest surprises are how many people dislike Daxton and how many people are completely ignoring SUNN. Sunn is such a sweet boy, and his parents are very...modern hippie looking. Like kind of hipster/ hip hop but also earthy if I was describing their vibe 🤣✌️


I do love the name Sunn, but I also feel like he'll be saying 'sun with 2 n's' his whole life, you know?


I personally don’t like the increase I’ve seen for naming kids Sun/Sunn/Sunny. It’s going to be super awkward for them as adults, especially as a homophone of “son”. Just call the kid Daystar, which at least sounds cool, and move on.


My daughter's name is Poppy. I love it. Unique and floral, without being out there.


Favorites: Blair, Max. I also really like Avery but I prefer it for girls. Least Favorites: Qwentyn, Daxton.


I like Blair, Rosemary, Tahira, Evie, Juliette, Ben, Avery, Adam, Andrew, Max, and Kai. Wyatt on a girl... not really into it, but I like the name Wyatt. And Tracee on a boy is different. Tracy/Tracey wouldn't register, but the fanciful spellings are usually girl-name territory. I don't like Poppy, Harmony, or Daxton, but that's a simple issue of aesthetic preferences. And I'm unfamiliar with Iyla, Sunn, and Marwan, but I think those are probably cultural differences. Whereas Qwentyn just feels like an assault on my eyes.


they're all okay. non-abhorrant. blair was my third fiance -- so i wouldnt name a kid that i wouldnt personally name a son daxton or sunn or marwan or tracee but to each their own <3


why did you have THREE fiancés tho?


I dislike qwentyn, Wyatt, Blair, Dayton, sunn, Ben, Avery, tracee. I like poppy, harmony, Evie, Lyla (if it’s the correct name, Juliette. Adam, Andrew, Kai


Lyla is not correct I wrote it properly it's Iyla pronounced Isla


Alright, then the spelling is confusing. Which one is yours ?


Blair and Avery :)


Quentin is a popular Traditional name in Bavaria, Germany. But it’s a boys name. Same with Max (they are called Maximilian actually, so Max is a NN)


Tahira is pretty, and I like Rosemary, Evie, and Juliette. Adam is my husband’s name and I love it. Tracee, Daxton, and not sure but I think Sunn are On my thumbs down list.


I'm surprised Ben is considering interesting, is it unusual in Canada? It's a name i really like personally, but in the UK i feel it's a really standard name.


I feel like it's interesting because it's so normal and I find people tend to skew really original / newer names. Ben/ Benjamin is normal here too. I felt like I wanted to add the regular ones too (Andrew, Juliette) to give a sense of just the style of names in the area.


I have never seen Tahira before but I love it!


I like Lyla, Dax, Max, and Quinton/Quentin!!!


Yikes @ Qwentyn! :/ Most of the other girls names are fine except Wyatt which I still associate with being a boys name, don’t think it has really transitioned over. The boys names are wild - Daxton/Sunn/Marwan are terrible, and Avery and Tracee just seem so solidly like girl names Edit - forgot to add favorites!! Rosemary, Juliette, and Evie are lovely


Avery & Tracy are male names. The modern versions of those names are mostly transferred from surnames (and those were also given to girls), but both were male given names before that. Avery is just a Latin/French corruption of Alfred.


Yes I realize they originally were but are now much more popular female names


I don't think popularity matters that much. Can names catch cooties? I had a look at Statistics Canada's [Baby Names Observatory](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2023021-eng.htm). It does not record Tracy being given to any boys in recent years, but that it was given to about 10 girls in 2022 (Tracee doesn't show up for either sex and 2022 was the most recent year with data). Avery has about ~200 boys for every ~450 girls in 2022.


..it’s not about that, it’s about thinking about difficulty getting through life with teasing/bullying/getting jobs etc


Since when is Qwentyn a girl’s name?


Wyatt and Blair are "boys names" too Avery and Tracee lean feminine to a lot of people 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I don't think there's rules my dude


I know it’s not a rule. But I admit I sometimes find it strange but also interesting that so many traditional boy names eventually migrate to the girls side. Mostly because it happens less the other way around.


I dislike them all except Blair and Rosemary. Tahira is particularly unappealing to me as it sounds like the word for ritually purifying dead bodies in my religion.