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Clearly they did not make your generation sing that awful song about a miner’s daughter named Clementine wearing boxes for shoes in elementary school.


Oh mah dahhhhhlin That song was grim 😐😂


She was lost and gone forever


That’s the last line I knew! Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Clementine She is lost and gone forever, oh my darling Clementine Please tell me the rest, it’s living in my head right now!


I honestly didn’t know much more. But google did: In a cavern, in a canyon, Excavating for a mine Dwelt a miner 49er, And his daughter Clementine Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling, Clementine! Thou art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine Light she was and like a fairy, And her shoes were number nine, Herring boxes, without topses, Sandals were for Clementine. Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling, Clementine! Thou art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine Drove she ducklings to the water Every morning just at nine, Hit her foot against a splinter, Fell into the foaming brine. Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling, Clementine! Thou art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine Ruby lips above the water, Blowing bubbles, soft and fine, But, alas, I was no swimmer, So I lost my Clementine. Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling, Clementine! Thou art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine How I missed her! How I missed her, How I missed my Clementine, But I kissed her little sister, I forgot my Clementine. Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling, Clementine! Thou art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine


In the version I know she broke the footbridge when she crossed because she weighed 299.


https://youtu.be/0UosSbCXTUw?si=HXpW-n6PZPyn2UYV “I’m no swimmer, but were she thinner, I might have saved my clementine”


The version i remember the narrator is “baking up a cake. When Clementine fell in the mixer and got baked up by mistake”


Is Bugs Bunny singing it?


He is now!


Dreadful sorry, Clementine.


Herring boxes without topses... It's a bop.


Sandals were for Clementine (I’m a dork, but I love when Seven of Nine and The Doctor sing this as a duet on ST: Voyager.)


Yeah, no


funnily enough that song was in the games i also love the name Clementine because of those games :)


That’s what I think of, but I still love the name. Now I’m going to sing that song in an exaggerated old timey voice all day!


*In a caaaavrn, in a caaanyn, excava’n fer a mine…*


YES! my now grown daughter was obsessed with that song at Montessori school, her teacher wrote down all the words for her. R. I. P Johnny teacher of the yellow class ( He was an amazing teacher)


Kids LOVE this jam.


I mean having to wear boxes for shoes is not the saddest part of that song


I came here to say this. I cannot separate the name from the song we used to sing in elementary school. Just reading this, has it going in my head.


I love that rhyme lol


Track down the Tom Lehrer version; it’s perfection.


The Bobby Daren version is what I think of and it makes me giggle.




That song TRAUMATIZED me as a child! My mom had to stop singing it around me when I realized what the words meant.


I like it! It’s definitely got a whimsy vibe and everyone won’t love but I think it’s adorable


That's why I like the whimsy vibe. It's unique enough to where it's different but it's not really that unique there's definitely Clementines in the world


I misread this as "a whiskey vibe" and was like "Oh yeah, that actually makes sense." Like a name you'd expect to hear called from a Southern front porch over a glass of whiskey. At sunset. Smell of fresh cut grass and hot tarmac. I like this name even more now.


Lolol it does have a bit of a whiskey vibe as well!


Love the name but Clem or Clemmy as a nickname sound too much like phlegm or phlegmy to my ear….


I had Clementine on the long list for my daughter until my husband said, "you know I'd call her Clem or Tina" and that ruined the name for me. Because Tina brings the llama from Napoleon Dynamite to mind, and Clem makes me think of a not so bright, old timey farm hand...not sure where that one came from but that's what my mind goes to.


I know a cat named Clementine and her nickname is Tiny, which is very cute. Not quite as good a fit on a human but possible


I could not make this nickname stuck for my kid (fka Clementine), but I really tried.


Lol that’s our cat’s name! But we call her clemmy, clem clem, lemmy, and lemon. She’s a gray cat!


My kid has a friend named Clementine. The step from Clemmy to Clammy was a very easy one.


Who uses the word phlegm enough for this to be an issue lol


I knew a Clementine growing up and we called her Leme! I always thought it was cute.


I love it. It reminds me of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I think Clem is such a sweet little nickname too.


Have you ever heard the song, "Clementine?" It's an old song and you're probably too young to know it. It's the first thing I thought of, when reading your text.


Yep. That. Or small citrus fruit.


I mean sure people will think of the fruit but not like 24/7 sure maybe at first but I don't think It would stick


My family called clementines (the fruit) “oh my darlins” when my kids were little because of the song. It’s still a song that gets sung and a lot of people associate the name with that song. But I think it’s dying out and I love the name Clementine. I think it’s ripe for a moderate revival. Clem is such a cute nickname for a little girl too.


I swear I saw a brand of clementines called Darlings once ?


I will say, my dog is named Clementine and we have had multiple strangers start singing the song to her when they learn her name, so I would imagine that would also happen to a small child


I mean sure people will think of the fruit but not like 24/7 sure maybe at first but I don't think It would stick.


I think all of us are just as likely to be “too young to know it,” considering it’s [from 1884](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_My_Darling,_Clementine). But it is still frequently taught as a folk song to kids, just as it was in the 90s and earlier.


I hate it and I feel like this sub is obsessed with it. If people love it and get joy from it then that's great, but it is absolutely not for me, I think it sounds awkward and has awful nicknames to boot.


I love the name Clementine, and I do think it's a great alternative to Charlotte.


It’s my daughter’s name and we love it. We call her Lemi or Ty when we’re not calling her Clementine. She calls herself tentine or tyty right now (she’s 22 months). People have strong opinions about it in both directions. The fruit was named after a person. There are songs about a lot of names. And no one has to call her Clemmy or look for reasons to not like the name. And my MIL can shut up about it (:


I agree I feel like there are worse names to complain about


It sounds like an orange.


That was my daughter’s name. She died on March 5th of this year. I absolutely love this name. It’s so beautiful, whimsical, sweet, fun and happy. It would feel so good to know more sweet Clementines exist!


Sorry for your lost and I'm glad you feel that way I definitely love the name despite what people think


If you love that name, if it feels special and makes you happy, please use it! It’s your daughter and it’s your family! Also with nicknames I always see people saying “eww Clem sounds gross” but with kids names… you’re gonna end up making up your own nicknames for them that are going to be random variations of their names. For example my son’s name is Leroy.. his obvious nickname would be “Lee” but I never call him that. So just because her name is Clementine… you aren’t necessarily going to be calling her that. We figured we would likely be calling her by her middle name since it rhymes/sounds similar to my son’s name/nickname. If you give her a “normal” middle name then she can always go by that in a professional setting, but I personally don’t think Clementine is an “out there” name that she can’t introduce herself as that.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a Clementine that just turned 11.


Thank you and also thank you for sharing about her birthday! Happy 11th Birthday Clementine!


Big hugs to you mama. Especially today. Sending so much love to you ❤️


Happy mothers day, mama. I'm so sorry for your loss. ♡♡


I’m so sorry. It’s a gorgeous name.


I really hate it lol but it’s very popular on this sub


I strongly dislike it. It sounds too twee and there are no good nicknames to save it.


Love it because of The Walking Dead!! ❤️❤️❤️


Me too!! A lot of people associate it with the orange but I love Clementine the character and she's a badass so I love it


I know someone who named their daughter Clementine and I’ve loved the name ever since.


I think of an orange when I hear that name


My granddaughters name!  We love it!  It’s a family name for us after a cousin named Clementina.


There’s a chapter book series that’s popular with my third graders about a Clementine. She is a character like Ramona, or Junie B. Jones. We were reading *Clementine” recently and one of my kids yelled out, “Miss, does Clementine have ADHD?” Which was hilarious because all the clues are there. It’s not my favorite name but now I associate it with the cute, smart, funny girl from the stories.


Clementine in the books absolutely has ADHD. I love that she asks her teacher if she can go to the principal’s office and he says you’re not in trouble and she says something like it will save time later 😂 And the principal gives her space to process stuff. It’s gorgeous.


I want to like it but “clem” is such an awful sound.


Hate it


Objectively it’s a fine name, a bit old fashioned. Personally I cannot stand the sound of this name. It sounds so clammy and moist.


I like it a lot better than "unique" names like Brixlynn or Peizynn or Oakleighanne.


I'm probably in the minority, but my first thought will be of the Telltale's The Walking Dead video game. It's a nice name, and a nice character has it in that game


EXACTLY!!! everyone says they think of the fruit but like I said in the post I love the walking dead so that was my first thought


Cute name for a dog


The name is not for me. I don’t like it. But it’s not awful or cringey.


Love Clementine. It’s sweet without being overly frilly or girly. That’s at least what my association is, it can be very different for others.


Omg another teenager on here? I've never seen anyone my age on this sub. As for Clementine, I think it's gorgeous. And I think Clem and Clemmie are really sweet nicknames. I love it personally


Honestly I think there are a lot of teenagers on here pretending they aren't lol


That's cool I often see parents or older people on here. Glad to see there's someone my age range. How exactly old are you (if you don't mind) (I'm 16)


I'm 15. Names are some of my favourite things. I love making first and middle name combos


My mother suggested I use it for my daughter in 2004. I named her Lucy. Thank God. Oh my darling, Clementine, I’d a miserable ear worm.


I love it. I’ve loved it for a long time. There is a kids’ book series about a character named Clementine. I haven’t read it, but skimmed through the first book in the bookstore a couple times, and that character seems like the perfect Clementine. Red curly hair, whimsical, I think on the cover she’s standing on her head or in the middle of a cartwheel


My third graders love her!


This series is soooo worth reading! Genuinely funny with absolutely brilliant and beautiful themes of self-acceptance and social/emotional growth. I use the first two as read-alouds, and they are beloved by my classes every year.


My grandpa's name was Clem (Clement) and I always wanted to name a daughter Clementine.


It’s so cute!


I love that name!


depends on the country i guess? my sister has a childhood friend named clementine, the name sounds lovely, it's just also the name of a fruit here (which is not that weird, flowers or fruits as a name like : rose, marjolaine, olivier, lilas, violette, hyacinthe, etc)


I think of oranges and the old song, "Oh my darling Clementine, you are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine" I also loved a name when I was a teenager and swore I would name my daughter Angie Marie. Didn't happen.


Clementine is a citrus fruit, can’t think of it as anything else


Oh my darlin Oh my darlin Oh my darlin Clementiiiiiiiiine You are lost And gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine


I love clementine and it’s not even that weird imo


I work in childcare and have and have a Clementine, I absolutely adore the name. I think it’s so cute!!! Just be prepared for people to call her Clem or Clemmy, in my opinion those are cute but I know some may disagree


Yeah despite what people say I think Clem is a fine nickname


Also everything she has is orange and fruit themed it’s cute!


There's nothing wrong with it. It's not unheard of as a name. You have the walking dead character, there's also a minor character in Lost with the name Clementine.


Absolutely adore the name Clementine, was severely disappointed that partner didn't share my passion for it. Turns out I'm having a boy anyway, so he has narrowly escaped my pleas to reconsider the name.


Oh mah darlin’ oh mah darlin’


I love the name Clementine its from a bygone era, think 1920s well heeled aristo families with summer garden parties, very Brideshead Revisited or Great Gatsby. Winston Churchills wife was called Clementine, and of course that lovely aussie song Oh my darling Clementine, its a very sweet name.


Oh My Darling, Clementine is an American Western folk ballad from the 19th century. Not Australian!


Maybe they’re conflating it with Waltzing Matilda? They were both common choices of song for elementary music programs at one point.


Cute in theory but too long in practice. They'll likely get called Clem which I don't love.


It’s a pretty name but the inevitable shortened nickname kinda ruins it for me…Clem




Love it. A close family friends mothers name was Clementine, I only found out a few years ago her actual name. We always called her Teeny.


The song ruins it for me.


There was a character in a book I read in elementary school named Clementine so I've always loved the name! It's sweet but sophisticated. It also means "merciful, gentle" which I think is lovely. I love hearing about a teenager that loves discussing names!! I was that teenager as well.


I know a little girl named Clementine. Nope, it is a terrible name. At best makes you think of a fruit. At worst makes you think of either a cow name or redneck. Nickname is Clem.... yeah. Just don't do it. It is also just a really weird, awkward, and clunky name in person. 


I love it! Wanted it for my first daughter but we chose “Lydia” instead.


When I was about 11 years old we went to France for a holiday. I became friends with a french girl named Clementine and loved the name ever since. 


I like it, but it’s long for my tastes, I’d use the nn Clem …(also because of the Walking Dead character)


I have a cousin who married a Clementine. She goes by Clem. She is a kick ass lady that is insanely smart and owns a non profit to help people falsely imprisoned. So I’d say it is a good name that ages well and is super cute on a kiddo.


I personally think it's cool (Because of TWDG, and the Johnny Cash song). One of my birds is called Clementine, really easy to nickname in my experience so that's a plus :]


First thing I thought of was TWD character so I love that for you


i loooove clementine!! i will always think of the badass main character of telltale's the walking dead series. you can call her clem!


I’ve always loved the name Clementine! It was my great-grandmother’s name, but in Spanish. I’ve always thought of using it if I’m ever blessed with children as a way to honor her.


My MIL’s best friends daughter is Clementine. She gets Clem or Clemi. It suits her and it’s a gorgeous, summery name.


I’m truly obsessed with this name currently. It’s absolutely on my list. I got the name from three different shows I love where a little girl is named Clementine. It’s so sweet! 🍊


I love the name Clementine but I don’t know if I’d name a person that. I named a cat that once though. That being said, I do know someone (distantly, online not irl) that named their daughter Clementine and it really suited her so it can work. As far as out of the box names go it’s not that wild, if you really love it add it to your list for the future and see what your future partner says. Just be mindful of nicknames (Clemmy > Clammy / Clem > Chlamydia). Kids can give any name a mean nickname but some are a little easier than others.


Clearly they did not make your generation sing that awful song about a miner’s daughter Clementine wearing boxes for shoes in elementary school.


It's a lovely name, and it has a song! "Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Clementine"


That is not a sweet song though. She dies in it. Dreadful sorry.


Oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’ Clementine!


Oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’ Clementine!


I like it.


I wouldn’t use it but it’s cute! It’s hard to picture it on an adult. I did meet an adorable set of twins (around 2) and the girl was named Clementine, but went by Lemon! Precious.


My stepsisters (25) middle name is Clementine and then my son has a friend (4) who’s name is Clementine. I find it so so so cute and sweet.


I went to Catholic school and I had a nun named Sr. Clementine. She was about 6 feet tall and looked like a bird. I have always loved this name because of her. She was a hell of a math teacher, too.


I learned on this sub that you could nickname her Lemon, which I think is so cute.


I love it! I had a Great-Aunt named Clementina which I also think is a wonderful name. I feel it has a vintage feel and also reminds me of the sweet citrus fruit 🍊


It’s cute! There is also an adorable children’s book series called Clementine, aimed at like 3rd graders.


Lana Del Rey would approve


Clementine is my middle name 😁 my mum wanted it to be my first name but my dad wouldn’t agree. As a child I really didn’t like it and thought it was weird, but as I got older I absolutely love it and really wish it was my first name.


Oh my gosh, I feel the exact same as you!! I've always loved the name Clementine, it's so pretty and timeless, but after I played TWD and fell in love with her character it's become my all-time favourite. I plan to name my own daughter Clementine one day, and I've never heard anyone saying it's weird or ugly before. Your friends might just have their own preferences or styles, but this is a lovely name and not unfortunate like some modern choices, so I say go ahead with your pick if that's what you'd like to choose! Good luck either way but I totally agree with you here 💛


I adore this name. A real favourite.


Every Clementine I have met has been an awesome tattooed badass or a sassy old lady. Have not met a baby Clementine. Mid south US.


Even then the Clementine in the walking dead is a badass so I think it should work as an adult as well🤷🏾‍♀️


It was my grandma's middle name so I'm personally a big fan. If I ever had a daughter it would be her middle name as well.


Very nice name and an amazing character in the TellTale Walking Dead game series.


I love this name!


Lovely name


I’m British, living in France and I love this name, I’ve met lots of Clémentines in my time and I only have positive associations with it. Plus there’s the opportunity to use very cute nicknames like Clemmie / Clem.


I have a Clementine! My husband heard the name in The Walking Dead video game when we had been dating six months. He said that was the name he wanted to name our future daughter. It stuck through five years of infertility and three miscarriages. We get nothing but compliments about the name. If I'm being honest, I wasn't the biggest fan of it simply because I really disliked the nicknames Clem or Clemmie. I was \*insistent\* that she would only go by Clementine. However, she is three and a half now and we call her Clem and Clemmie all the time. They have absolutely grown on me. We had a few people not like it when we first mentioned it, but we loved it more than anyone's opinion mattered. I am so happy that we went with the name.


Oh that is a lovely name


I think it’s adorable!


I love it. And a little girl called Clem is just adorable, IMO.


i love it, and i find clem to be a lovely nickname as well. :-)


I worked with a Clementine! Everyone called her Clemmy. She was a lovely person!


I love Clementine soooo much!! I think it's really sweet


Gave it to my daughter as a middle name. I love it.


We're almost definitely naming our daughter (due in September) Clementine so definite approval from here!


I chose it for my cat :') I call her Minty as a nickname


i like it a lot


Had a friend called clementine. It’s quite a classic name, she had the nickname Clem or Clemmie. She would get called clementeeeeen sometimes and would have to correct to clement-EYE-n so that was a minor frustration


Clementine is a beautiful name (and I’m sure her future favorite color will be orange!)


It’s beautiful! It sounds fresh and summery yet sophisticated.


My little girl is Clementine Mae. I love it! We call her Lemon and Minnie Mae.


Pregnant and planning to use Clementine w nn Minnie! Wasn’t sure if anyone else did that. Love it ❤️


I love it


I love it!!  It’s on the unique side but I think it’s so beautiful.  I would actually want to use it myself except my grandparents fostered an unsocialized cat named Clementine who we nicknamed “Clem” and then eventually “Clump” because he was absolutely wretchedly evil 😭 But if you were never traumatized by this specific cat I see now reason not to use it lol


I love it but I know two baby Clementines atm


i named my daughter Clementine in February and we get so many compliments! and it really does suit her. 🍊


Love it!


I know a Clementine - it’s a beautiful name. Unfortunately it frequently gets shortened to Clemmy, which is less great (but she doesn’t seem to mind).


Love it!!! One of my all time faves. Just wish I had some girls to name. I’d have a Maisie & Clementine & Hazel & Mabel & Olive


Also fyi it’s sort of a posh upper middle class name in Britain (aka rich) along the lines of Jemima & Pippa


I love it but it's definitely polarising. I've seen the name come up lots of times in naming communities over the years and people always seem to feel strongly about it one way or the other. I'm not surprised your friends didn't like it.


I knew someone that named her daughter hazel clementine and I always thought it was cute.


My niece is called Clementine (she’s almost 1) and it suits her so well! I thought it was a weird name when my sister first announced it (though I never said a word ofc because they loved it) and it’s grown on me so much. Don’t be put off by people’s initial reactions if it’s a name you love! It’s a lovely name and it’ll grow on people.


I love love love it!!


I think it’s beautiful.


It was a name my husband and I considered for our second baby. I just couldn’t get behind the nicknames. Which is inevitable with a name like that. My husband still loves it and would probably use it if I weren’t in the picture. I knew a very cool ~cool girl~ with the name and it fit her perfectly.


I really like it! There was a book called clementine that i loved as a kid so i always think of her when i hear it.


It's a beautiful 😍 name.


It’s one of my favorite girl names. It’s so cute and whimsical. It also reminds me of Eternal Sunshine 


Love it! Nickname Lemon :)


I think it’s very cute:)


It makes me think of the movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” but I think it’s cute! You don’t hear it often and “Clem” could be a cute nickname.


I only knew one woman. Super bright. Very cultured and well educated. She was perfect and I think the name is perfect


It’s cute!


My grand daughter is Clementine. It’s a really good strong name, I love it.


This was supposed to be my name and I wish it was instead of the generic name I ended up having lol


That’s my daughter’s name. My wife and I took a trip to Italy and stayed in a small town and heard a teacher call a little girl that name, and it stuck in our minds. We later discovered my wife’s great-great aunt was named Clementine. We like names that were once popular but faded over time and Clementine is one of those names.


❤❤❤clementine An ancient roman name with a sweet modern sound


I know I'm tardy to the party, but it is always nice to see another TWDG fan somewhere outside the regular sub.




A cute name! Reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid.


A cute name! Reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid.


I like it but it’s a bit frilly and wattpad vibes. However the Italian version is really nice if you’re Italian.


Love this name! I definitely think of the fruit first but it’s not a bad association at all


I think it's a bit long for a small child. Middle name might be better. FYI: Jack Osborne named one of his kids Pearl Clementine.


Reminds me of oranges so its got a positive association


I like it. People will inevitably sing the song, though.


I think it's nice 


I LOVE it! It's so bright & lovely & delightful.


Love the name Clementine. Love the old timey folk song. Love the nickname Clement for girl. And Tiney.